HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-02-24, Page 54*Ye.,PBR1-1ARY 24, 1949 • CLINTON.NEWS,RECORD • IMMO, ews cord Classitfi 1 PAGE FIV s Brin • • 'CASH, ,IeATE,e-(If' Paid -by Wed- 1FUlli,NITURE; FOR SALE -neaday..4nanwing ot. kiser, ' ; !t• Amen eillonl--One cent ..irWord Arlie ON.M.),IIIITING, DESK, q-ecently•' •' BIRTHS • eele. - • - • SALE. ertice, (Minimum'. 85 cents); sub- i°1"1.i0"fid"'': '1'hane. e76; 8-b ARM;STRONGL•In Clinton Pib1/4; hisertioneone cetats°i'f1 .a word"' 'Hospital, ''on Friday, 'Febriiy; FARM -Stock; ";;PLEIYIENTS,' trpiniruinn,25' eetite); 15 ce.nts,exe ?; • `0.15`± DANINg #001w• ofor diree- e, eaus,istiug of.lebier due° 19e box. number. etio» to NEwe..RECORD offeme cabinet 'and six chairs. A 11, 1949, to Mr. and. Mrs, John FEED -8= HOUSEHOLD -EFFECTS Aiteetreeee Henwis;,.,eee.ge, e, at Lot No„. 17;.• Cohn pp y BATEIVIAN -- 'Olin n, ;Ph Ruby and Bill's Snack Ber, phone Hos ital on InFriday February 5½mile north east of IF CHAIIGED-le cents extra. DE -6 WeditesdaY ese AGENTS' WANTED.-... • • 46E YOUR OWN BOSSfastribute, Ann Part Time or EttilelThrie bad's, d'our 250 products: Toiletriee, Vita- rmins, Extracts, ' Spices, ;Baking: -Powder, Cakes, DeligheibitA,"GlasS Fureulture and Shoe Pes:, lishes, ete: Eaeb ' Individual; ctistanier. Excellent opportunity , 46 test your business abilitiete Write for FREE detaila.iindl. cat.: , alogne--FAMILEX, 1600 Delor- Nfontreal. •,.. 1-28-1X -Stan4e3c oittri n, ellabyltin 8-3 ;2, le 1949, *to Mr. and Mrs. Maur- Zurich or 44, Milessouth- pLAY-PEN, 'good shape, natiirei!`e' iee liatern,an, a deughter!(P,elii .,••..weef Y"ilea.-teii, • ie wine vetoer; wheit-note flat pi, GART--:-Mt. and lefrs. WI i1.A., ; at ' 1 ep.m. 'sharp, the' fOilowinei Walletype, tneyelled• rribeors: kit- 13.16gart 'Prentott, are .eteppY to , cher chairs ; extra strong, repair- ;, ennoinice the „arirval,,of a, da-, iad}f9RsEs: pydg;, make, •11.• ;yrs-. ed and painted white bat can be i,,tclier (B9eene ; Louise) e,:, saPilitreyxr;s.:.1--gar lbe;I" Clyde ; L600 liaa.'• painted anyeeoleur you widi by ; e eileleY,L,PeOrl;le-rY 2.1e 19;19,:- 1 eve0ATTLE: Hcdsin, heifer, 3 yrs. us; 'good' urdy tables, 30"x30"; ,e eHelleville Oetieral 1-19knljele I 'ow; milking, due in Atiguet; Hol - pale be painted to , met& chairs p0.'1•11§WQ1iVrTY: --•• -In' .5int-.0A i&tqkri•,,cowr ,adecl;, milking;.,2 2per., in any &dour you want theni; ublie.' Hest' tal, on ,Th edeeis too .eeete„ 5. ereeeerce erplee, eele sideboard, ;bevelled mirret;' . •ebruarY 17,4949, to V14 , eud;e2agitursebred; Perllatkeo'w, 8-3,ra. mirror,' ,4'x5', ' extra heavy plate; ", • Mrs. Alfred Goleisasortliy,: ii:n„ did; raiwpg,..