Clinton News-Record, 1949-04-21, Page 5'HURSDAY, APRIL '21, T949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE ws-Record Classified Adlets Bring Qulckites,ittg ;•CASH RATE-(1.eliald by' 'Wed- xtesday following date of ;inser- Von)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub-' aequent insertions one cent.a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 eents ex - ;ba for box number or for dim- -teen to NEWS -RECORD Office. lF CHARGED= -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday '- ACCOMMODATION WANTED - .AIR FORCE. O)<'k'ICEIj ; WWE,, one child, desire furnished •apart- anent, house, cottage, from May to September. Apply Box "A", NEWS -RECORD. 16-b APPLES FOR SALE QUANTITY OF SMALL SOUND cooking or eating apples for sale. Bring , your own containers, 75 cents per bushel. Stewart Middle ton, phone 906r6. 16-17-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. 1948 DE LUXE PLYMOUTH Sedan, like new, 8,000 miles. Ap- ply Box "X"•, NEWS -RECORD. 16-btfb 1537 PLYMOUTH COACH in good tondition, price "$650: i':pply John Ostler, phone Clinton 239: 15-16-p 1941 DELUXE FORD, recently •overhauled, new motor; also '70 Cockshutt Tractor, one year old. Jack Tyndall, phone 907r3. 1940 DODGE Five -Passenger Coupe, newly painted; 1939 Dodge Sedan; both in good condition. J. E. Howard, Bayfield, phone Clinton 624r3L ,lObtfb DURANT SEDAN, in good con- dition, newly overhauled, five good tires, 34,000 mileage. Apply to John Noble,, High St., Clinton. 16-17-p BICYCLES FOR SALE JEAN'S BICYCLE, in good con- dition, for sale, Phone Clinton 901r31. 16-p BUILDING LOT FOR SALE LOT WITH BARN FOR SALE on Queen St. Apply Box "M," NEWS -RECORD. 16-p CUSTOM CULTIVATING ANYONE DESIRING Cultivating and harrowing service by the acre, or post hole drilling by the hour. Augur drills top 0-6 ft. aleep and 12" wide, Apply Ray Potter, Clinton, • phone 911r14. 14-15-16-17-p FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ELECTRIC RENFREW CREAM Separator, practically new: also nine little pigs, nine weeks old. Ralph Cornish, RR. 3, Bayfield, phone Bayfield 58r34. 16-p FARMS FOR SALE 100 OR 10 ACRES with build- ings, tractor included, $1;250 down, easy terms. B. Thompson, 21/2 miles west on Highway 8. 16-b FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale, +a Iimited number of Raspberry oases. Phone 668-15, Seaforth. 16-17-18-b FURNITURE FOR SALE ROUND QVARTER-CUT OAK table and six chairs, in first class shape. Reg. Smith, High St„ Clinton, 16 17 p SET OF BED SPRINGS; •spring - filled mattress for double bed; all in first-class condition. Phone 325. 16-b GLADIOLI BULBS GLADIOLI BULBS, choice young high crowned stock. Large bulbs $3.50 per hundred, medium bulbs $2 per hundred. Not prepaid, Order direct or from H, W. Charlesworth, Clinton. Catalogue on request. Typdell Gladioli Gardens, Brumfield, phone Clin- ton 618r12. 15-16-» HAY FOR SALE QUANTITY OF MIXED HAY. Ray Cox, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 908r25. 16-p HELP WANTED OFFICE HELP WANTED, reale or female, typing, bookkeeping and general office work; short- hand preferred. Permanent posi- tion. Apply Ellwood Epps Sports Shop. 14-b LIE sTooR FOR SALE • BI'RTHS. GLASS CATTLE and number of BONTHRON — In St. Joseph's Weaned pigs, Apply MLS, Harald Hospital, London, on Sunday, il'I • 11 h ne $0 ;2:' 16-b April -17, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. DURHAM BULL CALF. George Wise, R.11. 3,, Clinton, phone 905r22. . 16-p JERSEY COW, 7 years old, milk- ing, due August 25; Jersey cow, 5 years old, due to freshen; roan Shorthorn bull calf,:.. F. P: Arkell, R.R. 2, ,Bayfield. 