HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-03-17, Page 5ar'I3URSI)A'1', MARCH a'7, 1949 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE' Views -Record Classified AdletS Bring Quick Results CASH .RATE --(If paid•. by Wed- MOUSES FOR SALE nesday following date of inner- tiou)-One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents)'; sub- aequent insertions one cent a word {(minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direr- Viten to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. 1EA1yLINE-6 p.m. Wednesday „ACCOMMODATION WANTED :LIVING ACCOMMODATION, furnished or unfurnished, needed 'by Sherlock -Manning employee, One child in 'family: Please mall -463M. 11-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1934 CHEVROLET COACH, three new tires, new ,17 -plata. battery, $400. Heater, Seal Beam Head- lights, H. Kingswell at Haugh- lon's Welding Shop. 11-p 1940 DODGE Five -Passenger Coupe, newly painted; 1939 Dodge Sedan; both , in good condition. J. E. Howard, 'Bayfield, phone Clinton ' 624r31. l0btfb BOARDERS WANTED CAN GIVE ROOM and BOARD to one person. Contact Mrs. Harry Riley, Fulton St., Clinton, 11-12-p .BUILDINGS FOR SALE LARGE FRAME ROUSE; must be •removed from premises on which it is located. This building contains much valuable building material. Harry M. Ford, Gode- rich. 11-13-b ,CLOTHING FOR SALE ¶rWO MEN'S SUITS about size 38-40 Greyish blue worsted, three-piece, greyish black wors- ted, two-piece, both in good con- dition. Apply Douglas Bartliff, phone 219W. 11-p WHITE CHIFFON EVENING gown, size 12, never worn in 'Clinton. phone -115W. 11-p ;SPRING TOPCOAT, armourcord rnaterTal, size 36, in good con- dition. .Phone 50 or 9W. 11-b EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ABOUT 100 SAP PAILS and pan. John - McGuire, .phone Clinton S02r5. 11-p FARMS FOR SALE APPROXIMATELY 85 ACRES of clay land on Concession 10, Goderich Township,never failing well with windmill; must be sold to ' close estate. Harry M. Ford, Goderich. 11-13-b HIGHWAY, 81 ACRES, 24 wheat, 20 ploughed, seven -room red brick house, wired, furnace, bath, pressure water, garage, bank barn, spring possession, William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter-. 11-13-p YOUR CHOICE -100 acres or 10 acres with buildings; 10.20 trac- tor, 18 foot canoe. Apply Satur- day, B. Thompson, Clinton, alk miles west on highway. 11-b 125 ACRES LEVEL TILLABLE dark clay loam, brick house, large bank barn, 21 miles to public or separate schools. 36,000 'cash or terms. April possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 11-p Too -ACRE CHOICE CLAY LOAM 'Farm, east half of lot 21, conces- sion 2, Mullett, mile east of Clin- ton, mile north, just off No. 8 'Highway, On farm is situated 3M storey frame house, bank barn e4 x 36, hen house 24 x 18, and implement shed. Water 'supply -consists of spring and dug well. Close to good schools and church ns. Mrs. Humphrey Snell, phone 2071;13. 11-b FOR RENT PASTURE -100 ACRES, in Stan- ley Township, fenced into fields, drained, plenty of water and -shade. Apply Box "L", NEWS- 'RECORD. 10-12-b HELP WANTED -MALE A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY of becoming your own boss! Retail our 250 guaranteed house- hold necessities including the full line of Insecticides, in a territory of your choice. Part time agents •considered, Hundreds of success-" ful Familex agents started with a borrowed $25 or $50. No risk- it is worth a trial. Travelling -equipment essential in rural dist- ricts, Business is gbod - Write today for details and free catel- 'ogue-FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimer, Montreal, 10-15-b TOWN O1+ 'CLINTON, one -floor instil brick cottage, neerly new, living room with dinette space, modem kitchen with . built-in cupboards, two bedrooms with closet space, three-piece bath with built-in tub, hardwood floors, fully insulated, full base- ment, furnace equipped with oil burner, good location, immediate possession, Apply 13. