HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-04-14, Page 7,`HURSDAY; APRIL.
14, 1949
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riehl,
th, celebrated their 56th
dding -anniversary with a earn -
gathering at the home of Wil -
m Riehl, ' Goderich. Fifty
eats were present from Clin-
Goderlch, Kitchener, Wing-
and Blyth.
arch and dancing were enjoy-
Music being provided by an
5a composed of William
hi of Wingham, W. Riehl and
ter Vandenburg, Clinton, with
iarn Riehl, Blyth, calling oft
the square dances, Lunch was
ed, the wedding cake, topped
th 56 candies, being cut by
r. and Mrs. Riehl were born
Ellice Township and lived on
joining farms. They were mar-
d in Freeburg, Mich., and re-
ed to Ellice Township 53.
ars, ago, where they farmed
r a number of years. Later,
ey moved to Monkton, where
r. Riehl was chief of police for
years. They moved to Huron
runty, and, with the exception
two years in Bayfield, where
Riehl wes in business as a
teher•, 'they have since resided
Blyth, where the groom was
cement contractor, meson and
Mr. Riehl recalled that he went
his wedding by ox -cart through
it feet of snow. "I have been
lack -of -all -trades, never saying
to any kind of work," the
tom of 56 years stated.
Che couple have five sons, four
lghters, 33 grandchildren, and
great grand -children.
Sirs. Albert Haggitt, Blyth, pre-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Riehl with
two -burner hot plate.
aODERICH--In the hope of
ing a much-needed service to
derich and district, arrange-
nts ere being made by Blue -
ter Lodge, 1862, International
Stanley :Township Farmer P. C. Candidate for Huron -Perth
Association of Machinists em-
ployed by Dominion Road Ma-
chinery Co. here, to organize e
volunteer blood donors' bank for I
use in ease of emergency.
The opening guns were fired Saturday night in the Progressive
Conservative campaign in Huron -Perth. J. ELGIN McKINLEY,
a farmer of Stanley Township, was chosen to represent the
riding in the upcoming Federal election at a meeting held in
the Town Hall, Mitchell
Above, left, the guest speakers, from left to right: THOMAS
You'll hardly believe this at first
but it's all perfectly true!
ny home, anywhere in your county, whether on
farm or in town, can have all the advantages
f the most modern gas cooking!
These advantages and benefits include a gleam -
g white enamel range, instant heat at the touch
f a switch, automatic lighting, smokeless, odor -
ss flame, oversize oven with accurate temperature
ntrol, easy -clean burners—all at a cost so mod -
rate that you will be amazed!
Essotane is Economical!
new way of life --a new happiness—
be yours when you have an Esso-
ne gas stove in your kitchen.
Essotane banishes the problems of
kindling, an expensive supply of
al or wood, laying the fire, tending
etc., and all the wasted heat when you
ve a fire and don't need it—to say
thing of the work caused by smoke
d soot from a coal or wood stove.
Essotane cuts your kitchen work in
'You will prepare better meals in
e time. Better food, better health
for the whole family. More leisure!
The safe Essotane gas is led to your
stove through a small copper tube from
a cylinder outside your house. Cylin-
ders are replaced by Imperial Oil
Limited so that you have a constant
supply of Essotane at all times.
You owe it to yourself to find out how
Essotane will make life easier and
happier for you. Don't think you've got
to put up with the old-fashioned kitchen
range all your life. Send the coupon
and get the facts!
Plena COOKING tISULIS — Gas oven -cooked
foods don't dry out as much .. , cakes get a
better bake ... roasts are juicier. With Essotane
you use a beautiful modern gas range that
smartens up your kitchen.
MORD LtI UNE Essotane is the perfect cooking
fuel—gives you the exact degree of heat when you
want it. Makes cooking a joy. The convenience,
speed and cleanliness of Essotane mean extra
leisure time for you. Send for free booklet today.
Get the facts about Essotane Cooking
Stove pima, ter the 3 -burner model, boaln
a'may ;94:00. In MG ens* you nodal pay
only =4.15 down and flee balance ire snarl
monthly amounts.
Essotane Department,
Yes, I would like to know more about Essotane. !'lease
send me, without charge or obligation, your FREE, 8 -page
illustrated booklet which tells all about this new gas
MY NAME (Please print)
PRYDE, MLA for Huron; W. GARFIELD CASE, MP for Grey
North; A. J. BRADSHAW, MP for Perth; and L. ELSTON
CARDIFF, MP for Huron North, Above, right, the successful
candidate, Mr. McKinley, who was chosen from among five
nominees. —Engraving courtesy The London Free Press
Ask Junior Farmers
To Enter Contest
An essay contest sponsored by
the United Nations organization
is being brought to the attention
of all Junior Farmers groups in
Ontario, the Ontario Department
of Agriculture announces. The
contest is open to all members of
national organizations and be-
cause the Junior Fernier group
is in affiliation with the Ontario
and Canadian Federation of Ag-
riculture, its members are eligible.
Title of the essay must be "im-
plementation of the Untvergal
Declaration of Human Rights." It
must not exceed 2,000 words and
in addition each contestant must
write a 500 -word statement ex-
plaining what branch of United
Nations work the contestant is
interested in. Ten international
winners of the contest will be
awarded trips to 'Lake Success
and back with all expenses paid.
Entries must reach the United
Nations Association, 163 Laurier
Ave., Ottawa, by Monday, May
16, Best Canadian essays will
be selected by a panel of out-
standing C.enadians chosen for
their literary judgment and un-
derstanding of the issues involv-
ed. An international jury set up
et headquarters of the U.N. will
judge the final international
The appointment of Frank
Simpson to be manager of the
company's rail lines, coastal
steamships and dry dock in New-
foundland, with headquarters et
St. John's, is announced by W.
