HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-04-28, Page 10'`AGE TE1J
Representative: , .,•, -
Miss: Lucy R. Woods Phone, Bayfield, 45r3
oda+ - - -
E. A. Featherston, London, was
home over the Weekend.
Misses Rhea and Edna Sterling
spent Sunday with friends in the
D. aL. Atkinson, Detroit spent
the weekend at his home hi the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Will,
London, were in the village on
Saturday, -
John F:•lliott, Waterloo, visited
hiss parents, Mr, end Mrs. Wil-
liam R. Elliott.
P. Lewis, Toronto, was
the guest, of Mrs. N. W. Woods
over the weekend.
Mr. , and Mrs. H. Edwards, Jr.,
London; were at • .the, New Ritz
Hotel over the weekend.
Jr..and Mrs. H. H. Ormond,
Dearborn, Mich., spent a couple
of days in the village this week.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert ,Hayman,
London, were at their cottage in
Jowett's Grove over the week-
end. , '
• Mrs. H. A, Lawson has returned
to her cottage in the village after
having spent some weeks in
Mr. and Mrs. G. Churchward
and Jack Churchward, London,
were at their cottage over the
Misses Ruth Murrey and Marg-
aret Morny, Detroit, spent the
Easter vacation with Misses A. M.
and E. J. Stirling,
t . Mr. and Mrs. James P. Fer-
guson, London, spent the week-
end with the former's mother,
Mrs. James Ferguson.
Mrs. James R. Scott accompan-
ied her husband on his return to
Toronto on Tuesday and is spend-
ing , the week in Toronto.
I Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson
and. Stewart Atkinson, St. Clair
!Shores, Mich., spent ;the weekend
at their borne in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart
returned to .Hamilton on Sunday
after having spent the week at
their cottage in, the village.
Misses A. Fernette and Alice
Drouin, who spent last weekat
the former's cottage "Fernhaven,
returned. to Detroit on Sunday.
Mrs, R. Larson spent . a few
days in, London this week, where
she attended the annual W. A.
meeting of the Diocese of Huron.
Misses Jessie Miller :and Jessie
Metcalf and Miss A. Savage, who
was their guest for a fewdays
last week returned to Detroit on
Prof. and Mrs. Murdock Mac-
Kinnon and two .children, Anne
end Catherine, London, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Scott on Saturday.
Miss Anne DrouIn and Mrs. T.
B. Mullen returned to Detroit on
Sunday efter having spent the
week at the former's cottage,
Mrs. Halting, who was with
her mother and uncle, Mrs. Ross
and Hugh Gilmour, for a couple
of weeks, returned to Wingham
the end of last week.
Mrs. F. A. Burt and Mary Lou,
who have been visiting, her par-
ents, returned to London on Sun-
day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt
end Ronald Burt also were with
their grandparents over t h e
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Path re-
turned to their home in Jowett's
TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until
May loth, for 25 Cords (more or Iess) of good body
Hardwood, Maple and Beech preferred, delivered to
some of the schools of the Area, in varying quantities
by July 1, 1949. Tenders will please state percentage
of different woods offered. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
S. H. Whitniore, Secretary -treasurer,
Tuckersnnith Township School Area No. 1
111111ffig&t:k.. 16-17-b
Grove on Sunday after' having
spent the whiter in . Kitchener,
They have recently returned from
a, motor trip to Virginia, Wash-
ington, ac„ and back through
Pentisy,(vania, p'Qhio and Detroti.
Removed to Hospital
Miss Alice. Hastings was taken
to Clinton Public Hospital on
Monday. Her many friends wish
her a speedyaving recoveryChar_^...
Le •
Rev. LaVerne Morgan will
have ., charge of the services in
Trinity Church and throughout
the Parish on Sunday next, He
will leave 'on Monday with 'Mrs.
Morgan and two children +r ipend
a few days with his parents in
Watford before entering the Beek
Memorial Sanatorium, Byron,
where he will •undergo surgery.
Sueeessful Dame
The , Bayfield Fire Company
held a very successful dance in
the Town Hall on Friday night.