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251-W, Clinton. • 9bftb HONEY FOR SALE A• BARGAIN IN HONEY!! The lack of dollars In Europe has temporarily ruined export mar- ket for honey and caused surplus in Canada. This gives you the opportunity to purchase 65 lb. tin of mild amber honey for 37.50. If you can use this quantity phone 315 or see T ':G..Scribbins, Vic- toria St. 10-11-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COW, six years old, due May 5. Property of the estate of the late J. W. Elliott. Apply Gordon Elliott, Brucefieid, phone Seeaforth 659r22. 11-b BLUE ROAN BELGIAN Gelding, age seven, excellent worker. Frank Falconer, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone 615r16. 11-p THREE JERSEY COWS; one five- year-old, registered, with papers, freshened three weeks; one five- year-old, due this month: one two-year-old heifer, due in July, milking well; two nine -months - old grade heifers, H. Managhen, phone Clarion. 376-W. 11-p LOST AND FOUND LOST -DARK BROWN FEMALE Collie with white markings, strap 041 her neck: Answers to name of Lassie. Contact owner by phoning Seaforth 656r13, 11-b . MISCELLANEOUS SAW FILING, ALL KINDS -done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, various lengths. Enquire. 11-18p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines- cabinet end portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, "$ Ontario St., Stratford. ltfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 air 936r32, Goder- leh. 2btfb PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de -moth - Mg, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb SPECIALS STOP, LOOK and SECURE Your share ,of weekly specials on dis- play in our windows and store. Phone 286, W. L. Johnson and Son. 11-p STOVES FOR SALE COAL AND WOOD STOVE, baked white enamel front with reservoir and heating compart- ment, in A-1 shape. Call Gordon Marshalls house, James St. 10-11-ptfb 4 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received up to April 2, 1949, for rewiring No.1 School. Blue prints can be seen at Frank McCowan's; work to be completed by July 30, 1949. Low- est tender not necessarily ac- cepted. George L. Reid, secre- tary -treasurer, Stanley Township School Area, Varna. 10-11-b WANTED TO RENT 100 ACRES OF PASTURE with water. Write or phone. Wilfred Ross, R.R. 3, Kippen, phone Men- sal] 86r32. 11-p BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 ,� 1'�.`T.�"�f�IH MNw�'iN.�H�»HN Ht»H:Ht1. H�H�Nt W.,,F,,W HH �fM�iHNF ��}�.%•AK�4"!''i^,�r YOUR HEADQUARTERS '. • 3i for Plumbing Supplies • BATH TUBS - on feet and Recess tubs .... . .... $55 and up PEDESTAL BASINS WALL BASINS KITCHEN SINKS 3€ Plumbing now in stock: • TOILETS, --priced from $45 to $75 t Order now befot•e supply gets limited .i JGH R. HAi KI S Plumbing -and Heating Business 244-PHONES-Res��,.�yind.Ye-,nyce 470 BIRTHS GOVIER-In Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, March 13, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Govier, East Wawanosh, a son. LEPPINGTON, - In Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, an Tuesday, March 8, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. William Leppington, Toronto, formerly of Clinton, a son (Larry). MANN -In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, on Wednesday, March 9, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross lViann (Lola Haste) R.R. 4, Wingham,, a son (Harvey Arnold). McMICHAEL-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, March 18, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMichael, Clinton, a daughter (Linda Diane). PI'CKETT In ClintonPublic Hospital, on Saturday, March 12, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth J. Pickett, 'Clinton, a son (Wilfred Larry). RILEY-In Clinton, on Monday, March 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Riley, Clinton, a son (LaVerne Keith). WALL --, In Wingham General. Hospital, on. Saturday, Maroh 5, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall. (nee Marjorie Arthur), Langside, a daughter. WELBANKS-In. Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, March 13, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Welbank, Clinton, a son (Charles Robert). WILKIN-In Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Monday, March 14, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs.eorge Wilkin (nee Betty Craigg,Au Au- burn), a son. MARRIAGES PEEBLES-SANGSTER - In the manse of Carmel Presbyterian. Church, Hensel?, by Rev. P. A. Ferguson, on -Saturday, March 12, 1949, Marion Isobel Sang- ster, London, daughter of Mrs. Sangster and the late James Sangster, Mansell, to John Ar- thur Peebles, Hensall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peebles, 'Linwood. DEATHS FRAZIER In Oxford, Mich., on Monday, March 14, 1949, Mrs, Jessie Frazier (formerly Miss Jessie Anderson, Kippen), in her 87th year. Funeral at Ox- ford, Mich., at 2 p.m., Thurs- day, March 17. HUDSON At his home in Men- sal]. on Saturday, March 12, 1949, Thomas Hunter Hudson,. in bis 83rd year. Funeral from Carmel Presbyterian Church, Bengali, to Hensall Union Cemetery, Monday afternoon, March 14. MILLS -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, March 11, 1949, John Albert Mills, Blyth, be- loved husband of Annie Mc- Intosh, in his 81st year. Fun- eral from family residence, Blyth, to Blyth Union Ceme- tery, Monday afternoon, March14.. McMILLAN - At her hone in London, on Monday, March 14, 1949, Mary Elizabeth Taylor, beloved wife of William G. MCMiileu. Funeral from St. Andrew's United Church, Blyth, to Blyth Union Cemetery, at 2 p.m., Thursday, March 17. SMITH - Suddenly, in Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, March 12, 1949, Arthur L. Smith. Funeral from tale Beat- tie Funeral Home, Rattenbury St. E., Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery on Tuesday, March 15, Notice to Creditors STEPHENSON-Suddenly, et his home, Egmondville, David J, Stephenson, formerly of Bay- GRAHAM, late of the Township field and Varna, beloved bus- of Goderich, in the County of band of Eva. Eleanor Armstrong, }Iuron, fernier, deceased, Funeral from his residence,1! NOTICE is hereby given, pur- Egmondvill'e, to Bayfield Ceme- suant to the Statute in that be- rry, Monday afternoon, March half, that all persons having claims against the late . Henry STEPHENSON-In Tuckersmith William Graham. Who died at Township, on Wednesday,!Clinton on the 12th day of Jan - March 16, 1949, Edward James nary, 1949, are notified to send Stephenson, formerly of Varna, 'their claims, duly verified, to the in his 79th year. Funeral from undersigned before the 2nd day Ball and Match Funeral Home, ;of April, 1949..After that date Clinton, at 2 p.m., Friday, the estate will be distributed and March 18, to Bayfield Cemetery. 1the executor will only be liable for claims of which she hes then CARD OF THANKS received notice. Miss Helen Taylor and family DATED at Walkerton, Ontario, wish to express their sincere this 8th clay of March, AD, 1949. appreciation to Clinton friends who expressed their . sympathy in so many thoughtful. ways dur- ing their recent sad bereavement, LIBERALS ORG- ANIZE RIDING' HURON -PERTH (Continued from Page One) notice to the meeting that he would not be a candidate for the next election. Date for a nom- ination meeting tog name a can- didate will be set later by the executive of the. association. Forward Trade l'oliey Canada today, a relatively small nation of 12,000,000, is the greatest trading nation in the world. On a per capita basis our trade is twice as much as that of the United Kingdom and the United States, To safeguard, that position, and Canadian stand- ards of living and national in- come, a higbly-developed Gov - eminent policy based on trade, is essential, Hon. Stuart S. Garson declared in his address. The Nl4nister of Justice stated that Canada is basically a trad- ing nation and ohiy Government policy formed on the basic fact could keep the country free from depression threat, and maintain. the present living standards. This .is a country which Provi- dence has given a geography and a climate which makes us a great trading nation. ` We spent two billion dollars an the United States last yeaa alone, buying raw materials we ourselves can- not produce. We paid for these materials with reciprocal trade," he said. "We are effected 'by conditions in other lands - conditions over which we have, no control, We have to take the backwash of those conditions and base