HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-04-07, Page 5` 'HURSDAY, • APRIL 7, 1949 News-Recor� CI ANTON NEWS -RECORD :ass��iie� A •1'•ts Brite; eCAsi RATE -Of veldby Wed ! tesday ". following ,date of laser- .,l1ou)-One send •a word first, in- asatrtion (minimum :35' cents); sub- sequent insertioneene'cent a word (aainimum.25 cents); 15 its ex - law for box.number or for direc- ttien ,to NEWS'RECORD Olfice...' IF CHARGED-15cents erttra. DEADLINE. -G: P,m, Wedde'aday ACCOMMODATION WANTED -WANTED—FURNISHED ROOMS, adults, no children; .immediately; permanent ,residents. Apply Box Z", NEWS -RECORD. 14-p HOUSE WANTED TO RENT for 3dey 1, if possible, large enough for four adults.. Box "B", NEWS - RECORD. 14-p ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with cooking privileges, central loca- tion, opposite Clinton Grill. Phone 461. 13-15-b ARTICLES FOR SALE KITCHEN CABINET' in good .shape; large size desk; . good brooder, accommodates 150-200 chickens:- George Colclough, phone 805-31 Clinton. 14-b "ONE -SERVICE FLASH Attach- ' ment to fit "any camera equipped with flash synchronization. Pree- 1 lically brand. new: Phone 482-J. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1948.DE LUXE PLYMOUTH Sedan, like `new, 8,000 miles. Ap- ply Box "X", NEWS -RECORD. 1940 DODGE Five -Passenger Coupe, newly painted; 1939 Dodge 'Sedan; both in good condition. J. E. Howard, Bayfield, phone Clinton 624r31. lObtfb BICYCLES FOR • SALE • 3&AN'S BICYCLE with carrier. 325. Phone 542W. 14-b BRICK FOR SALE 2,000 USED WHITE BRICKS. Ed, Youngblutt, phone Blyth 29r9, 14-15-p BUILDING LOT FOR SALE BUILDING LOT, St. George's Ward, Huron St. Phone Mrs. Meyburne, phone 136. 14-b CLOTHING FOR SALE MINK SCARF„ three skins. Apply Box "R", NEWS -RECORD. 14-1+5-p 'THREE-PIECE SUIT for 15 or 16 year old boy, in A4'Condition. ]4furray Johnston, phone 900r41. 14-b LADY'S GREY WOOL SUIT, size 20. Can be seen at Gliddon's Press Shop. 14-p CUSTOM CULTIVATING ANYONE DESIRING Cultivating and harrowing service by the acre, or post hole drilling by the hour. Augur drills top. 0•-6. ft. deep and 12" wide. Apply Ray Potter, Clinton, piione 911r1I. 14-15-16-17-p • EQUIPMENT FOR SALE . COCKSHUTT 13 -HOLE DRILL with tractor and horse hitch; also one Collie pup about four months old. Wesley McBride, R, R. 1, Varna, phone Hensall 87r21. 14-p SECOND HAND ELECTRIC Washer, cheap for quick sale; also open grate stove just 1[lce a fire place. James:Livermore, phone 249. 14-p MODERN 8 CU. FT. SERVEL Electrolux Refrigerator with froz- en food storage compartment. Apply Box 104, Bayfield. 14-b FURNITURE FOR SALE DINING ROOM SUITE; Classic cook stove. Phone 7913 or call at Wilfred Freeman's in evening. 14-b HELP WANTED—MALE GARDENER WANTED. Apply C, H. Epps, phone Clinton 264. 14-15-p ESTABLISHED RURAL Watkins Route available. If you are ag- gressive and between the ages of 25 and 35, have or can secure travel outfit, this is your oppor- tunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars, write today to The J. 11, Watkins Company, Dept. O -C-16, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal, Que. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY of becoming ' your own boss! Retail our 250 guaranteed house- hold necessities including the full' line of Insecticides, in a territory of your choice. Part time agents considered. Hundreds of success- ful Familex agents started with :a borrowed $25 or $50. No risk—. it is worth a trial. Travelling equipment essential in rural dist- ricts. Business is good — Write today for details and free catel- egue—FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimer, Montreal. 10-15-b HELP WANTED 'OFFICE 'HELP WANTED, mule or female, typing, bookkeeping and general office work, short - :hand preferred. Permanent posi- tion. Apply Ellwood Epps Sports `Shop. 14-b PRAM FOR SALE -"GENDRON" BABY CARRIAGE, folding,; type, blue. Box "F", NEWS -RECORD. 14-15-n POTATOES FOR SALE IRISH COBBLERS, Early Warbo and Sebaga Potatoes; also ten pigs, six weeks old. Roy Tyndall, phone 907x"3, 14-15-16-p LOST AND FOUND LOST—PAIR OF LADIES' Brown Kid Gloves opposite Post Office on Friday, Apra 11. Finder please phone 46. 