HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-02-17, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1949 Wornen's and Churc Rev. John Lyons Named Archbishop A one-time railway auditor, Mose Rev. John Lyons, Kingston, Monday became the fifth Ontario metropolitan of the Church . of England in Canada. The 70 -year-old archbishop joined Canadian Pacific Railways in 1900 as an auditor and re- signed two years later .to study for the ministry. The House of Bishops elected him Monday to head the ecclesiastical province. In his jurisdiction are the dio ceses of Toronto, Huron, Ontario, Algoma, Niagara, Ottawa and Moosonee. He succeeds the late Archbishop Seager of Huron, who died last fall, HEADQUARTERS FOR CHILDREN'S WEAR BOYS' COWBOY PANTS YOU'LL LIKE THEM Sizes 3 - 10 t.98 Fine Pin -Wale CORDUROY OVERALLS Sizes 2 - 6x 3.49 BABY-ALLS Sizes 1 - 3 2.98 BEDFORD CORD OVERALLS Sizes 2 - 6k HARD WEARING 1.75 PLAID SHIRTS Sizes 6 - 14 1.25 - 1.75 - 1.95 MARTINS PERSONALS Mrs, C. M. Shearing and daugh- ter, Gail, are spehdtng this week 'with reletivee in Tillsonburg. Miss Harriett Fremiin, Toronto,. spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Freiniin, Mrs. Howard Partitive, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Charles Stewart and friends in Clinton. • ' Mrs. Oliver t Durkin, Grand Walley, is spending this week with her mother, Mrs. A. D. Beaton. Miss Elizabeth Reid, Blyth, has been appointed stenographer in Ontario Agricultural Office, Clinton, ; W. 19. O'Neil, Halifax, N.S.; was a weekend visitor at the home of his sisters, Misses Delle and Winnie O'Neil, Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Herman are spending a few days in To- ronto where they will attend the Men's Apparel Fair. Mr. end. Mrs. Gerald Holmes and two sons, Toronto, spent the weekend with the forrner's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S, R, Holmes. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon W. Cun- inghame have taken up residence again in their home on Batten - bury St. West after residing in Bayfieldtayfield for some time. Mrs. A. D. Beaton and son, Holmes, haae returned after spending the past ten weeks with the former's daughter, Mrs. Clar- ence Moffatt,Bickford. Wing Commander S. R. Bur- bank, MBE, chief instructor, Rader a n d Communications School, RCAF, Clinton, Mrs. Bur- bank and two children, returned Friday after spending a month's holiday by motor in Mexico and United Stktes. Explorers See How Phone -Exchange Run The Wilheimine Trewartha Explorers' Group of Wesley - Willis United Church went out on a "hike" on Tuesday, Febru- ary 15, which terminated at the. Bell Telephone Exchange Office where the group had been in- vited by the Chief Operator, Miss Helen Taylor, to see demonstrat- ed the "how" of the transmission of messages locally and through- out long distance. Miss Taylor found it no trouble to answer the multitudinous ques- tions from the minds of some 26 members of the group. As a result all left the Bell office: much wiser and happier, quite determined that they as sub- scribers will always give the kindliest consideration of the the very very busy telephone operators. Also many of the group expressed themselves that they would like to become, later in life; a Bell operator serving the public. The girls expressed their ap- preciation to Miss Taylor and the other members of the ehello" staff with a token of spring flowers. When the group returned to the church, the regular opening of an Explorers' meeting and the business session concluded a very happy and profitable weekly meeting with 26 in attendance, three new girls coming into the 36W 36J group, The offering amounted to 85 cents. Ontario St. WMS Holds Valentine Tea The regular monthly meeting of the MIS of Ontario St. Unit- ed Church was held on Tuesday, February 8, at the parsonage, with the president, Mrs. W„ J. Woolfrey, presiding, and 33 ladies present. The meeting opened with hynn 275, followed by prayer by Mrs. Woolfrey, and the Lord's Prayer, Mrs, N. Carter