16-b LOST AND FOUND LOST—ON MONDAY Afternoon between Cities .Service Station, Bayfield, and R. Thotnpson's con- cession 16, Goderich Township, vie Clinton, 1947 Chrysler -hub cap. Finder, leave at Garage or Police Office, Clinton., 16-b MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR .TABLETS are effect- ive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store. SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ledders for sale, various lengths, Enquire. • 16-21-p SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor, New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents, All druggists. NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St,'Stratford. :ltfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone wiled. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ieh. 2btfb NOTICES NOTICE—ANY PERSON cutting trees, hunting, fishing, or other- wise trespessing without permis- sion on 'lots 36, 39 pt. 40, 55, Goderich Township, will be pros- ecuted. Eimer Trick, R. R. 3, Clinton. 14 & 16-p NOTICE — ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be peosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 13-15ptfb NOTICE — HURON FISH AND Game Club, Clinton, requests that any public school children in the townships bordering the Town of Clinton who wish to hatch pheasants, contact by let ter, John Smith, Clinton, chair- man of the Game Committee, NOTICE — Wilfred A. Glazier, R.R. 4, Clinton,. _wishes -4o, an- nounce that he has been appoint- ed your egent for Co-operative Life Insurance and Co-operative Automobile Insurance in the Townships of Hullett and McKil- lop, and requests that anyone interested contact him by letter or phone 617r31, Clinton. PERSONAL GENTLEMAN with good home would like acquaintance of re- spectable Protestant lady, in her thirties, if possible. Apply Box "F", NEWS -RECORD. 16-b PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, ale -moth ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb POTATOES FOR SALE IRISH COBBLERS, Early Warbo and Sebega Potatoes; also ten pigs, six weeks old, Roy Tyndall, phone 907r3, 14-15-16-p QUANTITY OF Green Mountain and Early Warba. Potatoes. Ap- ply Morgan Jones, R.R. 2, Clin- ton, phone 902r4. 16-17-p PROPERTY FOR SALE TWELVE - ACRE FARM, two miles west of Clinton on No. 8 Highway; sandy loam, good for market gardening; spring well and creek which crosses lower back corner; seven -room frame house; small bankbarn and col- ony house, equipefed with hydro; garage and pig pen. Apply Roy Pickett, phone '910r12, Clinton. 15-16-p HONEST YOUNG MAN or wo- man to sell fast -selling article in Clinton and district. Opportun- ity and profits galore. Spare or fulltimie. Box "C", NEWS - 'RECORD. 16-p HELP WANTED—MALE A MAN TO CUT LAWN once a week and to roll lawn before it is ready for grass to be cut. Ap- ply Box "K", NEWS -RECORD. 16-b ESTABLISHED RURAL Watkins Route available. If you ere ag- gressive and between the eges of 25 and 35, have or can secure travel ,outfit, this is your oppor- tunity to get established in a profitable business of you own. 'For full particulars, write today to The J. R, Watkins Company, Dept. O -C-16, 3.30 St. 'Rock St., Montreal, Que. HELP WANTED, FEMALE WAITRESS, FIRST ep1f MAY, for -Clinton, Grill, under new menage- ment. Salary $18 peer week with good time 'off. Also part time waitress for relief work. . Ciriel Van Demme. If interested con- tact Mrs. Melelis at 0llintlon 'Grill. , , 16-17-», VIOLIN FOR SALE 'VIOLIN, GOOD 'CA'SE, MUSIC. Stand in zipperedilleather case. :Mrs, C. 'B. Anderson, 'Maple 'St., Clinton. 6 - STOVES FOR SALE BANNER. COAL and WOOD Stove in,. good condition, Apply Frank Layton, Frederick St„ phony Clinton 113. 16-p GOOD USED QUEBEC COOK Stove, Good Quebec heater, cheap for' quick sale. Bruce Holland, Clinton. 