14-p HELP WANTED, FEMAIa. FEMALE—CLERK, Stenographer., Required for Utilities office. Clin- ton Pubha 'lYtilities Commission; 4. E.. Runiball, superintendent. 13-14-.b; HONEY FOR SALE BARGAIN IN HONEY—Lack of dollars in Europe has temporarily, ruined export markets for honey and caused surplus in Canada. This gives you opportunity to purchase 65 ib. tin of mild amber honey for $7.50. If this quantity is too large we can supply smal- ler amounts, ,amber at 15 cents or clover at 20 cents per lb. T. G. Scribbins, Victoria St., Phone 315. 13-14-p HOUSES FOR SALE TWO-STOREY SOLID ' BRICK' six -roomed house, good location, possession last of August. H. M. Ford, 15 -Bruce . St., Goderieh, phone 268W. 14-15-p EIGHT -ROOM BRICK HOUSE with double car garage. - House suitable for duplex. 14 acre lot. Possession soon. Apply Box "E", NEWS -RECORD. 14-15-b TOWN OF CLINTON, one -floor insul brick cottage, , nearly new, living room with dinette space, modern • kitchen with' built-in cupboards, two bedrooms with closet space, three-piece bath with built-in tub, hardwood floors, fully insulated, full base- ment, furnace equipped with oil burner, good location, immediate possession. Apply 11. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251-W, Clinton. 9bftb SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE, one -and - a -half storey, size 26 feet by 30 feet, good frame and roof. • Sit- uated at rear of Northside United Church, Seaforth. To be, moved from lot. Price $750. Aply Rev. H. V. Workman, chairman, or F. Harburn, secretary of Trustee Board. 13-14-b LIGHTNING RODS LIGHTNING RODS and EAVE Troughs, work promptly complet- ed by ' competent and licensed workman. For guaranteed prices write or, phone A. H. Steep, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 906r12. 13-14-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BAY GELDING, four years old, well broken. Fred ArkeU, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 906r25. 13-14-b SHORTHORN BULL, 11 months old. Oscar Switzer, phone 614r31. 14-b FIVE-YEAR-OLD MARE. Apply Bert Rowden, R. R. 3, Clinton, phone 911x34., . ' 14-b HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALF; Hol- stein heifer due in month; Choice Holstein cow, five years old; two York sows, due first of month; two -wheel trailer, complete with rack. Lorne Tyndall, phone 904r4. 14-p MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS are effect- ive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5; at Pennebaker's Drug Store. NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. WI; SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! ' Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonle Tablets for double • results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 ,cents. All druggists. ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer Prices. 0 not, will pay fertilizer I prices. f dead phone at once. Phone eollect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Rameb, 038r21 se 936r32, Goder- ich. 2btfb NOTICE NOTICE—ANY PERSONting trees, hunting, fishing, or other- wise trespassing without permis- sion on lots 36, 39 pt. 40, 55, will be prosecuted. Elmer Trick, R.R. 3, Clinton, 14 & 16-p NOTICE — HURON FISH AND Game Club, Clinton, requests that any public school children in the townships bordering the Town of Clinton who wish to hatch pheasants, contact by let- ter, John Smith, Clinton, chair- man of the Game Committee. 13-16-b NOTICE — ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No, 41,• 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 13-15ptfb PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb PROPERTY FOR SALE' IN TOWN OF CLINTON, Six- roomed cottage with hydro and town water, 1 acre land in good location south of CNR tracks, Matilda St. Possession middle of April. Apply to NEWS -RECORD. 