HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-03-03, Page 8NEWS QF BAYFIELD
!lasso Le ey E. Woods Phone Clhiton 63431
Donald McAuley spent the James Ferguson, London, who
weekend at his home in Lei -Mimi, spent Sunday with her,
• Miss Violet IVIcelymorit, Verna, ' Mr. '‘aiiel WS. Earl Stotesbury
spent Friday of last week in the and son Douglas left on Moriday
Villege. fezi* their here in Saskatchewan
Mies Beverley York, Lucan, after spending the winter with
spent the Weekend at the home of the former's parents, Rev. and
her parents. • Mrs. 1', G, Stotesbury.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Bryant, Lond- Suffers Injuries
on, spent Thursday of last week the village. . •
in ••
John 1VIcKenne had the mis-
fortune to fall from a ladder at
• Mr.' and 1VIrs. Nelson McConkey
the home of his sister,Mrs. Jose-
Notth Bay, spent Saturday at the • • - .
ph Richardeon Tuesdey evening
home ofMr. and Mr's. Percy West- i -
of last week. He was taken to
.. Clinton Public Hospital where he
on. / •
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knignt ,
iemained until Thursday and was
and daughter Mary, Toronto, found .tosheve suffered' a leroken
spent the weekend et the home leg which necessitates his wear-
of Mrs. M. Geerninherd. ing a cast for six weeks.,
Mr. and IVIre, Douglas States -
Trinity WA
bury, Chatham, spent the week- • ,
end with the F.
formers parents, The W. A. of Trinity Church
Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Stetesbiiry. held its regular meeting last
' Miss Gloria Westlake London, Thurserey at the home of Mrs. R.
spent from Wednesday 'to. Satur- J. Larson. The meeting opened
day of last week at the home of with a . prayer by the president,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walt- Mrs. Ernmerson Heard. Thesafter-'
er Westlake. noon was then spent in quilting.
Mrs. James Ferguson returned The rector Rev. L. Morgan.' closed
home on Sundae after spending the meeting with a prayer. A
the past month in London. She dainty lunch was then served by
was -accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, the hostess.
' , • , , . „ ,
.• , ,
Mr, and Mrs. Nelson, Reid Vis- mise -s Joan Anderson, Watford, nominating committee fize ethe see. Scout Tests Passed zvom Mon, London,
ited friends in Brussels on 'Sun- spent the weekend with her elintrict. A piano solo was prey- The keel, Bo Y• Scouts met in weekeed at the home'
day. . mw
other; Mrs, W. T. Robison. ed by Mrs. Kennett?McDougald; the Scout hall, hep tests' Were Itere. -James McCool.
John' Argo and Jimmy Lee, Visitors with William Mellwein and ga reading was given by Mrs. passed ei follows;' law and'pecn- - Misg /.',Iennie Cowan,
Toronto, spent. the weekend at and, Miss Amelia McIlerain at Gordon Dobie. Mrs: Charles ise; ' Jim * ' Chalmers, ' Wendell spent the weekend at
the home of Mrs. A MeConnellthe weekend were Andrew Mc, Lockhart, Goderich, president of Grant; the gioinpait, David ' Slor- of her sister, lite. Rob
Mrs. William Ball and Master Dwain, . Mrs. ' Celia Moore, 'Godes West Huron Institute, was Pres- ads, Brook ,Vtelden; knots, Jim send.
Nelson, visited last: week at theeich, and Mrs. John Mephee, Nile. erit, and gave an interesting talk Cliehriers:' Plaes are being made' ' Mr. and Mrs. C. C
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Elliott Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Bennett, on "The Second 40 Yews." She for anther paper cellection on family, 'Clintoneevisite
and Mrs. Messop.'• Port 'Albert, and Mr, and mrs, also brought greetings from the Alain 23.-;- Gibb,9rn,s. home of Mr. and Mrs,
son, in company' with , Mr. and forth, were Sunday visitors with contributed a reading.
Mrs. Spears end son, were 'gdests. Mr. and Nies. W. Bradricick .and The topic, historical research, Ladies' Azisrgiary. to the Canadian Kenneth, Goderich, viii
at the home of Mrs. William Hart e; J. Wilson, . was teken by Mrs. C. M. Straugh- Legion, Welly Armstrong of the home Of Mr. and Mrs.
last Thursday evening. ' • Pictures Presented an, who explained that in the DVA was guest seetiker,' on "Vet- ling on Sunday
Day Of Prayer Meeting' e. . The Nationel Film Board pre- early days the district of Huron erans' insurance. Following the ' World Day of Pr
held in -St. John's Anglican Chur- Hall *Friday evening under the of Perth, Huron, leruce, and the eel ,the Legion members to pro- be marked in the bas
chonFriday, March 4, et 3 p.m. auspices of the Winnen's Institute. Townships of Biddulph 'and Mc- gressive euchre and five hundred. the church on Friday
successful : dance' lege Tuesday fere-Ten, the 13th concession of. Bruae,in 1866.
