HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-03-03, Page 4W. J. MUTCH
Phone 301-J
more, Charles Cook,. Norman The treasurer and secretary's
bert Taylor end Russell Jervis Holland, J. W. Nediger, W. report was given. The roll call
also attended the funeral. Nediger, W. E. Jervis. was then. called. The lucky ticket
was won by Mrs. Cliff Glazier.
It was decided to sell tickets on
the "town powers that be" for a Jack A. Peebles, son of Mr, and
playground for vary small child- Mrs. A, R. Peebles, Linwood,
ren, especially along with shade Ont. The wedding to take place
and further comfortable seating March 12th.
for the mothers and attendants, I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weymouth,
to report at the. March meeting. Clinton, wish to announoe the
The next meetint, is to be held 'engagement of their elder dau-
at the home of Mrs. Dales, Town- 1 ghter, Doris Irene, to Roy Gordon
send. St., with Mrs. Lawrence in Harrison, only son of Mrs. Har -
charge. risen, and the late John A. Har -
o risen, Goderich, the marriage to
Former Local Couple take place in St, George's Angli-
can Church, Goderich, on Satur-
Mark 50th Anniversary (day March 19.
The Friendship Club of: at.
Paul's Anglican Church 'met at
the home of Mrs. Margaret Smith
with Mrs, Jean Herman as co -
The meeting opened with the
Members' Prayer followed by
the Lord's Prayer repeated in
unison. The minutes and treas-
urer's report were read. Mrs.
who are studying at Huron Col- Ruby Fitzsimons and Mrs. Nettie
lege. Special music has been Deeves were appointed to look
prepared. In the morning the after the Junior Kindergarten for
anthem "Who are These" (Sul- March.
liven) will be sung, and in the The next meeting will be held
evening, James Cori -an, tenor, at the Rectory on Wednesday,
will be guest soloist. Young March 9, following service in the
People are especially invited to church.
these services. o
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Stothers,
Arthur, formerly of Clinton, an -
An article of inteerst to many ' nounce the engagement of their
in this district appears in the daughter, Kathleen Bailie, to
Woodstock -Ingersoll Daily Sent- I William Brock Whale, B.S.A., son
inel Review of Friday last, which of Mr, and Mrs. I. B. Whale,
refers to the golden wedding of London, the marriage to take
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Blackwell, I place quietly in March.
77 Broadway St., Woodstock.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell ware
married in •Seaforth, on February
15, 1899, and for the past 47
years have resided in Woodstock.
a quilt. Mrs. Blackwell, the former Jen -
The next meeting is to be held nie Colclough, isthe eldest dau-
at the home of Mrs. Warren Gib- ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs.
bings. - )William Colclough, Goderich
Township, and her husband, born
The afternoon was spent.'.in a in 1875, is a son of the late Mr.
social form. A dainty lunch •was
served by group two, which are
Mrs. Fred Pepper, Mrs, Albert
Glazier, Mrs. Wilfred Glazier, and
Mrs. William Holland.
Church Directory
Wesley -Willis United
Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
and Mrs. Joseph Blackwell, SUNDAY, MARCH. 6
Holmesville, 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship
This honoured couple have a 12.15—Sunday School
family of three sons and one 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor-
daugther: Leslie; Detroit; Nor- ship in St. Paul's Anglican
man, Toronto; Harold, Galt; and
Recent Bride Feted Jean' Mrs. C. Worth, who resides
with her rents, Thereare also
Prior to Marriage eight
grapandehlldren and six
• Mrs. Donald MacDonald, Queen
St., entertained at a delightful
pre -nuptial shower in honour of
Miss Marie Ellwood, now Mrs.
'R. J. Schoenhals. The evening
was a gathering of the neigh-
bours" who presented the bride
elect with a miscellaneous shower.
The early part of the evening
was spent looking at a bride's
book. The guest of honour was
then presented with a tray bear-
ing some gifts, tied to each was a
long ribbon bearing a card with
e question, the answer to which
had to he given by the bride-
to-be. Ribbons and balloons were
hung about the room and when
broken by Miss Ellwood showered
her with confetti. Each contain-
ed a slip of paper telling her
where more gifts were hidden.
The hostess was assisted in
serving dainty refreshments by
Mrs. Jack Waldron, Mrs. Frank
Cook, Miss Mildred Myers and
Mrs. William Grigg.
The bride -elect was the re-
cipient of many lovely and use
ful gifts and thanked her friends
in a few well-chosen words for
their thoughtfulness.