„44 ,,i se„,, Ravi,: Rillig-LI6; Clinten ePliblie`e 1.10s- ' Clinton I33J. finish; • couch, tietiely-e.pholStered lee" Kathleen), . ; • •:Ureilfi'eedy;:;•Miirch , perfect con.dition. Moore's p- Clinton, a daughter (Alf ed ford. cesigi,' "e' old" milking holstering and Furniture Repair, hone 62, Clinton.; ee,* AUTOMOBILESTOR SM • 1939 DODGE, geed, eondition. Seaforth 216. 3-p 1933; PONTIAC,-, $27,5,, Phope IVANTED, FEMALE • WO1VIAN" FOR FULL 'or Part-'' time, work in restaurant., Apply Ruby .and Hill's Snack Bar, phone Clinton 13SJ. 8-11 1935 FORD EPAN 1DELIVERY, WOIVIAN for Hotel .2siew,' seal bee Aightse'llointsebatsr 'work. Qneen's Hoeel,„, seafortbi eterY, White Truck heater, good 8-9p ;dubber, price $e25;ealso' new -011 . • ',Queen Brooder Stmie, never sok' YOUNG GIRL AS CLERK IN • up„ $22.50. Apply'Gordon G2; Bank, smite typing experience eSeotehrner, R. R. •2, Hayfield, helpful. Apply Zurich pliohe 77. • N.i41.:z ".` 7-8-:b MOLDINGS FOR SALE MOUSES FOR SW., .• • -.7.-Eleb 1311ILDING„,e3fferfiele.„EQP,,SALE. eCtintaini goad" timber. • Adair! :Stewart, phone 620r5. 8-9Tp c.APPol,S0,s.Fop • CHOICE 'WASHED CARROTS 'for sale, 41.50 per bushel, 'Rleberr 7W., Cole, ,Phone Clinton '906r24. r„ • 1,:lig.71.), EQUIPMENT iFOR SALE T NTY-EIGHT PIGS, S17" 1944 COCKSHUTT;70'TRACTOR; tiee‘fee old: Apply T. Booth, R,R. . new tires, all in *goolleeondition• 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 911r16., phOire 339502. 8.eP - ; I TWO `HOLSTEIN' `I-LSIFERS, ceitte! 'ONE GILSON GASOLIN Wash- and..1.ten, months old. William - ling 'Neachine, 1945`'niodise, $12.5. Edgar, R.R. 3, Clinton, two miles "Reason for selling --hydro recent- north, of Varna. 8-p•; , installed. Milford' :Vire.Pilrst, nese 'R.R. '2, 'Clinton, phone Cerlow Mak of BLACK PERCHERONS 1112. • • `,8-b and beaae-reourted breaching har-; . likeSMOREY, House in good inpiir, to be *lov- ed from premises. Apply Ed. C. tIletin, phone' Clinto/i 6200,4. i • 843 .4.4yESTOOR FOR SALE • 12 LITTLE PIGS, seven weeks oid. Apply Joe Postill, 'phone 906r23; 8-p .••• paseur bred; Hereford heifen; 3 ' pitel,,,on Wednesday, February ' i6, 49'.19, t9 Mr. 'end mrt Ro- me; le,erysin, , Clinton, a ;pen i JohnReleert).2 ,-....., • ,..' ., ,, • K NNEDV, -'-• n .ClintOiC„Bublie, ospitali on' :Sunday, P3abierary, • 20,-1.99,-o Merand. effes,. Doug-• las •Kennede 2".',Clinton; a? son Heien Donglas). • , , , 41'Z1cWe'-M, the ,Stephan 'Ithiree ing Horn, •-llensall, on' Monday, February, e, 1949 te Mr. and IVIre.,,INalter Petelte, a), son, TIICHOTIVORFT .—, IO. Clinton , puplie..446sotai, on Saturday, ' Februery,' 19; ,1949,'.4e.erlying Offieer', iind.Wra. 'Rehert 'a. 'Thonidkerilit, Clinton, 'a dau- ghter (Lynne Marie), -.", . . • • . MARRIAGES ' • • ELIOTT4BODSKILL the Church of the Messiah, Toronto, Saturday,•Febreary, 19, 1949, y 'Rev. W. R. Sproule Shitley yvonte,.. daughter of Mr. and , Prs. M..136uskin, Port- Hope, .4o Gerald Chenner, elder son stud Mrs„ J. M...Elliett, ' • StHOENHALS-ELLWOOD.