HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-04-14, Page 10'. 'PAGE TEN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD • HURON -PERTH WILL HAVE 10 TEAMS ON TAP Huron -Perth Baseball League, tin OBA Intermediate group, will operate this coming season in one group of ten teams, it was de- cided at the annual meeting in Hensall last week. St. Marys is the only team dropping out from last year, and that team will re- ceive a bye into the "B" pleY- downs. • A single schedule will be play- ed, meaning nine home games for each team. Schedule will be drawn up by a committee of the • executive and presented to a ••, meeting of hte clubs in Hensall on Monday, May 9. The tan -team group will con- sist of the following, Goderieh being a "B" team and ell the vest "C": Goderich, Clinton Colts, Clin- ton RCAF, Centralia RCAF, Mit- chell, Hensall, Exeter, Zurich, Lucan and Dashwood. Clinton Colts won the group last year, and then went on to the OBA 'Intermediate "C" finals. Officers were elected as fol- lows: honorary president, R. E. Shaddick, Hensall; president, Ross Wright, Mitchell; 1st vice-presi- dent, Ivan Hearn, Lucan; 2nd vice-pmeident, W. Wein, Dash- wood; secretary, R. Gateriby, Mitchell; treasurer, John Liver- more, Clinton. ------o PEEWEES TO OPERATE Clinton Shaws, 1948 WOAA Peewee baseball champions, will operate again this year, James A. Chowen, manager, announced Iast night. Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clin- ton's veteran sportsman, again will sponsor the team. Practices will commence shortly and uni- forms are being secured. PORTER'S HILL Phyllis Harris, London, spent the weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Dineen spent the weekend with the latter's father, Milton Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Shroeder, Teeswater. The monthly meeting of the WA will be held on Thersday of this week at the home of Mrs. A. Lockhart. Speedy Recovery ' The friends and neighbours of Murray McDougall wish him, a speedy recovery after having undergone en operation in Clin- ton Public Hospital on Mendes/ last. Home From Hospital • The many friends.of Mrs. T. S. Locrilaart will be glad to know that she was sufficiently improv- ed in health to come home from Oliuton Public Hospital o n Sunday. Hold Club Annual The annual meeting of Porter's Hill Community Club will be held on Wednesday April 20, et the home of Mrs. Allen Betties. On Sick List We are sorry to report that A. E. Townshend has been on the sick list. His many friends and neighbours join in wishing him a speedy recovery. 0 WOAA BALL MEETING Western Ontario Athletic As- sociation annual baseball and softball meeting will be held in the Town Hell, Wingham, at 8 p.m., Wednesday next, April 20, for the purpose of laying plans for the coming season and of discussing any problems confront- ing the various clubs, Repre- sentatives of the various clubs .are 'asked to attend, EASTER BASKETS 5c to 25c EASTER EGGS—in yellow, pink, blue 25c HEN ON EGG in blue and pink 35c BUGS BUNNY with pack on back 49c MRS. HEN with basket 49c MR. ROOSTER with born 49c EASTER EGG on platform 50c BUNNY with basket on platform 35c and 39c Bunny pulling cart 49c Bunny Roly-Poly 50c Plush Teddy Bear in blue and yellow 2.35 Bibles 1.00 to 10,00 Prayer Books .. . 65c to 5.50 McEwan's PHONE 84 CLINTON DON'T BUY . . . UNTIL YOU TRY . . . The New "HOOVER" Automatic Electric Iron Weight 3 lbs. 1000 -Watt Element Price: $12.95 • EASTER GREETINGS To Our Many Customers MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC Phone 313 Clinton Here are a few essential items: HOES ea. $1 to $1.60 RAKES ea. .65 to 1,40 SPADES ea. 1.95 SHOVELS ea. 2.15 SPADING FORKS ea. 1.50 HEDGE SHEARS ea. 2.60 GRASS SHEARS ea. 42.00 TREE PRUNERS ea. 2.50 SEEDS OF ALL KINDS SUTTER—PERDUE . HOLMESVILLE Spring is here and the farmers are, busy on the fend. 1VIrs. A. Bond and Miss Helen Bond, London, spent last week-, end, in Detroit. Miss Helen Bond has accepted a position with