The anniversary occasion was
spent . quietly owing to the ill
health of Mrs. Blackwell, though
many cards and congratulatory
messages were received.
Hospital Aid Hears
Committee Reports
Clinton Hospital. Aid held its
monthly meeting in the Council
Chamber Tuesday evening, with
the president, Mrs. F. Fingland,
lip the chair.
Mrs. Lorne Brown read the
minutes while Miss L. Walkin-
shaw, the treasurer, reported a
Ibalance of $706.43, with several
outstanding bills.
Committee reports included
I1Virs. J. A. Sutter, for buying;
Mrs. W, H. Robinson, member-
ship; Mrs. A. Haddy, Hospital
supplies; Mrs. F. Thompson,
nurses -in -training: Mrs. May
Rance MacKinnon, consulting;
Mrs. B. B. Pocklington and Mrs.
Cree Cook, finance. Mrs. Pock-
lington oultnied plans for the
year, which include a play, fash-
ion show and old time dance.
Before the official opening of
the new wing of the Hospital on
May 12, the Aid voted to buy a
serving table for the dining room,
'dishes, and :.to investigate the
price of lamps.
V'V omen's and Shur+
Mrs. J. E. Watson, Toronto, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. A. D.
Mrs. `John A. Sutter spent'the
Weekend with her sister, Mrs.
W. E. Floody, Toronto.,
Mrs. Margaret. Johnston, Owen
Sound, was a weekend guest
the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Mrs. Neville Forbes and Grant
Snell ere spending a few days
with their sister, Mrs. Barry
Lanemaid, Windsor..
Miss Flora McCallum returned
Tuesday night to her home in
Kincardine after spending a few
days with friends In town.
Miss 'Lisbeth Sloman, Univer-
sity of Western Ontario, London,
spent the weekend at the home
of Miss Catherine Fingland.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Town, To -
ionto, are visiting their sister,
Miss Emma Levis, who is recov-
ering from an attack of flu,
Miss JoAnne Cuninghame,
Sarnia, and John Cuninghame,,
Owen Sound, spent the weekend
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon W. Cuninghame.
Benson Sutter spent the week -
THURSDAY, "MARC( 3,.,,7949'"
.ails tn ,• Cl ntc n s1 riot
ONTARlo sT. w.Ms. St. Paul's; Friendship
FeaturesMothers' Study .,Group Two Are • Initiated The monthly meetirug of the
Male Choir Ontario St.' W.A. ; nd�raps I WMs of Ontario St, United Club .Holds Meeting
Wesley -Willis Hears Various
D_pa_� Advocates Playground Four Receive
As 'a special attraction on
Men's Sunday in Wesley -Willis
United Church, 'a male choir of
close to' 40 :voices provided the
music and led in the worship, at
both morning and evening ser-
vices Sunday. ,
Rev. Andrew Lane, the min-
ister, delivered the message at
the morning service, and Rev.
Harold J. Snell, minister of
James St. Church, Exeter, preach-
ed at the evening " service. The
church was well filled in the
morning, and the auditorium was
crowded in the evening.
The Male Choir was under the
leadership of A. R. Persan, with
Dudley Pegg at the organ. The
managing committee of the Board
consisted of Lorne Jervis, J. W,
Nediger, Jr., and T. W. Martin.
The music committee comprised
A. R. Persan, Clifford Lobb and
William Jervis.
Ontario St, W.A. met on 'Ties -
day, March 1, in Church Ball,.
with a large audience. The meet-
ing opened with president.. Mrs:.
C. Veneer, in the chair, and sing-
ing Hymn 253, after which Psalm
696 was read in unison, followed
by the Lord's Prayer.
Mrs. Woolfray took the do-.
votional period, opening with
' Hymn 372, taking as her theme,
"Responsible Parenthood," fol-
lowed by prayer and singing of
Hymn 392. Minutes of the last
meeting were given by Mrs.
Charles Elliott, and the various
(reports were given and visiting
committees were then named.
Bart Irwin gave a lengthy talk
on hospita,.ization which was
quite instructive, after which, a
Inunber of ladies joined. Mrs.
R. G. Bennett then favoured the
ladies with a very pleasing solo
(which was much enjoyed. The,
ladies of St. ,Iohn's ward will
Members of the' Choir were: ,serve lunch at next meeting. The
tenor—Clifford Lobb, Robert Ir- meeting closed with Mizpah
win, William Mutch, Sr., C: J. Benediction.
