HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-02-10, Page 5'ThURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1949 cz.naoN NEWS-1ttCQRD PAGE B,Iv'16; News -Record Classified Adlets Brinuick Results MASH RATE --(If paid by Wed ( by aaesday following date of inner loon) -One cent a word first in -vection (minimum 35 cents); sub eequent insertions one cent a word "(minimum 25.cents); 15 cents ex - ere for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. 1E' CHARGED -15 cents extra DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday MISCELLANEOUS - SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; ,also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. 53-9-p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines- • cabinet and portable electric, also treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St, Stratford. bleb AGENTS WANTED eE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distribute, eon Part Time or Full Time basis, .our 250 products; Toiletries, Vita- •snins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass. ;Bilver, Furniture and Shoe Po- lishes, etc. Each individual a customer. Excellent opportunity ,oto test your business abilities. ;Write for FREE details and cat- alogue-FAMILEX, 1600 Delor- rlmier, Montreal. 1-8-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED • TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED .Rooms for two adults and baby, ;six months old. Apply to Box "Ii".. NEWS -RECORD. 6-p 'TWO OR "THREE ROOM FUR- nished apartment wanted immed- iately by Air Force *Sgt., wife and one child. Apply Sgt. Eng- lish, Clinton Grill. 6-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer Prices . If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 938r2I i 936r32, Godes- . 2btfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 18 YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. David Campbell, Hayfield Line, phone Clinton 909r31. 6-b HOLSTEIN HEIFER DUE NEXT week. Also two young sows, due next• month, Lorne Tyndall, phone 904r4. 6-p SEVEN PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS old. James Handy, phone 800r16. ONE HOLSTEIN COW, in calf; one Jersey to freshen in March; five ton hay. William Harris, phone Clinton 908r3. 6-p .A.PARTMENT OR HOUSE, pre- ferably unfurnished, for four 'months, by couple and small •daughter. Write or phone collect to F f 0 Sansoucy, Seaforth, 392J. 0-p AUTOMOBILE PARTS 'FOR 'SALE 1941 'DODGE COACH, equipped 'with built-in radio, heater, four fog -lights, bumper guard, fender ;•guides, four new tires, new mot- or. Harvey Boyce, Varne, phone Clinton 626r4. 6-7-p CARROTS FOR SALE 'CHOICE WASHED CARROTS 'dor sale, $1.50 per bushel. Robert "W- Cole, phone Clinton 906r24. 1-8-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE COLONY HOUSE, 12'x12'. Alden Crich, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone P614r13, Clinton. 6-p FARMS FOR SALE "FARM FOR SALE, $5,000, SIX miles north of Goderich, 1271/2 ;acres good land, part clay loam, 'part sandy loam, 22 acres wood lot, 45 acres ready for spring .seeding, spring water supply, fruit trees and fruit shrubs, good six -room two-storey frame house '28'x28', bank barn 36'x54', leen .house, hydro not installed but signed for. Possession Apirl 1. C. F. Chapman, Real Estate Broker, phone 18, Goderich. 5-6-b FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 80 ACRES GOOD PASTURE 'with spring creek, lots of shade. Apples to Mrs. Ellen J. Cox, Iluron St., Clinton. 5-10-p TWO DARK RED DURHAM Bulls, eight months' old from Reg. Durham sire and grade Durham cows, horns treated as calves. Albert Colclough, concession 7, Goderich Township, phone Clin- ton '908r11. 6-p LAUNDRY GENERAL AND FINE LAUNDRY done expertly. Write Box "C". NEWS -RECORD. 6-p PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes, Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb STOVES FOR SALE ONE COAL AND WOOD RANGE in first class condition, Apply Keith Tyndall, phone 807r23. 