HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-03-10, Page 10PAGE TEN CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MARCH 0, 1949 Official opening of .Bartiiff giros.'. Modernized Store and Restaurant Fine Store Sets High Standard With the completion of ex- tensive remodelling, Bartliff. Bros.' spacious store and rest- aurant, located on the north- west corner of Albert St. and Rattenbury St., is now one of the sho* places of Clinton,' with a definite "new look," Official opening of this fine modernized local business estab- lishment 'is scheduled to take place this Saturday, Marek 12, when Bartliff Bros. are offering some very Ettractive 'specials for the one day only. A list of these is published in an an- nouncenreet on Page Twelve today. Gaining access to the store by way of the cornerentrance, one immediately is confronted with an attractive panorama of beauty, cleanliness, neatness, and ultra -modernity. The foun- tain and soda bar are to the left, with the bakery end candy section to the right. The bar is of gray arborite with alum- inum trim and touches of. red. Farther 'to the rear, beyond a simulated "barrier", is locat- ed the restaurant section, where the .modern tables are chrome with gray erborite tops, and the chairs are chrome with plastic seats. Adequate wash- room facilities are provided. Attractive Colour Scheme • ' The entire interior is de- signed for attractiveness, mod- ernity and cleanliness, and judging by preliminary com- ments to date, the, objective hes been well achieved. Flooring is Of rubber tile in green and cream square style, with interwoven pattern. Walls are in pale green colour, and ceiling in white. But one of the features which really sets off the store is the stained fir plywood trim which predominates every- where. Those Who Did Work Don. C. Colquhoun, Clinton, has assisted in designing and hes acted as carpentry con- tractor in connection with the work. He and his. staff have done an excellent job in record time. That, of course, is true of • all other tradesmen who had anything to do with it, Except for three evenings, it never has been necessary to lock the front door through the period that the work had been proceeding, 3, W. Counter, lumber and builders' supplies, Clinton, was the supplier of the fir ply- wood. used for panelling and building counters; the arborite and aluminum trim used in building the counters and back - bar; and the fir slab doors to the washrooms end kitchen. Keating Tile Co., Guelph, installed the beautiful rubber tile flooring in record' time. First, the old floor was sanded for levelling purposes, then plywood' was mailed down in sheets, and lastly, the tile was laid by experts. Grant W. Rath, painter and decorator, Clinton, was respon- sible for this phase of the work, whichincluded painting, stain- ing 'and varnishing. He end his assistant, Doug Andrews, made a very fine job of it. Clinton Electric Shop instal- led the -new decorative light- ing and made other wiring changes. ' This lighting leaves e most effective impression. Hugh R. Hawkins and staff, Clinton, did plumbing and heating installations in the modernized store, efficiency being the watchword. 0 Make Entire County A Regulated Area Maitland FIsh and Game Club held a directors' meeting at God- eicrh when a decision was reach- ed to contact the other clups in Huron county, with the object in view of making the entire county a regulated area. The club decided to petition the Department of Lands and Forests to have Paradise Pond, and the Cemetery Creek in God- erich township, closed to fishing in 1949, so that the trout there might be substantially . improved and increased. View of Fountain and Soda Bar Showing Modern Finish and Stools! �:.;�,3�.���i tae M. • "����,w, ,s��; .<* ;ar�,�,d�� �,��� t,� ��, u , �.:�s «, ¢:"`,� Hello Homemakers! Have you ever stopped to think what your savings of electricity mean in terms of processed foods? Here is an example: If every home- maker in Southern Ontario re - her kitchen laced the0with a 4li0 bulb t bulb there would be enough electricity saved in each hoar of use to enable Ontario food processing plants to pack an average of 1,000,200 cans of food. Looking over the prepared and packaged foods that line our groc- Anothe•r resolution sought to cry shelves we can see how 9 ort - close one other stream in South unate we are in Ontario. These Huron for a period of one year, quick -cooking, ready -to -use and on the advice of the Department canned products save expense and of Lands and Forests. This will time in our modern way of house - be the beginning of what it is keeping. We depend on such foods hoped will be a successful rotat- every day—from canned baby ing conservation measure. foods to ground coffee. Canned The club went on record as be- soups, fish; meats, vegetables ing interested in stamping out gravies, fruit juices, pudding lawlessness, poaching, and down- powders, cereals, quick' yea. right destruction of private pro- foods, muffin mix, biscuit mix perty by fishermen and hunters, cake mix, ' .iso bottled milk and will seek to co-operate with packaged cheese, butter spreads the farmers in bringing this type etc., and many others are with: Read labels and advertisements