-- Psinl's ' Church, ' Clinton; en Saturday, Febru- 2f,ary 19, 1949, by Rev. R.'Nf, P. iBulteel, Mildred Marie, only IdaUghter of Mr. and Mrs. T. • 111.• Elleenod„. toellobert John, tonly.son of Mr. -;M. J. and the late Mrs. Schoenhals; all- 'of -LATE MODEL JOHN DEERE Tractore-oneerubber,- full 444vo,-• ploUgh size, complete withlwo- furrow plough. Irvine Telebutt, phone 902r6. EARN. PRODUCE FO ALA, • . QUANTITY OF SECOND CLASS .:Baled Hay for sale rpt mouldy. 10...Gibbinge phone '833r15. • .. . 8-p FARMS FOR SALE..;%i,i, 'i) ACRES •GRASS LAVDeeiver rune through one cortingaste:•of water and shede, eoPellTasture, 'Concession 3, litillaefteetOnsi reasonable. Robert YFteernap, Clinton. " , 7-8-p ' 77 eCRE FARM; „nine. acres "bush; driving shed ., and barn; • seven -room brick cedtetdige; lot 45,. •,eoncession 2, L./l1r. cleneen and school. Apply„ •,e". • Lillie°, Seaforth4nainage ,,evenings. • e;- '78 -9 -ea, XARM FOR SALE fiR RENT 80 ACRES GOOD *ASTURE 'with spring creek, lotelorshede. Appy to Mrs. Ellen J. Cox, Illuron St,'Clinton. 5-10-p nese, One roan now to freshen• soon; one calf to veal; Renfrew •creineeeeptireaereeeneerlyeene , good colony. house., Beatty pump and. pipes for 35' well, 4" s2"'"'14.e;l• 4610w cart. ,4.1,ort,,h. of C1.:tn., ,t6 . Higni'Vay, phone ;LANE(MS .fliatd,44,sp.tias done " a Dirchnrdmg' tie north of to r; ipso Ieddeef 'stile. var- ious lai*hs, Enquire. • 53-9-p NEW SIEGER, SewingledchieeeL-, pablegetreriabrtable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, "t Ontario St., Stratford: nth ALL OLD HORSES AND .DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not will pay fertilizer prices. If, dead , at once. Pi/one collect, Ataklb fe Bros. Mink Ra teb„ ;1464,043e Att 156r32. Coder,. ich. • 2btfb figNir" PIAN sAND REPAIRS to all makese eabing, de-moth- ing, free estimates, 'Write or phone Willtam N. Gould, 314W, lin inn •• 1-btfb, ;FURNITURE WANTEw.,•.,,;.. • 00017 CROP 1.2767-41F- - T.:', • ;ri • t?..01,JLTRY FOR S '.1Z -E--". 119, • ' ..."`1" v. • 4 'Ht.fliEB.1117TOULOUSE Gander, eeulteble foe refinishireer ..,,,l'ii la ' . •-• '-') .:'''' " •Te It Pat'crir,t„Taywar-114 • STOVES FOR SALE 4",.?",-".' COOK STOVE, nearly new; et4 :---;•--- .......-----..4• •white enamel, wood or coal,'*ith SEWING OF VARIQUS. :TYPES .shelf and reservoirr also •three- done promptly and,. Officiently, burner Coleman, gas stove with including Wailed '•;."9.1.' 'machine, shelf, in perfect condition. Mrs. button . heleee the. Ernest Bell L. Denomme, 2 8-p pho clinton. 206W. WORK, LOTHING for thir %irking Man • • WORK PANTS-.--Hantlering • Drills, M'ole'skins, • Peppered Cloth, etc., large • rooiny ,soi4 sinforized shilink;‘,sizes 2S to , 50. - 495 ,to 5.25 pr. 11 • OVERALL-7-PkAri Drill Mat eriali;.:Sie4' to 44. ' :g1194 . to 4.95 pr. SMOCKS 7,-• Lined or unlined, „,. jacket,or coat style, snap or honor+. 'fasteners. all sizes. 