HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-03-03, Page 518Hl1R,SI)AY;1VIARCIe 3, 1949 CANTON NEWS -RECORD NewsllecordCiasSifieciA4*ets BrIng':QuickIte etelA=SH RATE -41f paid by Wed - 1 mesday following date of inser- e+tiottl-One cent a word first in- aerti'on (minimum 35 cents); sub- asequent insertions one cent a word (Minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for dtrec-. eSton to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m, Wednesdaiv ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE THREE ADULTS WILL SHARE home with ` suitable married ra 'couple (no children), For par- 'Heelers telephone 296J after 6 tem, 9-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED iCOUPLE WITH ONE CHILD require living accommodation, furnished or unfurnished. Please +call Clinton 463M. 9-p . APARTMENT, •about four rooms, preferably unfurnished. Apply ::Mrs. Gordon Millon, Seaforth. 9-b ARTICLES FOR SALE • 'MURPHY BROS, PAINTS, reg. '$235 quart. Special 98 cents quart. Clinton War Assets Sur- plus. 3-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE " '1947 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE, lin Al condition. Apply Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 9-p 3946 CHEVROLET SEDAN, com- piete with heater, defroster, backing -up light, four brand new tires, mileage 18,500, complete car in perfect shape, very reasonable. Phone 294-1e ' or write P.O. Box 281. 9-p WORK WANTED FEMALE • EXPERIENCED, capable house- keeper : would like position of cook for "small group, a Protest- ant and middle-aged. Could come et once. Apply Box "F", NEWS- RECORD. 9-10-11-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOUR HEIFERS, two 10 -months old, two calves. William Edgar, R.R. 3, Clinton, two miles north of Varna. 9-p SIX LITTLE PIGS, six weeks old. R. J. Semple, R.R. 2, Bay- field, phone Clinton 909r25. 9-p TWELVE LITTLE PIGS, eight weeks old. Apply E. N. Grigg, phone Clinton 911r2, 9-b • LOST AND FOUND LOST —BLACK AND WHITE Female Hund, answers to name of "Trixie.' Ernest Dale, phone Clinton 617r25. 9-p FOUND MAN'S WRIST Watch. Finder may have same by prov- ing property and paying ex- penses. AC Dempster, Barrack Block 7A, room 7, RCAF Station. Phone Clinton 382. 9-p MACHINE . FOR SALE 14' LINE SHAFT with nine pul- leys of various sizes; two idling shafts; 16" jointer with 9' table; disc sander; jig saw; rip saw with 1" mandrel and several saws up to 14", belts for ell; one 5 h.p. motor. J. W. Counter, Builders' Supplies. 9-b MISCELLANEOUS €BUILDINGS FOR SALE 1BUILDING, 30'x60' FOR SALE. ale metates good timber. Adam Stewart: phone 620r5. • . 8-9-p CLOTHING FOR SALE 'BOY'S . SUIT, BREECHES AND Shorts, size 8, in good condition. Phone 698M. 9-b FARMS FOR SALE ''77 ACRE FARM• nine acres !bush; driving shed and barn; seven -room brick •cottage; lot 45, 'concession 2, L.R.S., near church and school. Apply Mrs. Alex iLillico, Seaforth, please call 'evenings. 7-8-9-p FARM FOR ALE OR RENT 80 ACRES GOOD PASTURE :with spring creek, lots of shade. -Appey to Mrs. Ellen J. Cox, ':Huron St., Clinton. 5-10-p FURNITURE FOR SALE KITCHEN CABINET; Elechic radio, cabinet model. Apply Mrs. Noble Holland, phone 617r22. 9-b HELP WANTED—MALE YOUNG BOY OR. MAN wanted `'tor farm work, commencing April 1. Apply Box "K", NEWS - RECORD. 9-b UIELP WANTED, FEMALE GIRL • OR WOMAN for Hotel work. Queen's Hotel, Seaforth. 8-9-p HOUSES FOR SALE 11 -STOREY GREEN SHINGLE House in good repair, to be mov- ed from premises. Apply Ed. C. Glenn, phone Clinton 620r24. 9-10-b 'TOWN OF CLIleTON, one -floor insul brick cottage, nearly new, it 'Irvin room with dinette space g n modern kitchentwith built-i cupboards, two bedrooms with 'closet space, 'three-piece bath with built-in tub, hardwood floors, fully insulated, full base- ment, furnace er(uipped with oil burner, good location, immediate • possession. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251-W, Clinton. •9bftb SAW FILING, ALL KiNDS done at Hoards Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale. var- ious lengths. Enquire. 53-9-p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. Itfb SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All druggists. ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer Prices If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch„ 936r21 se 936r32. Godes- !ch. 2btfb PROPERTY FOR SALE STORE AND THREE -ROOMED Apartment on the Square in Goderich, Apply Clinton War Assets Surplus. 9-p PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb STOVES FOR SALE QUEEN 'OIL BROODER STOVE, uses fuel oil, perfect condition, used two seasons, 500-1,000 chick capacity. Jack Cluff, phone 906r21. 9-10-b CLARE JEWEL WHITE ENAMEL Range in good condition. Apply Box "P," NEWS -RECORD. 9-p TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned until March 23 for wiring No. 6 school in Goderich Township School Area. Specifications are available at residence of secretary -treasurer. Frank Yeo, secretary -treasurer, R.R. 3, Clinton. 9-10-b WANTED CHILD'S USED CRIB, no mat- tress. Phone 352J. 9-b HEY! YOU GUYS! Time to start looking for that New Spring Suit you want for Easter. You won't have to look any further, when you see our selection of the latest creations for Spring. Gabardines, Serges, Flannels and Worsteds, in plains, stripes or checks, in all the latest styles for young and old: See the new Semi -Lounge models. Topcoats are.comiri,„ in now in gabardines and covert cloths in all the better shades for spring. "PSST", FELLOWS — don't forget blues and blue -greys are .tops for this year. REMEMBER If youare an odd size or shape, you'll get a real fit with one of our suits Made=To-Measure: Warren K. Cook W. R. Johnston Regal • Park Tip Top Tailors .Pickett E.4 Campbell Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts PHONE 25 CLINTON BIRTHS BROWN—Mr. and Mrs. Lelioy G. Brown, Lindsay, are happy to announce ' the birth of a son, Robert Leigh, a brother for John, at Ross Memorial Hos- pital, Lindsay, ' on Friday. February 25, 1949. Mother and baby are both well. SHANAHAN—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Febru- ary 24, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. John Shanahan (nee Norma Pickett), London, both formerly of Clinton, a daughter (Brenda Anne). YOUNG — In Mount Hamilton Hospital, Hamilton, on Satur- day, February 26, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs: B. W. Young, Hamil- ton (nee Mildred Lobb, Clin- ton), a son (Paul Benjamin). FARM WORK ON SUNDAY OPPOSED BY PRESBYTERY REV.FR. McDONALDt DE -BUNKS SOME CURRENT IDEAS' (Continued from Page One) charges had reached their ob- jective but many of the others were disappointing, and that three of these charges had raised noth- ing in cash or pledges. Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Clinton, gave en encouraging report for the Missionary and Maintenance Fund, stating that the contribu- tions of Huron Presbytery for 1948 were $61,700, an increase of 17 per cent over the previous year. Real Estate Transfers Consent was given to the peo- ple of Seaforth United Church to sell the house at the north end of their church building; to the people of Holmesville to sell their church shed; to the people of. Goshen to sell their old church building; and to the people of Turner's to sell their church shed. Rev. W. 3, Watt, Whitechurch, reported that a number of the brethren hed united together to form a group under Huron Co- operative Medical . Association plan for hospitalization. Revs. H. J. Mahoney and H. 3. Snell, both of Exeter, outlined the plans for the United Church 25th anniversary. Presbytery accepted an invita- tion to hold the fall meeting, 1949, at Blyth. It was decided that the next meeting of Pres- bytery would. be in Hensall, on Tuesday, April 26 (EDST), the same, dry as the Presbyterial meeting of the Woman's Mission- ary Society. 0 WESLEY-WH,LIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of .Wesley - Willis United Church will meet in the Church Parlour on Tues- day evening, March 8• Mrs. Ping - lend wilt be guest speaker and the meeting will be under the direction of Mrs. J. Innes and Mrs. Les Ball and their group. -•—o— CARD OF THANKS Mrs. G. R. Taylor desires to take this opportunity of expres- sing her sincere apprecietion to all who sant letters, cards, flowers or remembered her in any way during her recent stay in Clinton Public Hospital, with special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nursing staff of the Hospital. 