to be sure of the ingredients, quantity, quality and directions for use. Eesy-to-prepare dishes are available in family serving sizes—so there is literally no waste. Even the inexperienced homemaker is sure of good re- sults when all she has to do Is open, mix with a measured quantity of water or milk and cook according to the directions. l Using a minimum amount of electricity for our household •needs will save the maximum amount for these commercial products which many a woman proclaims "life-savers." Saving Hints I. Canned Soup: Add a tin of ,milk to +soup emptied into a ;saucepan and heet only to sim mering point, Do not boil. Add 'crumbs of leftover crushed toast 2. Canned Peas: Add 14 tea- t ,spoon dry mint and heat in the OPENED tan placed on same shelf as roast turkey or meat. 3. Canned Cranberry Jelly: ',Slice off required number of of sportsman to public attention. easy reach. Ammimmomonswininmemonagswasznims Congratulations to sARTLIFF BROS. ON THE RENOVATION TO THEIR STORE It was our pleasure to supply: -The 'Fir Plywood used for panelling and building counters -The Arborite .. and -Aluminum Trim used in building the counters and backbar -The Fir Stab Doors to the washrooms and kitchen All these items are only a few of an ever-increasing line of Builders' Supplies available at J. W. COUNTER LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES "Your Plywood F eadcluarters" PHONE 290M - CLINTON J. M. Govenlock Again Heads Seaforth Fair At a meeting of Seaforth Agri- cultural Society, J. M. Govenlock was re-elected president. R. Gordon Bennett, Clinton, agricultural representative for Huron, and J. C. Rennie, assist- ant agricultural representative, were present.Mr. Bennett spoke on the organization of a calf club in conjunction with the high school, and a garden club brigade. A directors' meeting followed, at which the following were ap- pointed: President, J. M. Goven- lock; first vice-president, Russell Bolton; second vice-president, Reeve Arthur Nicholson, Direc- tors are Elgin Nott, Leonard Leeming, Oliver Anderson, Al- lister Broadfoot, John Powell, Robert McMillan, Wilfred Glee - servings. Store remainder in its :container covered with oiisilk cap. 4. Canned Sauce; Open. the tin and heat (WITHOUT THE LID) by standing it in the water over which the pudding is being re- heated. 5. Gravy powder: Do not let mixture boil after powder has been thoroughly mixed in. 6. Muffin Mix: Do not add too much fruit for sweet muffins or the result will be a heavy pro- duct. Stir only enough to wet the dry ingredients as youpour. in the liquid sil et once. Watch the temperature and time of bak- ing period. 7. Prepared Biscuit Mix: Divide the floor mixture into four bowls; to one portion add grated cheese, to one- some cinnamon, to another some rut peel and to ,the other tomato paste. Measure r4 of the liquid, stir this amount 'into each batch and roll out separately. However, bake op the same cookie sheet for the same length of. time, 450 degrees for 12 minutes. 8. The New Cake Mix: Flavor- ings may be added to these mix- tures without changingthe tex- ture, yet they are .good, plain, and results are sure. Pour the batter for the eight -inch pan in- to drop cake tins or layer pans. Drop cakes .should be baked at 350 degrees for 20 minutes and layer cakes at 375 degrees for 35 minutes, q, 4, 4, Anne Allan invites you to write to . her % CLINTON NEWS- RECORD: Send in your sugges- tions on homemaking problems and watch this column for replies. Exeter Captures Group From Dublin Here 7-4 (By Howard •Cowles) Dublin and Exeter battled it out in the final game of the WOAA Intermediate "A" group in Clinton Lions Arena Tuesday evening • before an almost capac- ity crowd, ` with Exeter coning out on top by 7-4. It was the "taringest" game of the season withsticks flying, tripping and, boarding common. The main ob- ject. was "blood" and blood they got four or five times. The main event of the even- ing took place when Jim O'Con- nor and •Ross Tuckey became tangled up in a corner. Some- how, O'Connor broke loose long enough to swing his stick a couple: '' hefty clouts to Tuckey's head and shoulders This, of course, caused much excitement and to top it off, Woods of Dublin shar- ed the penalty box with. Tuckey, not O'Connor. This ,was onlyone of many skirmishes; and the two referees, Kelso Streets and Frank MCEwan, Clinton certainly did their part in such a"game as this was. It was a good game to win, a bad game to lose,+ but it was not lost, laying down, it was a fight to the finish bell. ier, J. M. Scott, E. B, Goudie, Robert Campbell, Mrs. Frank Storey, Mrs. John Hilebrecht, Bartliff Bro have our best wishes and congratulations on the Official Opening of their fine, modern store and restaurant, We had the privilege of doing all the INTERIOR DECORATING GRANT W. RAIN PAINTER and DECORATOR Phone 344 - - Clinton and "Doug" Andrews CONGRATULATIONS TO Bartliff Bros. on the completion of the extensive remodelling of their store and restaurant. We are very proud to state that our firm did all the COUNTER and PLYWOOD WORK FREE ESTIMATES SUPPLIED ON KITCHEN REMODELLING *VW e Don C. Colquhoun CARPENTRY CONTRACTOR Specializing in Counter and Cabinet Work PHONE 128-W • CLINTON.