95' to 5 25 ea. PLAID SHIRTS, ALLAVO01;.SOCKS, WORK BOOTS GLOVES and MITTS -KNEE 'RUBBER -BOOTS rgcvYtelet 15" Snugla,ce ...„4 Buckle Rubber Overshoes Pickett & Campbe 1 Stetson Hats ' • Anow. S los PHONE 25•CLINTON •Clinton. ' DEATHS. BARBER -At his home, 44 'Indian ; Trail, Toronto on Friday, Feb-, • ruary 18, 1949; Reginald A. Barber, brother .of Mrs. C. B. • Hale, Clinton, in his 69th year. 111.1DpLE$ToN -- Suddenly, iti Hensel', on Monday, February 21,. 1949, Thomas Iluddleston, in his 67th year.' Funeral from Bontlwon Funeral Home, Hen- sel', to Maitlandbank Cemetery, Seaforth, Thursday, February 24, at2 pan... IVIILLER-At her home at Staffa, on •Sunday, February 20, 1949, following three months' ill- eess, Pearl Stacey,' beloved • wifee of- Worden Miller, in -her .'54theyear. • Veneral front her late residence to Starfa Ceme- tefy • Wednesday afternoon, • rY • Household Effects. Veer 9.1.11e 1Y1cDOUGALL Suddenly, • in arnel range with •Wai g oven To -rent°, on Wednesday, Febtu- and reservoir; Wel:v.4, ger ary 9, 1949, Mary Ann Morgan, (nearly new); RtIddY'OliitelietV beloved wife of the late Donald cabinet; 5 kitchen chairs; white Stewert•IVIcDougall, in her 89th enamel bath tub; a number of year. Funeral from the Brophey quart sealers Funeral Homo. .Go.derich, to TERMS -CASH Maitland' Cemetery-, an Saber- No reserve as *inn is sold. clay; February 12. HARVEY KEYS Proprietor SNELL.--In Clinton Public Hose EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, .pital; on IVIonday, February 21, •f -9-b Apelone 1949,; Humphery Snell, in his AS.. � d'; Duithaie, heifer?. 2 ;yrs. old; ' Durham' heifer,•12eyis. "PM; Durham steer, 1 yr. old( 0.„ year- ling Durham ehdifeesee• • .*; e • • ;;PIOS: 13 pigs, 3 'months old; •4.tIVITLE2ME1/2 NITIT°Sh;tht-li6Vet14.:leP`vt, Crop tractor (nestely'Pelis) equip= ped :with lights, steetele'. ewer life enel'EeT.Oe 2 -row Cultivator.; 'cOekshott No._, 60 Raw 'Crop tractor • (nearly ;new) eetiipped with ;lights, tat,•ler and. eliewer life; Allis Chalmers Modal 30.411:= Crop Haryeeter• ..eornbifte,' equip- ped. 'tvriel/ aeoeir eleani, straw sPieatler 2andflak' eailes; 3 -furl -oat cliseeplowe Oliver' -furrow trac- tor plow;; john Deere 5., ft. disc tiller. (nearly live); 'McCormick Deering 3-sedtiOn speitigi tootif harrekvsf:Dunnham.'eulti-Packer; M.H. ft) double disc; Deering binder, 6 ft cut; Deering '13 -disc fertilizer, dr1l1 M.H. 13 -hoe drill with fertilizer attachment; ,Me - Cormick .Deering enetiver; 6' ft. eut; M.H. side -delivery reke; Mc- Cormick Deering hey": loader; rubber tire wagon, 000x1ii tires; Het raek ' (nearly 'new); gravel box (new); faieh wagen; bex' stock rook; set of -Sleighs and flat rack; single bob • sleigh; „Oliver 2erow scufflerl• walking' 'plow; 10 ft. hay rake; 4 -section spike harrows; 3-seetiori cirag lierrows; Fleury grate- Crusher; butter; buzz saw , and mandrel; ;3 -Inn «- Wagner electi-ic motor (A-1 con- Notv•PlaYbeg (Feb. 24-2611; "FORT APACHEmettenry Fonda', and Shirley Temple,. at 7 E.na. ' • 4°13.' le.;..q4Wedl4F0*28ell'Idat. ay: "FEKsONAL COLUMN" ' The atory..p.C.a kir' Who staked' her life on a geeible'M.;,eeye the, man the loved„A ilynainic triye- terY dieing George, Sanders,: Eueillellalt Charles. Coburn- , _and" .Boris kartoff . •101,, Sac 3-5) • Thur., Fri.,' Sat. (March 3-4-5) 'Claudette Colbert , Fred • Mace Murray and Marjorie Main — 'gain the'Roxy proudly presents. Betty... 'MaeDonald's TulecY •:-`..`THE EGG AND.I" Coming .(Blarch 7-9) • . „ its gAtrNITHIEcAPERE9741:/11WRE -Now ePlay trig! (Feb. -24-20e •-: Ciaudette Colbert and fred;Mae..., Murray in "1,1jIg 1ROG 4NIk MimeTues. Wed.: (Feb. 28 -Mar- 2) Rita Haywereln Orioe.Welies and Glenn Anderse.-"Telling the ventiledrilrarTeekleas woman as •written and produced Aby Orlon "Welles. •:, ei • ; "The. Lady froth' Shanghai" Plaing (Feb: .34-26) • Martha •Sett and John 14J1l1 in 4(S0- WEIJ; RElkikKINERtJi" 1 , Fit, 'Sat. (Mare!' 2,5) Randolph Sean, Marguerite Chap - Man and Sally Ellers-eAn epic -of grit ancl:gloeY, a einecolor mast- erpiece of action -loaded enter- tainment, • ,"CORONER CREEK" - 'Coming- (March 793'' ' "MR. 431.ANDiNqs .11ITILDS HIS DREAM WANE" ' • ' Moe. Tues. `Wed. (t28-,4114. 2) ' Delude, Morgan, .Viveei Lindfors -Rinee ,Ilennett-sA sensational new 'Swedish , star 'inak '-he screen debut a tex•rifie: glory ef postewar•Pranee„ • ; ; ; “Iro THE VICTOR'• Thur.) Flee:Sat; (March 3•-5) • "' "FORT APACHE"h starring Henry Fondf,-- A greatnevresaga of the Weat In - the heroic daye of the Custer. Coming (Marcel 7-9) 2 A • Dickens' story"NICHOLAS "' • NICKLERYQedria • IN MEMORIAM F/TZSIMONS-In loving Memory ef a dear father, ,Herry W. Fitz, sireons, who • passed away ' one year ago, February 27, 1948:' "The depths of sorrow, we can- • not tell, • • Of• the loss of' one' we loved so well; • • And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep, , • • His memory,we shall islarays , • keep. --Ever remembered by Norman • and Bobs. 8-b -WESLEY-WILLIS WA • The WA , United CheirilieAville hoe in .the Chthich parloureon Thursday af- ternoon, March 3, at 3 o'eloek. dition); electric feed cooker; CUT ,FLOWERS ent mixer; ,fanning mill; DeLaval ladder; 120 gal. gas drum; rotary FLORAL DESIGNS . cream separator; 32 ft. extension pump; electric lancer; A rolls, of For Every Occasion hog fence '(approx. 50 reds; roll . •' of 9 wire Page fence (20 rods); XOU MAY go; TO, HEAVEN• ••• • wititotrit nu4zAtim : — , • tvkivoirt . " •yvnittvirp, HONOUR . - ; MI.:4917T LEAnitird.. . wrrntour FRIENDS • , • • • , ;MIT, BOUT CULTURE and,. IVITHOT,IT,TRItee1711`0:USAINT0 OTHER', THINGS YQU CAN 'NEVER Of2T" TQ 'MAVEN IATPHOUVCHRISTr . CHAS. E. 