HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-03-31, Page 2PAGE TWO
lnterestn� Items
Miss Lucy R, Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3
L, S. Walden, London, was in
the village on Friday.
Mrs. C, A, Burt, Stratford, was
in the village an Thursday..
E, A. (Featherston, London,
, was home over.: the weekend,
Glenn Brendon left on Sunday
on a trip to the Canadian West.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Stewart,
Hamilton, were at their home in
the village over the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. Hlayman and son,
London, were at their cottage in
Joweti's Grove on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd 1Vlakins'
went to Toronto on Sunday to
attend the Hairdressers' Conven-
Miss Betty Heard, London,
spent a few days last week with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Em-
erson Heard.
.Rev, and Mrs. F. H. Pauli,
Listowel, were the guests of Mrs.
N. W. Woods on Tuesday and
Members of .the .family of Mrs.
M. MacKenzie gathered at her
,home in the village on Monday
to celebrate her birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. George McLean
returned to their cottage in the
village on Saturday after having
spent the winter in Port Elgin.
Members of the family of Mrs.
Alf: Scotchrner, Sr., surprised her
on her birthday, March 25, and
held a family party at her home.
Mr, and Mrs. H. Edwards, Sr.,
end Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards,
Jr., Landoll, spent the weekend
with' Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bailey,
Mr. end Mrs. Howard Burt and
Ronald Burt, London, were with
their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
F. W. Baker, over the weekend.
Members of Trinity Church
Sunday School are planning a
bake sale to be held in Corrie's
Store on Saturday afternoon for
their Lenten mite boxes.
Mr. end Mrs. George Little re-
turned home on Monday after
having spent a few days in
Windsor and attended the wed-
ding of the former's niece on
Mrs. A. Ford King and Mrs.
M. C. Hart returned to Toronto,
and Fred Ritchie to Elmvale, laaet
week. Mrs. Ritchie remained for
a longer visit with her father,
George King. '
Mrs. R. Peck and daughters,
Mrs. Douglas Varty and Mrs,
Grace Barry, London, were in
the village on Wednesday of East
week. Mrs. F. W. McEwen, who
had been their guest for a week
in London, returned to • the vil-
lage with ,them,
Guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alf. Westlake for a few
days over the weekend included:
his aunt, Mrs, Ezra Smith, her
son; Joiin Smith, Mrs. Smith and
son, Johnny, Detroit. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Smith and soil also visit-
ed ottkea relatives in the district.
Posted to Edmonton
WO A. Crewe, RCAF Station,
Clinton, who has made ins home
in the village for the past year
and a half, has been posted to
Edmonton and leaves to-dey
(Thursday) to assume his new
duties at that station. Mrs. Crewe
and children will follow at a
later date.
1 Film Board Showings
`The National Film Board show..
I Inge will he given in Bayfield
Wednesday, April 6, at the sebool
let 2.30 p.m., and in the Town
+Hall at 8.30 p.m. The series In-
cludes: Department of Education
'films—"Seed DispersaI'', "Child -
'ren of Holland"; Film Board films
;—"Eye • Witness No. 8", "Home
?Town Paper", "Get Rid of Rats",
"You'll take the Highroad", "In-
side the Atom", and Huron County
Field Day at Goderich, June, 1948.
Community Club Meets
A meeting of Hohnseville Com-
munity Club was held in the
school Monday evening, March
28, with president Harry Wil-
liams, secretary -treasurer D. E.
Glidden and the committee of
Mrs. P. Palmer, Mrs. William
Batkin, Jack Sturdy and Raymond
Whitmore all present. After the
reading of the secretary -treasur-
er's report ,showing an expendi-
ture of $105.73 for equipment,
comprising chairs, card tables,
dishes and coffee maker, and
$105.78 for orchestra, lunch sup-
plies, etc., there was a balance
showing of $50,31.
After a short discussion, the
committee decided to donate $15
to the Red Cross and an addition-
al $10 to a previous donation of
$38 to Clinton Public Hospital
mede earlier in the season.
crit Your . .
— at —
Note the new Phone No,-15—Bayfield
At the Park House, Goderich
Frog Legs, Fish, Chicken and Steak
Served from 12 noon until 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m.
until 7.30 p.m. every Sunday
Special consideratian given for , edding breakfasts,
banquets and private parties
Phone 859J or 685, Goderich
or write
Mr. or Mrs. C. I. Buck
Froiin News -Record's Correspondents
Bayfield Telephone Operators -=
Telephone users of the Bayfield area are now making their calls through their own
Central exchange, following the official "cutting in" ceremony a few days ago. The picture
above shows the Bayfield staff (left to right): MISS ANN TAIT, MISS ELLA McKAY; and
MRS. MALCOM TOMS, chief operator. ieleilteleileetielereeesel.rel r.a;,aaL:a., .. 1.1 .
