HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-03-31, Page 8PAGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY; MARCIt 87, om.en's ane ,hurl ►this %Clinlon 1948 ._. Disric PERSONALS 11 Ross Merrill is in Toronto this Week on business. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes left Thursday last for a ten-day motor trip to Virginia and North Carolina. Mrs. T. G. Scribbins and dau- ghter, Miss Mary, spent the week- end as guests of Mrs. F. F. Mc- Ewen, Toronto. Miss Mary E. Lane, University of Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs.\ Andrew Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter are in Atwood to -day attending the funeral of the latter's uncle, the late Harold Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley F. Haddy, London, attended the CCI At - Home on Friday evening last, and spent the weekend at the home of Miss Erhmo Levis. Miss Helen Cook left Saturday for a vacation trip to the West Coast. Miss Cook travelled by bus, going via The United States and planning to return via Canada. Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Gibson' and daughter, Miss Beatrice, have re- turned to town after spending the winter in Stetter, Alta., and intend making their home here once more. Mr, and Mrs. William Lee, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Mann end Douglas, and Douglas .Kennedy, spent Tuesday in Toronto and during the evening sew the Maple Leafs trim Boston 3-4. Miss Ruby V. Irwin returned eight in singing, on Saturday from a pleasant trip to South America. This week Miss Irwin is visiting her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. end Mrs C. Vessey, St. Marys. Robert H. Maxwell, who has been assistant accountant of Clin- ton Branch of The Royal Bank of Canada since June 1948, .has been transferred to the Stratford Branch and reported there Mon- day. ,j,. ! 10414 Mr. end Mrs. George F. Jack- son, Clifford and 13511 Cooper, Mrs. William Gains and son, Don - Aid. Wayne, all of Flint, Mich„ spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, CIarence Cooper and other relatives in this district, Mrs. F. W. Johnston has re- turned to her home after spend- ing the winter months at Ashfield and Goderich. ,She was accomp- anied home by Mrs. Ohler end iVir. and Mrs. J. Moss who re- mained with her for a few days. Little Joyce Priestap, Mitchell, niece of O. G. Priestap, Layton's Garage; has carried off glories at spent on Thuda last, h is y w en , marquisette, She wore a should the Stretford Music Festival. She neighbours numbering over 20 er-length veil with matching placed third in -open class for gathered at the home of Mr. and headdress of pink rosebuds, and piano under nine years, obtain- Mrs. Ronald MacDonald to hon- carried a cascade of white car- ing 88 marks. In addition, she our Mr. and Mrs. Albert James nations and blue for -get -me - teemed with Shirley McPherson, prior to t heir departure from note also of Mitchell, to win second town. 'The flower girl, Miss Dawn prize in the open piano duett Cards and a happy social get- Elaine Ball, cousin of the bride, class under nine, receiving 85 together featured the evening and looked dainty in a floor -length marks. The first prize in this following the cards Mr. and Mrs. gown of blue taffeta and net, with class went to a pair from Toron- James were presented with a matching headdress, and carried to. Her brother, John, six years handsome wall mirror, both Mr. a nosegay of pink and white car - old, headed all entrants under and Mrs. James expressing their nations, gratitude for this remembrance. Gordon McLeod, London, was Delicious refreshments brought the groomsman end the ushers Baptist Ladies' Aid Hears About Missions Clinton Baptist Ladies' Aid held its monthly meeting at the parsonage on Tuesday afternoon, March 29. . The president, Mrs. A. Forsyth, conducted the devo- tional period and presenteda missionary topic based on the biography of Mary Bates Mc. Laurin, Mrs,. Alkenhead officiat- ed at the piano. A quizz was conducted by the pastor, resulting in Mrs. J. R. Butler and Mrs. W. Aikenhead having the highest scores. Mrs. Clifford presented the treasurer's current report show- ing that the society was funct- ioning very successfully. Ar- rangements were made to stim- ulate missionary interest, and sealing was !allocated to the members. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Couple Are Honored Before Leaving Town Miss Jean Weymouth, only sis- ter of the bride, was becoming A very pleasant evening was in a floor -length gown of pink •-..*t.*** -4-4. 44 -o1********** -*******-4, SPRING WEDDINGS. HARRISON—WAYIVIOUTH St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, March 19, when Doris Irene, eld- er daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Weymouth, Clinton, and Roy Gordon, only son of Mrs. Harr- ison and the. late John A. Harr- ison, Goderich, were iunited in marriage. The 'double -ring cere- mony was solemnized by Rev. Beverley Farr. A. W. Anderton, organist of the church, played appreciative wedding music. Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride was charming in her wedding gown of white satin °simply fashioned with high neckline, long fitted sleeves and circular train. A sweetheart head dress of orange., blossoms held her finger tip veil. She carried a satin covered pray- er book, drained with 'white gar- denias • JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER • BOYS' TWEED SUITS SIZES: 3 to 6 COAT AND ,SHORT ' PANTS AS LOW AS S6.95 Older Boys' SUITS Sizes 7-13 Years with Two Pair Pants at only - j $14.95 MARTINS PHONE 36W PHONE 36J av 25 Years of Service to Canada Jiatl and Alutcli .9ane'ial Wont e HIGH STREET, CLINTON The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms and E1eciric Organ are Not i the Least. There is No Extra Charge for Services Held Here Under Such Ideal Condition's, _ 40. BALL AND M1UTCH D. G. BALL Phone 361-W Funeral Directors Phone 195 W. J. MUTCH Phone 3614 a very enjoyable evening to a were Leslie Riley and Fred Wh- close. ittinghem, ,.both of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. James have pur- For her .daughter's wedding chased a farm in the Brussels Mrs. Weymouth chose a dress of area and plan to leave for their turquoise blue with black access - new home about the first of April. ories and a corsage of pink car- nations. The groom's mother Mrs. Wendorf's Pupils chose green with snatching acc- essories and a corsage of pink Do Well at Festival carnations. Following a reception at Hotel Clinton, the happy couple left on a wedding trip to the United States, the bride travelling in a black printed silk dress with grey accessories. On their return Mr, and Mrs. Harrison will reside in London. Guests were present from Strat_ ford, Toronto, New Liskeard, Lon- don, Kitchener, and Clinton, FORRESTER—WEST Beautiful bouquets of daffodils added a touch of spring to Park St. United Church, Orono, when Donna Elizabeth, daughter of Mr.- and r:and Mrs. Albert West, Orono, was united in marriage to Roy Clar- ence Forrester, son of Mr. and. A number of pupils and schools from this district have been competing at the recent Stratford Music Festival, Several of these have been trained by Mrs. E. Wendar, 'Clinton. S.S. No. 8, McKillop, one of the schools Mrs. Wendorf attends regularly as musical supervisor, received 90 marks and is the winner of the Gordon V. Thomp- son cup. This school also won a shield and three third class cer- tificates. Richard and Jane Mary Snell, children of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snell, likewise pupils of Mrs. Wendorf, were among the high- ranking children. Richard came Mrs. Roy A. Forrester, formerly in second in his class, and Jane of Chilton. The ceremony was Mary received over 80. performed by Rev. A. E. Eustace. Mrs. Wendorf is to be congrat- The wedding music was played by Iuioted on the splendid contribu- Mrs. Workman, Bowmanvllle and on she has made to the musical during the signing of the register !life of the children of Huron, Glen Allin.sang .`Because". ti o Given in marriage by her bath- Counter, the bride was exquisite in a 1 y Home Folks white .slipper satin gown with Well Entertained french lace and flowing train. H 1 ddr A Sunday School class from Main Si. United Church, Exeter, made a real hit at Huron County Home on Tuesday evening when •they entertained the old folks to a splendid programme and left lovely treats. The programme consisted of duet's, eccordian solos, five short comic films and community singing. Before de- parting two bushels of treats. consisting of orenges, candy and apples, were left to be enjoyed by the Home residents. This delightful evening on Tuesday was the third programme to have been presented by var- ious groups from Exeter since Christmas. Her sea •ass was a seed pearl trimmed coronet with full length veil, SIre carried a cascade bou- quet of white Starlight roses and narcissus. The bridesmaid, Miss Beverley Payne, was lovely in pink moire taffeta with headdress of goss- amer pink French -made flowers with shoulder-Ienglh veil to match, She carried pink carnat- ions and mauve sweet peas. Robert Cooper attended the groom as best man. The ushers were Junior West, brother of the bride, and John Forrester, broth- er of the groom. After the ,ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Albert. West where more than 50 guests enjoyed a deject• - FOOD MARKET SPRING SALE Royal York ORANGE PEKOE 1/2 lb. pkg. . 42c SAVE .10'c Pound Stokely's TOMATO JUICE 20 OL. tins 2 for 17c Aylmer. CATSUP 11 oz. 2 bottles 31c Nabob COFFEE 1 lb. bag 59c • Aylmer Vegetable SOUP 3 10 oz. tins 25c SWIFT'S CLEANSER lc deal 3 tins 26c ELL-MARR PEANUT il BUTTER 16 oz. jar 35c NETHEY'S RASPBERRY JAM . 