Clinton News-Record, 1949-03-10, Page 5' mURSDAY, MARCH b'. 1944 Views -record ClassiF ed �dlets arintQuick'..1100111*S.' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed mesday following date of loser - tion) ---One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub -i eequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. ,DEADLINE-6'p.m. Wednesday AGENTS WANTED OIL DISTRIBUTOR — The ap- pointment of a local distributor will be made by an oil company with . nationally known brands. The applicant appointed will be given proper training and con- tinued sales assistance through local newspaper and direct to consumer sales helps. Success- ful applicant must be aggressive, well known end well thought of .in his' own community and be abe to furnish highest character references. Applicants who ap- pear to have necessary qualifica- tions will be given a personal Interview. Apply Box "P", , .NEWS -RECORD. 10-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1937 CHEVROLET COUPE, good Gond;tion. Phone 23311. 10-p 1934 CHEVROLET COACH, three new tires, new 17 -plata battery, 4400. H. Kingswell at Haughton's Welding Shop. 10-b 1940 DODGE Five -Passenger ''Coupe, newly painted; 1939 Dodge :Sedan; both in good condition. J. E. Howard, Bayfield, • phone -Clinton 624r31. 910btfb 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN, com- plete with heater, defroster, '•backing -up light, four brand new tires, mileage 18,500, complete car lin perfect Shape, very reasonable. . Phone 294-R or write P.O. Box 281. 10-b MODEL "A" FORD, well cared 'for. Parts added in past three :years: new motor, springs, top, brakes, windshield and wiper, 'fan, melter, paint and tires. New license and insurance included. 'William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 10-p BUILDINGS FOR SALE FRAME ONLY of. former church building, 33' x 23' by 13' high, 'beams sound and about six by eight inches. Apply Robert Reid, Varna, phone Clinton 626r11. 10-p CLOTHING FOR SALE 'BRIGHT GREEN SUIT, size 14; 'blue suit, size 16; three dresses, red plaid, black crepe and figured jersey; three skirts, black, yellow and blue alpine. These can be seen at William Hoggart's, even- ings. 10-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ONE COLONY HOUSE. Apply 'W. G. Clarke, Varna, phone Clin- ton 623r12, 10-b TWO WINDMILLS, one 50' Brant- ford self -oiling; the other 20'. Phone 905r14. 10-11-p HOUSE WANTED BIRTHS AUCTION SALE WANTED TO RENT—A HOUSE (BECK—In Clinton Public Hos- with small acreage in or near pita), _on Wednesday, March 9, town, Garage necessary, and 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. William henhouse or small stable 'desir- Beck, Clinton, a daughter able. For family of three' adults. (Constance Lorraine). Would consider buying if prop- FALCONER—In Clinton Public erty suitable. Bok "B", NEWS- Hospital, on Friday, March 4, RECORD. 10-p 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falconer, R.R. 5, Clinton, a daughter (Janet ' Irene). HUDON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, March 8, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Victorian i pru 1• I3udon, Clinton, a daughter IMPLEMENTS: M -H binder, 7 (Mary Suzanne). ft. cul;; Deering mower, 6 ft. 9-10-b JOHNSTON — In Clinton. Public cut; spring tooth cultivator; Mc- HENSALL„ TWO-STOREY Eight- Hospital, on Friday;' March 4, Cormick Deering rrranure spread - room brick cottage, on Main St. 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. William er; side delivery rake; 2 -row Johnston, Clinton, a son (Mich- seuffler; 4 -section harrows and four doors from school, bath, eel Keith): bar; farm wagon; hay rack; set LANGFORD—In Clinton Public of sleighs acrd box; 2,000 lbs. Hospital, on Friday, March 4, scale's; 240 lbs. scales; fanning 1949, to.Mr. end Mrs. Harold milli Langford, Seaforth, e son. 1934 Pontiac coupe (A-1 con- SOLDAN •— In Clinton Public dition); 2 -wheel trailer and. stock Hospital, on Wednesday, March rack; sugar kettle; hay fork; hay 9, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- rope; set of breeching harness; liam Soldan, Hensall, a son. horse collars; logging chains. FEED: Approxi 12 tons of mixed hay (baled); approx. 