HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-04-28, Page 4$'AGE;FOUR CLINTON NEWSeREC,ORD': THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 190:, Huron.Perth. Progressive Conservative Candidate and His Family omantic Story Told Ot Bayfield's Barons (By Arthur R. Fora is Teo London Free Press) Two of the most colorful early stags of Western Ontario — and there were many of them—were the two Baron de Tuyles, father and son. They were Belgians who during the troublesome days of the early part of the 19th cen- tury sought refuge in England. Baron de Tuyle, senior, was in London in the twenties when the Canada Land Co„ which owned the Huron Tract in Western Ont- ario was being promoted. He became interested and secured the cervices cd Capt. Bayfield, later Admiral Bayfield, who was surveying the Great Lakes, to suggest a location for him. He recommended that he purchase the • property on the Ridge, opp- odite Goderich and that . he buy a' large tract of ]and where Bay- field now is — named after the admiral, So Bnron de Tuyle weal The founder of Bayfield, * * t The Baron built his home on the Ridge — a commodious log cottage planned for entertain - anent. The Baron's home was a centre. of hospitality for Goder- ich and district. The Baron re- turned to Belgium in 1836 and died there in that year. The Baron's son who inherited the title, and any estates the lather possessed, Was a handsome, diseo1- ute youth who had actually been outlawed at one time for his debts, He loved the life of Lon- don and was popular in the aris- tocratic circles of the capitals of. Europe. He was an expert sailor and the Misses Lizars, in their history of the Canada Land Co. say that it was only the sea- manship skill of the Baron that saved a fishing party on an ex- pedition on Lake Huron durisvg a great storm. * • r On the death of his father the young Baron tame to Canada to look over the estates on Lake Huron. He soon ;fitted into the frontier life and became a bosom drinking pal of that heroic Gode- rich figure, Dr. "Tiger" Dunlop. He was, a picturesque figure in the costume of, a frontiersman and joined heartily in the escap- ades of •the doctor. When he grew tired, of pioneer life he would visit York or even New York. c a * We have never been able to find much information about the de Tuyles, but in the University of Western Ontario Library we have located a volume called `Salmon. Fishing in Canada" J. ELGIN McKINLEY, Stanley Township farmer and hatch- ery, man, is the Progressive Conservative nominee for the next ?Federal election, in the riding of Huron -Perth, Mem- , bers of the family who attended the party convention in Mitchell recently Included, ABOVE: ROBERT McKINLEY, 20; MRS. McKINLEY; MR. McKINLEY; BERNE McKINLEY 13; MRS. JOHN Mc•KINLEY, mother of the candidate. Mr. and Mrs McKinley have four children; the others are Anson, 23, and Jean, 18. written by Rev. William A. Ad -11841. The parson alongwith sev- .mson, a sporting Irish parson i erho was chaplain in Canada to eral fishing friends took a fishing Lord Sydenham when he was tarp on a yacht down the St, governor-general from 1839 to ILaof was ce, Theympartyy consisted Hon. H, H. Killaly, a prominent CLE,. N - UP CA APRIL 25 TO MAY 7 INCLUSIVE In co-operation with other Town Boards and organizations, the Local Board of Health is extremely anxious that the CLEAN-UP CAMPAIGN may be suc- cessful as a health measure, which is one of the most important factors in the making of a good Town in which to live. We urge every citizen to bear in mind the importance and necessity of sanitation through -out the entire Town, not only for the carnpaign week but for every day throughout the year. By the assistance of every householder, your Local Board of Health will be in better position to comply with legislation and demands as laid down by the On- tario Department of Health. Let us all endeavour to be a spoke in the 'Big Wheel.' GET-UP PICK-UP CLEAN-UP "Keep Clinton Klean!" Local Board of Health M. T. CARLESS, Secretary Londoner of the early days who was commissioner of public works at the time, and Baron de Tuyle. Neither the commissioner nor the Baron are actually named but there is no doubt who are intend- ed, It was evidently a gay party. They stopped at Tadousac at the mouth of the Saguenay River, then a trading post and a lumbering camp run by the Prices — the same Quebec family prominent in lumber and paper manufacture today. It is the only sketch of de Tuyle which we have seen. Here is the de- scription of Baron de Tuyle. "The Baron was a very hand- some man. He was six feet two or three inches in height, had a profusion of dark brown hair, with a black beard and whisk- ers, which had now grown to an enormous Iength — features wh- ich in repose, were tinged with a hue of deep melancholy, but when animated — and that al- most always the case beaming with good humor, intelligence and playfulness. Light of limb and agile a$ a roebuck, his every step was graceful. These natural advantages had been cultivated by education, and his manner polished by association with the highest society in Europe -- ev- ery country and court which was familiar to him, and