E. Robinson, vice-president and
general manager of the Atlantic
Region, Canadian National Rail-
ways. Mr. Simpson succeeds the
late H. J. Russell, who was gen-
eral manager of the Newfound-
land Railways.
Skinny men, women
gain 5, 1O 15 lbs.
Got Ksu Pap, VIII!, Vigor
Wb.i a traili pons ambo W *ts; lacteal
411 est poet se leapt erewU; Pons ON wtt-
sumer. MOW ..hese-Date" loot. Thosuwdt of
tui, women, saes, who Myr Gelid wen titre.
are acv peoua of chapels leolavr bootee.
They Goat theepeeistt,o1 eht�mt •»
tunic, entree, Ito tenor, .!encore lavltoratork
Iron. vitamin Bo, eateluee, *slob %food, Improve
etpeate cod digestion to took Ger yon more
Dtreneta sed nourttht»w' pats of bare bonen.
on't ter setting Ise the. Glop what you've waned
the A 10, lb or 00eer )he. sIN ok wed toe normal eretOt.
�a ow 0044. TOWS 'MOM" poor seolg
w Gee
and added pounds Wb.M any. At th eroplw.
The Tuller, o modern hotel for
those who want the best! Con-
venient to Offices, Theaters,
and Shops. Friendly, courte-
ous service and reel Hotel
Comfort. The Tuller Coffee
Shop or Cafeteria for your
Dining Pleasure at modest
prices. It pays to :toy at
Hotel Tule,. ei no,VISIT OUR
as ,ar
800 ROOMS fa75
RICHARD C. Will ES, Mur.
"00/�� -.r.•
BLUEVALE—Found lying on
the floor of the Sunday School
room of the United Church here,
in an unconscious condition, Wil-
liams James Johnston, 77, church
janitor, was removed by ambul•
ance to Wingham General Hoe-
pital where he died Thursday.
He was found to be suffering
fivni a severe hemorrhage of the
brain and did not regain con-
onsciousness prior to his death.
If closed contact Mr. J. J. ZAPFE
Phone 103
Disposal of Fluorescent Lamp Tubes
(Released by Ontario Department of Health)
Fluorescent lamp tubes are coated on the inside with a
fluorescent powder called a phosphor. This prosphor usually
contains Beryllium in amounts ranging from a fraction of a
per cent to approximately four per cent. The lamps may also
contain minute amounts of mercury.
In 1948 two reports were published in the United States
describing nodules which appeared in the skin and underlying
tissues of four persons who had been cut by pieces of glass from
broken fluorescent tubes. In most of these cases the original
would was slow in healing. About two months after the injury,
small nodules were uoticed in the injured areas. Though only
four cases have so far been reported, the widespread use of
fluorescent tubes containing Berylium phosphors presents a problem
in the safe disposal of burned out lamps. To date, no cases of
the skin condition have been reported in Canada. However. it'
is urged that all janitors, salvage employees, factory maintenance
men, firemen, garbage collectors, incinerator operators, refuse
dumpmen, and other groups who may be associated with the dis-
posal of burned out tubes, be warned as to the hazards presented.
The chief hazard occurring during disposal is that of cuts
from pieces of broken glass. Where large numbers of tubes are
being broken, a possible hazard from the inhalation of Beryllium
powder and of mercury vapour may occur.
In the home, used tubes should be wrapped, intact, in paper,
or placed in a cardboard tube and put in a rubbish container with-
out breaking. They should not be disposed of In household lnein-
erator,s or placed within reach of children. In disposing of used
tubes in industry, the following precautions should be taken:
Where only a few tubes are being broken, it is recommended
that •they be disposed of by one of the following methods.
(a) Place the tube in a burlap bag. Immerse in a trout' or
shallow tank. (Being buoyant, they will have to be weighted);
Break the tube with a metal bar or length of pipe. The wet
bag and contents may then be removed intact and dumped,
(b) In the open air, where the prosphor dust and any mercury
vapour will be quickly dispersed, the tubes may be broken
individually in their cardboard jackets with a Length of pipe.
The operator should stand to windward, and wear goggles and
heavy canvas or leather gloves.
2. (a). Where large numbers of tubes are being broken, the
lamps may be broken out of doors, in a waste disposai area.
The operator should be supplied with, and required to weer,
a respirator approved by the U.S. Bureau of Mines for ex-
posure to toxic dusts. Full protective goggles and heavy gloves
should be worn.
(b) Where it is necessary to break lamps within buildings,
it should be done in an isolated room and in a hood, to minl-
mite the escape of dusts. Sufficient exhaust ventilation should
be supplied to the hood to provide an air intake at the breath-
ing level of at least 150 linear feet per minute.. A grated
floor under the hood is suggested, so that broken glass wili
drop into a hopper, where it can 'be wet down and removed.
Goggles and heavy gloves should be worn.
3, Where en individual is cut by pieces of the broken glass, he
should be referred immediately to a doctor for treatment. The
physidian should be informed of the nature of the glass which
caused the injury. (Signed)
Medical Officer of Health.
15 or 16-b Town of Clinton _
Guard. Against Engine Wear ...
... With Genuine FRAM
Oil Filter Cartridges
Protect your car, truck or tractor from
cosily engine breakdowns caused by
abrasive dust, sludge and dirt. Keep your
oil filter working wok genuine FRAM Oil
Filter Cartridges. See your dealer