3 tons of baled straw. TERMS --CASH 1 HOUSES FOR SALE 1/2. -STOREY GREEN SHINGLE House in good repair, to be mov- ed from premises. Apply Ed. C. Glenn, phone Clinton 620r24. of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and FEED at Lot No. 20, Concession 10, Stanley Township, Goshen. Line, 21/ miles west of Varna, and lye miles, south, on Tuesday, March 15 at 2 p.m. sharp, the following: CATTLE:' 2 yearling heifers; yearling steer. PIGS: Yorkshire sow due on hydro, furnace, sun porch, double garage, possession early in April. Willlem Dinnini Hensall, 10-b LOCOMOTIVE Gasoline Wash- ing Machine in A-1 condition, used about 15 months. Apply Bert Finley, phone Clinton 905x6. 10-p 1947 "LOCOMOTIVE" Gas Wash- ing Machine; Coleman lamp; Coleman iron; "Serenade" bat- tery radio; all in good working ,condition. Apply George Wright, Londesboro, phone Clinton 804r24, 10-p FARMS FOR SALE TOWN OF CLINTON, one -floor insul brick cottage, nearly new, living room with dinette space, modern kitchen with built-in cupboards, two bedrooms with closet space, three-piece bath with built-in tub. hardwood floors, fully insulated, full base- ment, furnace equipped with oil burner, good location, immediate possession. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251-W, Clinton. 9bftb • HONEY FOR SALE A BARGAIN IN HONEY!! The lack of dollars in Europe has temporarily ruined export mar- ket for honey and caused surplus in Canada. This gives you the opportunity to purchase 65 lb. tin of mild amber honey for $7.50. If you can use this quantity phone 315 or see T .G. Scribbins, Vic- toria St. 10-11-p 125 ACRES LEVEL TILLABLE dark clay loam, brick house, large bank barn, 21/2 miles to public or separate schools. $6,000 cash ,or terms. April possession. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 10-p LIVEST&CR FOR SALE EIGHT PIGS, SIX Weeks Old. Apply Joe Potter, phone Clinton 907r2. ,10-p CALF SUITABLE for Vealing; number of pigs, six, seven and nine weeks old; one set team harness. Apply Joe. Corey, phone 807r12. 10-p TEN -MONTHS -OLD BULL, red in color; animal is a good in- dividual. Apply Wilbur E. Keyes, phone 656r11, Seaforth. 10-p FOUR-YEAR-OLD COW, due to freshen now, quite easy to milk, make good town cow. Apply James Landsborough, phone 665r16, Seaforth. l0 -b NOTICE PERSONS WHO TOOK the horns and spqtlight off my car were seen and are to return goods at once and save further trouble— (Signed) Glenn Price. 10-b '50 -ACRE CHOICE CLAY LOAM Farm, east half of lot 21, conces- sion 2,'Hullett, mile east of Clin- ton, mile north, just off No. 8 -Highway. On farm is situated 11ia storey frame house, bank barn 64 x 36, hen house 24 x 18, and. implement shed. Water supply consists of spring and dug well. Close to good schools and church- es. Mrs. Humphrey Snell, phone $07x13. 10-p FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 30 ACRES GOOD PASTURE with spring creek, lots of shade. Applly to Mrs, Ellen J. Cox, Huron St, Clinton. 5-10-p FARM PROPERTY WANTED WANTED—FOR SPRING CROP, about ten acres of land close to Clinton. Inquire at Box "C", NEWS -RECORD. 10-p FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR 'TABLETS ere effect- ive. ffetive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5; at Pennebaker's Drug Store, 10-b NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, "5 Ontario St., Stratford. ItIb PASTURE -100 ACRES, in Stan- ley Township, fenced into fields, drained, plenty of water end shade. Apply Box "L", NEWS - RECORD 10-12-b HELP WANTED—MALE • A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY of becoming your own boss! Retail our 250 guaranteed house- hold necessities including the full line of Insecticides, in a territory of your choice. Parttime egents considered. Hundred's of success- 1ul Familex agents started with a borrowed $25 or $50. No risk it is worth a trial. Travelling equipment essential in rural dist=, ricts. Business is.good — Write today for details and free catal ogue—FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimer, Montreal. 10-15-b • ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 926r21 31, 936r32. Goder- lch. 2btfb PROPERTY FOR RENT STORE AND THREE -ROOMED Apartment on the Square in Goderich. Apply Clinton War Assets Surplus. 