the Board Of Educatien, London. . Building a Home Harry Williams has purchased e let from Mrs. W. Yen and has now started to build their new horne. A erokinole party was held in the school, put on by the teacher and pupils, in aid of the Junior Red Cross. A short programme was much enjoyed. Proceeds amounted to over $23. EBENEZER Ebenezer 'WA Meets Ebenezer WA met et the home of Mrs. Ross Feagan for the April meeting, The president, Mrs. Frank Jones, presided at the meeting, which was opened by the singing of .a hymn, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secre- tary, and the roll call "one of my favourite hymns" was answ- ered by 14 members and four visitors. During the business discussion it was decided that the WA will be in charge of the Mothers Day program. The Scripture reading eves giv- end by Mrs. Morgan Jones, after which Mrs. Tavener led in pray- er. A reading, "A Happy Easter in the Making," was given by Mrs. C. Tebbutt, Readings were also given by Mrs. Bert Lobb and Mrs. F. Jones. Poems were read by Mrs, I. Merrill end 1VIrs. W. Biggin. A hymn was sung and the meeting was closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Two contests were conducted by Mrs, Biggin and Mrs. M. Jones. Delicious re- freshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Stewart Parouhar. Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Fishe, De- troit, spent the weekend with Mr. .and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. Miss Margaret Middleton spent ast weekend in Detroit attend - 'ng the industrial Nursing Con- ference. N4:144,—Seireekleretelefieelteteetieteetleee -- KIRSCH -- VENETIAN BLINDS Custom -Made WE MEASURE FREE ESTIMATE -- ALSO -- Roller - Shades and Curtain and Drapery Hardware at MARTINS 36W 36J 7btfb eelekleitieeelleefelatetteelekellelebethke BRUCEFIELD Miss Marion Patteson, London, was a weekendvisitor at her home. Hugh Walker has returned from Tiverton where he spent the winter, Rev. and Mrs. F. Wu, now in Toronto, will epend the week- end at .the manse, / Eldon Johnston, Blue Water, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Johnston on Monday, ---o - CONSTANCE W. J. reale was in Toronto leet week on business. Grimeldby attended the uneral of here nephew, Charles Colclough, Dutton, on Monday. We are pleased to have Mr. Britton home again after visiting with .his family durieg the win- ter months, Friends of Constance hope that Jae Mann will soon be able to be out again, after being under the doctor's care. Mr. and Mrs. A, S. Riley, Sea - forth, one Mrs. Edwards, Sault Ste. Marie, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Riley. Preached on Sunday Benson Sutter, Clinton, preach- ed the service last Sunday in the absence of Rev. S. IL Bren- ton through illness. The service was enjoyed by alt, Mission Band Meets Mrs. William Dale invited the mothers to quilt the autograph quilt for the Mission Band on Monday. Sixteen ladies were in attendance. A delicious lunch was served, LONDON ROAD Members are asked to please note the change of meeting place. The meeting will b held on Thurs- day of this week at the home of Mrs. Roy Plumsteel. --o ONTARIO ST. GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church willmeet in the Church Hall to -night (Thursday evening) at 6.30 o'clock. There will be a pot luck supper. 1Virs. W. VanEgmond's group will be in, eheige and Mrs. M. MacKin- non will be guest speaker. PRESBYTERIAN WMS The WMS of Clinton Presby- terian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Clifton on Tuesday afternoon, April 19, at three o'clock. FEDERATION NEWS (By W. V. Roy) Milk Producers Organize History was made in Huron County, when milk producers representing all sections of the County, met in the Agricultural Board Room, Clinton, to discuss the whole milk situation. Hugh Hill, Colborne Township, was chosen chairman of the gathering of over 60 producers, and Barry Walter, Goderieh, act- ed as sedretary. Mr. Hill, after explaining briefly the purpose