World Day cd' Prayer will • be sento pictures in the Foresters' comprised the, present counties meeting, the AUxiliary entertain- • The World's Day ofP
* L. 0. L. 1035 sponsored a Very I, Albert Campbell has sold- his was . separated:from them in 1853; 1 hTiagyhlenin afnidveMhundred,
W.B.: -ILI ;; Oii Friday,visi tedLocal,r uap,,,
Mr. land Mrs. Geo. Dawson and Harold' Nicholson and'Karen, Sea- district. Mrs. Len. .erchambault
s Successful Danpe , I . , Sells Farm •Gillivray • in . Middlesex: 'Perth ,Winimes at euchre' were Mrs. B. 1VIerch, 4. ;
At the -regular Meeting of the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J.
. -Veterans, Meet service Sunday.
Murdock's Orchestra. ' wich;throfign the V.L.A. and has the Hueon ele-act were mentioned Successful Seeetne e., , partment of Agriculture,
night: 'Music was furnishe,d• by Mullett:, th Elliett Lapp, Nor- Some sof the earlier settlers M et:'llsolation, Mrs. H: lowing a conference at
octal Evening • 1purchased ' the farm of Tom Jar- by. the spoken In Colborne The play, "Mr. 'Beene from.' operators of
The' members of St. John's Art-* din on the second concession of Townshile 'John Kernighan and • Lida, sponsored by the local Plants in Huron, Pert
glican Church met at the home of East Waveanosh, Anthony Allin came* in 1830, Wil- branch of the Wemeds Institute, ington and Bruce Counti
Me -and 'Mrs. Harold Elliott, on I flay presented liam Young 1832, Gordon Young concluded a very suceessful sea- Norman Alexander's See
'Werlisesday evening. A very soc- I The play, smr, 'Beane from 1835. It is stated that the Young son when it was presented at ing Plant for a demons
Mle and pleasant time was spent Lima" -was • presented ' by Blyth families ownedsone enile on each Teeswater Thursday.evening. This seed cleaning.
with games and' music, after Women's' Institute and .sponsored side of the road: * :In East Wa- 'was the tenthspresentation, of the
Which refreshments were served. by the hall committee in the wai-iosh seven, McGinyan farnilies play in .the surrounding towns
Talk on Soils
'Foresters' Hall .tiVednesday night„settled:, train.: 1852s1860, three and villages. Several engage -
.0n Friday 'night,, March 4, A Mrs, L. M. Scrimgeour, president Brophy- families in 1853, Robert ments had to be refused as a
C. MacKinnon, Toronto will givelof.Blyth Institute, introdeced -the Buchanan in 1854. in West' Wa- member of the cast, Robert HO -
a talk on soil, conservation and cest, Between acts a. duett was wahesh there were Thomas Rut- bursa, is leaving March 1 to ao-
crop , ,rotation illustrated, with given 'by Jack and Bill Manning, ledge in 1845, James -Johnston, Coot a position in Cliffeed.
Moving' pictures. This is a worth Iwith guitar and violin accomp- 1848; Matthew Leckhert ;1953, and Successful "At -Rome"
while meeting and all farmers ine 'anirnent by Bill Manning and Robert Medd and John Washing- The inhual Masonlc "At Home,"
terestecl in farthing are asked to , Jimmie Pierce; also solos by ton 1869. In Mullett, Gabriel * .
I' *
T, C. Joint returned home Sun- ,Parr Line; consolation, Mrs: *M. attend. Bill Manning with guitar and Sprung come in 1848. M 1950
day Mit from a month's vacation oolser, Kippen; gents; Ross Fractures Hip . iviolin accompaniment. Harry Ennti Elkin, Robert Roberton and borne, John Kernighan, J. J.