Livermore, G. H. Mistele, Wil- o
Liam Moffat, G. N. Davis, Elmer
Hugill; soprano -N. W. Trewar- Happy Workers Club
end in Toronto attending the tha, Arnold Rathwell, Garnet
National Sub Executive meeting Cornish, R. S. Aticey, Wilfred Holds Fine Meeting
of the United Church YPU, going Jervis, Donald Jervis, Orval
as one of the representatives of Lobb, Lorne Jervis, H. Holden, The February meeting of the
London Conference YPU. B. Glenn, E. H. Epps; bass—Fred Happy Workers Club was held
Mrs. Oliver Jervis has returned Lobb, Fred Potter, J, A. McGill, at the home of Mrs. William
after 'visiting relatives in Port Murray McEwan, Frank McEwan, Holland. The meeting opened by
Hope and Toronto. She was cal- A. E. Shaddick, Walter Little, singing "Stand Up, Stand Up for
led to Port Hope owing to the Gordon Ross, George B. Beattie, Jesus," followed by the Lord's
death of her brother-in-law, the Glenn Lockhart, Percy Liver- Prayer i+
late W M
William Meadows. Mrs Ito-
- "" � Church will be veld: at the the home
of intTwoo the Order and candidate initiateddi day afternoon, March 8, at 2.30
of Mrs. A. J: McMurray on Tues -
Wesley -Willis United Group Church met dates were giventhe�
The Mothers' Study...Arch de -o'clock,
at, the home of Nfrs. F, G. Lal gree at the regular meeting, of ---o
recce on Tuesday, • February ,
with a fine representation Pres Murphy, L.O.L. No. 710, held irf 'HURON COLLEGE SUNDAY
ant to ..the lodge room, Clinton, Thurs- Sunday, March 6, will be known
whom Mrs. Lawrence ex-
Sun -
tended a. most eordial welcomx. day . evening last. as Huron College Crusade Mrs. A. Griffiths took A social evening has been day in St. Paul's Church, Clin-
of the A. Griffiths
charge ve planned for Monday, March 14, ton. In charge of the services
in Clinton Collegiate Institute at 11 a.m. And 7 p.m. will be
ably the programme consisting of i Auditorium. J. and ' P. Dodds, two brothers
devotional exercises, businessThe next meeting will be held
session and . the discussional per -Ion Thursday, March 10,
iod. Using two,contests, she put o
the members through some brain-
testers which bended to keep them Engagements Announced
"up to the minute."
A committee, consisting of Mrs.The engagement is announced
F. G. Lawrence, Mrs. M. Batkin t of Marion Isobel, daughter of
and Mrs. Jouliet, was appointed' Mrs. Letitia Sangster and the late
for the purpose of interviewing James Sangster, Henson, to Mr.
(had and Jtutcli Sune'r:al Warne
The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home
are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the
Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not
the Least.
There is No Extra Charge for Services Held
Here Under Such Ideal Conditions.
Phone 361-W
Funeral Directors
Phone 195
Don't Fail to Visit
Our New Modern
Paint and Paper Shop!
We have just, completely remodelled
our premises on Huron Street, three doors
' west of the Royal Bank.
We carry a complete line of:
All Paints Thoroughly Mixed by Automatic Mixer
D.A. Kay & Son
Phone 234-W
Huron St., Clinton
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. it, M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir
Huron College Crusade Sunday
11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer
and Sunday School
Anthem: "Who Are These?"
7.00 o.m.—Union Evening Wor-
ship in this church.
Solo: Mr. James Corran.
8.15 p.m.—Holy Communion.
Morning and evening service
in charge of Messrs J. end
P. Dodds.
Wednesday, March 9—Board of
Management in Memorial
Hall, 8.00 p.m.
Friendship Club meets at Rectory
after service in church Wed-
nesday, March 9. \
The New
Long -Playing Record
Plays one record for 45 mins.
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Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship
"Christ Not the Destroyer,
but the Fulfiller."
2.30 p.m—Service at Bayfield.
All Welcome
of "Hampton's"
Martha Washington
Also the famous
those washable, color -fast, spun
dresses so light •and •airy for
spring and summer wear.
Prices never before heard of. Some as low as Half
Price; others as low as only 79 cents. Make your
selection early while there is more from which to choose.
Ontario St. United
REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader ,
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service
12.15—Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor-
ship in St. Paul's Anglican
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
GROVES ELECTRIC 11.15 a.m. SundaySUNDAY,ASchos
PHONE 274 7.00 p.m.—Worship Service.
witangsmiating EVERYONE WELCOME
St. Patrick's Tea
under auspices of W.A. of Wesley -Willis United Church
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Phone 84