14-p TEACHERS WANTED GODERICH TOWNSHIP School Area requires a Protestant teach- er for No.. 11 school. Apply stat- ing qualifications and salary ex- pected. Duties to commence Sep- tember 1, 1949. Frank Yeo, sec-, a retary-treasurer., R.R. 3, Clinton,' 14-15-b SPECIALS OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS Save you money. Ask for them. 0n BIRTHS BANCROFT — In " Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, . April 1, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ban- croft, Hensall, a daughter. CRICH-1'n Secat Memorial Hos pital, Seaforth, on Friday, April 1, 1949, to, Mr. and Mrs. Alden Crich, Tuckersmith, a son (William Ronald). HAMILTON—In Clinton. Public Hospital, on Thursday, March 31, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hamilton, Goderich, a daugh- ter. McLECth — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, April 3, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. Edward McLeod, Clinton, a• daughter. MIDDLETON — In Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., on Monday, April 4, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. J. Ross Middleton, (formerly of R.R. 3, Clinton), a daughter (Sharon May), a sister for Sandra. MARRIAGES FOWLER - M:cCOWAN — A t "Largis Farm," Tuckersmith, at high noon, on Saturday, April 2, 1949, by Rev. A.W. Gardiner, Egmondville, Mona Kathleen daughter of John McCowan, and the late Mrs: McCowan, to William Elgin Fowler, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fowler, Goderich. WHALE-STOTHERS — In the United Church Parsonage, Ar- thur, by Rev. P. E. Deeth, Kath- leen Bailie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, S. B. Stothers, Arthur, formerly of Clinton, to William Brock Whale, BSA, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Whale, London. Mr. and Mrs. Whale will reside in London. YOUNGBLUTT-NETHERY — In Trinity Church, Blyth, on Sat- urday, April 2, 1949, at 2 p.m., by Rev. J. L. H. Henderson, Elizabeth Isabel, eldest daugh- ter 'of the late Mr: and Mrs.' W. G. Nethery, East Wawanosh, to William Leonard, eldest son of Mr. and . Mrs. Edward J. Youngblutt, Londesboro, DEATHS BERRY — At his late residence, Btucefield, on Thursday, March 31, 1949, William W. Berry, in his 89th year. Funeral from the Beattie Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, on Sunday afternoon, April 3, to Baird's Cemetery. BIRD—At her home in Kitchen- er, following a lengthy illness, on Saturday, April 2, 1949, Em- ma J. Taylor, beloved wife of Dudley H. Bird, dear daughter of William Taylor, Science Hill; fomrerly of Stanley Township. Private funeral from the L. A. Ball Funeral Chapel, St. Marys, to Avonbank Cemetery, on Monday, April 4. CLELAND—In Listowel Memor- ial Hospital, on Saturday, April 2, 1949, Weida Stevens, beloved wife of R. A. (Bert) Cleland, Concession 4, Elm Township, and dear daughter of Mrs, Stevens, Brucefield, in her 60th year, Funeral from her late residence to Elmo Centre Cemetery, on Monday, April 4. LINDSAY—At Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday, April 4, 1949, Isabelle Little Murray, beloved wife of, Dr, John C. Lindsay, London, formerly of Clinton. Funeral from the Bennett and Pincombe-Oatman Funeral Home to Woodland Cemetery, London; on Wednes- day afternoon, April 6. WHITMORE—At her home, Lot 24, Concession 3, H.R.S., Tuck- ersmith Township, on Friday, April 1, 1949, Christena Mary Townsend, beloved wife of Samuel H. Whitmore, in her 67th year. Funeral from her late residence on Monday, April 4, to Maitlandbank Ceme- tery, Seaforth. POULTRY FOR SALE STARTED CHICK BARGAINS while they last, non -sexed, pullets, cockerels, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks old, Also turkey poults 2, 3 and 4 weeks old, .Also day-old chicks and turkey poults. Send for spec- ial sale price list. Free catalogue. Tweedle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. 14-15-b SEED FOR SALE AJAX OATS with some Six - Rowed Barley mixed in. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton 902r6, 14-p 400 BUSHEL MIXED GRAIN for sale, Robert P. Reid, Varna, phone Clinton 623r11. 14-p RED CLOVER SEED: Cleaned by Jones and McNaughton Mill, Ex- eter. Price $25 bus. cash. Elgin Porter, R.R. 4., Bayfield, phone Hayfield 55r21. 14-15-p QUANTITY OF RED CLOVER Seed, also Massey -Harris three - horse cultivator. James Lands - borough, Phone 665r16, Seaforth. 14-b 200 BUSHELS SEED OATS, Beavers; also seed potatoes: 100 begs Katandin potatoes, 75 bags Chippewa potatoes, a few bushel Netted Gem, which is a nice red smooth potato that cooks nicely. Fred Bell, R.R, 2, Goderich, phone Godetch 934r22. 