'C .
in Florida, feeling much improv- Broadfoot, Kippen; ,consolation, We regret to report that Mrs, Sturdy, president, of the hall John Lawson came,' 'and in 1851 Robertson; in West :Wawanosh,
ed in health. Wilmer Reid, Verna; lone hands: Horner, Zurich who spent the
committee, thanked the pleyers William Jackson and Andrew Bert' Moss, Walter Washington;
a i '
Mrs. Mathew England is re- ladies, Mrs. George Smale, Hen- past two months at the home for the evening's entertainment. McDonald. . East Wawanosh, Oliver Anderson
the ,Refreshments were' served by Some of jhe eimillies still hold- and John Buchanan. Paile.weArem-grg and
covering from e sprained wris sell; gents, Norman Ferguson, her daughter, Mrs. Ings, had
she suffered h a fall recently. Exeter; lucky door prize, Mrs. W. misfortune to fall, breaking her :Refreshments were served to the ing faring of the first settlers Lunch was served by IVfrs. Gor-
ere:. in Mullett, James Jackson, don Taylor, Mrs. George Beadle, Cowan of Grand Bend, a
Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Passmore, D. Wilson, Brucefield. Murdock's hip. She is in Clinton Public * . ' theplay. .
• Library lefeeting- - ' Glen Patterson, Fred Plaetzer, Mrs. George Ilamilton, Mrs. 0. E. and Mrs. John Fergus
Salford, visited recently 'with the orchestra furnished the Music for Hospital. Her Many friends hope '
The Annual meeting of Auburn William Archambault; in Col- Erratt, and Mrs. Bert Daer. Exeter.
formers parents, Mr. and_ Mrs. the dance, and the floor manager for a speedy recovery. 1VIrs. Hor- '
John Passmore, was Campbell Eyre. Door re- ner is in her 89th year. Public Library was held in the
Gordon Schwalm, Jack Hyde, ceipts were $153. • • Library Thursday evening. The
Keith Buchanan, Hensel, and Evening Auxiliary Meets ''"'""""'* - -..._---.—.. --- president, Ellis Little, Was in the
chair. The Librarian, Miss Mang -
Robert Gemmels Brussels, were Mrs, C. Forbes was hostess at. es . - ......
in Toronto last week attending her home for the Febithary meet- 4.1:0C1.
"tench Township aret King, 'gave her report show -
don, . , Auxiliary. Mrs. C. Kennedy was ''''—'''''''''""`"'''''''''''''''' during' the year, of these 1,194
:, '.'!'
eSee '''''
the Allis Chalmers school conven- ing of the Arnold Circle Evening ing that 1,867 had been read
Lenten Services - co -hostess. There was a Splendid Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scotch.- fiction, 243 class, 430 juvenile. ,
Lenten services will be held attendance. The chair was token mere visited Mr. and Mrs. F. This is an increase of 361 from
in Hensell United Church every by Mrs. W. Brown, in the ab- Arkell on Saturday. • • 1947. The treasurer, Mrs. Ross,
Wednesday evening from eight sence of the president, Mrs. Glenn Miss Olive Johnson has re- reported: ReeeiPts, $328.33; ex -
to nine, commencing Wednesday, Bell.. The' scripture lesson was turned to her duties at S.S. No. penses, $180.27, end a balance on
March 2, end continuing until read by Mrs. J. E. BecEwan, and 10 after a: week's illness et her hand of $148.06. During the year
Holy Week. prayer' offered by Mrs. Cecil home at Varna. • over S60 worth of books were
Junior Choir Assists Johnston. Mrs. Stewart .Bell Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson Purchased. The Library belongs
At the morning service of the contributed a paper from the and Bill, Mrs. Randal Pepper and to the Huron County Library As-
Uriited Church, the Junior Choir Glad Tidings;. Mrs. A. Scholl, a Carol. Ann Sudbury, were guests sedation and gets an exchange
of 100 hooks every three months.
The following officers • were
held in the lodge roof
Thursday evening, was
attended, and 15 tables o
'Were in play. The w
master of the local lod
corned the guests; and lu
supervised at the cond.
the games by Harvey M
Winners at cards were
Whitmore, Mrs. J. A. Co
Robert Newcombe, the
winning the draw after
with Frank Elliott and
under direction of S. Rennie, missionary item; and the topic last weel.;: with Mrs, Arthur
contributed two very fine num- dealing with China, was in charge Welsh.
beis. Miss Betty Mickle eceOmp- .of. Mrs. Gernet Mnusseau and Geee. nth Township School Area e'ested: President. Mr. E. Little
anted at the piano. end the treasurer, Mrs. Ross,
her groups. Mrs. Scholl and Mrs. Board met in Holmesville School
• ' Billed Garter Snake Kennedy favoured with a vocal February 23. Chairman Robert were re-elected. The ' retiring,:
Wayne Welsh. Murray Har- duett, and community singing .Welsh presided, and all mem- directors, Rev. A. G. Hewitt and
burn, eorge Smith, while in the was featured. During the busi- bers were present, namely: C. Mrs. C. M. Straughan, were re-
Gelected for a three-year term. A.