16-p SEED FOR SALE FEW BUSHEL OF TWO -ROWED Barley just right for mixing with medium maturing oats. J. W. Van Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 16-b TEACHERS WANTED STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL Area Board require two Protest- ant teachers, duties to cornrnence in September, both schools are well equipped. Apply stating qualifications, ,salary expected and name and address of last in- spector if experienced, to George L. Reid, secretary -treasurer, Var- na, 15-16-b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received up to May 9 for decorating the base- ment of the United Church, Lon- desboro. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted.. Tenders to be sent to Joe Lyon. R. R. 1, Auburn. 16-17-p Harold sonthron, Hensall, a son (Bevan James), a brother for Brian. BROOKS — In Clinton Public Hospital,, on Sunday, April 17, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. Omar Brooks, Dungannon, a daughter. COWLES — In Clinton Public Hospital; on Wednesday, April 20, 1949, -to Me. 'and Mrs. Howard L. Cowles, Clinton, a son ('Clair William). LEYBURNE—In Clinton. Public Hospital, on Tuesday, April 19, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leyburne, Clinton, a son. REID—To Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Reid, Freeport, N.S., former- ly of Clinton, on April 15, 1949, a daughter (Joy Helen). TUFTS — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, April 9, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Tufts (nee Ruth Middleton), London, a daughter (Ruth Anne). WARR—In' Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 17, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Warr • (nee Dolores Moore), London, a son (Lloyd Russell). MARRIAGES WILSON-WELSH—In Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, on Saturday, April 16, 1949, by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Helen May, only daughter of Mr, end Mrs. Oliver Welsh, Clinton, to John S. Wilson, only son of Mr, and Mrs, George Wilson, Wort- ley Rd., London. DEATHS LINDER—At his home at Alder- shot, on Saturday, April 16, 1949, William Charles Linder, beloved husband. of Minnie Holmes, formerly of Clinton, in his 71st year. Funeral service from Dodsworth Funeral Home, Hamilton, Tuesday afternoon, April 19. BOY SCOUT NEWS The weekly meeting of the First Clinton Troop of Boy Scouts was held on Wednesday, April 13. Two boys, Arthur Tyndall and Bill German, were welcomed to the troop. An interesting feature of the evening was an observation game in which the boys were sent out as Patrols in various directions and asked to note various inter - seting objects along the route. The meeting was in charge of Scoutmaster Bud Lidwell, At the conclusion of the evening's activ- ities a short Court of Honour was held. At the present time the Panther Patrol is leading in Pat- rol Competition with 190 points. --o APPLETON AND FIELD; duo - pianists, will play at the next Goderich,Communiy Concert As- sociation concert in Knox Pres- byterian, Church, Goclerich, at 8.30 pan„ Friday, April 22. ' CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Robert Caldwell wish to thank friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy ,shown to them at the time oe their recent bereave- ment. They wish to thank the doctor and nurses, also time who sent flowers and cards, those who loaned their cers and assisted in any way. l6 -p IN MEMORIAM WELSH—In laving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs, Ed - 'ward Welsh, who passed away one year ago, April 22, 1948: "No one knows how much we Miss you, No one knows the bitter pain We have suffered. Since we lost you Life has never been the same: In our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond.and true; There is not a day, dear mother; That we do not thing of you." —Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by husband and family. 16-p BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion V▪ .0 E FLORIST • F•hones: 66)v. and 66) SPECIALS ' OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS Save you money. Ask for them. `On display in our windows and store. W. L. Johnson and Son. Phone 286. 