6-b SIX -LID GUELPH STAVE, res- ervoir attached, in excellent con- dition, only used two 'winters. Reasonably priced. Apply Box "S" NEWS -RECORD. 6-p IN MEMORIAM CRICH - In loving memory of Helen, wife of Harry Crich, mother of Melvin, Jg,, who pas- sed away one year, ago, . Feb- ruary 1, 1948; "One year has passed since that sad day, The one we loved was celled away, God took her home, it was His will, But in our thoughts she liv- "eth still." --Ever remembered by husband and son, also Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Crich and Harold Gib - c.•••••••••••••••••• •004,••••••••• ib- c.•••.M.MfHMNM.NIM.MNMr. PISN•1N•N • PIN •• Dance TOWN HALL CLINTON FRI.` Feb. 11 ;ft ROSS PEARCE and his Orchestra 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. ADMISSION: 50 cents plus 10 cents tax ww+++r+M a.......,.+M.M.M....r..Me.r..M..n.J 41111111111111111111, TAILORED -TO -MEASURE LADIES' and MEN'S See our ranges of new Spring samples now- Worsteds, Serges, Sharkskins, Gabardines, etc. Any style, made to fit you. 3 to 4 weeks delivery, from $44.50 up SPECIAL! , Complete Stock Overcoats -24% off All Parkas, Men's & Boys' --25% off Pickett (3 Campbell: Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts , PHONE 25 - CLINTON i BIRTHS BIGGERSTAFF-In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Sunday, Feb- ruary 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Biggersteff, R. R. 3, Blyth, a • daughter (Phyllis Eleanor), COOPER -In dlinton Pubic Hos- pital, on Wednesday, February " 9, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert D. Cooper (Mildred Heard), Clinton, a daughter (Janet .Eli- zabeth). 1VIoCL1NCHEY-In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Monday, Feb- ruary 7, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Eimer McClinchey, R. R. 2, Clinton, a son (Paul Burton). MOCK -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, February 9, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mock, Clinton, a son (David Michael). RILEY-In Hullett Township, on Monday, January 31, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Riley, a daughter (Linda Dianne, a sis- ter for Wayne and Tommy). VANDERBURGH - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, February 4, 1049, to Mr and Mrs, Kenneth Vanderburgh, Clinton, e son. WELLAND - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, -Feb- ruary 9, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welland, Clinton, e son (Frederick John). MARRIAGES WATSON-CLARK - In Adelaide St, Baptist Church, London, by Rev. J. 11. Slimon, on Satur- day, February 5, 1949, Eliza- beth Audrey d ,y (Betty) Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Clark, London, to William Wallace Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wat- son, Kippen. DEATHS HAW In Proton; on Wednesday, February 2, 1949, following a two week's illness, Minnie Mc- Kenzie, wife of George Haw and mother of Delbert Haw, Proton, HENDERSON-In the .hospital at Rosetown, Sask., on Friday, February 4, 1949, Roselle Way_ mouth, widow of Thomas Hend- erson Herschel, Sask., in her 66th year, Funeral from her late residence, Herschel, to Rosetown Cemetery. JACKSON -In Sunnybrook Hos- pital, Toronto, on Saturday, February 5, 1949, William Robert Jackson, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, James Jackson, Auburn, in his 60th year. Fun- eral from Auburn Baptist Church Monday afternoon, Feb- ruary 7, to Ball's Cemetery, Hullett. MaOGREGOR--Suddenly, in Hul- lett Township, on Tuesday, February 8, 1949, Francis Henry MacGregor, in his 65th year. Funeral from his late residence, concession 10, Hullett Town- ship, on Thursday efiernoon, February 10, id 2,30 o'clock, to Burns Cemetery. MEDD-In Clinton, an Thurs- day, February 3, 1949, John G. Medd, in his 86th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, 1-ligh St., Clinton, on Sunday afternoon, February 6, to Blyth Union Cemetery, eeseeMH W.pH:moi : i tete:se +e.. se e = ROGERS PHILCO f11-.'t':ffL