Flowers from Overseas
Mrs. Harry Horton, Hensall,
Tuesday received a lovely box of
flowers, containing violets, prim-
roses, primulars, and ivy, picked
from the garden of her brother,
J, W, Page, Heston, England, in
happy memories of a year ago
when Mr. and Mrs. Horton visit-
ed there. The flowers, which
took two days to cross the ocean,
were in splendid, condition on
Rebekalis Hold Social
Members of Amber Rebekah
Logde, Hensall, motored to Sea-
forth Monday evening, March 28,
and ware guests of Edelweiss
Rebelcah Lodge. They report a
delightful evening, being royally
entertained by Seaforth Lodge.
Seaforth initiated three new
members into their lodge. Prize
winners from Hensall in the draw
were: Mrs. George Walker, Mrs.
H. Faber, Mrs. J. Urgrain, Mrs,
C. Passomre, Mrs. J. 12. McEwan,
Mrs. G. Swale, Mrs. R. Elgie,
Eerl Campbell, Refreshments
were served.
Appointed Assessor
D. E. McKinnon was appointed
assessor at a salary of $150 a year
at a meeting of Hensel" Council.
James A. Paterson, clerk and
treasurer, reported on interviews
with various officials in London
regarding false fire alarms and
rewards that could be offered for
the apprehension of guilty per-
sons. Tax arrears are $335.89, he
Constable Frank Harburn was
instructed to order a new uniform
The clerk and assessor were ap-
pointed to attend a meeting of
assessing officers in • Harriston,
March 16,
Large Selection
of wallpaper
16c to $S a roll
Now is the time to think about your Spring
Painting and Papering
Drop in and consult us for suggestions
re attractive designs and colour schemes.
Our 34 years' experience invaluable assis-
tance to all your .decorating problems.
We carry a full line of:
Painters and Decorators
Phone 234-W Huron St.,, Clinton
Co-operative Banquet
The annual meeting and ban-
quet of 'Hensel' District Co -Op-
erative was held in the town hall
here. Over 200 members attended.
Chairman for the evening was
Sam Hendrick, Dashwood,
Turnover of over $215,000, an
increase of $99,000 over 1947, was
N. M. Marshall. Fordwich, pre-
sident of United Co -Operatives of
Ontario was guest speaker,
Directors for 1949 are: John
Armstrong, Zurich; Sam Hendrick
Dashwood; Edison Forrest, Hen-
seli; Duncan Cooper, Kippen;
Harvey Taylor, Brucefield; Gor-
'don Love, Kenneth Etue, Zurich;
Bert Kropp, Jurich, secretary.
(Intended for last week)
Mr. aura Mrs. Earl McKellar,
London, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes.
• The Junior Choir will occupy
the seats of the choir loft next
Sunday morning, March 27, in
the United Church,.
Mr. and Mrs. Leaton Seimon,
accompanied by Mrs, Seimon, Sr„
Zurich, spent the weekend in
Kitchener, and visited with, Doug-
las Seimon, eight-year-old son of
,Mr. end Mrs. Orland Seimon; who
is seriously ill in Kitchener
To Pack Bale
I A 'bele of used clothing will
be packed early in May for over-
seas relief, under the auspices of
I the Woreen's Missionary Society
of the United Church.
gWCTU Meets
The Women's Christian Teinp-
erance Union, Hensall and Exe-
ter Units, held their March
meeting hr the besernen:t of the
United' Church, Tuesday after-
noon, Mrs. E. Geiger, president,
was in the chair, the devotional
was taken by Mrs. Maude }led
den, concluding the devotional
with a solo, accompanied by Mrs.
F. Appleby at the. piano. 'Wetly
interesting items were discussed
ducting the business session. Miss
Consitt.read an interesting paper
and Mrs. Geiger reviewed a por-
tion of the sudy book, "Alcohol
or .Christ" Closing hymn, "I
would be true" ane prayer by
Mrs: F. Appleby. The April
meeting: will be held in' Exeter.
Newlyweds Feted
A delightful evening was spent
in the Town Hall, Hensall, Fri-
day evening, March 18, when a
reception was held for Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Peebles (the former
Marion Sangster), and a recent
bridal couple. Out-of-town guests
were present from London, Lin-
wood, Wingham, and other points.
Music for the dance was furnish_
ed by the Shamrocks. Mr. Peebles
on 'behalf of his wife and himself
expressed thanks for the many
beautiful and costly gifts which
they received. Delicious refresh-
ments were served.