13-14-b ONE McCLARY FOUR -BURNER Electric Range, side oven; one Tudhope four -burner electric range, automatic oven control (practically new); one General Electric Hotpoint annex; one brass bed with springs; three oak dining room chairs; two venetian blinds. Mrs. A. J, McMurray, Phone 159. 14-p TRUCKS FOR SALE FORD ARMY TRUCK Tor sale, in good running condition. Sutter - Perdue, phone Clinton 147. 1935 INTERNATIONAL 1/2 -TON panel truck; six roof trusses 40', will melte building 40'x112'. M. McAdam, Box 448, 'Clinton, ' 1938 DODGE TRUCK, 12/ ton, display in our windows and store., stake rack, 1941 Ford -Sedan; both CARD OF THANKS The family of the late William W. Berry, Brumfield, wilsh to thank their many friends and neighbors for their kind expres- sions of sympathy in their recent bereavement; also to the pall- bearers and to those ^Who ' :so kindly loaned cars; special thanks to Rev. E. R. Stanway; also to the quartette who so beautifully rendered "The Old Rugged Cross". CARD OF THANKS George W. Cowan, Londesboro,. wishes to thank all those who kindly remembered him while a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital, with cards, visits and en- quiries. Special thanks to the nurses and staff of the hospital, and to Dr. Draper and his assist- ants. 14-b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Michael Morrison wish to express their sinoere .appreciation to all friends and neighbors for all floral trtb- utea, mass cards, cards and all other acts of sympathy expressed in their recent sad bereavement, also to all those who remembered their father during his long ill- ness. 14-p CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Elizabeth A. Kennedy wishes to 'take this opportunity to express her appreciation and thanks to her many friends who sent flowers, fruit, "get -well" cards, Christmas cards, cheer boxes arid made friendly visits; those who remembered her in prayer; also thanks to Dr. Oakes and the "nurses for their kind- nesses during her stay in hos- pital. • 14-b PROPERTIES • FOR SALE 1. Two-storey brick dwelling, suitable for apartments, Modern conveniences. stable, 1 acre land. Im- mediate possession. 2. Two-storey . brick dwelling. Modern conveniences, part well rented now; double garage; very central. Im- mediate possession. 3. Four -roomed cottage, near- ly new, modern .conven- iences, oil burning furnace. Immediate possession. 3. Five -roomed cottage, water, hydro. Possession May 1. 5. 1M -storey frame dwelling, modern conveniences, gar- age. Immediate possession. i * * H. C LAWSON REALTOR Phone 251W - Clinton, Ont. 04,9E FIVE uick ReSU its ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (April 7-9)' Walt Disney's "BAMBI" in Tech- nicolor. All children 'should see this attraction Mon., Tues., Wed. (April 11-13) Barry Fitzgerald, Howard Duff and Dorothy Hart - The stark, realistic story of a throbbing metropolis, stripped of its glam- our. An authentic mystery filmed In Gotham with the co- operation of its mayor and police department. "THE NAKED CITY" narrated by Mark Hettinger Thur., Fri., Sat. (April 14-16) "The Man from Colorado" In Technicolor — Injustice fans the passions of strong men in an epic of the Colorado frontier -- Glenn Ford, William Holden and Allen Drew Coming (April 18-20) "WALLFLOWER" and "THE BIG PUNCH" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH' Now Playing (April - 7-9) Walt Disney's great bit "HAMM" — In Technicolor REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (April '7-9) Danny Kaye and Virginia Mayo. SONG IS BORN" Technicolor ' Mon., Tues., Wed, (April 11-1-3) Franohot Tone and' Janet Blair— presenting a riotous comedy based on the experiences of a man who wooed woe, "I LOVE TROUBLE" Thur., Fri., Sat. (April 14-16) Edmund Gwenn, Janet Leigh and Tom Drake — A simple homey story done in Technicolor by a flawless east. "HILLS OF HOME" Coming (April 18-20) "A SONG IS BORN" In Technicolor, with Danny Kaye Mats.: Wed., Sat., holidays, '2.30 Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. assentiwassamwestszotostmowast Mon., Tues., Wed. (April 11-13) Barry Fitzgerald, Dorothy Hart and 'Howard Duff—Telling about a hard-bitten chief of detectives and the crime that made him famous. , "THE NAKED CITY" Thur., IM., Sat. (April 