10-x DEATHS CARTER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, suddenly on Saturday, No reserve as proprietor is in March 5, 1949, Williem Carter, ill health. Londesboro, beloved husband NORMAN STEPHENSON, of Elizabeth Connell, in his Proprietor• 84th year. Funeral from his EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, late residence, lot 14, conces- 10-b Auctioneer siert 8, Hullett Township, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday, March 7.Clearing FORD—In Winnipeg, Man., sud- AUCTION SALE denly on Monday, February 28, 1949, George Frederick Ford, — of -- in in his 75th year. Funeral from FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS the Cranston. Funeral Home, At Lot No. 17, Concession 7, Goderich, to Maitland Ceme- Parr Line, / mile South tery, Saturday, "March 5. of Varna, on JOYNER — In Hamilton General Friday, March 18 Hospital, suddenly, on Satur- day, February 26, 1949, Fred- at 1.30 p.m. the following: erick Joyner, Smithville, for- CATTLE: Durham cow, 4 yrs. merry of Clinton, beloved hos- old, due time of. sale; Durham band of Jane Nable, in his cow, 4 yrs. old, due time of, sale; 77th year. Funeral from the Durham cow, 5 yrs. old, due time' Book Funeral Home to St. of sale; Durham cow, 10 yrs. old, Luke's Cemetery, Smithville, on due time of sale; Durham cow, Tuesday, March 1. 4 yrs. old, due April 11; Durham MANNING — In Clinton Public cow, 10 yrs. old, due August 20; Hospital, on Monday, March 7, 2 steers and 1 heifer, rising 2 1949, Charles Manning, in his yrs. old; 3 yearling steers. 80th year. Funeral from the SHEEP: 3 Leicester ewes, 2 Beattie Funeral Home, Batten- years old. bury St. E., Clinton, Thursday IMPLEMENTS: International 2- afternoon, March 10, at two row scu££ler with bean puller o'clock, to Hope Chapel Ceme- attachment; Renfrew electric tery, Hullett Township. cream separator (500 lbs. cap- McINTOSH-In Elm Creek, Man., acity); copper kettle; sap pans; Neil Alexander McIntosh, be- wagon box and stock rack; oat loved husband of Annie Lloyd, roller; Daisy churn; a number aged 81 years, formerly of of .elm plank. Brucefield. Funeral and in- HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Side- board.; couch, kitchen chairs; hand washing machine and ringer. TERMS—CASH ED. FOSTER, Proprietor 'EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer Saturday, March 12 No reserve as farm is soldd^b at 1:30 p.m. I have been instructed by Mr. Notice to Creditors Murdock Ross to sell by public auction: IN TIE MATTER OF THE Living room furniture; dining ESTATE OF HENRY WILLIAM furniture: kitchen table and GRAHAM, late of the Township chairs and sideboard; 4 rocking of Goderieb, in the County of chairs; 2 beds and springs; 3 Huron, farmer, deceased. mattresses; 4 feather beds; 1 dres- NOTICE is hereby given, pur- ser; 1 chest drawers; dishes; pots suant to the Statute in that be - and pans; pillows; pictures; look- half, that all persons having ing glasses; 1 washing machine; claims against the late Henry ironing board; bird cages; irons; ! William Graham. who died at lawn mower; 1 cook stove, Beach; !Clinton on the 12th day of Jen - coal oil stoves; forks, shovels, uary, 1949, are notified to send spades and other articles. !their claims, duly verified, to the TERMS—CASH !undersigned before the 2nd day HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer of April, 1949• After that date 9-10-b the estate will be distributed and o •the executor will only be liable CARD OF THANKS 'for claims of which she hes then Members of the Lions Club of received notice. Clinton desire to extend their DATED at Walkerton, Ontario, sincere thanks to all those who this 8th clay of March, A.D. 1949. assisted in making the annual Lorene Gardner, R. R. 3, Skating Carnival such an outstand_ I Clinton, Ontario, Executrix ing success; especially Clinton of the estate of Henry Wil- Citiznns' Band and Bandmaster , Ilam Graham, deceased, by Frank Strathearn; Jabez Rands; her solicitor, Campbell Charles Hagen and Misses Edith i Grant, K. C., Walkerton, Merner and Anna Pond. 10-b Ontario. 