conducted the worship service, the theme being "Thy Kingdom Come," through the work of Christian 'people, us- ing hymn 377 and Psalm 743. Miss E. Wiltse rendered a solo, "Unafraid." Hymn 252 was re- peated in unison, Mrs, W. S. R. Holmes gave the prayer of inter- cession for China. Mrs. D. Sy- mons sang a solo," When Dreams Come True," and Mrs. C. Stew- art, tewart, a missionery reading, "Sunny Jim." A chapter in the Study Book was given by Mrs. Fear anti Mrs, .F. Townsend. The Watch Tower was very ably taken by Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. Hymn 215 and the lelizpah Benediction clos- ed the meeting. The members of the executive served a very delicious Valentine tea et the close of the meeting, enol a pleasant half-hour was spent in a social chat. Presbyterian Girls' Club Holds Meeting Every PARKA WINDBREAKER JACKET Still on SALE at 20% atOFF EN'S ltairs;inClljon District The Girls' Club of Clinton Presbyterian Church held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Mutch with a fair attendance. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn followed by Mrs. Jack Leiper reading the Scripture lesson and Mrs. Howard Cowan. leading in prayer.. The minutes were read and ad- opted and the roll cell answered by a current event. Mrs. F. Match gave the treasurer's report. Miss Miller gave a reading on the World Food Situetion. Busi- ness was discussed and the meet- ing . closed with the singing of a hymn and the Mizpah Benedict- ion. A delicious lunch was serv- ed by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Bill Cook. 0 -- St. Paul's Junior WA Holds Valentine Tea St, Paul's Anglican Church Junior WA, under the leader- ship of Mrs. W. H. Refausse, held a very successful Valentine Tee at the Rectory on Saturday, Feb- ruary 12, Tea was, poured by Mrs. C. H. Epps, Mrs. I.1. L. Mayhew, and Mrs. W. N. Counter, assisted by Mrs, F, Hudie and eters. A. Kirby. Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel received the guests in the drawing room. The welcoming committee was Mary Ladd and Audrey McDon- ald at the door, with Sylvia Bell and Calista Counter looking af- ter the signing of the guest book, Jane Batkins ably helped with the Valentine decorations. En- tertaining et the piano were Bar- bara Ford, Marie Refeusse, and Marjorie Cartwright, Refreshments were served by Joan Ladd, Marlene Jervis. Mar- lon Crossman and Maiy Liver- more, a Sheila Rogers Entered In Kiwanis Festival One of the largest musical ev- ents.-irt the Dominion. of Canada. is the Kiwanis Musical Festival which is held annually in the city of Toronto. The Festival is being herd in Eaton Auditorium from February 21 'to March 5. There are classes for choirs, orchestras, soloists, and a host of single inst- ruments, and people from cine end of Canada to the other are making plans for the trip, to Ont- ario's Capitol, This is the sixth year for the festival and there are 16,000 entrants, or more than 2,800 individual' entries. This year, a young Clinton lass- ie, Sheila:Rogers, granddaughter of:;Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, will play a clarinet solo in an open class. Sheila is one ofthe junior members of Clinton Citizens' Band. The News -Record joins with the citizens of the town in wishing this young entrant every success in her venture. St, Paul's Friendship Club. Holds Social %he Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church held a Valentine Social at Yr alenti e the home of Mrs, Ruby Fitzsimons on Wed- nesday evening last with an at- tendance of 36. Mrs. Rene Pros- ser assisted. • The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Walter Smith on Wednesday, February 23, with Mrs, Jean Herman assisting. Clinton WI Holds Fine Social Evening A very pleasant evening was spent by the members of Clinton Branch of the Women's Institute on Monday evening, February 14, when they -entertained their hus- bands and friends to a pot -luck upper and programme. The president, Mrs. C. Sturdy, was in charge and presided for the