x 1 Apex Washers Decca Records Some Good Trade -Ins For Sale 1 GROVES ELECTRIC 'Your Electrical Headquarters' Phone 274 Clinton BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 Se tlP ¢n y i4 t,.fj ?ti o, CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V 0 +r: E FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66i, Clinton Colts Lose At Mitchell,, Seaforth Clinton Colts staged a game battle in an OHA Intermediate "Be match at Mitchell last even- ing, but had lost to the Legion team by 11-9 when the smoke. cleared away. i Mitchell led 4-2 at the end of the first period and 8-3 at the end of the second, but the Colts really went to town in the third stanza with six goals 'against three by the Legionaires• The Colts now have won two games and lost eight in a 14 - game schedule, First four tearns of the seven "B" teams qualify for the playdowns, and Milver- ton and Mitchell already are ' in". Seaforth 5 -Colts 4 Seaforth Bosharts defeated Colts 5-4 in ten minutes' over- time et Seaforth Thursday even- ing last. The winning' counter was scored by Albert Hildebrand with only a couple of minutes to. I play. CARD OF THANKS Robert Scott wishes to thank his many friends for .their sym- pathy and ;acts of kindness dur- ing his illness, also the doctors and staff of Clinton Public Hos- pital for their kindly ministra- tions during his stay there, 6-p CARD OF THANKS Ida and Luella Walkinshaw wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their friends and relatives for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes extended to them in their recent bereavement, with special thanks to Rev. W. J. Woolfrey for his words of com- fort. 6-p 0• Notice to Creditors hi the Estate of ' CHARLES LINDSAY, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Sol- icitor for the said Estate, on or before the 1st day of March, A.D., 1949, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 5th day of February, A.D. 1949. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, n.,lieltol for the said Estate 6-7-8-b SMITH -In Clinton, on Tuesday, February 8, 1949, Daniel Smith, father of Chester Smith, pub- lisher of The Zurich Herald, in his 97th year. The body is resting at the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High $t., Clin- ton, until Friday. Public ser- vice will be held in the Re- formed Mennonite Church, 1i miles east of New Hamburg, Friday, Feb: very 11, at 2 p.m. Interment in adjoining Ceme- tery. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (Feb. 10.12) "KEY LARGO" with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall MON. TUES. WED: (Feb. 14-16) "TENTH AVENUE ANGEL" An angel who believes in miracles and makes them come true will sing her way right into your Heart --Margaret O'Brien,. Angela Lansbury and George Murphy THURS. FRI. SAT. (Feb. 17-19) Robert Hutton, Joyce Reynolds and Cecil Kellaway - The fun frolic of the year, gay, gleeful and glorious tale of a poor little rich girl: "ALWAYS TOGETHER" Coming (Feb. 21-23) "TO THE VICTOR" with Dennis Morgan CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE G O D E R I C H- SEAFORTII Now Playing (Feb. 10-12) "NICHOLAS NICKIEBY" by Charles Dickens starring Cedric Hardwicke MON. TUES. WED. (Feb. 14-16) Dennis Morgan, Viveca Lindfors and Bruce Bennett -Tell a story of love they can't resist and danger they can't escape. "TO -THE VICTOR" THURS. FRI. SAT. (Feb; 17-19) Jon Hall, Patricia, Morison and Adele Jergens-A romantic ac- tion picture done in Cinecolor and based on a story by Alex- ander Dumas. "PRINCE OF THIEVES" Coming (Feb. 21-23) Claudette Colbert in "THE EGG AND I" Now Playing : (Feb, 10-12) "KEY LARGO" with Bogart, Bacali, Barrymore, and Robinson MON. TUES. WED. (Feb. 14-16) Elizabeth Taylor, George Murphy and Mary Astor -The screen ver- sion of Vino Deimar's stage play, The Rich Full Life, has become one of sthe screen's hits. "CYNTHIA" THURS. FRI. SAT. (Feb. 17-19) Jon Hall, Patricia, Morison and Alan Mowbray -Robin Hood and his merry men