15-p, owNweurvw TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE REMINGTON DELUXE, No. 5 Portable Typewriter. Apply at NEWS -RECORD Office. 16-b REMINGTON PORTABLE Type- Wr•iter in good condition. Apply McEwan's, phone 84, Clinton. 16-b GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER (Continued from Page One) organ. In the morning the choir sang two anthems "Ye. Choir of New' Jerusalem" and "King of Kings," and two solos were sung, "He was Despised," by Mrs, H. C. Lawson, and "I Know that my Redeemer Liveth," by Mrs, R. G. Bennett. In the evening no sermon was given. The choir sang three anthems "Ile is Risen" "Since by 'Man Came Death" and "Christ is Risen from the Dead." The Junior choir sang "Pleasant are Thy Courts" and "Christ is Ris- en," both with a descant and also joined with the senior choir in singing the hymn "Beneath, the Cross of Jesus." IVlr. end Mrs. Donald Symons sang a duett "Nailed upon the Cross," and A. Foster, D. Symons, L. Pearson and E. Wendorf blended their voices in -a lovely male quartette. Solos were sung by Miss Elva Wiltse, whose number was "All in an April Evening," A Foster, who sang "When He died for me," Miss Coronna Wended, whb chose "It Was a Tree," and L. Pearson, who sang an appropriate Easter number. Wesley -Willis United The services in Wesley -Willis United Church were in charge of Rev. Andrew Lane and Mrs. Morgan Agnew presided at the organ. In the morning the choir sang the anthem "King of Kings" with Miss Viola Fraser taking the solo part. Mrs. W. M. Nedi- ger sang the solo "Open the Gates of the Temple." In the evening the choir number was "Awake up my Glory." Misses Margaret Holland and Jean Nediger sang as a duett "I Know that My Re- deemer Liveth," Mrs. R, P. Rob.. bineappropriately brought the music of the day to a close by singing Malotte's setting of "The Lord's Prayer" • ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (April 21-23) Elizabeth Tayor, George Murphy in "CYNTHIA?' • MON, TUES. WED. (April 25-27) "HILLS OF HOME" In Technicolor with Edmund Gwen, Donald Crisp, Tom Drake, Janet Leigb and LASSIE.—MGM brings you another great drama as wonderful as The Green Year, THUR., FRI., SAT. (April 28-30) In technicolor "RIVER LADY" A robust tale of lumbering, love, and rugged fighting, centred around a floating gambling joint, j Yvonne DeCarlo, Rod Cameron, Dan Duryea Coming (May 2-4) —Fred Mac, Murray, Frank Sinatra "MIRACLE OF THE BELLS" CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE ODERZC�Ge SEAFORTH Now Playing (April 21-23)—"ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN" with Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney MON. TUES. WED. (April 25-27) Greer Gaxson Walter Pidgeon and Peter Lawford—:It's daring! It's delightful! It's the gayest romance of the! year. It's MGM's "JULIA MISBEHAVES" THUR., FRI., SAT. (April 28-30) Yvonne DeCarlo - Rod Cameron and Dan Duryea—In Technicolor, the glorious roaring story of 1000 miles of brawling river. "RIVER LADY" MON, TUES. WED.' (April 25-27) George Brent - Jane Powell 84 Lauritz Melchior — Topnotch Technico'ored entertainment act- ed with distinction and feature some superb music. "LUXURY LINER" THUR., FRL, SAT. (April 28.30) Loretta Young - Robert Mitchum & Wan, Holden—A story of charm and quaintness concerning the God-fearing pioneers of the Northwest, "Rachael and the Stranger" Coming—A Weimer Bros. Twin Bill — "THE BIG PUNCH." and "THE WALLFLOWER" Mats.: Wed., Sat., holidays, 2,30Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. PROPERTIES FOR SALE Two-storey brick dwelling, Modern conveniences, part well rented now; double garage; very central. Im- mediate possession. - Four -roomed cottage, near- ly new, modern conven- ienees, oil burning furnace, Immediate possession. 1M -storey frame dwelling, modern conveniences, gar- age. Immediate possession. * * * H. C. LAWSON REALTO Phone 251W - CliRnton, Ont. FREE! "By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God; Not of works, lest any man should boast" Dish. 2 : 8, 9. Salvation is free—you cannot earn it. Trust in Christ's finished work and be saved. TUNE IN AND HEAR: CHAS. FULLER on Station CHUM 1050 KC 9.00 -- 10.00 a.m. Sundays CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. .41101110 0aw0 •• Attention, Parents! • Ali parents having children for Kindergarten Class in Fall Term commencing in September, must register same by letter not later than May 1, 1949, with H. C. Lawson, secretary, Public School Board. To be admitted pupils must be four years, eight months old by September 1, 1949. On day of enrolment in September, definite proof of age must be submitted to the Principal of the Public School. Owing to limited accommodation it is necessary that these regulations be strictly adhered to. Signed on behalf of Clinton Public School Board, H. C. LAWSON, Secretary 15-16-1'7-b Like a person A Store is Judged by the company it keeps Companies also have a repu- ta)ion to live up to; over a period of years they establish themselves as the leaders in their own particular line of m erchand ise. How? By making the gest. A smart man once said: "Quality is'never expensive" so when you shop for "Men's Wear," why not • buy Name Brand's and be sure of getting the best. We carry such lines as; , WARREN K. COOK • W. R. JOHNSTON REGAL PARK • TIP TOP TAILORS Sun Valley Sport Shirts • Arrow and BVD Shirts. Hickok Belts,Suspenders, Jewelry • Scott -McHale Shoes. • Harvey Woods Underwear and Hosiery Sportswear by DtVal and Joseph Gould ' Pickett & Campbell MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts PHONE 25 CLINTON Used Cars For Sale 1948 PONTIAC FLEETLINE, two-tone, with hydromatic drive, only 5,000 !Hiles. This is a beautiful car and guaranteed same as a new car from factory. 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1937 PONTIAC SEDAN 1936 OLDSMOBILE COACH 1933 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1930 FORD 1942 HALF -TON CHEVROLET PICK-UP with stook racks, dandy clean job all through. These cars and truck are all re'adv for the road. TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED J. E. Hugill and. Son Austin Sales and Service moo` -.111.1 •�Ed.B!+1»or:;i�y�,j,_+kv,�$I.52_v,:.�«;: ,«i��'+3K+'K s 1.40 "1.14^f.'�'+ 'i —DANC CLINTON TOWN HALL' FRIDAY, APRIL 22 KEN WILBEE and His Orchestra Dancing '10 p.m. to 1 a.m. ADMISSION: 50 cents plus 10 cents tax v: t3 4»Fd«F:41:044411»:r :a:.«e ; +: a8: .:3:*'d.74 I"V)Bteint;:+3:: i1• »« eche teeee otee ieieeeieet eeeee Wt' :?f 3: We now have a stock of Modern Bathroom Fixtures and Kitchen Sinks Fd~r 3 If you need a new ELECT RIC WASHER see a BEATTY "ECONOMY" "Saves you MOST; Serves you BEST" SAVES: • l.abour • Electticity • Strong Bleaches • Hot Water • Tune • Soap • Repairs • Clothes "Saves You Hard Work!" HUGH . A } 14r S L• Plumbing and Heating • Business 244—PHONES—Residence 470 x . " . ., '''«t»f«;MTS&pit».vd?�p»t.Ad�S»':1»;�..+x+,+3ffk+;*';»±`a»'.c"3r'I»i?. TOWN OF CLINTON proclamation Daylight Savin Time SUNDAY, APRIL 24, to SUNDAY, SEPT. 25, • 1949 WHEREAS the Town Council has passed a resolution setting the date for Daylight Saving, I therefore request the citizens to observe the same. To carry out the request of the Town Council, and conforming with other adjoining municipalities, it will be necessary that all clocks be advanced one hour' alt1949 12.01 a,m. Sunday, April, 24, and returning to Standard Time at 12.01 a.m., Sunday, September 25, (Signed) ROBERT Y. HA.TTIN, Mayor, Town of Clinton GOD SAVE THE KING! 14-15-16-b