The hall was appropriately dec-
orated with ladders, hose, a dis-
play of grappling irons, pike
pole and oars, and red and white
and blue streamers. Fire preven-
tion posters: "In -case of fire or
drowning call Bayfield Operator";
"Do you know that 70 per cent
of firs in Ontario in 1948 were
caused by cigarettes" and others
done by Mrs. Gairdner and Mrs
J.. R. Scott were placed most
effectively. The grappling irons
were made by George . Little.
Music for dancing played by
The Shamrocks, Kirkton, was
much enjoyed. At intermission,
Grant Turner,' 1st vice-president
of the Bayfield Fire Company,
thanked those present for attend-
ing and making the evening such
a success. He announced that
the receipts were a record and
stressed the fact that the fire-
fighting service was available to
.any place in Goderich and Stan-
ley Townships, as well as Bay-
fiedl, All that is necessary is to
call the Bayfield operator. Roy
Scotchmer held the lucky ticket,
winning a Philco radio in the
draw made by L. W. Burch. The
refreshment booth in the base-
ment was well ,patronized. Spen-
cer Irvine and Ernest Hovey were
on the lunch committee and were
assisted by Mrs. Fred McEwen
and Mrs. George Little. The net
proceeds of the evening amount-
ed. to $225 and the Firemen are
most appreciative of all the do-
nations end help they received.
The Bayfield Lions Club is plac-
ing .life -belts on the piers this
summer and thus our village is
receiving protection from the
dangers of both fire and water,
provided by philanthropic effort.
George Howard, Regina, Sask„
arrived recently,to visit relatives
here • and is staying with his sis-
ter, Mrs„ F. W. Baker.
Suceessfui Carnival
The annual Easter Carnival and
more than 1'd trust myself"
THE BANK'S the place for my money. I always put
part of my pay into my bank account otherwise it
burns a hole in my pocket. I guess I trust the
bank more than I trust myself! I figure that's one
reason why my savings have been building up
the way they have.
Another reason I'm sold on a bank account is
that I always know just where I stand. All I have to
do is take a look at my pass -book. They're a lot
better bookkeepers 'than I am.,
What's more, what's in my pass -book is my bueiness,
and I can count on the bank people to keep their
Mouths shut about it. And that suits me just fine!
Going to your bank is not
like having to deal with a state
bureau—but that's how it would
be under slate monopoly.
Miss ,Frances Potter, practical
nurse from Clinton, is at present
taking care of. Mrs, J. Fingland.
Les, Knox, Niagara Falls, spent
a few days last week at the home
of his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Joe Crosatoand soon, Wind-
sor, arevisiting at the.,home, of
her .gets, Mr. and .Mrs. Har-
vey Hunking;
Miss Elizabeth Mains has re-
turned . home ;after having visit-
ed , wetly ,llsr sisters for the past
three n enths ., ,.
Mrs. Mary Grierson has return-
ed home again after having. spent
the past week at the home of
her parents, Mr. and llrs, J.
Aimwell Mission . Circle, will
hold ,its regular . monthly meet-
ing On Tuesday evening, May 3,
at the home of Mrs. Charles
United Church Service
Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was administered at the
United Church on Sunday morn-
ing, April 24.
Easter Cantata
The Easter Cantata staged by
the Mission Circle and Londesboro
Church choir, was presented in
Blyth United Church Sunday
Masquerade under the auspice
of Bayfield Agricultural Societ
was held in the Town Hall o
Wednesday evening .of last week
There was .e large attendance
and those in costume provided
considerable entertainment. The
president, Alfred Warner, wel-
comed those present...Music for
the .dance was played by The
Bayfield Valley Five Orchestra.
