HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-04-28, Page 8PAGE ,'EIGHT �'GIT'iTT'itbt�F''�NE't>PS Ii;EG''QRD THURSDAY,. APRIL, • $8,. ,1949 1s WESLEY-WIL)LIS W.A. The W.A.' . of Wesely-Willis United Church will meet in the. Church Parlour on. Thursday •afternoon, May 5, at three o'clock, e PRESBYTERIANWA The W.A. of Clinton Presby- terian Chruch will hold its reg tiler , meeting in the Church on Tuesday afternoon, May 3, at 3 o'clock. HOSPITAL AIL The regular meeting of the Hospital Aid will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, May 3, at eight o'clock. All ladies of the town are urged to attend. jr...,„sateEAVES P40 /RUSH MARKS.' Paints and Ena=mels. FLO-GLAZE PAINT will do a grand job around the house and garage. Flo -glaze is easily applied, covers more surface per gallon, and will last years longer. For porch furniture, there's noth- ing better than Flo -glaze Four Hour Enamel. On porch floors, Flo -glaze Floor Enamel, will stand lots of wear and scuffing. For Sale by: MARTINS. PHONE 36J PHONE 36W Saturday Specials • APPLE SAUCE BUNS • BATH BUNS • CHERRY BLOSSOM PIES BARTLIFF BROS. Bakers and Confectioners PHONE 1 • CLINTON Ask for Our Milk I.oaf PERSONALS ;tarso ,St. Girls' Mrs, O. C. Hellyar is visiting ' Club Holds Meeting, in Barrie' end Toronto.fel. ,a+few days, The Girls' Club of Ontario St. Mr. and ,Mrs. G. T. Gregory, United Church :held its April Barrie, spent Easter week with T eeting . in the .church hall on' Mrs. O. C, Hellyar, Thursday evening, April 14. Mrs. Edgar M. Pattison was in Buf- " D. M. Maltby presided in the falo last week attending the fen - era]. of his aunt. Miss Helen Cook' has returned from a vacation trip which took her to .the Pacific Coast. Harold Moffatt spent the past weekend at his home in Ingersoll, accompanied by David Beattie. Edward Walters, who has spent the winter with his mother, Mrs., Helen Drymple, left last week for his home in Nipiwan, Sask, Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson, and Clifford and ' William Coop- er, Flinn, Mich., spent . the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper. Miss Catherine Jefferson, To- ronto, has returned to her teach- ing duties after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. H. Jefferson, Gerald D. Mistele has resumed his duties es accountant at Clin- ton Branch of The Royal Bank after spending his vacation, at his home in Rodney. Mrs. Basil VanSickle has been engaged as bookkeeper by V. D. Falconer. Mrs. Robert Werther; leaves next week for her new home in Chatham, N.B. Mrs: John A. Sutter, Mrs. Ben- son Sutter, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins, Crediton, spent Sunday with the former's daughter, Miss Shirley G. Sutter, St. Catharines. Joseph Murphy, Dr. George • S. Elliott, John J. Zapfe and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha were in Toron- to this week attending, the On- tario Progressive Conservative Convention. Miss Lois Wiltse attended the Provincial 'Conference and annual meeting 0 the Junior Farmers Association at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph, on Ap- ril 24, 25, and 26. Misses Phyllis Herma"n, Arthur, and Helen Herman, Brampton, have returned to their teaching duties after spending the vacation period with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Herman. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wilson returned from their honeymoon trip to New York and other points and spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh. They have now taken up residence in London. Miss Violet Watkins, Kitchener, and Mrs. Hazel Draper and son Jimmy, Toronto, spent the vaca- tion with their mother, Mrs• J. H. Watkins, and also with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watkins and Barbara, Base Line, and Mr. and Blossom Tea which will be held and Mrs. C. W. Draper, Clinton. in the Parish Hall in May. A dainty lunch was served by Huron Presbyt ry YPU Mrs. Counter, who was assisted Convention FYIda by Mrs. Agnes Mayhew. The y next meeting will be held at the home 0 Mrs. Mayhew end she will be assisted by Mrs, Mary Round' , absence of :the president, Miss Grant, through illness. Supper, was served at . 