of calling the meeting, called on Doug Cousins, Heldman of the Ontario Milk Producers League, to explain the advantages of forming a County organization. After listening to Mr. Cousins, discussing the proposals and present county situation, a mo- tion introduced by George Feag- an, Goderieh, to form a county organization, was passed unani- mously, with the following board elected to represent the interests in each centre; Goderieh, Hugh Hill; Clinton, Andrew Desek; Wingham, George Terbert; See , forth, Pete Senpson; 'Exeter, Gerald Godbolt; Henson, Oliver Rowcliffe; Zurich, William Deck - Blyth, to be named. This new organization should benefit producers, clistri,butors, and consumers by providing a uniform price throughout the County, and would work to ad- vantage when prices drop, as well as when they advance. BOWL FOR[ HEALTH Open Bowling Mors. - Wed. -- Fri. - Sat. Closed Good Friday Clinton Bowling Alley NOTICE We have installed the latest and most up-to-date electrical testing machines and can take care of all 6 and 12 Volt Ignition Systems. Arrange now to have a general check -over on your car. We specialize in repairs to all makes at rock - bottom prices.. at • HUGILL'S SUPERTEST STATXON AUSTIN Sales & Service Phone 784W opposite Bank of Montreal (John Bourne in charge of Service Department) 12-13-14-15-b f THURSDAY; APRIL 14; 1949' ' ,murr DANCE TOWN HALL, CLINTON Thursday, April 14 10 pin. to 1 a.rn, MUSIC BY TED KEANE and his Dixieland Downbeats ADMISSION: 50 cents plus ten cents tax SHOP and you SAVE on our SPECIALS Your Red and White Self Serve Store Smith's TOMATO Maxwell Rouse KETCHUP , .. bottle 21c COFFEE . . Ib. bag 59c Wagstaffe's GRAPE York Fancy TOMATO JAM lg. jar 25c JUICE tin 10c Allen's APPLE " Heinz SLICED DILLED JUICE 3 tins 25c PICKLES jar 15c York Frosted Fish -- Fruits Vegetables Tender GREEN Sliced Luscious PEAS pkg. 27c STRAWBERRIES pkg. 35c Fancy Smoked and Cooked Meats Boneless Smoked PICNIC Boneless TENDERIZED SHOULDERS -... lb. 65c I HAM lb. 85c Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Choice Stalks Green Choice New GREEN CELERY each 15c 1CABBAGE . . 2 -lbs. 15c SHEARING'S NEW MODERN FOOD MARKET Phone 48—Free Delivery—Clinton Attention, Novice Hunter! AIR. RIFLES Model 155 -1,000 -shot repeater Model 111—Red Rider Carbine — $5.90 Model 25—Pump-action Repeater—$8.65 Targeteer Pistol Set . , $4.15 B -B Shot, two tubes for . .15 Dunne's Roller Skates pr. $4.50) BICYCLES, TRICYCLES and Complete Stock of Accessories cz_eti00044 EPPS ONTARIO SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY PHONE 42 CLINTON ;*44ecti4IWO .+ +,....44 4.14:4 omte-ttuttgg*:-.Vt4*V+_4tWtMt$:§+*44+4k':•4+44.44:t:•+_lt.:t41+.4ts,t4t4t-PA4tft4ttt,ito4*.. 1.9ito• Annual spring Tire sale! We have a complete Tire Stock in all popular sizes. Prepare now for a Summer of T rouble -Free Driving. Remember, its costly and dangerous to ride on worn tires. Liberal Trade -In Allowance! The Best Deal In Town! Does changing a tire look like this to you? We'll gladly mount them for you at no extra charge! DELUXE IN EVERYTHING BUT PRICE DELUXE IN BI it DELJX EVER BUT DELU EVERY. BUT P IDE EVERYTHING BUT PRICE DELUXE IN EVERYTHING BUT PT' DE EV B' Di EV Be 'it,. 111'4 46% //)/ EVERYTHING BUT PR/CP D11,_ EVERYTt • BUT PRI Tests prove it will average 34% .more mileage than the big -mileage Goodyear tire it replaces. The low cost per mile makes the Goodyear DeLuxe • the most economical tire you can buy. THE NEW IMPROVED 01, drfr E eezzAlRE eerrilCul, ctrict sa it 1 A.; A blowout may cause your death or serious injury Budget . Plan If you haven't ready cash investigate our Budget Plan. EASY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR INCOME CALL IN TODAY! Lorne Brown Motors Your Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Dealer PHONE 367W t:"*"--0:44*RW.4:4141":3044:04-44-`,W4t4.4..44344:41483..WAW014.4347f.atVil..14,Y44-,:**R4443,3**:4R4R434:4-44.*844-41434WWWWWW.V.44:fff.4.:4%...#*:44.,#.:447AWOM:.):MfolidWink