Misses Margaret Morny and Ruth
Murray, and John M. Stewart,
acted as judges, and awarded the
prizes as follows: Ladies fancy,
1st, Mrs. Roy Scocthmer (Esk-
imo); 2nd, Mrs. Ted Davies
(gypsy); ladies comic, lst, Messrs
E. Fisher and C. Beattie (danc-
ing pair); 2nd, Donna Sturgeon
(cancer crusade); gents fancy,1st,
Maynard Corrie (Parson); 2nd,
Jack Fraser, Jr. (Jack of Spades);
gents comic, 1st, Lloyd Ducharme
(rag, pedler); 2nd, Mrs. John
Howard'(fruit pedlar); children's,
boys 1st,. Bobby Talbot (chef);
2nd, Bob Orr (Uncle Remus); 3rd,
Jimmie Francis (clown); girls,
1st,, Rosemary May (bee); 2nd,
Elaine Weston (Bo -Peep); 3rd,
Merry Mack (nurse); best couple,
1st, Elaine Grainger and Patsy
Scotchmer (Dude and his, girl),
2nd, Bill Johnston and Mrs: Jef-
frey (comics),
The door prize of e gallon of
maple syrup was won by E.
Powell, Goderich Township. Dur-
ing the evening, Charles B.
Middleton, Goderich Township,
was called to the platform when
the president presented him with
a diploma issued by,the Provin-
cial Department of Agriculture in
recognition of his achievement in
apple growing and grafting, etc.
Mr. Middleton, who was greatly
surprised, expressed his thanks
for the honour conferred uppn
hien in a few well-chosen words.
Easter Egg HIunt
Pupils of Trinity Church Sun-
day School enjoyed an Easter
egg hunt on Wednesday after-
noon of last week. They met at
the Church at three o'clock and
were taken to the Gairdner lots
behind Corrie's , store where e
hundred and fifty eggs had been
hidden. The prizes were won as
follows: Sr pupil finding moat
eggs, Barbara Brandon; pupil
finding the golden egg, Karen
Morgan; pupils finding high num.-
ben Bobby Brandon, Helen Mc-
Leod, Merry Mack and Howey
Scotchmer. Consolation prize,
David Corrie • and Margaret
Howard!' They were then taken
into Corrie's store and treated
to ice cream. The eggs were
donated by Mrs. James Scott,
while Mrs, R. B. Johnson, Mrs.
J. E. Howard and Mrs. Gairdner
contributed towards the prizles
and treat. The Sunday School
topped all records this year by
raising over $33, through their
Lenten mite boxes. This is a
missionary effort and goes to the
M.S.C.C. through the Diocesan
night, April 24.. e
Passes n Coast
Miers L•awdy Young recently
received word from. the Pacific
Coast of the death of her aunt,
Matilda Hillis Manning. Surviv-
ing are her husband, John J.
Mantling of ,Bothell, Wass?,, and
a son, Dr. Howard Manning of
Seattle. Mr. Menning is the son
of the late James Manning, and
Anne Radford Manning, formerly
of Londesboro. -
' W.A. Meets
The W.A. held its April meet-
ing on Thursday afternoon, April
21,, oat the home„ -of Mrs. John
Shabbrook with Mrs, Brenton in
the rlhair. The meeting opened
with hymn 82 followed by Lord's
Prayer, in unison.. The Scripture
was the .Easter Story read by
Mrs. Edwin Wood. The minutes
Skinny men, women
gain 5,10,15 lbs..
Get NeW Pop, Vim, Vigor
what .'thrall Hoar Ilmla tp out ei17 611ow0
all u➢; 0000 a0 lu0000 eerarnr boli 10600 baa.
etorvei,. .10011 bean,Dole” look •'n,oveeoP oT
6111., Romeo, loon who 1e60r nould 00 0 1,0100,,
ur0 ndr Droud of e'hooely; healthyy-l,oklbg 1,00100.
They tbnak•tbo eso101150004,010100, BellybWlding
Waft,; octroi, rte tonla0,'0amalabt0 Iuvl 0,06000,
S qon, vtt0.min BI, aaiolum, eulloh;biood, lmp0060
stto and digestloO q food 01600 you more '
strength and bmont• DDuo wean oa bare 1,0,600•
000'0 600.0 getting
tting ttoo Tet, gtop when 500'00 garbed
tae b, 10, 16 or 50 Ib.. you aged 601 aormal ,,argot.
eta 15610. Dame t 0oaualuted" 0100 wale woe.