24 oz. jar 31c Sp cial: 2 PKGS 23c Fresh Cottage Cheese Every Thursday FREE DELIVERX ..PHONE 311 able luncheon, Mrs,. West, mother of the bride, received wearing a figured Jersey gown with cor- sage of white roses. She was assisted by Mrs. Forrester, moth- er of the groom, wearing an ice green silk crepe gown with cor- sage of pink sweet peas. The happy couple left on a motor trip to New York City, the bride travelling in a navy blue Hound's ,Tooth suit with corsage of Johanna Hill roses.. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. George Houck, Iroquois; Mr. and Mrs, Fred Forrester, Ex- eter; Dougles Forrester, Oshawa; Miss Jeanne Forrester, Miss Eth- 1 el Boucle, C. D. Boucle, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Maluske, all of Toronto. 0 PRESBYTERIAN WA The WA of Clinton Presbyter- ian Church will meet in the Church on Tuesday afternoon, April 5, at three o'clock. Church Directory Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 2 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 e.m.—Divine Worship "Good—But Not Good Enough" 2.30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield. All Welcome Baptist Church REV. A, FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 2 1.15 a.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Worship Service. EVERYONE WELCOME Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 2 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service Holy Communion 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- ship in St, Paul's Anglican Church. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R, M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 2 1.00 a.m.—Holy Communion and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- ship in this church. Friday—Lenten Service, 7,30 p.m. Wednesday, April 6 — Board of Management in Memorial Hall, 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 5—Ladies' Guild in Owen Memorial Hall, 3 pm. Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, APRIL 2 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- ship in St. Paul's Anglican Church. Clinton- WI Hears Talk by Mrs. Lockhart Clinton Women's Institute held its March meeting in the Agri- cultural Office Board doom on Thursday, March 24, with an at- tendance of 25 members and six visitors. With the president, Mrs. Sturdy, in the chair, the meeting opened with singing the Institute Ode, and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The minutes were read and approved and treasurer's monthly statenient given. After bills and cornmenications had been read by. the secretary, several business matters were discussed. Mrs. B. C. Hearn favored by singing two Irish songs, "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" and "By Killarney's Lakes and Delis," accompanied by Mrs. M. J. Agnew at the piano. These were much enjoyed, WESLEY-WILLIS, WA The WA :of Wesley -Willis Unit ed Church will hold its monthl meeting in the Church Parlou on Thursday afternoon, April at three o'clock. o: ONTARIO ST. WA The WA of Ontario St. Unite Church will meet on Tuesda April 5, in the Church Hall a 3 p,m. St. John's Ward will sere lunch. Mrs. Lockhart, . Goderich, In stitute District President, addres sed the ladies on "The Secon Forty Years," which was vet interesting and instructive. Mrs. Cecil Ashton conducted a contest in which all took part. The next meeting on April 28 will be election of 'officers, at which a full attendance is sought, The meeting closed with sing. ing the National Anthem, and the hostesses served. . refreshments. Spring is Here- with only Two Weeks until Easter Let us help you put Spring into • your heart and wardrobe! Never have Fashions been so Gay and Becoming. Never have our styles been so blooming with ,excite- ment. Fashions you'll thrill to— designed to bring a lift to your walk and new grace- ful lines to your clothes. Today more than ever YOUR FURS should have expert care. Protect them from moths, dust, fire, and theft to maintain their beauty ,t and long life. Store them no\;'! IRV�/IN'S r0,0000 00." r04 1 Wedding Portraits of Exceptional Merit! A Bridal Portrait from Fowler Bros Studio is worthy of the event it commemorates. You end your wedding party will appreciate the many conveniences we offer to make you comfortable. And, to assure you a complete picture story, Fowler Bros. skilled candid photographers will record the ceremony, end the reception, as you direct, 3owlei /3iotIie ri PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McLiNvan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and • Stratford The Perfect Gift For Easter CHOCOLATES by Moir's Smiles n' Chuckles Patterson's Neilson's McCormick's Chocolate Easter Novelties for the Kiddies EGGS • BUNNIES • ROOSTERS All Our Chocolates and Candies are Tax Free While • Shopping or after the Show, drop in for a Tasty Lunch, Sundae or Soda Bartliff Bros. PHONE i Bakers and Confectioners CLINTON