10-11-12-b PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, ale-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb ROOMS TO LET ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman preferred. Apply Box "S", NEWS -RECORD. 10-p STOVES FOR SALE QUEEN OIL BROODER STOVE, uses fuel oil, perfect condition, used two seasons, 500-1,000 chick capacity. Jack Cluff, phone 9001.21. 9-10-b COAL AND WOOD STOVE, baked white enamel front with reservoir and heating compart- ment, in. A-1.shape. Call Gordon Marshall's house, James St, 10-11-ptfb TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned until March 23 for wiring No. 6 school in Goderich Township School Area. Specifications are available at residence of secretary -treasurer. Frank Yeo, secretary treasurer, R R 3r Clinton. 9-10-b terment at Elm Creek, AUCTION SALE -of- HOUSEI3OLD FURNITURE In the Village of Londesboro ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (March 10-12) "CORONER CREEK" Cineeoior, and starring Randolph Scott Mon., Tues., Wed: (March 14.10 Cary (;rant, Myrna Loy and Melvyn Douglas — In these days of housing shortage comes a tim- ely comedy filled with the as- sorted heartaches, headaches, mis- haps end laughs that one couple encounter as "Mr. Blandines Builds His Dream House" Thur:, Fri., Sat. (March 17-19) Louis Hayward, Janet Blair and George Macready—From the pen of Robert Louis' Stevenson comes a tale of the golden age of',gal- lant knights and ladies fair. "THE BLACK ARROW" , Coming (March 21-23) "JULIA IIIISBI HAVES" Greer Gerson & Walter Pidgeon TENDERS will be received up to April 2, 1949, for rewiring No.1 School. Blue prints can be seen at Frank McCowan s; work to be completed by July 30, 1949. Low- �est tender not necessarily ac- cpt.d. George L. Reid, secre- tary -treasurer, Stanley Township School Area, Varna. 10-11-b WOOD FOR SALE QUANTITY Ori WOOD for im- mediate sale. Also available for custom ;wood cutting. Glenn Price, BI,ucefield, phone Clinton 621r31. 9-10-p • HELP WANTED 'SALES CLERK, either male or female, wanted at once for groc- ery store. Apply in person. C. M. Shearing,, Red and White. 'Store, 10-b SPECIALS WATCH OUR "WINDOWS FOR special prices each week. Phone .286,.W. L,•Johnson and Son. 10-p BEAUTY STTOPPV Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves. Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St, East Phone 585 BE OUT IN FRONT in one of our MEN'S or LADIES' Made -to -Measure SUITS Mede es e'cially to suit your Style and tastes, in all the latest materials: • GABARDPNES • SERGES • WORSTEDS • GLEN CHECKS .. from 46.50 to 95.00 • Warren K. Cook p W. R. Johnston • Regal Park • Tip Top Tailors CAF oFIFIcEa.1 Now is the time to order your new UNIFORM, Summer Tropical,,is now in stock. We can now supply be R. • t,' >i •CAF ` titev, rs complete with silver but- ton and Gold Thread Crest. Grey serge trousers in t] ^ne price ranges. r> > N A" en:es-tree-et of broken lines in Men's Dress SHIRTS, sizes 141/2 to 17, stripes and' plain shades. 25/0 off regular p• rices Stetson kir t'r, PHONE 25 bell Arrow Shirts CLINTON •11011010. Amoormisawasmisissonlimmi""' CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE G O. D E R' 1' C' H' SEAFORTH Now Playing (March 10-12)' Techni'col'or "The, Black Arrow" Louis Hayward and Janet . Blair Now Playing (March 10-12) "THE' EGG AND I" - Claudette Colbert and lied MacMurray Mon., Tues., Wed. (March 14-16) George Brent, Jane Powell and Lauritz Melchior—A gay; glitter-• ing, tuneful, high-jinks comedy staged on the high seas and featuring Cugat. "LUXURY' LINER"' Mon., Tues., Iyed. (March 14-16) Cary Grant, Myrna Loy and Melvyn Douglas — Gonna build your own home? Got your ideas all arranged? Then don't miss the year's• best comedy hit! "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House" Thur„ Fre, Sat. (March 17-19) Henry. Fonda, Shirley Temple & Ada. Farrell—Historical and rug- ged, you will, enjoy this Techni- color adventure story "FORT' APACHE"' Coming (March 21-23): "The WOMAN IN BLACK" "RIDE THE PINK HORSE" Thur., Fri., Sat. (March 11-19) Margaret O'Brien, George Murphy and Angela Lansbury—A tale of the big town, with plenty of heart nterest end funful entertainment "TENTH AVENUE