HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-04-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR so- tie) ial - CllC,t lY1ilW35�RECORD '1"EiiJIlS13AY Akat I.9411 VVomen's and porch Affairs in Clintonn�nn Ontario St. WA Holds as her ,closing°the perioyd with PERSONALS W EDI 1 NGS 1�2iss° No°aRe McNiE BRIDE-ELECT Meetingprayer. . The minutes of the' last meet- - -- forth; entertained about 14 .girls The Ontario 'St. United Church in and various reports were G. D. MisUelt 11{ siwndh'lli a 'YOUNGnaw'c1;Blyth, w Y' en Wednesday evening last, in WA met on Tuesday, April 5, in g three week motion at his flame Trinity Church, Blyth, was the honor of Miss Lois Whitney, the Church Hall, with the press- given, The ladies were requested in Rodney, Searle of an earl spring wedding britnredeb of thisn week,od They dent, Mrs. C. H. Venner, in the - to rkrf g some pieees of faecy I{emieth, l�attiHon, Vazncouvli�r; On Saturday, April 2, 1949,. at 2 @nloye'd bingo and bridge and chair. The meeting opened bywork or the bazaar to the next B.C., hay been renewing 9(,' U int.. ,,p.m,, when, Elizabeth Iealx;l, eld- later Miss Lenore Habkirrk and singing a hymn after which meeting. Mrs. Treleaven favour- ones 10 town tits week, oat dttugider of the late Mr, and Miss McMillan presented her with psalm was read, followed by the ed the ladies with two lovely, Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Fergus, is Mrs, W, G, Nethery, East Wawa- 'a large number of pieces of white Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. instrumentals, visiting with hoz sisttn'-hr-Jaw, nosh was united in marriage to arid' red enamelware. The devotional period was tak- The meeting closed with the Mrs, J, B. Cox, William Leonard, eldest son . of o en by Mrs. Milton Wiltse, who singing of a hymn after which Miss Lelia McKellar, Toronto, 1VIr, odd Mrs. Edward J, Young- WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB Mrs, Venner led in prayer. was a weekend t opened with a hymn, and took guest with 1VLr. Mutt, bride, des give The Girls' Club of its Wesley - and 1V1rs, Gordon Cuninghame The bride, given in marriage Willis Church will hold its reg - Arthur Saunders, Sut'ni1a, was by her brother, Alex Nethery, ular meeting on Tuesday even - a recent guest at the home of Mr wore a street -length dress of blue ing, April 12, in the Church and Mrs, Gordon Cuningitatno crepe with black accessories, and Parlour, with rs, William Mc- BAZA R Thomas Lepptn,gten has again a corsage of pink Virginia car- spec 'e group in charge, M;,• started his old 'job with Dr. W.nations, Het only ornament was speaker will be Mrs: R. S. Atkey A. Oakes, this being his 13th year. a double, strand of pearls, the who will discuss "The iDevelop- Mr, and Mrs. Hans Vander gift of the groom, merit of Canadian Literature." An Ende, New York City, visited with Mrs. Jack Snell, Londesboro invitation is extended to all inter - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leppington sister of the bride, was her only ested, especially present and last weekend. attendant, She wore a' grey crepe former teacher.. Mr. and, Mrs, R. P. Robbins, dress with black accessories and Crediton, were weekend visitors a corsage of red briarcliffe roses' Church Directory at the home of the latter's par- Stanley Youngblutt, Guelph, ents, Mr. and Mrs, John A, Sutler. brother of the groom, was best —` Mr. and Mrs, J. E, McGill and man, Rev, J. L M. Henderson Presbyterian Church daughter, Mary Jean, Windsor, performed the ceremony, spent the weekend with the for- The wedding dinner was serv- REV' Mrs. Bee 3, LANE, Minister mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James ed at the Commercial Hotel, rt Boyes, Organist A. McGill. Blyth, to guests of the immed- and Choir Leader Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale and late families, The bridal couple SUNDAY, APRIL 10 son, Ian, London, Mrs. Muihern, were assisted in receiving by' the 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School Woodstock, and Jack Fraser, To- grooms mother who wore a navy 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship ronto, were Sunday visitors at blue pin stripe suit with navy "Spiritual Perversity" the home of Arthur Dale, Huron accessories and a corsage of white 2.30 p.m.