in Sherwood For- est, with the good maid Marion and Cinecolor. "PRIM ...11`.0.,114.04041...INNOa.rr.rar•rrvMrrtl HOUSE'S FOR SALE Town of Clinton, i>/ storey frame dwelling, living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, three-piece bath, full basement, furnace, garage, ideal location, pos- session in 30 days. * * • Town of' Clinton, one -floor insul brick cottage, nearly new, living room with din- ette space, modern kitchen with built-in cupboards, two bedrooms with closet space, three-piece bath with built-in tub, hardwood floors, fully insulated, full basement, furnace equipped with oil burner, good lo- cation, possession March 15, 1949, • • * Town of Clinton, one storey, fire room dwellingt 'bedrooms; modern kitchen, four -piece bath, full base- s iste possession. • • • rg. wo ment, garage, quantity of mall fruit trees, immed- H. C. LAWSON REALTOR PHONE CLINTON 251w 2btfb E OF THIEVES Coming (Feb. 21-23) "WOMAN IN WHITE" with Eleanor Parker marasso OU CAN'T GET TO HEAVEN BY • Doubting the truth of God's Word. • Working your own way. • Tearing the Bible apart. • Without the blood. ' • Getting your name on a church roll. -BUT to him that worketh not,. but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles. 53,oCalif. ' t 1£;YS DAMAGES AWARDED GODERICH - In an action for damages for $379 to a motor vehicle brought by George Par- sons, Goderich, against Melvin Desjardines and Leonard Ravelle, near Grand Bend, Judge T. M. Costello in county court, gave judgment for the plaintiff for $309 and dismissed counter claims 'of $78 by Desjardines. The ac- tion arose out of an accident on Highway 21. July 2, 1048, wheel a car driven by G. Parsons collided with cattle, owned by Melville Desjardines, and in care of Leon- ard Ravelle. 1 +.n►mrvMuav+ve� Good Taste IS A MATTER OF CHOICE Page & Shaw The Candy of Excellence +4"a has long been favoured by those accustomed to the ultimate in good taste and Eine living. THE CAN Y OF EXCELLeNC6 ANOTHER FIRST We bring to you another FIRST in Ice Crearn Merchandising .. . The Magic Cone! This new rolled sugar cone with its crispy, crunchy goodness is a real treat 'to eat. The sugar cone was used to dispense Goo million servings of ice cream in the United States in 1948. 11 is really delicious and we hope you will like it. Clayton's Ice Cream Bar Rattenbury St. E. - r - Phone 134 .Mere.) 1,.? rs sw,,,rM tww.e r.rrer�.�.nr.IrMMH,/W.rpr,r, ewrnrdura•Mrr� rrexwrr•� NOTICE - Second Annual Huron Dramatic Festival McKay Hall, Goderich EASTER WEEK, APRIL 18 - 22 ONE -ACT PLAYS - THREE EACH NIGHT Staging Arranged EXPERT ADJUDICATION ENTRY LIST CLOSES FEBRUARY 28 • -.. Play Selection to be made by March 15 (Subject to rules of Sponsor)' AMATEUR GROUPS_ WELCOME Make written 'application Entry fee $2.00 W. A. SUTHERLAND, • Box 294, Goderich,- President, Goderieh Dramatic Club 6-b (Sponsor) vvvdv«.•rwM•~r.v+aMr,r....w.r•~••••m.•r•Mi.sys..-re•0J: 4 a E PlumbingFixtures Now In Stock KITCHEN SERVICES -all kinds BATHROOM FIXTURES Pedestal Basins China Cabinet Outfits B EATTY WASHERS CLARE STOVES H ECLA FURNACES r y4 a E x HUGH R. HAWKINS i Business 244 -PHONES -Residence 470 4M«:".3E- t«tP:iikwk':i•:aa»..skt-Ltn 344 »R4- :»`,44,:•44:44:4».«w ;»w Plumbing and Heating Clinton Badminton Chub St. Valentiw"s op TUESDAY, FE; , 15 TOWN HALL, CLINTON ROSS PEARCE and his ORCHESTRA 9.30 p.m. to 1 a,m. ADMISSION: 50 cents per person, tickets available from Club members. 5-6-b Coon Town Night TOWN HALL, CLINTON WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY FEuI`A 17 at 8.15 p.kn. Introducing . . . New Minstrel Stunts ' New Jokes • New Dances x New Black Faces * Choruses and Spirituals x Grand Parade; and Coon, Town Wedding and Reception. • FUN FOR EVERYBODY • The funniest Black Show ever produced in Clinton \ADMISSION: 50 cents; Children accompanied by adults, 2,5c GIRLS'. CLUB, WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH Tickets for sale at McEwan's and from members of the Girls' Club 5-6-b M.M.rMlN