'FUJI:KR; Rox 123, Los Angeles' 53, Calif. • CARD OF THANKS - The• iramily of fig late 'Mrs: Carrie Jervie.eirisli" 16 -expreis heartfelt appreciaticinfor all' acts of sy-mpathY; ; 'floral • tributes., Cards, and other kindnesses shown in their recent sad beieavement, with speciall'thatikesIO 'ReiP. W. J. Woolfrey, Rev. C. P. Tavener, and to ell who were so kind -dur- ing their mother's. illness. , ONTARIO ST. W.A. Ontario St. ttnited ChineliW4, wile -meet on Tuesday, March 1; at 3 Am:, in the church Lacliee of Si. James' Ward' will serve lundh with 1VIrs. Wiltse, 1VIrs. Holmes and Mrs. Freenian as conveners. The.ledies are also reminded of the aprbri donation for the bazaar. M•If../111••••••••••141.... „ y I emery wheel and mandrel; cent - 32 foot 4,.., .-.-.4., (new); 2 sets of • woven wire stretchers; set of C ".V 'COOKE' seeder; cross cut saw; hay /ark; ' FLORIST ' • i ' . 4 sling ropes; aoeging chains; Phones; 66w and 66i follts; shovels; 3 85-11e. milk cans; - ' - — """ ''" ' pails andtarpaulin blocIr' and tackle; Cyclone grass. . 1. • 14 x19 ; numerous other articles. HARNESS: Set of breeching harness; set °I/jack band hatness. FEED' Approx. 20 ton S of mixe ed hay; aerate 2,1e ;bees .0;411 clover hay aerate approx. 4 0' bus. of Beaver ,oets (suitable. for. seed); 60 bus. Of feed barle,,re'; WOOD •and Approit,„12 cord of rnixed ten*le Quin -A.440 •• • ehestnut cot . deth y•ear. Funeral at the Beat- tie Funeral 'Horne, Rattenbury St E., Clinton, on Thursday, February 24, at 2 p.m., to gin- ' tot Cemetery.. • .2 TOMS -1n Clinton' Public 'Hos- pital, on Thuisdal, Februery 11, 1949, Eliza NIcNell, Widow of the' late John Toms, in her 87th year. Funeral from the home 01 her SOP; Malcom Toms, to Hayfield Cemetery Saturday afternoeneerebruaey019. Clearing AUCTION SALE - • ok.FARM STOCKeINIPLEMENTS ' and nousuRoLD ,EFFECTS 'at•List 22, Concession 11 Hailelt Township, mile east of ..leindesbero on . Thursday,: March 10 biciak,' HORSES: Chestnut gelding, middle age; glycle .gelding 9 yrs. old; 'Belgian gelding; 7 yrs, old; Clyde Mare, middle age. • CATTLE.: 7".••• choice. Durham coeys,dee in March and April; 3 Durliam' eteers, 1,100 lbs.; 13 Durham stem and heifers,' rising 2 years old; 4 Mutant steers and heifers, 1 year old. , . HAY-:- 21) ton mixed Iay, • HARNESS: 1 set breeching harness; I set back -band• harness; set single nerness. number of hbrse collars. • IMPLEIViENTS:. Neessay.Haries 7 It, binder; McCormick mower 6 ft.;:, Massey -Tiara's -hey loader; ; sulky rake; Massey -Parris man- ure spreader, (like new); sprieg- tootly cultiveteqe, Meseet,-Harri- fertilizer dri11e3-drum "steel rol- ler; 4-•eectien diamonci harrrofs: harrow cart; gravel box; 2 farm wagons; 16 ft hay , reek; wsigurr grain -box; set farm sieletts and flat rack.; 2,000 lb, -Scales; fan- ning..mill; 5 H.P. gas engine; Wagner 3 H.P. motor, good con- dition; grain crusher; root pulp- "-• "ream