—Service at Road East. Olivet carnations. Bayfield. Elwin Merrill and Benson Sut- For travelling to Toronto and All Welcome ter spent the weekend with Mr. other points east the bride cheng- and Mrs. Kenneth C. Elliott, ed to a blue gray suit with black London, and while in the city topper and" accessories. On their attended the Spring Executive return they will reside on the meeting of London Conference, groom's farm in Hullett Township. Y.P.U. Guests were present from Mr. and Mrs. R, P. Andrews, Guelph, Clinton, Blyth and Lon - Akron, Ohio, were weekend guests desboro. with Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Gibbings, o SUNDAY, APRIL 10 Mr. Andrews; a native Clinton- 1.15 a.m,—Sunday School ian, is a brother of Mrs. Gib Wesley`wlilllis YYlY1S 7.00 p.m.—Worship Service, bings. Miss Marion Gibbings, Holds- Supper Party EVERYONE WELCOME Dundas, was also at the home of her parents for the weekend. The WMS of Wevely-well- Mr, and Mrs. Frank Taylor and United Church held a very arranged pleasant supper party party family, Toronto, have returned to '. Ontario St. United their home after being here to in the Church Hall on Thursday attend the funeral of the lady's evening, March 31, when there Church father, the late Michael Morrison. was a gynod attendance, The group had the pleasure of REV, W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs, Taylor had been with her hearing Miss Lulu Rouse, recently Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist father for some time before his returners from the China Mission and Choir Leader death and also stayed fora few days following the funeral. Fields, give an interesting ac- e count of her }work in response to AWARDS ANNOUNCED •a number of questions which Awards granted by the Educe- were asked by the ladies. Miss tional Department of the Gregg Viola Fraser Conducted a very Publishing Co.: O.A.T. (Order of ening. Waiteperiqd of rbcscomwas Artistic Typist) — Bill Ashton, singing, d discussed i c Fd as was at some Andrew Rusty, Joyce Grigg, engthtthe nhospitalization plan of Elaine McAdam, Jacqueline Mul- Hol]iand, Alice Parish, Jean the Huron Co-operative Medical Regele, Margaret Rogerson, Mar- Services. jorie Stanley; O,G,A, (Order of This social nce the the the s - Gregg Artists) —Andrew Husty, of its kind since two mis- sionary auxiliaries amalgamated Elaine McAdam, Alice Parish, Margaret Rogerson, Marjorie Stanley. Typewriting Speed Certiifeates —Elaine McAadm, 35, 40; Marg- aret Rogerson, 31, 43; Marjorie Stanley, 38, 46. SILVER JUBILEE. RCAF MARKED BY CEREMONIAL Mrs, H, C. Lawson will be soloist and Rev, Reba Hero, Varna, will HOMEMADE BAKING SALE AFTERNOON 'TEA COUNCIL CHAMBER, CLINTON Sat., April 9. 3 to 6 p.m. Candy Apron Booth AFTERNOON TEA --25 cents Auspices Clinton Presbyterian Church Girls' Club 14-b Sleep Like A Baby II on the new AIRFOAM Sleepmaster Mattress Lifetime Service Needs No Turning AIRFOAM Super -Cushioning by Goodyear May be obtained in ALL -RUBBER or REVERSIBLE (with rubber on one side and coil springs on the other) A brand-new SLEEPMASTER that will give you restful comfort that lasts "For the Sleep that Refreshes!" Hardware Specials Until Saturday Only! 2l2 pt. FLOOR ALUMINUM POLISHERS SAUCEPANS Reg. 2.19' Reg. .65, Sale .39 1 Sale L69 BALL AND MUTCH D. G. BALL Phone 361-W Funeral Directors Phone 195 W. J. MUTCH Phone 3614 (.•wwe.v ass.swd<rrrw.wo.r Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 10 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis United Church. St. Paul's Anglican Church RSV. R M. P. BULTEEL, Rector at the first of the year, was in- Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist deed a success and a very pleas- i Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir ant evening was enjoyed by all, Leader present, 0 1 SUNDAY, APRIL 10 ONTARIO ST. WMS 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship The Easter Thankoffering meet- and Sunday School ing of the WMS of Ontario St. 17.