9-b CARD OF THANKS Mrs Humphrey Snell end Mrs. Reg. Knights wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation (Controlled frofn Page One) silted of .What people do with these things after they get there,' These things hadn't made people really happy. Today there was a lack of security and the realize - tion that this world is rapidly approaching e crisis. I "We have to revise our ideas of what makes people happy," he said. "We're not so happy as people of former days because we have lost our true sense of values. In fine arts and culture, other ages were incomparably greater than ours•" In poetry,, three menu stood out — Homer about 700 B.C., Dante in the 13th , century, 'and Shakespeare in the 16th century. For happiness, the! greatest age was the 13th cent- t "Freedom. you will be told, is 'the right to do as you please'," Father McDonald declared. "Ii is no such thing; it is the right to do es you ought•" This would account for many of the unhappy features of present day living. "If I have rights, everyone has a right to respect those respon- sibilities. There is too much talk about freedom and too little responsibility." ROXY THEATRE ,;C L I. N T O N' %low Playing (March 3-5) Claudette Colbert & Fred ;Hat- Murray in "THE EGG AND r' MON., TUES., WED. (March 7-9) Dual • At'trac'tions — Margaret Lockwood and James Mason, two top-flight English stars, ably enact a n intriguing drama about a haunted house. "A Place of One's Own" William Elliott, Vera Ralston & Gail Patrick star in a fast-mov- ing saga of the day of the pony express. "The Plainsman and the Lady" THUR. FRI. SAT. (March 10-12) "CORONER CREEK" (In Cinecolor) The story of a man's unswerving desire for revenge in a mighty drama of America's frontier days. Randolph Scott, Marguerite Chapman and Sally Eilers Coming (March 14-16) Cary Grant and Myrna Loy in "Mr. Bland- ings Builds His Dream House" ury. The speaker stated that relig- ion has a much more important place in our lives than being "just a collection of pious myths for many people. Reason can show and does show .the existence of God. "Religious faith has one of the most important foundations of anything," he said. "We do not need to depend on myths." Father McDonald declared that the solution was not at all dif- ficult. ' People have taken God out of the centre of the universe, but the solution is to put God ford cow, 3 yrs. old, milking, back there. "Things won't be pasture bred; Hereford heifer, 3 PAGE `File* CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE. GODERICH SEAFORTH Now Playing (March 34) Randolph Scott and 'Sally Filers "CORONER CREEK" , Cineeolor Now Playing (March 3-5) "FORT APACHE" -. Henry Fonda, MON., TUES., WED. (March 7-9) Cary Grant, Myrna Loy and Melvyn. Douglas — Did you even plan to build a home of your own? Then you must see this hilarious comedy • "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House" THUR. FRI. SAT. (March 10-12) Now on the screen in all its glory! Robert Louis Stevenson's "THE BLACK ARROW" featuring a .termendous cast and starring Louis Hayward, Janet Blair and George Macready Coming — "LUXURY LINER" In Technicolor, with Geo. Brent MON., TUES„' WED. (March 7-9) Cedric Idardwicke, Ralph Jason and Patricia 'Miilis—With auth- entic backgrounds comes a Dick- ens' tale masterfully produced and directed. "NICHOLAS NICKLEBY” THUR. I''RI. SAT. (Marcy 19-12) Claudette Colbert, Fred MacMur- ray and Marjorie Main Betty MacDonald's own story of her life as a chicken rancher now drown at popular prices. "THE EGG AND I"° Coming — "MR. BLANDINGS BUILDS HIS DREAM HOUSE" CLEARING AUCTION SALE _. of — FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS,. FEED ee HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Lot No. 17, Concession 9, Stanley Township, Babylon Line 5ee miles north east of Zurich or 41, miles south- west of Varna, on Wednesday, March 9 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: HORSES: Clyde mare, 11 yrs. old, approx. 