P*,^Fl-,In,. Inuit pail": large quantity lumber, nl^ne. Hemlock, Cherry, White Ash, etc.; cedar posh; hovel'. cant hoolz, post hole auger, crow bar, aid Ottr,r •,trti,L41. HOUSEHOT,D Etereer"TS: Fau- bedroom suit ea. Beech Pandora ranqe: extension table: kiteeee table and cenirs; rockers; small tables; sewing machine; floar .orreerine, dishes and ether household efforts, TER lets ROBERT :TAMES SCOTT, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneet E ofieseer, Clerk. 8-9-b BEAUTY SI10.0i. Shampoo •••, Manicure , , Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East , Phone t585. • paw, HOUSES 4' •* FOR SALE . Town of Clinton, 11/2 storey ratline dLijnj rebid; , kitchen, Wien, o htee-pieee batht, u ',fur -Rade; garage, ideal foliation, pos- 2':s4oliciet Kt days. . _ ; • ilreee‘f i ul-brick &Rage,neaell"' new, living room with din- ette space, modern kitchen withb it,-eloe pb0 twbedreols„with c. loset spahe;s. built -iii ,-.Sio1v floors, fully insulated, fell bae era; flu cp2eeni d e ,vr ” 'itogglision "March ,,1 5, 1949, f ftfo'1,141. og i.,10t6431i4Oitorei> five -room ,dwelling, two bedrooms, modern kitchen,. reur-piece bath, 'full bap& rite; karamo MiOrtitii4 of small frait trees, immed- iate possession, * 5 H. C. LAWSON 1mM/ton ,91414,AVN 251w '2btfh Specials for Weekendl FLORIDA ORANGE CAKE LEMON, MERINGUE ,PIE , • : Dix°' on.s astry Shop Rattenbury St. E. - Phone 281W - Clinton SLUSHY, WEATHER AHEAD — Men R cY.'rE C Y 0 U'R "'SHOES! with ,• Plain Over Rubbers r Spat Rubbers witIt o t1out toe cap Molded Spat Rubbers that stretch' and stay on, or ; Heavy Soled Rubbers for Work Shoes • • • - "the = Week" /.5 CIAL Every MON.-WE...WED:I: :1 for five weeks commencing nextiVlondaY;" , February v Bricks each 23c, 2 for:45c Ari-iy•Pla'vottr ar laLtenbury St. n, Phone 134 t",.V ;t;-;takcf. • .9;V: 'Afet; ;%:1:1 TOWN HALL 0 N t44:44 • te 1 5 • - ROS,IS PEARCE4.1ni• s Orchestra 10 pant to 1 a.m. . ADAISION1' clents plut 40 cents tax 5 just ArrIve;:l ! •'; e 'W Leatt ' e, le,:, , • ; -' , X. as mgMachme . „,..,.., .a.d. . I ;$ , 7, .„ ',..1.,:4..,1''11,,t.i,,,,te,,r,e ronet -4.it t ,, , i, .-.';c t . A.' Sold on. the' \Veekly Paiiiient Plan .. r-: ' • f.rr;' *, a if desired. • • .:..,,,,,,, ..., • ,' '? . • 'HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing and 'Heating Business -2411, PHONES --Residence 470 Is YOUflome In 'Need Of Repair. PLUMBING. SEWE'RAGE INSTALLATION, or REPAIR on any of your, iiinnediate needs. ' Fun line of Coecrete Equipment, ready to operate. Rates and contracts ,ayailable mien, request; all week done accord- ing to sileeifications. ' Make arrangements now for concrete installations; cement is now available to- state for future • Upon request, we will fui•nieh you the ,amounts needed for individual regalia -lents. McKay Contracting -Co. • Phone 373M – – Clinton •