our policree .accordingly," said Mr, Garson. Boom Year in 1949 Barring crop failures, Canadian farmers can look forward to an- other boom year in 1949, and in the years to come, Robert Mc- Cubbin declared: • At the same time, such a prosperous future depends on .the farmers' own ef- forts. He said in fact, that farm- ers had been, letting some of their agricultufel wealth in overseas markets slip through their hands, There has been some feeling that the United Kingdom is beginning to back down on food contracts she signed with us, he said, "That is not true," he declared. In fact, said Mr. McCubbin, exactly the opposite was so. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, POULTRY, IMPLEMENTS anal HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot 10, Concession 4, Goderich Township, one mile east and two miles south of Goderich, at 1.30 p.m. sharp, on Thursday, March 24 Including' 2 horses; 5 cattle; 2 brood sows and 20 little pigs; 400 hens: 4 ,geese; 14 -plate in - throw disc with leveling attach- ment; lubber -tired wagon; Beatty electric churn, No, 4; small sized cabin trailer; No, and turkey' range shelters; two oil and one coal brooder stoves with canopy; many other implements and smaller articles, ROBERT L, BEACOME, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 10-11-b IN THE MATTER OF TEE ESTATE OF HENRY WILLIAM Lorene Gardner, R. R. 3, 'Clinton, Ontario, Executrix of the estate of henry Wil- liam Grolsam, deceased, by 11-p hes' solicitor, Campbell o I Grant, K. C,, Walkerton, CARD OF THANKS Ontario. 10-11-12-b The members of the Manning family wish to thank ell those I Notice to Creditors who sent flowers, cards, and IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES visited their father while in the 13. LOBE, late of the Town' of hospital, also Dr. Addison, the Clinton in the Comity of Huron, nurses and staff of Clinton 1'ub]ic Gentleman, Deceased. Hospital, and special thanks to All persons having claims Rev. Andrew Lene. 11-p against the Estate of the above 0 CARD OF THANKS same with the undersigned Sol - Mr. • and. Mrs, "Adana Stewart tatter for the said Estate, on or and family wish to extend their !before the and day of April, AD. sincere thanks to the' members 1949, after which date the assets of the Brucefield and Clinton g will he distributed amongst chi. Fire Departments and would!parties entitled thereto, having like to take this opportunity to 1regerd only in the claims of which thank all friends and neighbours notice shall have been given. for their untiring efforts and 1 DATED at Clinton, this 15th many kindnesses. 1i -b clay of March, A.D. 1949. o --- E. PINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. McCLINCH> Y -In loving mem- 11-12-13-b ory of a dear husbend and fatt- er, Henry 1VIcCln.chey, who pas-' Notice to Creditorssed away five years ago, March 20, 1944- Lovingly remembered IN THE ESTATE ,OF CARRIE by wife and family; JERVIS, tate of the Town of Also in loving memory of a Clinton,' in.the County of Huron, dear son anal brother, Willione H. Widow, Deceased. MaClinchey, who passed away All persons having debits five years ego, April 3, 1944 - against the Estate of the above Lovingly remembered by mother, decesisecl are required to file the brother and sisters: same with the undersigned Sol - "Their lives are a beautiful icitor for the said Estate, on or memory, • '' 'me rye :lath day of Ma'rc'h, Their deaths are our silent A.D. 1949, after which date the grief; assets will be distributed amongst They sleep in God's beautiful the parties entitled thereto, hay garden . Ing regavd only to the claims of In the sunshine of perfect which notice shall bvae been peace, given. So we leave them in God's ! DATED at Clinton, this 7th dey T FINGLAND And our dear ones we loved' I ,1Jlinton, Ontario, so 'well Solicitor for cite said Estate, Have only gone on before." • 10-11-12-b deceas d are required to film the IN MEMORIAM keeping, of March A D 1949 The rough road safely o'er, . ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON Cr ODERICHH SEAFORTH • Now Playing (March 11-19) "THE BLACK .ARROW" In Technicolor Von., Tues., Wed. (March 21-23) "JULIA MIS'BEHAV'ES Margery, Sharpe's hilarious novel, "The Nutmeg Tree," becomes a top ranking screen' comedy and is ably portrayed by Greer Gar - son, Walter Pidgeon, Peter Law- ford and Elizabeth Taylor Thur„ Fri., Sat. (March 24-26) Loretta Young, William Holden & Robert Mitchum-The rugged, romantic story of the men end women who dared to march be- yond civilization to help build a great nation. RACHEL and the STRANGER' Coming (March 28-30) "THE SIGN OF THE RAM" with Alexander Knox Now Playing (March 17-19) Henry Fonda and Shirley Temple in '!FORT APACHE" Mon., Tues., Wed. -Two Features Robert Montgomery, 'Wanda Hendrix and Andrea King -The compelling story of a relentless pursuit plus a touch' of Mexican romance. "RIDE THE PINK HORSE" Eleanor Parker, Alexis Smith & Sydney .Oreenstreet-The grand- daddy of all mystery stories is "THE WOMAN IN WHITE" Thur., Fri., Sat. (March 24-26) Susan Peters, Alexander Knox & Dame May Witty -The salty tang of the sea flavours this epic of a woman's devotion to love. "THE SIGN OF THE RAM" Coming (March 28-30) "RACHEL and the STRANGER" Loretta Young & Robert Mitchum Now Playing (March 17-19) I • Margaret O'Brien & Geo. Murphy n "TENTH AVENUE ANGEL" Mon., Tues., Wed. (March 2143) James Mason and Margaret Lock- wood -From the sudios of Eagle Lion comes an unheralded chilly mystery about a haunted house. "A PLACE OF ONE'S OWN" Thur., Fri., Sat. (March 24-26) Randolph Scott, Marguerite Chap- man and Sally, Eilers - Photo- graphed in Cinecolor, the year's most rugged fighting story of the adventurous West. "CORONER CREEK" Coming (March 28-30) In Technicolor, "RIVER LADY" starring Yvonne de Carlo See that your forum is well represegted at the County Farm Forum Rally being held in the CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For . Every Occasion C. 7 aCOOitE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j EIREVIZIMEIMINNI 'Auditorium' of Seaforth Colleg- iate Institute, on Friday, March 18 at 8.15 p.m. Clere Burt, Pro- vincial Secretary, will be on hand to discuss plans for next season. A programme will be provided by the forums and lunch will be served. FIVE MINUTES AFTER DEATH WHAT WOULD A SINNER GIV, FOR ANOTHER CHANCE? . TOO LATE!! ETERNALLY LOST NO MORE Sermons by godly pastors, NO MORE pleadings of Christian friends, NO MORE chance to accept CHRIST'S offer of free salvation. ACT NOW, BEFORE IT IS FOREVER TOO LATE! ' "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved,". Acts 16 :31 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. Is Your Home In Need Of Repair 9 • PLUMBING, SEWERAGE INSTALLATION, or REPAIR on any of your immediate needs. ' Full line of Concrete Equipment, ready to operate. Rates and contracts available upon request; all work done accord- ing to specifications. Make arrangements now for concrete installations; cement is now available to store for future use. Upon request, we will furnish you the amounts needed for individual requirements. McKay Contracting Co. Clinton Phone 373M COME IN AND SEE 11 ELECTRIC WASHERS Outstanding value! 0 Come in and"'see our new) Dominion Washers, You'll be as proud to own one as we are to show them to you. New, attractive streamlined appearance, New Perma - Seal action washes cleaner. GROVES ELECTRIC PHONE 274 Warni The practice of dumping rubbish in the Clinton Community Athletic Field (Community Park) ; also the wanton destruction of park property must cease immediately. Guilty parties will govern themselves accordingly or action will be taken. (Signed) --W. E. PERDUE, President, C.C.A. Field Board (Signed) -ROBERT Y. HATTIN, Mayor of Clinton. 10-b hats in a Name?? You can call a boy TOM, DICK or HARRY and it makes no difference. In Clothing there is a difference. Men who know, insist on NAME BRANDS. 90% of Shirt Style is in the Collar If the collar of a shirt is not exactly right, then from a style stand- point the shirt is a misfi'l. That's why it pays to insist on ARROWS. ARROW Collars on ARROW Shirts Cost no mc!re than ordinary collars on ordinary shirts. AR/IOW I SHII?T.S TIES PAJAMAS Pickett F3 - aenpbell Stetson Hats Scott McHale Shoes Phone 25 • • Clinton �iinglingiESOMMEMEMENEEMISSIONIMANIMBNOr 1