1,600 lbs.; Clyde horse, 11 yrs. old, 1,600 lbs, CATTLE: Holstein heifer, 3 yrs. old, milking, due in August; Hol- stein cow, aged, milking; 2 Dur- ham cows, 5 yrs. old, milking, pasture bred; Durham cow, 8 yrs. old, milking, due in Sept.; Here - right until He is put back. You can't have God 'in his own right place unless he is a creature of God." 0 JUNIOR FARMERS TO MEET The regular meeting of Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior In- stitute will be held on Tuesday, March 8, at 8.30 p.m. in Clinton Collegiate Institute. A good at- tendance is hoped for •and a special invitation is given to the parents to attend this meeting. All members are asked to bring lunch. yrs. old; Durham heifer, 2 yrs, old; Durham heifer, 2 yrs. old; Durham steer, 1 yr. old; 5 year- ling Durham heifers. PIGS: 8 pigs, 3 months old; 9 pigs, 2/ months old. IMPLEMENTS: Oliver 70 Row Crop tractor (nearly new) equip- ped with lights, starter, power life end P.T.O.; 2 -row cultivator; Cockshutt No. 64 Row Crop tractor (nearly new) equipped with lights, starter and power life; Allis Chalmers model 60 All - Crop Harvester combine, equip- ped with scour clean, straw Clearing spreader and flax rolls; 3 -furrow disc plow; Oliver 2 -furrow trac- tor plow; John Deere 5 ft. disc AUCTION SALE tiller (nearly new); McCormick of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS Deering 3 -section spring tooth and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSharrows; Dunnham eulti-packer; at Lot 22, Concession 11, Hallett M.H. 7 ft, double disc; Deering Township, 1 mile east of binder, 6 ft cut; Deering 13 -disc Londesboro en fertilizer drill; M.H. 13 -hoe drill with fertilizer attachment; Mc - Thursday, March 10 Cormick Deering mower, 6 ft. at 12 o'clock. cut; M.H. side -delivery rake; Me - HORSES: Chestnut gelling, Cormick Deering hay loader; middle age; Clyde gelding, 8 yrs, rubber tire wagon, 600x16 tires; old; Belgian felling, 7 yrs. old; flat rack (nearly new); gravel Clyde mare middle age. box (new); farm wagon, box & CATTLE: 7 choice Durham stock rack; set of sleighs and flat cows, due in March and April; rack; single bob sleigh; Oliver 3 Durham steers, 1,100 lbs.; 13 2 -row scuffler; walking plow; Durham steers and heifers, rising 10 ft. hay rape; 4 -section Spike 2 years old; 4 Durham steers and harrows; 3 -section drag harrows; heifers, 1 year old. Fleury grain crusher; cutter; HAY: 20 ton mixed hay. buzz saw and mandrel; 3 H.P. HARNESS: 1 set breeching Wagner electric motor (A-1 con - harness; 1 set back -band harness; clition); electric feed cooker; set single harness, number of emery wheel and mandrel; cem- ent mixer; fanning mill; DeLaval cream separator; 32 ft. extension Ladder; 120 gal. gas drum; rotary pump; electric fencer; 2 rolls of hog fence (approx. 50 rods; roll of 9 wire Page fence (20 rods); 32 foot iron gate (new); 2 sets of woven wire stretchers; set of block and tackle; Cyclone grass seeder; cross cut saw; hay fork; 4 'sling ropes; dogging chains; forks; shovels; 3 85 -lb. milk cans, pails and strainer; tarpaulin 14'x19'; numerous other articles. HARNESS: Set of breeching harness; set of back band harness. FEED: Approx. 20 tons of mix- ed hay; approx. 214. tons of red clover hay (bailed); approx. 400 bus. of Beaver oets (suitable for seed); 60 bus. of feed barley. WOOD and COAL: Approx. 12 cord of mixed wood; quantity of chestnut coal. Household Effects — Finlay en- amel range with. warming oven and reservoir; Quebec heater (nearly new); Ruddy kitchen cabinet; 5 kitchen chairs; white enamel bath tub; a, number of quart sealers. 1 TERMS—CASH No reserve as farm is sold. HARVEY KEYS. Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, " 8-9-b Auctioneer for all floral tributes, cards and horse collars. remembrances, and all other acts IMPLEMENTS: Maicky-Harris of sympathy expressed in their 7 ft, binder; Harris ray mower recent sad bereavement, with 6sft,; Massey -Harris ey hay loader; special thanks to Dr. Thompson, ure raise; (likenew);Massey-Harris mag - Dr. Oakes, the nurses et Clinton aro spreader ;e spring Public Hospital, to the special tooth cultivator; Massey -Harris nurses and Rev. W. J. Woolfrey.lfertilizer drill; 3 -drum steel rol- 9-P ler; 4 -section diamond harrows; 0 IN MEMORIAM WILSON—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Brucefield, who t gravel box' harrow cart; g v , 2 farm wagons; 16 ft, hay rack; wagon, grain box; set farm sleighs and flat rack; 2,000 ib. scales; fan- ning mill; 5 H.P. gats engine; Wagner 3 H.Y. motor, good con - passed away one