'fry famous oetr00 Tanta Teblet0 for near 61601
• 004 added 5050(10 0010 very dos. 1t oU'dr000IOta,
"W'here to find it"
Of the last meeting,; were read. It
was decided to ask all to help
with travelling basket. ' It was
also decided to , quilt quilts in
the summer months with Mrs.
Nott and Mrs, John Shobbrook
in charge of quilts. The program
committee for May: Mrs. Tom'
Allen and Mrs. L. Pipe. Mrs,
Robert Fairservice accepted the for the rest of .the year.
Cards of appreciation were read
from Mr. end Mrs.": W:. Kerslake,
Rae Shobbrook; Mrs. 'John Ping -
land, George Cowan, and . Mrs..
Robert Caldwell and family. The
roll call was ,answered • by •' 28
present. Mrs, Neville Forbes gave
a very interesting talk on her
trip, bast summer which was en-
joyed by all, The people respon-
sible for the travelling basket
for May are Mrs. Will Manning,
Mrs, Barry Durnili, Mrs . J, Scott,
Mrs. Tom Fairservice, Mrs,.D.
Carter, Miss 'Melville, Mrs, Tom
Millar and Mrs. Sid Lansing. The
meeting closed by singing hymn
98 and repeating benediction.
Lunch was then served by, the
gree on several candidates,
The Young People are putting
en their play, "Safety. First," iti
Bayfield Town Hall.
Building New House . ,,.
" Robert .Reid is busy getting 'Um
foundation laid for his new holm,•
Many at Presbytery.
A number from here attended
the meetings of Huron Presbytery
and Presbyterial in Hensail an
Ministers Exchange
Rev. Reba Hern was in Exeleuc
last Sunday taking special sir, -
vices in Main St. United Church,
Rev, H. J, Mahoney, Main ,
United Church, Exeter, took (tie
service in the United: Church hem,
Pays Official Visit
Earl Campbell, District Deputy
Grand Master of District No. 8,
IOOF;, made his official visit, to,
Exeter Lodge No. 67 Tuesday'
evening, April 26. Hensall Third
Degree team conferred the de --
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Boiler Tu+�bes.
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Window Sash
Steel Joists
Reinforcing Mesh
and many other items
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Kitchener - Ontario
Telephones: 55645-6-7
Oe b
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't f'r, harm), ieltl,
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New 194a mead :with new features — ,
including headlight and equipmc,rl
light for night woric, new quick -change
flitch. Page is properly balanced for
easy handling. Has direct -drive, worm -
'gear transmission, usingcut gears and
ball beatings. No cheap belts or chains.
Gears and clutches enclosed in dust.
free case. Individual wheel clutches
make turning easy. Wheels are adjust•
able to fit rows. 11/7, 2, 3, and 4 I -LP,
Prices are surprisingly low.... Ger
the benefits of 20 years' experience.
Ceme ie — see the new Page now.
Phone 465, Clinton
Dearborn 7' Field Cultivators
Dearborn 6' and 7' Tandem Discs
Dearborn 7' Spring Tooth Cultivators
Dearborn 6' Rear Mowers
Dearborn Blade Terracers
Dearborn Disc Terracers
Dearborn Weeders
Dearborn Disc Plows
Dearborn Corn Pickers
Dearborn front end Cultivators
Ford Tractor Scoops
Ford Tractor Post Hole Diggers
McMahon Discs
Otaco Two -wheel Trailer
Cordwood Saws
Judson Fertilizer Broadcaster
Telephone 102 - Seaforth
Female — to help in
Steady Position to Right Party
A. E. RUMBALL, Superintendent
Clinton Public Utilities
Slot, to $200
by having your Chesterfield Suite
Just Arrived
Including Plastic and Leatherette
Of course, we do all kinds of repairing
and re -finishing.
Moore's Upholstering and Futcnitnre.
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Orange and Huron Sts.
.Adler it Haber may ..: both
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Authorised bottler of Ceen.Cah wide! eoptrwt with Corm -.Cola