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- United Church will be held on • ship in Wesley -Willis United Tuesday evening, April 12, at Church. eight o'clock, in the Church Hall. ' be the guest speaker. All the (Continued from Page One) G. Pigeon, J. Y G. Thivierge, 'ladies Y the congregation are Wesley -Willis United G. C. Pratt and J. E. Mayman, cordially invited to attend, Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister PCESBOTEPresbyteRan' GUS' Mrs, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist Choir Leader The parade concluded the day's activities for the airmen of the station. Club will hold its monthly meet- and Mess Dinner ing at the home of . Mrs. Elmer A formal mess dinner, with all Murray on Tuesday, April 12, at 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship officers and honorary members eight o'clock, 10 of the mess in attendance, mark- Sacrament of the Lord's Supper ed the end of a memorable day,. 12.]5—Sunday School Squadron Leader Howard R. Norris, AFC, acted as master of ceremonies, Wing Cdr. A, C. Hull, DEC, commanding officer of the Station, introduced the main speaker, W. P. Roberts, Tuckersmith, formerly Chief In- structor at the Station, who dis- cussed the importance of main- taining in Canada freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and freedom of speech, H. C. Lawson, in behalf of the honorary members from Clinton, made the presentation of an en- graved silver tray, the gift being received by S/L Norris, 6°/-e; Easter Surprises ���E 25% tax now OFF All Jewel leer Come in and see our lovely' selection of: SCATTER PINS, NECKLACES and EARRINGS for your lovely new Easter Outfit. Q44 gat 411 cccasr'ca 4. M. Phone 794 II i Jeweller NEW Low -Price PERMANENT $3.00 HENRI'S Beauty Shoppe Phone 223, Clinton 14-15-b MIGNEBEMINIE COME IN AND SEE DOMINI* ELECTRIC WASHERS Outstanding value i • Come in and see our new Dominion Washers, You'll be as proud to own ono as we axe to show them to you. Now, attractive streamhao4 appearance. New Perms -Seal action washes cleaner. Price $149.50 GROVES 'ELECTRIC PHONE 274 7,00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- ship in ibis Church, "Unconscious Glory" t JUNIORS TO MEET Clinton Junior Institute and Junior Farmers will hold their regular meetings on Tuesday, April 12, at 8.30 p.m., in Ciintdn Collegiate Institute, Girls are asked to keep in mind the Box Social, The `Ladies'''' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will 'sheet in the Legion Hall on Monday even- ing, April II, . at 8.15 o'ejock. A good attendance is requested as there is important business to be discussed. Relp Wanted! SALESLADY Full Tame Employment Apply Martins' Dept. Stor.e The Thrill and- Beauty of Your Wedding is captured and held for all time in fine portrait creations by Fowler Eros. Formal or candid shots finished in b,,lack and white, sepia or color will be treasured in the years to come. . owlet . /Motlie'i PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford % •Meer r MNMN.M) Something New! PINEAPPLE COCOANUT CAKE Order One for Saturday HOT CROSS BUNS — Really Delicious Sat., April 9 — Thurs., April 14 — Sat., April 16 Compliments to RCAF! Mat' we add our token of ap- , predation to the members of the RCAF on the celebra'fion of its Silver An- niversary! The Jubilee marks A quarter century of fine service to Canada! BARTLIFF BROS. We're set to help YOU ,:wt:sn .-=^.,4"--'•.= - .. �.:nun-rms-x+rss:�-�s:�--_ --'*fir..--�: Be the BEST Dressed Lady in the Easter PARADE Daily new fashions are corning in. Won't you come in too, and let us show you the pick of the crop? Dresses C teats Suits SHORTIES BLOUSES Purses Gloves Scarves Hose Lingerie They are all here for your inspection DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! SEE THEM NOW! IRWIN'S