WINS Entertains
The Women's Missionary So-
ciety of the United Church held
its annual birthday party in the
church schoolroom Thursday af-
ternoon, March 17, and was one
of the most successful birthday
parties to have been held. Invited
guests for the affair were the
ladies from Carmel Presbyterian
Church end St. Paul's Anglican
Church, Hensall,
The schoolroom was a bower
of beauty with St. Patrick's em-
blems, and an array of lovely
potted flowers, the attractive tea
table centred a bouquet of daf-
fodils, and candelbras containing
yellow and green tapers, lending
an added oharm, Mrs. W. B,
Cross, president of the society,
presided. Soft music was played
The monthly meeting of Lon-
don Road Club was head at the
home of Mrs, Cooper, Mrs. And-
erson occupied the chair. The
meeting opened with the singing
of"I'll take yon home again,
Monthly reports were given as
follows: Secretary, Mrs. R. Scott;
treasurer, Mrs. R. Pluinsteel;
flower, Mrs. N. Manning, Roll
call was answered by 11 members
and two visitors. Thank you notes
were read from Mrs. Clegg on
behalf of . Mrs, Farquhar who has
been ill, and from B. Waldron,
It was decided to hold a card
party in the near future. '
The mystery box was won by
Mrs. N. Mannings The St, Pat
rick': programme was in charge
of Mrs. R. Plumsteel.- Readings
were given by Mrs. H. Plumsteel,
Miss Ruth Manning, Mrs, Ben-
nett, Mrs. R. Plumstee}. ' Two
contests were conducted by Mrs.
R. Plumsteel with the winners
being Mrs. R. Plumsteel and Mrs.
Members are asked to note that
the next meeting will be held
one week earlier than usual at
the home. of Mrs. LeBeau,
by Mrs. T. J. Sherritt preceding
the meeting, The Scripture read-
ing was read by Mrs, A. W.
Shirray; the devotional, "Faith
in God," by Mrs, Maude Red-
den, and prayer offered by Miss
Jean Murray. Artists appearing
on the program ,were Miss Greta
Laramie with a violin selection,
accompanist, Miss Gladys Luker;
piano solo, Mrs. J. C. Goddard;
reaching, Mrs. R. H. Middleton;
vocal duett, Mrs, W. Brown, end
Mrs. Harold Bell, with Mrs, P.
A. Ferguson at the piano; piano
duett, Mrs. E. L. Mickle and Miss
Florence Welsh; each of the art-
ists presenting delightful num-
bers, and some of them with an
Well flavour.
Mrs. Cross introduced the guest
speaker, Dr. Annabel' McEwan,
London, who addressed the meet-
ing comparing Christianity, Mo-
hammedanism, and Hinduism. She
was listened to with much plea-
sure from an appreciative aud-
ience. Mrs. R. H. Middleton 'end
Mrs. A. D. McEwan spoke on
behalf of the ladies of the local
churches for the invitation ex-
tended, and for a delightful
Luncheon was served, Mrs. R.
A. Brook and Mrs, C. Stephen-
son poured tea, and a birthday
cake was served by Mrs. C. Cook,
Decorating committee were Mrs.
M. G. Drysdale, Mrs. E. L. Mickle,
Mrs. R. J. Paterson, Mrs. N. E.
Cook; program—Mrs. Maude Hed_
den, Mrs. T. J. Sherritt, Mrs. G.
Hess; Reception—Mrs. Brook, Miss
A. Consitt, Mrs. George Thomp-
son, convened they lunch com-
mittee. Members and guests
,numbering 144 were present.
Goderich Township
Ernie Townsend has been
quite i11 the pest week and is
not much better.
Syrup Season Over
The syrup season is over, the
shortest . in history. Altough
quantity was small, syrup was of
very good quality.
Frank Thompson and Jaynes
R. Stirling • are attending the
Warble Fly School in Guelph this
Federation to' Meet
The regular meeting of the
Goderich Township Federation of
Agriculturewill be held on
Tuesday, April 5, in SS, No. 4
at 8.20 p.m. The usual films
will be shown and business meet-
ing in addition. The school child-
ran will attend at S,S. No. 2 at
2.30 pen.- of the same. day.
LUCKNOW—At a banquet held
in the Town Hall, steps were
taken to forma Lucknow and
vicinity 'Chamber of Commerce,
A Play
By Walton W.M.S.
Constance United
Friday, April 1
at 8 o'clock
:Sponsored by the Woman's
Admission 35c and 200
I am in a position to take
a few orders for
The "DION"
Steel Thresher
Leonard Sararas
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