almost every language of which he spoke with ease and fluency. In early life he had entered the navy of his native country, and there became an excellent mathematician and an admirable practical navigator; but having possessions of his 'father, a . dis- tinguished officer, he was ap- pointed to a place at court when, soon inherited the title and large- ly disdaining a slothful life, he took to the pursuit of pleasure of every description, an excercise which is very seldom found to be conducive to the improvement of a man's patrimony — as hesoon began to feel — and in con- sequence had visited Canada to look atter a large tract of land which his more prudent parent had purchased some years pre- viously. FOR FINE PRINTING PHONE 4 THE NEWS -RECORD The Clinton Lions Club ASK YOU TO ,g Rake Up - Clean Up Burn Up Paint Up There are boards with rusty nails around And ashes full of glass abound ----- There's fire -hazard brush and briar tangle The LIONS sponsor the SAFETY angle. Clean up for Safety! HENSALL (Intended for last week) Killed In Accident Miss Jean McQueen, Hensel', Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Laing, Exe- ter, Mrs. Roy Lamont, Zurich, Mrs. J. D. Reid, London, motored to Niagara Falls and attended the funeral of their cousin, George Boyd, who was killed in a car accident ina head-on collision near Baltimore. In his '20's he was an only child of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Boyd, Niagara, Falls. The funeral was held from his home in Niagara Falls Tuesday, April 19. Presbyterian Easter Large congregations attended Carmel Presbyterian Church Easter services which were con- ducted by the minister, Rev. P. A. Ferguson, At the morning service a presentation of Alumni Diplomas were presented to two Sabbath School scholars for eight, years' perfect attendance. George Tinney, superintendent, present- ed the diplomas to Anne Marie Hildebrand end Ronald MacKin- non. On behalf of the congrega- tion the minister presented Anoe Hildebrand with a book of praise, and Ronald 1ViacKinnon with a Bible. Music consisted of "Low in the Grave He Lay" and "He Lives; "Who Is He", and "Lead me to Calvary," Solo parts were taken by Mrs. W. Brown, Don Bell, Ellen Bell, Harry Hoy, Mrs, P. A. Ferguson, Mrs. C. Kennedy. The sermon themes were "Easter Morning" and "Easter Evening." Hensel!. Women's Institute con- vened for its annual meeting in the United Church school room Tuesday evening, April 19, Mrs. A. E. Munn, vice-president, con- ducted the meeting. Mrs. R, 11. Taylor, Dashwood, outlined the plan for hospitalization for Huron County, Educational films, "What makes us grow," and "Farm Im- provement Series," supplied by 'Horne Economies, OAC, Guelph, were one of- the highlights of the evening. This feature was in charge of Victor Dinnin, prin- cipal of Zurich Public School, The motto "Men build houses, women build homes," prepared by Mrs. James McAllister, was given by Mrs. R. Elgie, and the demon- stration, First steps in dressing up vegetables, prepared by, Mrs, 5. Ranee, was presented by Mes< Roy McLaren, Mrs: C: Kennedy was soloist, Mrs. C. Forrest, tee- companist. • During ,the business period, it w,as disclosed that the organize - time' up, to date had donated. $463,55.'to ..the. local community building fund, A donation of $25 will be forwarded to the Canadian Cancer Fund, and $.12 will be donated to the local Guides and Brownies. The rem• signation of Mrs. A. W. Kerslake,, president for the past four years,. was accepted with regret, Re- ports of standing committees were given ;by Mrs. 11., Elgie, Mrs. Munn, Mrs. J. A. Paterson, Mrs. C. Forrest, Mrs. R. McLaren, Miss. Gladys Luker, in her financial report, disclosed a substantin.•1 bank balance on hand. Nominations from the floor conducted by Mrs. E. Geiger re- sulted as follows: President,. Mrs. Fred Beer; vice-president;, Miss Phyllis Case, Mrs. A. D. McEwan; secretary -treasurer, Miss Gladys Luker; assistant, Mrs. R. Elgie; press reporter, Mrs. Maude Hedden; branch directors, Mrs, G. M. Drysdale, Mrs, W. Sang- ster, Mrs. W. B. Cross; pian .atr Miss Greta Lannnie; assistant,. Miss Florence Welsh; card con- vener, Mrs. W. Smale; district representative, Mrs. Orr; audit- ors, Mrs. W. O, Goodwin, Mee Mary Goodwin;, standing commit- tees: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. J. McAllister; Citizenship, Mrs, A. E. Munn; Historical Research, Mrs. J. A. Paterson; Home Economics, Mrs. F. Forrest; Publicity, Mrs, R. Mc- Laren; Social Welfare, Mrs. R.. A. Orr, Hostesses were: Mrs. W. G. Parke; and Mrs. W. Brown. Re- freshments were served. We Build Scientif ically,l As functional es it is beautiful - . - This kitchen is typical of our scientifically planned and executed modern kitchen de- signs. For further information about a modern kitchen for your home call 128W, to -day. Free Estimates and Suggested Plans Cheerfully Given, Don C. Colquboun Modern Kitchen Cabinets and Counter Work PHONE 128W - - - CLINTON 1 1 Clinton Branch No. 140 CANADIAN LEGION B.E.S.L. Joins wholeheartedly in urging all its members and all citizens to cooperate in , Clinton Clean-up Campaign April 25 to May 7 inclusive it "Keep Clinton Kleanif'