J. Ferguson's term expired this
Year, and he hes moved from this
locality. Robert Ferris was ap-
pointed in his place. The other
...............e...........esseeseseesse—ree , school as ;electricity is now avail- directors are Mrs. W. T. Robison,
1 able there, The next regular ZdPr Lawson, , Harry Sturdy,
school on March 30. ,Frank Raithby and 0. E. Erratt.
HO LMESVILLE meeting will be held in No. 1Miss Margaret King was re-ep-
bush adjoining the Community ness period arrangements were Leithwaite, W. Forbes, George
Park, Saturday, killed a garter made to hold a Valentine tea in Potter and Everett McIlwain. All
snake measuring a foot -and -a- ihe church schoolroom Saturday. ; communications and reports were
. half. This is an unusual thing Meech 12. A social hour eves Tread end considered
at this time of the year with enjoyed and refreshments served It was deckled to wire No. 6
snow on the ground. The boys.
eleven, and nine, respectively,
students at Mensall Public school,
were very proud of their accomp-
lishment and went' around very
porudly displaying the reptile.
Ladies' Aid Meets
At the Ladies' Aid February
meeting, held in Carmel Presby-
terian school room, Mrs, W. R. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Potter and
Bell, president, took the choir. Miss Ruth Potter were Sunday
Discussion centred around a St. visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E.
Patrick's tea to be held in the Grigg.
chtirsh school room in conjunc- Fractures Wrist
tion with the Arnold Circle Even- The many friends of Mrs. C.
ing Auxiliary. Decoration com- P. Taven,er were sorry to learn
mittee are Mrs. A. D. McEwan she had slipped on the ice in
(cinevenor), Mrs. R. J. Cameron, Clinton and had suffered a brok-
Miss Violet Hyde; table commit- en wrist.
tee, Mrs, A. Mousseau, Mrs. Percy The World Day of Prayer
Campbell. The Women's World Day of
Successful Euchre Prayer will be observed in the
The Town Hall, Friday night auditorium of Holmcsville
I'agt, packed to capacity, was the . ed Church Friday afternoon,
setting for the euchre and dance, March 4. Ebenezer and Zion
sponsored by Kippen East W.I., 'Tidies are invited to attend. Lunch
with 42 tables in play. Winners will be served.
were: Ladies, Mrs. Roy McBride,
6411•10.10...1414;0.4.74411.4.4- 4.404.4.6...4444.447.•
pointed as librarian.
Book committee — Rev. A. G.
Donald Palmer, Toronto, spent Hewitt, Mrs, Robison, Mr, Er -
the weekend at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Palmer. Mrs, C. M. Straughan; program
--see;see. eesess"seseseeseeseesessesej and finance committee — Mrs,
Mr, and Mrs. Austin Zapfe and . Straughan, Harry Sturdy, Frank
Wayne, London, spent Sunday111"11thY, and R. Ferris; repro -
with relatives here.sentative to Huron County As -
We. are sorry to report thet Mrs. 1 soctstion—Bobed Ferris; talter-
M. F. Berry is quite ill. We hope ,nate—Mrs. W. T. Robison.
she will soon be better. T It war decided to hold a con -
Miss Kathleen eellott, ye„ I red on Dc comber 2 or as near
Marie Elliott and Deweyne Elliottlthat dote as possible. All public
'are visiting their Aunt in Detroit. ,school children receive free
Alex Paterson received worci 1reading.
Sunday that his father had passed i (Mtended for last week)
away in Montreal. He left for Early Days Recalled
that place Monday morning. Auburn Women's Institute met
o in the Foresters' Hall with the
Something New in Botany president, Mrs. Herb. Mogridge,
"Which boy can tell me the in the chair end Mrs, R. J. Phil -
pine with the longest needles?" lips at the piano. Mrs. Gordon
"Please, sir, the porcupine." -Taylor was appointed to the
BRUCEFIELD ratt, Mrs. Nesbitt, Mrs. Lawson,
''s•• sereereesesesse ••• • ,-
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