14-16) John Wayne, Harry Carey, Jr., and Ward Bond—Peter B. Kyne's widely read yarn becomes some- thing definitely different in this Technicolored Western. "THREE GODFATHERS" Coming (April 18-20) IPranchot Tone in "I LOVE TROUBLE," Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF THOMAS CHAPMAN, late of the Township of "Tuckersmith in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. Alt persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the saine with the undersigned Solic- itor for the said Estate, on or before the 9th day of April, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of which .notice shall have been given. DATED et Clinton, this l8th day of March, A.D. 1949 F. FINGLAND, K,C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 12-13-14-b CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j DANCE — to --- KEN WILBEE and his Orchestra FRIDAY, APRIL 8 TOWN HALL, CLINTON 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. ADMISSION: SO cents plus 10 cents tax Mr. Easter Parader !! You too can have a NEW SUIT for Easter. Our selec- tion of suits is a treat to see, Newest cloths: Gabardines, Series, Worsteds, Glen Checks, Pick and Picks, Newest styles: Regulars, Longrolis, Lounge Models. Sizes 35 to 46. 29.50 to 59.50 CARD OF THANKS Sam 'Whitmore and family wish to express their deep apprecia- tion to their friends and neigh- bours for the many kind expres- sions of sympathy given to them in their recent bereavement, for the beautiful floral tributes, the loan of cars, and all other expres- sions of sympathy; special thanks to Mrs. Carnoehan and Miss Thamer, Drs. McMaster and Brady, Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Sam Scott and Mr. Whitney. 14-b BEAUTY SHOPPE ' Shampoo • Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 FIVE MINUTESlommoromoomonsomonw AFTER DEATH • WHAT WOULD A SINNER GIV,.FOR ANOTHER CHANCE? TOO LATE!! , ETERNALLY LOST NO MORE Sermons by godly pastors, NO MORE pleadings of Christian friends, NO MORE chance to accept CHRIST'S offer of free salvation. ACT NOW, BEFORE IT IS FOREVER TOO LATE! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," Acts 16:31 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, 'Calif. TOWN OF CLINTON Proclamation Daylight Saving Time SUNDAY, APRIL 24, to SUNDAY, SEPT. 25, 1949 WHEREAS the Town Council' has passed a resolution setting the date for Daylight Saving, I therefore request the citizens to observe the same. To carry out the request of the Town Council, and conforming with other adjourning municipalities, it will be necessary that all clocks be advanced one hour at 12.0.1 a.m. Sunday, April, 24, and returning to Standard Time at 12.01 a.m., Sunday, September 25, 1949. (Signed)* I OBERT Y. HA.TTIN, Mayor, Town of Clinton GOD SAVE THE KING! 14-15-16-b Is Your Home In Need Of Repair 9 • PLUMBING, SEWERAGE INSTALLATION, or REPAIR on any of your immediate needs. Full line of Concrete Equipment, ready to operate. Rates and contracts available upon request; all work done accord- ing to specifications. Make arrangements now for concrete installations; cement is now available to store for future use. Upon request, we will furnish you the amounts needed for individual requirements, McKay Contracting Co. Phone 373M -- -- Clinton Our Hearty Congratulations to RCAF Station, Clinton Topcoats of Distinction Gabardines, Coverts, Tweeds Sizes 35 to 42 29.50 to 49.50 Top off your outfit with a new Hat. Stetson or Crean. $4.95 to $10 Scott -McHale Shoes "for men, for foot "comfort. BE IN TUNE WITH THE TIMES! You name it, 'we make it.' Our made -to -measure clothing is tops in quality, style and fit. Made for you the way you like it by: Warren K. Cook, Regal Park, W. R. Johnston, Tip Top Tailors. ' Pickett � Campbell Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts CLINTON Clerk Wanted. W. L. Johnson in good mechanical condition. I� PHONE 25 and Son, phone 286 14-p Harold. Glew, phone 3553. • .- ...MI..4�,.- RCAF 1924 - 1 949 7rfAeeeee-Ate eyee O 4ewiee 2'm &✓Nada APRIL 1st • Perhaps a little late, but nevertheless sincere! (Ed. Note: This greeting was inadvertently omitted from last week's issue.) IIUGH R. HAViKINS Plumbing and Heating Business 244—PHONES--Residence 470