6,30 and a social hour enjoyed, . Miss Courtice had charge of the devotional period. Mrs, M. Nediger favoured with the sing- ing of two solos, "One Fleeting Hour" and "I've Done My Work." Miss Jayne Mary Snell also sang two solos, "The Swallows" and "Somewhere:" Both vocalists were accompanied by Mrs. E. Wendorf. Mrs. L. McKinnon gave a very interesting tells on "Impressions of the Early Life of Jesus" as gleaned from "The Big Fisher- man" by Lloyd C. Douglas. A missionary reading "The Abund- ant Life" was given by Mils.. Farnham. The Mizpah 'benedic- tion brought to a close a very enjoyable evening. --o Bible Society Plans . Canvass Next Week With plans evade at Amsterdam and Columbusfor a world-wide extension of its missionary' work, the Christian Churches of the world face a period of expansion. as well es "the greatest Christian opportunities since the days of the Apostles," according to a re- port :issued by the Upper Canada Bible Society, the Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Under a title, "FOR THE WAKING WORLD," the Society outlines not only its accomplish- ments but also the problems of the future and calls upon' all people of goodwill to share in its new and enlarged tasks by supporting its work. Presbyterian Girls' 'Club. Shows Activity - The April meeting of the Girls' Club of Clinton Presbyterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Murray with a good attendance, The meeting open- ed with the singing of a hymn, followed by Mrs. William Mulch reading the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Bob Morgan led in prayer. The minutes were read end adopted, followed by the treas- urer's report. Mrs. Lane gave a short reading on "Good Friday." The business was discussed and the meeting closed with a hymn and the Mizpah Benediction. A lovely lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. H. Cowan. The May meeting will be post- poned a week' so that the mem- bers can attend the Synodical meeting which will convene in Goderich. St. Paul's Friendship Club Holds Meeting The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church held its meeting on Wednesday, April 20, at the home of Mrs. Norman Counter with an attendance of 27. The meeting opened with the Membership . Prayer and the Lord's Prayer. The reports were then read. Conveners were chosen for the The 25th Annual Convention of Huron Presbytery YPU, United Church of Canada, will be held on Friday, April 29, in James Street United Church, Exeter. Theme of convention will be "Our Guiding Faith." Rev. Her- old J. Snell, minister of James Street will address the conven- tion on this theme. Rev. E. R. Stanway, Brucefield, a former missionary in Chine, will address the Young People on the subject, "Are we missionary minded?" A film also will be shown, "Beyond our Own." Registration commences at 5.45 p.m.; banquet will be served at 6.30. Election of officers will take place after banquet. Anniversary Greetings, Are In Order! We are happy to celebrate our First Anniversary with you. To show our appreciation of your patron- age, and that you may participate in our celebration, we have arranged special ,prices on our entire stock of Coats, Shortie Coats, Suits and Dresses. Thank You! Dresses 25%off 1 1 Good selection of Navy, Pastel, and Printed Silks SIZES 9 to 50 Extra Special FOR EARLY SHOPPERS One Group of Coats Suits 25%off Wool, Gabardine, and ,Woadwynd. The season's n8w- .r4W++crs.e.+v est fabrics and colours. Thank You! NVJ..WW.1<M.JWIN•••••••4P, Coats 25% off Long and Shortie Coats in. a grand variety of shades styles and sizes. SALE STARTS FRIDAY AT 9 A.M. %cluiite �e.�� `ioppe Rhone 178W MISS , W. O'NEIL, in cbatrg The Branch of the Society in Clinton has had a long and suc- cessful history, and its officers point out that the Society has a claim on every Christian com- munion for 'services already rendered and urges an enlarged, membership (Annual Member ¢2, Sustaining Member $5, Life. Mem- ber $50). With the full co-opera- tion and commendation of the Ministers of the community, a canvass is to be made beginning next week. Officers o£ Clinton Branch in- clude W. M. Aiken as president; A. T. Cooper, as secretary; ,and W. H. Robinson as treasurer. St. Paul's WA Holds Annual Thankoffering Church Directory (All Services Daylight Saving Time) Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR REV. H. KENDRICK, Pastor Sunday, May 1 2.00 p.m.—Sunday School 3.00 p.m.—Worship 7,30 p.m.—Evangelistic Thursdey, 4.30 p.m. — Sunshine Corner, A Children's Hour; 8.00 p.m.—Bible Study. You are invited. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 1 10.00 a.m.—Sundey School 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship "Ezekial's Great Vision" 2.30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield. All Welcome Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader Sunday, May 1 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Worship Service, EVERYONE WELCOME Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader . • Sunday, May 1 11.00 aan—Morning Service 12.15 p.m, Sunday School 7.00 p.m—Evening Worship St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs• J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, May 1 • 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship Wednesday, 8 p.m. — Friendship Club at home 0 Mrs. Agnes. Mayhew. Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, May 1 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Worship W -W Mothers' Club Will Provide Choir The Mothers' Club ,of Wesley - Willis United Church met at the home 0 Mrs. Wiillarn Grigg,' Queen St., on Tuesday. evening, April 26, with Mrs. Fred Miller in charge of the meeting. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn. The Scripture lesson from John 3 : 9-21, was read by Mrs. Miller who also read a poem, "How do youread. tackle your work." Several interesting articles ' were also During the business period; it the choir and foam a Mothers' choir for Mother's Day, practice being the Friday evening previous, The Public School Board has arranged., to have benches, tables, and a sandpile aswelles an .out- side tap for drinking purposes, at the Public School grppnds for the use of young mothers and their children. A hymn erld the. Lord's' .Prayer closed the meeting. Delicious re- freshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. D. A. Dales and Mrs. M. Batkin. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Ross with ,Mrs. H, Currie in charge. , The hostesses will be Mrs. K. was announced that Mrs. Agnew Fo wished the mothers to come in wler• and Mrs. Clarence Hugill. t.y«e.414:4grimye4,e»:51«.d«0344: ;r3 R414 ; �ra»PAR, 1s3;+ 4441«w r A:«+4 Hampton's bring you the most of All you've wanted most Many members of the WA of St. Paul's Anglican Church and a record number of visitors met at the Rectory on Tuesday after- noon, April 19, for the annual Thankoffering meeting. The group was privileged to have as guest speaker, Mrs. Flem- ing, a woman 0 great natural charm, gifted • with the ability to tell important facts in a simple and interesting manner. Mrs. Fleming, who accompanied her husband, the former Bishop 0 the Arctic, on his various trips, is the only white woman to have covered this Diocese both east and west 0 Hudson Bay, and could therefore give much worth while information on the work of the church in the north. Those who attended the meet- ing felt encouraged to support those who minister in isolated posts, while those who were ab- sent cannot realize the pleasure missed in not hearing what the guest had to tell. The treasurer was pleased to receive a generous offering. Mrs. Bulteel served refresh- ments while the members enjoyed a short social time. Junior Bandsmen To Play in Stratford Three of the junior members of Clinton Citizens' Band—Richard Andrews, John Hartley and Lewis Tebbutt, all trumpet players — have been chosen to play at a concert in Stratford on Sunday, May 1. These three boys will be soloists in an overture which will be played by the CNR Em- ployees' Band, Stratford, and this event is considered quite an hon- our for these boys. The concert will be given in the City Hall, Stratford. Clinton Citizens' Band will present its next concert in the Town Hall, Clinton, on Mothers' Day Evening, Sunday, May 8. 3;. X X; • • The latest in styling • A large variety of colours • The' choicest of quality and materials ' A large shipment of dresses has just arrived — see for yourself true • quality at its best.. Keep in mind Geogai,t, Mail 8 DRESSES • BLOUSES • SKIRTS GLOVES • PURSIzS • 'HOSE'; All make lovely gifts Treat Mother Right -- Show Your Appreciation BUY USEFUL GIFTS • s , IRWIN'S i5 3 3j �M.•N.V rI RM M�YMdV •I f.V MOTHERS 1151Y ON MAY 8 PORTRAIT ,OF MOTHER! That's your gift to Her if you' act now! Cali Fowler Bros, and arrange a sitting for Mother' in their' modern studios. You'll both be pleased with the results! :7owtei / Houle ti PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 • McEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford r r.x..vwo.,j S ttered Lives .. . are mended and restored to usefulness by the loving care of The Salvation Army Wherever a heart is troubled or a body broken by sin, suffering or circumstance, there goes The Salvation Army. In maternity homes, children's homes, men's hostels, homes for the aged, and other havens, hearts respond to its heal- ing touch. YOUR dollars are needed for this great task. fi4441 RED SHIELD SERVICES Approximately 1,538,000 Can- adians were materially helped lost year bythe personal services of the Salvation Army in its Maternity Homes General Hospitals Old Folks' Homes Prison and Police Court Work Children's Homes Children's Summer Camps Missing Friends' Service Free Labour Service Men's Hostels Chairman, Local Red, Shield Campaign—J. A. Sully, Goderich; Salvation Arrny Representative — Capt. G. Dunstan, Goderich (phone 704W)