programme, expressing a very sincere 'welcome to all present, Short speeches were given by George C. Ginn, N. W. Trewan•- the and Mayor R. Y. Hattin. Sgt. A. R. Persan favoured with sev- eral violin solos with Mrs. B. C. Hearn accompanying on the piano. Miss Grace Lobb gave en excel- lent report on the Folk School which had been held earlier in the winter. Mrs, It. G. Bennett sang a solo with Mrs. Donald Symons accompanying. The en- tire gathering sang' "The More we get Together," and the re- mainder of the evening was spent in cards and social chat. Mrs. Robert Fairservice and Miss Levinia Brigham expressed appreciation to all who had as- sisted in making such en enjoy - e• 0 Rebekahs of Clinton Initiate at Hensall (By our Hensel' correspondent) The institution of Amber Re- bekah Lodge 349 took place Fri- day .aftennoon, February 11, in the IOOF Hall, Hensall. The president, Sister Aetna Bumstead, Meeford, president of the Re- bekah Assembly of Ontario, pie - ,sided. Alsn in attendance were Violet Pearce, secretary of the Rebekah Assembly, of Toronto; Ione Baechler, Goderich, Dist- rict Deputy President. Institution took place' with 19 charter members. At 8 p.m. the 'initiation of new members end installation of officers was con- ducted in the Town Hall. The con- ,ducted teasel were Huronio Re- bekah Lodge, Clinton, District Deputy Tone Beechler, Goderich, and her official staff were in charge of the installation cere- ® �^y mony. Some 300 were present, sJ at an utcn .�"une'i!a� one and out -o -town lodges uveae rep - HIGH STREET, CLINTON The Fine Appohntnienits of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropr1tte, Among Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not the Least. ,T.here is No Extra Chaige for Services Fiere•`Under Such Ideal Conditions. Najd BALE AND MUTCH • Funeral Directors D. G. BALL Phone 361-W Phone 195 W, 1. MUTCH Phone 3614 resented frpin Goderich, Seafortl'i, :Exeter, Clinton, Brussels, and Monkton. Corsages were presented to Aetna Bumstead, Meaford; Violet Pearce, Ione Baechler, Goderich, Sister Tweedie, Goderich; Carrie Dunbar, Brussels, Past District, Deputy President; Mary Nediger, Clinton, Past District Deputy. Presentations were made" by Mildred Kyle, vice -grand, and Beryl-Rlgie, recording secretary. Officers elected were: Past Noble Grand, Anna C Wainer; Noble Grand, Annie Censitt; vice -grand, Mildred Kyle; re- cording secretary, Beryl 'Eigie; financ,•.al secretary, Rossie . Me- Atlister,; treasurer, Eileen Ran- nie; chaplain, Edna Corbett;' war - en, Dorothy Mousseau; conduct- ress, Rose .Broderick, I.G., Lorna Chapman; 0.G., Evelyn McBeath; R.S,N,G., Norman Jones; LS. - ,V. G., Grace lye:Ewan; R.S.- V.G., Earl Campbell; L.S.V,G., Phyllis Cese; pianist, Gladys Luker, A social hour followed the, ceremony, and -a buffet lunch was served The hall was a bower of beauty, artistically decorated ,with the lodge colours of pink and green. Many comments heard regrading the beauty of these decorations, and credit goes to Inez McEwen,_ convener, and her assistants. ' Congratulations were extended to Mary Nediger, ' Clinton, Past District Deputy, Captain of the degree team, and Ione Baechler, of Goderich, District Deputy President, and her installing team, for the splendid menner in which ;, the work was exemplified. Miss Claire McGowan 'Speaks to Girls' Club ENGAGEMENT A'NNO'UNCED Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M Bouskill, Port Hope? announce the engagement of their only daugh- ter, Shirley Yvonne, to Gerald Chanrxer Elliott, elder son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Mervyn Elliott, Clinton. The marinage will take place at the Church of the Mes- stele ; Toronto, on Saturdiiy, Feb' ruary 19, at three o'clock. o' 1.0.O.F. NOTES Wingham and Brucefield Lodges were guests of Clinton Lodge on Wednesday . evening last when Wingham conferred the first de- gree on seven Clinton candidates and one from Brucefield, DDGM Earl' Campbell, Hensall, was present and addressed the gath- ering_ briefly. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening, e Huronie Rebekah Lodge degree teem was in Hensall on Friday evening last when a new lodge was formed. Clinton degree team hed the pleasure of initiating the candidates in the new lodge. .A .1 'Wildey Night, a night set aside to honour the, ofounding of the order, was celebrated on Tuesday evening when the members en- tertained their wives and the , Rebekehs with their husbands. Euchre and "500" were played during the early part of the even- ing with honours going to: euchre, Mrs. Frank Glew, Mrs. James )McLaren, Glen Broadfoot, J. W. ,M "500', Mrs. Harold McPherson, Mrs, Sadie Rozell, J. A. Sutter and Edward Dale. Noble Grand Barrett Taylor welcomed lett present and called on DDGM Earl Campbell, Hensel, for a few words. Mr. Campbell expressed !pleasure et being present and then called J. E. "Cap" Cook to the front and presented him with a meritorious badge and certifi- (late for securing an outstanding number of new members. This i honour is only the second to be conferred in Canada. Following the p e,•antation, Mr. Cook spoke al briefly. G. 11. Jefferson was celled on for a few words and he in turn called H. W. Gould to the front. Mr. Gould has been a member of the order for 55 years and was to receive a 50 -year veteran's jewel. Unfortunately this had not arrived so only mention could be mede of it. Mr. Gould had served the lodge in various cap- acities and retired from office last fell after serving as record- ing secretary for over 30 years. In appreciation of his faithful services the lodge presented him with a handsome motor rug. Mr. Gould expressed his sincere ap- preciation at having been thus remembered. Delicious refreshments were served and the remainder of the eevning was spent in old time dancing with Invites Orchestra furnishing the music and Mel Crich officiating as "caller." There was a splendid attendance. The February meeting of the Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis Un- ited Church was held in the Ch- urch Parlour on Tuesday evening February 8. The president, Miss W. O'Neil, was in the chair, with Mrs, M. Agnew et the piano. Mrs. Cree Cook's group had charge of the meeting. The meet- ing opened with the singing of a hymn followed by a short invoc- ation by the president and the Lord's Prayer relented in unison. Mrs. Oakes read the Scripture lesson from Psalm 1 and Mrs. Pocklington offered prayer. Miss Claire MacCeowan, Blyth, social worker of Huron County Children's Aid Society, spoke in a most interesting manner on the !work of the Child Welfare work lin Huron County. The ctreum- stanees under which this Society works we many and varied but it Os doing a good work among und- er privileged children. Mrs. Cook moved a vote of thanks to the speaker end all others taking part A hymn followed by the IViiz- pah Benediction closed the meet- ing after which Mrs. Cook and her group served a delicious cup of tea, Ontario St, Girls' St, Paul's' WA To Send. Parcel to Britain Mrs. C. H. Epps entertained the members of St. Paul's Angli- can Church WA on Tuesday af- ternoon, February 15, when the regular business meeting and study period were held. The num- her of members present was en- coureging._ , At this meeting contributions of money were received to be used in sending a food parcel to Britain. Mrs. H. Bartliff took the Study Book selection which was on Honan where oar missionaries have undergone great hardships during the past decade. The re- storation and need in Honen will be great. Mrs. H. Elvidge thanked the hostess for her hospitality. The March meeting will be held at the' home of Mrs. F. O. Ford. BUYS "SAM BY" Sam Hy, . brilliant pacing son of the great Canadian stallion, Bob Lee, will race in future un, der the colors of Wes Litt, Strat- ford. Litt paid $10,500, for the classy four-year-old sidewheel-. er, the top price attracted at the sale of standard breds of the late 1W. 3. Hyatt, held in London Sat- urday afternoon. More than 1,000 horsemen, from both Canada end the United States, attended