year ago, dition; grain crusher; root pulp - March 1, 1948: er; cream separator; milk palls; "The years may wipe out many large quantity lumber, plank, Hemlock, Cherry, White Ash, etc.; cedar posts; forks, shovels, chains, cant hook, post hole auger, crow bar, and other erticlets, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Four things, But this they wipe out never, The memory of those happy The memory of those happy days When we were all together." —Ever remembered by her lov- bedroom suites; Beech range; ing husband and son, Jimmy, Pandora range; extension table - also by mother and brothers. kitchen table and chairs; rockers 9'P small tables; sewing machine floor covering, dishes and othea household effects, QUANTITY OF WOOD for im- I TERMS --CASH rnadiate sale. Also available for 1 ROBERT JAMES SCOTT, custom wood cutting. Glenn i Proprietor Prim, Brumfield, phone Clinton HAROLD JACKSON, 621r31.9 -10-p I Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk. WOOD FOR SALE BEAUTY SHOPPE % Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents 1 ETHEL TIHOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 CUT FLOWER;; FLORAL Dl':1.(;iNS For Every Occasion c.V COO E FLORIST " Phones: 66w and 66j 8-9-b YOU MAY GO TO HEAVEN re WITHOUT HEALTH WITHOUT WEALTH W'1THIOUT HONOUR WITHOUT LEARNING WITHOUT FRIENDS WITHOUT CULTURE and WITHOUT TEN THOUSAND -OTHER THINGS BUT YOU CAN NEVER GET TO HEM EN'Wfl''HOUT"'CHRIST!' CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif, Margarine Colour Both Tom Pryde and John Ha- nna, our provincial members of parliament, have promised strong support in preventing the manu- fecturers of margarine in copying the colour and appearance of butter. WORK CLOTHING for Father and Son HAUGH'S BIG 88 — in heavy OVERALLS sanforized drill with dome down, +a+� pocket, in Navy, Blue or Black.' CARHARTT'S DRAEGERMAN— a good roomy perfect fitting garmept in hard-wearing denim. KITCHEN'S STREAMLINER — high back, elastic shoulders, zipper front, real comfort in overalls. E. MOCKS HAUGH'S WINDBREAKER— heavy sanforized navy bine drill with dome closure, adjust- able straps' on waist band. A hard wearing jacket. CARHARTT'S Coat Style Smock, in blue or black denim, full cut with three pockets, made for comfort when working. KITCHEN'S DOMED JACKET in n•rey sanforized covert cloth. Adjustable waist band, only $3.50. e9S AUCTION SALE —of — HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE In the 'Pillage of Londesboro Saturday, March 12 at 1:30 pan, I have been instructed by Mr. Murdock Ross to sell by public auction: Living room furniture; dining furniture; kitchen table and chairs and sideboard; 4 rocking chairs; 2 beds and springs; 3 mattresses; 4 feather beds; 1 dres- ser; 1 chest drawers; dishes; pots and pans; pillows; pictures; look- ing glasses; 1 weshing machine; ironing board; bird cages; irons; lawn mower; 1 cook stove, Beach; coal oil stoves; forks, shovels, spades and other articles. TERMS—CASH HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer 9-10-b i✓�".�;t•L«t� r4wk+T"N+9%'�3+c�I�d«,t�.'«f•1��d�! Welcome! All parents are cordially invited . to attend the 'regular meeting of Clinton Junior Institute and Junior Farmers TUES., MARCH 8 at 8.30 p.m: Clinton Collegiate GUEST SPEAKER: Frank Fingland, K.C.' "Father and Son Agreements" Debate: Four Juniors will take part 9-b Dance TOWN HALL CLINTON Fri., March 4 FEATURING ERIC SCOTT and his ORCHESTRA direct from. Brant Inn, Burlington with all the latest hits', t 10' p.m..to 1 a.m. 1 ADMISSION: 50 cents plus 10 cents tax- 1 ax Just Arrived ! The New ::`catty Washing Machine and Ironer Sold on the Weekly Payment Plan if desired. HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing and Heating Business 244—PHONES—Residence 470 3'. Is Your Home In Need Of Repair 9 • PLUMBING, SEWERAGE INSTALLATION, or REPAIR on any of your immediate needs. • Full line of Concrete Equipment, ready to operate. Rates and contracts available noon request; all work done accord- ing to specifications. Make arrangements now for concrete installations; cement is now available ta store for future use. Upon request, we will furnishyou the amounts needed for individual requirements. ..�.4111,. McKay Contracting Co. Phone 373M -- -- Clinton