ANGEL" Coming (March 21-23) "CORONER CREEK" Cinecolor, with Randolph Scott CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, POULTRY, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at,ILot I0, Concession 4, Goderich Township, one mile east and two miles south of Goderich, at 1.30 p.m. sharp, on Thursday, March 24 Including: 2 horses; 5 cattle; 2 brood sows and 20 little pigs; 400 hens; 4 geese; 14 -plate in - throw disc with leveling attach- ment; rubber -tired wagon; Beatty electric churn, No, 4; small sized cabin trailer; chicken and turkey range shelters; two oil and one coal brooder stoves with canopy many other implements and smaller articles. ROBERT L. BEACOME, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 10-11-b Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE OF CARRIE JERVIS, late of the. Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Sol- icitor for the said Estate, on or before the 30th day of March, A.D. 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, hay ing regard only to the claims of which notice shall hvae been given. DATED at Clinton, this 7th day of March, A.D. 1949. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 10-11-12-b CARD OF THANKS The members of the Carter tinnily wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for all' floral tributes, and all other acts of sympathy expressed in their recent sad bereavement, with special thanks to Rev. 5. H. Brenton, Londesboro, 10-p CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, H. J. Trewarthe and family take this opportun- ! ity to say "thank you" to all their friends and neighbours who i responded so quickly and willing- ly to extinguish the fire and save their home. They would. also like to express their appreciation of the co-operation given them by the Bell Telephone Exchange, Clinton, 10-p YOU MAY GO TO HEAVEN WITHOUT HEALTH WITHOUT WEALTH . WITHOUT HONOUR . WITHOUT LEARNING WITHOUT FRIENDS WITHOUT CULTURE and WITHOUT' TEN THOUSAND OTHER THINGS BUT YOU CAN NEVER GET TO HEAVEN WITHOUT CHRIST! CARS. E. FULLER,'Box Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. we,001011. Candidly' Speaking . • • , . .we take a lot of pride in the high quality of the candid wedding photographs we have made. They are a remarkably fine adjunct to our formal studio photographs. Please phone and let us explain our plan. We're sure it will please -you. See the Candid Wedding Photographs In Our Display Window :ovule? A'rot`ieti PHOTOGRAPHERS i o Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford N-' ay (u,ld,�jJaum s.. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For '/rEvery l�Occassiion t',L/� FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i COME IN AND SEE ELECTRIC WASHERS Outstanding value! • Come in and see our new> Dominion Washers. You'll be as proud to own one as we are to show them to you. New, attractive streamlined appearance. New Perma- Seal action washes cleaner. GROVES. ELECTRIC PHONE 274 St. Patrick's Tea under auspices of W,A. of Wesley -Willis United Church SATURDAY, MARCH 12 In Lecture Room of Church, commencing at 3 o'clock BOOTHS Huge Home Baking Novelties AFTERNOON TEA Menu: Dressed Ham — Salads — Irish Jelly Bread and Butter — Pie — Tea 40 cents Served'from Three to Six O'Clock EVVERYLBODY WELCOME 9-10-b Is Your Home In Need Of Repair 9 • PLUMBING, SEWERAGE INSTALLATION, or REPAIR on any of your immediate needs. Full line of Concrete Equipment, ready to operate. Rates , and contracts available upon request; all work done accord- ing to specifications,' Make arrangements now for concrete installations; cement is now available to store for future. use. Upon request, we will furnish you the amounts needed for individual requirements, ------ •, arse 9 see McKay Contracting Co. Phone 373M - , -- Clinton 1.41 444* *,: 1fi441iiH!*H"�TH�H�HHHN , ft 3. 3: YOUR HEADQUARTERS 3, for s, Plumbing Supplies j i s it Plumbing now in stock: • TOILETS—'priced from $45 t® $75 ., BATH TUBS — on feet and Recess < tubs $55 and up s 4 PEDESTAL BASINS ,. S« A 3: WALLBA,SINS a KITCHEN SINKS a 3 Order now before supply gets limited $ 3 HUGH R. HAWKIN 3 Vis; sr .s« Plumbing and Heating q* Business 244 PHONES -Residence 470