the rale, one of the largest ever held in Ontario. The 38 head of• horses which went under the auctioneer's hammer brought a total of $40,750. • YOUNG ° MOTHERS' GROUP The Young Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet for its Febru- ary meeting at the home of Mrs. F, G. Lawrence on Tuesday even- ing, Februerx 22, with Mrs. A. Griffiths in charge of the even- ing's programme. All , mothers Canada's first ten cities, in ora- of young children are most cord- er of population, are: Montreal, ially invited with a special in - Toronto, Vancouver, Winnipeg, vitation to many young mothers Hamilton, Ottawa, Quebec, Wind- who are newcomers in the cone - or, Edmonton, Calgary. munity. Club Fine Programs The Girls' Club of Ontario St. United Church met at the Per- sonage on Thursday evening last. The president, Miss Grant, read a call to worship, The devotional period followed, the theme being Forgiveness". Regular reports were given and busineas discussed The following. programme was given and much enjoyed: Mission- ary reading, "Students at Cheelso continue work" by Mrs. A. Lobb; reading, Poems on Si:. Valentine by Mrs. Cecil Ashton; Solos, "I passed by your window" and "I heard you go by" by Miss Elva,. Wiltse; Mrs, M. Batkin gave a. very interesting talk on St. Val- entine, dealing with the origin of the custom of exchanging Valen- tines, many of which were dis- played, A Valentine contest foll- owed. Deliciousrefreshments, served by the hostess, Miss M. Judd and Mrs, G Levis,brought to a close a very pleasant evening. St,. Valentine's Dance Proves Successful The members of Clinton Bad- minton Chub staged a very suc- eesiful, St. Valentine's Dance- in Clinton Town Hall Tuesday evening, with a large crowd in attendance. • The hall was eppropriately decorated for the occasion in 'a red -•and -white motif, with a pro- fusion of hearts in various set- tings and streamers. 3, Clarence Renniewas general, chairman of the dance committee, with Miss Helen Taylor in charge of decorations. Other members of the Club assisted. Several ?lucky prizes were distributed. Church Directory Wesley -Willis • United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 1,1.00 a,m,-Morning Worship "The Kingdom of God" 12.15—Sunday School . 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- ship in St. Paul's Anglican Church. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 11,00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School 7.00 p.m. --Union Evening Wor- ship in this church. Wednesday, February 23, 8 pen,— Friehdship Club at home of Mrs. Walter Smith. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 10,00 a.m.—Sundey School 11.00 a,m.—Divine Worship "Trusts from God and their Temptations" 2.30 p.m, --Service at Bayfield, All Welcome Ontario St. United Church REV; W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs, E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15 -Sunday School . 7.00 p,m.—•Union Evening Wor- ship in St, Paul's Anglican Church. Baptist Church REV, A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. •R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 2,30 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Worship Service. EVBRYONE WELCOME SPECIAL „ �xS THIS WEEKEND ONLY L -I -N -E -N -S To reduce on overstock of Linens, we are offering at a reduction of 20% on all s TEA TOWELLING ;a£ TABLE CLOTHS a n d TEA TOWELS You can't afford to miss this money- j: saving opportunity. Sand -Coloured HAND TOWELS in medium and large 3 i; sizes — Reduced To Clear. ,g We have a Rack of ODDS and ENDS consisting of: Blouses, Jackets, Sweaters, Children's Skirts and Dressing Gowns. Make it a point while uptown to see these money -savers 9 S t Oven -Fresh Treats for the Weekend . . . s CHOCOLATE BROWNIES ® BUTTER TARTS Try Our New Fruit Loaf Everyone Is Talking About. It's Delicious! BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLOWN r inctive Wedding Portraiture BY owlet AtothelJ PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford