HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-02-10, Page 3rguRs r, i‘mistaIPARVItio, 19 49 songs CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE n w� OBIT � Y 'JOHN .G, MEDD ' ileal hleaubers sin `beeyaticcssians Funeral services'were':1ie1d a ,t Previous to his. barberingete..fo1- e Ball azid-Mutdi s1iuneral&Tomr t,!lowdd ladies' ,dress cutting and igh St; "Clintorl,:on.Sundtiy a! N tiw.hileiilms employed he invented rnoon, "]February 6, for John r s, a simple method of ,dress cutting edd, With Rev, Andrew La az 'which he had 'patented. :Healso ficiating, ifellteved by - inte w- ent in .Blyth 137nion Ceanete r,I, 11be!ares,g were Bert .Lobe'.1e ,} umtree; 1Has'oFd .;Swan .Geo rge atter, Gordon Cuninghanie , said elvin 1Grich.. Mr. Medd 'Was born in I lie- tt Township :ion LDetesnbe: r 3, 63, the 'Courtly rson sof;-.the 'late inry Medd. and Susan...Mich !ard- n, He attained his early edu- tion in'his:native`towriship :, and a young mem came to Cl beton :ere .the greater part o• t ..his e waI .spent. Mr. Medd ',was 'et I,harbe v: bay ide end for many yean ; bad: 1 own 'stand. T He retia'ed *stew ars ago on account of h is tad- n,cing'.years arid: yet' up.. to aa art ;thee ,..before hisc •deo Lthn the d been eassisting ° tele i of. tthe.emenvor oY tta .ffamily of six, two invented Medd's diygieaiie .per - Coveted spinal : wiket which, too, had been patented. He was a t lover °af Hewers and seem- ed tee possess "igreen Jitingers" when it =sib 'to growing them. Mr ,:Medd was•:q sasremberitef'iWes- ley-Willis United Church. During the past. year or so_.Mr. 1VMetldl had ansde his home with ,Mr. and Mrs, :James:":Iitveimore .arid it was '.there his death oc- curred on Whursiiay,.''Risbruaey 3, after a sheet iiliness. 'Cin October 1, 1884, Mr. M^rid as united lin eirrar'riege With Dither Garrett, the' :youngest daughter sif the late +'Jdhn Gar - Tett end Dether',Lyon. Mrs. Medd predeceased:lier'htisbandion April 14, 1930. 111Uir, 'Medd' wee: the. last ,'t :���1'� i ■ PJ brothers who - had farmed near Listowel, Rev, Dr. E. Medd, Lon- don, .Mrs. sMotes McVittie and Mrs. Thomas Lyon, both.of.Blyth, all having passed awgy, previously. ?MISTS ., JAS INIA MILLER' Funeral 'services\.were held on Wednesday afternoon, _ February 2, 1949, at her late residence, Kang•St.r for. Miss. Jamima Miller. Rev. W. J. Woolfrey officiated end interment followed -in Clin- ton Cemetery. Pallbearers, all nephews, were Leonard and Glen McKnight, Exeter; Harry Rossiter, London, Lloyd Batkin, Rob and W. J. -Miller, all of Clinto Midler was horn in Iiul- iett .'Township, on -December 13,_ 1862, the. youngest of the seven children of John Miller and .Ehza'beth -Arthur. She spent the early -part .of her:life in her native township, and then went West where she kept house for her nephew for: a number of years, ret1551111ig -toy- Clinton about 15 years ago. where she had since resided. Miss Miller was a kindly, home -loving woman and will be much missed by her nieces and nephews and her circle of friend Miss Miller : had Wen Confine Robe SISTER M. EPHRI N" MRS. EDWIN WAKEFIELD Funeral, services for Mrs. Ed - Word has been received of the win W. Wakefield, 67,Constance, death in Mount St. Joseph's Or- I were conducted Moday after- phanage, London, in January, of noon February 7, in; G. A. Whit - Sister M. Ephrem, the former ney's funeral chapel, Seaforth by Mary' Yesbec, who will be re- Rev. S. H. Brenton, Constance membered by many here. United Church, and interment Requiem High Mass Was sung made in Maitl�,andbatik Cemetery, by Rt. Rev. A. P. Mahoney, rec- I' Survivors are .two daughters, tar ,of: St. Peter's Semihary, at Mrs. D. Milison, fiullrtt; Mrs, Mount St. Joseph' Chapel with Harry Pethick, Constance; a son, interment following in St. Pet- Charles Wakefield Londoai' four I er's Seminary. Six sisters of the brothers, William,' Fred and Al- community acted as psllbeares's, pert Lewes in England, and Geo- Sister Ephrem was born le rge Lewes, Clinton, number, on, of years resided in Clinton. She ryYjtS WYLLIAIVI HILL later joined the religious life of her church end for the past '.2, Funeral services for Mrs. `Wil - years had been a member of the her Hill, 89, were ttshducted at Congregation of the Sisters of her home, East sl1'et, Goderieh, St. Joseph. She had cared for the Sarturday afternoon, January 29, sick and Orphans at St. Joseph's Rev, G. W. Medley, Baptist 'Hospital, Chatham, and at Mount earnChurch.Pallbearers were five St. Joteph's Orphanage, London, deacc is ehtl one exiecutive of the church: W. Johnston,. Arthur Surviving are five sisters and, Beavers,, Earl Raithby James 'three brothers: Mother M. Con- Campbell, Albert Wilkins and suelo, O.S.U., London; Mra, Lyach, 4uine 'Clutton. Misses Verna, 'Frances and Eliza- Formerly Harriet M. Snell; she beth, all of 35etroit; John, Lou- ,Was a daughter of we late Mr. s den -Joseph, Tillsonburg; and.l'gnd 'Mrs. Ephraim Snell, Huliett d Anthony, :Lang Beach, '"Tie, i Township. After her marriage in 18'$2 she resided. 'on. her husband's MRS..rALISTEtt 'LAMONT farm rn Colborne Township and moved to reside in Goder-ich 29 A pth rate funertal 'service was 'years ago 'She was a member 11e!'Jd on Wednesday •afternoon, of Goderieh'Baptist Church. y. xebruHry 2, ficin lite ret9idenne She is survived by three sons:' of her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Jas. Hugh, Coibarne Township; Wil- Garrio$ban, lot 21, concession. 3, liam W., oderich; Russell, Mit- Lamont, for Mrs. Alister chair; and one daughter, Mrs. Lamont, the tenter r. Ruth Chrn.- i Harry McColl, Brooklin. ocher], who died on Monday, .Jan- ! eery 31, at Thi home of Mrs.' MRS. HANNAH D. PETTY Wi11ner(' Geddes, London, in he; 25th year. Nter"ni.ere was in Mrs. Hannah D. Petty, 93, lViahlandbemlt `Cemetery. lwlfite of G. C. Petty, died Tues- day, February 1, hi the Saunder- Born in. 'Tilhkersmith, 'she at- took 'Nursing Home, Hensall. She tended pubal e school le ;Tucker- 'was 'born in England but came smith, and ailto Seafert.'Colleg- !to 'Canada with her parents when date In tcitete. Following her ('only a year old and had resisted gels TWO ACCIDENTS EGMONDVILLE—James Fin- layson, Egmondville, caught one of his ringers in a machine at the Bell founiry, Six stitches were reuired to close the wound. James Bleck, Egmondville, gash- ed' his foot with an,axe while splitting wood on his farm. The axe cut through his heavy boon causing severe wounds between the toes. Detroit, Mich., and .for a tto ''her.ahome- for the past fel years, on account of advehcin t' years. �The,'latter 'few month„ i` she .had been an a- very frail con- = dition, Her death occurred at her home, King: St, ori Monda' January 31, following a short r >t 11 ss. fs :Miss' iss' 31ii11•er ivae The last sar- \We,'h-a`•9e h n'allocated two'Ca"rzy of ids vtvtrgurvi:mvedembbeer a :riof huarerbbefamilyrofnieces and ' •s cerment for 'the I month of !brruary. _� and nephews. • "'Eich: :Shingles .' 8ntS::. THOIWI S HENDERSON Charles W.avnlouth, Londeebofo has received the sad news ,rif the death of his sister, Mrs. -.Roselle Henderson, , who died in Ro e Itowm'(Sesk.)Hoslittal on Friday February 4, 1949, following a ser I'll °"t3"iii ]it, • il7e :_m a.r 'of :'"5x !'Tesla: 4 • lane+operation 'Funeral was • be, - r ring held from her late residence, c' :iTIn 4Ses ll�:iil:l.'lvl'rlu' :en:ab a�1t ;Ir€ebruary 5 =+� e e1; Sack, with interment: ,g following -in R.osetown Cemetery. Mrs. IIenderson, In her 66th I ' year, was born in Hullett Town orifi ers.'viii .be ACcep ked �and,'de1ivJe;red % and, a daughter ha f thwayteou h. upon 2EI181?21. a� Since her marriage she had re- �; sided • in Herschel, Sasls. She « married 'Thames 'Hender- son, a native of Durham, 33 years ago, who predeceased her 20 years ago. Surviving are one daughter. Mildred, Mrs. Frank Bailey, Sovereign, Sask., two sons, Lloyd and Albert, both of Herschel, one sister. Mrs. Alfred 'Peters, 'Clic, Mich., :and two brothers, Albert and 'Charles, both of Loridesborn. „ .. 0. .: . al 'r X COM.,, AkIMBER anti BUII I3ERS' aSUPPEIES X LION p,97 .CLINTON f l § fi+2«.644,#ti`etet 1eesSes-Vt ee sisWitlee e1414.1 ,..I: REV. W. H. TRWIN OFF1N ST CK We have .1 ec.ei'ved'a quantity of open tetItc silve.t. in the f'd io.Wing'pat't'ern's: Naming Star; Lady Hamilton, `IVlilaily, rCeronatian. For ,e'i ery day -us:e we have: WM. 'ROGERS '•Memory" pattern flatware •in penasctock, aas7:;rntich-, or as gew ••piczxes ras you -naafi. easpoons $4:60 doz., Dessert Spoons $8.00 doz., oakst;$8;Q9i siloz.; 'Knives '$12100 "doz. tn'Ste6lixlsi Silver n,,ne'have separate pieces and lace settipgu iin' 'Pine' Tree, LEtntihantrt ss, • azul Prelude attains. -Have :received another .assorto I' -shipxneat ftf rn flo=wer er,yBiit Ware. • :SEE l' Ulf` WIN :O W -and coat itter • entering ;tlie 'Biudtrird !Diamond g $3100.00 cash contest. Tom may win a very ndsome -cash a -ward prize. Get y oilr entry Porin and fittest :rude; at our:store. W.. N. Counter Coun;tere iee,J'iner Jecaenory ;for Ova. 11a1A a' Cibary fa Nero* 'Camay Word was received here of the death on Wednesday, January 26, in hospital et Hanna, Alberta, el Rev. William Holmes Irwin, in his 69th year, The funeral was held in the United Church, Hanna, on Sunday, January 30, with interment following in Ed- monton. Mr. Irwin was born in Lon- don, Ontatio, on November 27, 1880,, a son of the late Mr. end Mrs. J. A. Irwin, former resi- dents of Clinton. After receiving his early education in the London schools he attended Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, and became ordained es a Methodist minister. 'Tn '1912 ' itffr. 'Irwin went West, and since then had held several pastorates in the Methodist and later, United Churches, For the past 18 months he had been in charge of the "United 'Church at Hanna, 'Alta. As a young man he married Edna Young who survives along witis • two sons, 'William, Blair - more, Alta., and Robert N., Clin- ton; and one daughter, Miss Marion, Edmonton, Alta,; and four •gran'dehilidren. Also sur- viving are three sisters, Miss Bessie, Montreal, Que., Miss Ruby, Clinton, and Marion, Mrs. C. A, Vessey, St. Marys, end two brothers, John, Riehmond, Ind- iana, and Rev. Robert J., Toronto, Robert N. Irwin went to To- ronto planning to fly out West for the funeral but -the weather prevented this, so he returned to his home on Friday. . This Beautiful • lIe4 ex Cleans in a TANDS FORS PICC WHEREVER YOU SEE IT COURTEOUS and efficient service at our switch- boards, in our business offices and in your home — that's the kind of service we're doing our best to provide. More and better telephones have doubled the scope and increased the value of your telephone service. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. No matter where you travel, you'll find no greater telephone value; no better service at the same low cosi. ELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ysW'J9 have a nei0nanent holiday ¢ropy door wonnles rvlixr you instal 'Tile-Tev In ',our ,horoa. :Practical 711,s lex is e dream 40 ,glean np ,muss, se funs, lust ft t;,00d once- over at your daily clean -sip time. Tile -'rex comes, too'In an the heavenly ,colours you've longed for —to blend into any eolour scheme. And Tile -Tex gives wonderful' ser- vice, keeps its .fresh colour for years of wear. Your trained The -Tex applicator Instals Tile -Tex asphalt at a Cost so low It Win surprise you. For thorough cleaning,'Tile- Tex Cleaner and Tie -Tex Water d deveWax loped to ve been l tact asphalt tile. Ask us for an estimate Authorized TILE-TEX applicator G. L. BAXTER Goderich--Phone 739 `22 Albert! St. P.O. Box 168 v - 8-b '4;t .,near she was a switch- !'in Hensall for more than 70 years. board operator in Vittoria Hos- 1'She was a member of the WA. pita 1, ' Ieotaliob, for e 'Cline. The Her husband 'is said to have built departerd 'woman wee a niers- ithe first house In Hensall. bei 'of Filet Presbyterian Church, l Surviving are four daughters, 'Seafoath, and was •a favorite Mrs. C. Abbott, Detroit: Mrs. Pet - among hxer, manyfiiends. She ,ter Kennedy, Winnipeg; Mrs. G. was in:errled in 154.7. FF, Smith, St. Marys; Mrs. J. L, She' is survived by her husband, itScott, Hensall. firer pm -etas, end three brothers, f Funeral services were held et • Jetties 1W. Carn+o'dlio.n, London- her late residence, Thursday el - :Jahn -H. Carncichan and Kenneth. I ternoon, February 3, by Rev. F. ' G. Cnrnochan at hisne. Langford, and burial made in Hensall 'Unruh 'Cemetery. 4 OPPO',': T 1i Valentine Gifts By Dumaurier, France First. Love Cologne ... $1.00 Moonlight - Roses Cologne 1.50 Escapade and Concerto 2.00 Perfume Baskets $2.00 -, 3.00 Sweet Suggestion Cologne 1.50 Nosegay Cologne by Dorothy Gray, 2.50 a'Bientot Cologne by Lentheric, 1.25, 1.75 White Cloud Cologne by Wrisley Double Vanity by Yardley Single Vanity by Evening in Paris . 1.50 7.00 5.00 HUNT'S VALENTINE CHOCOLATES OOc-$'1.50-$1.75 HUNT'S CHERRIES -95c and $1.50 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST PHONE 14 ITY AT "w.:t#".,.!.�`•�'w, sy�f�i l.rc:'�n..°.ti1k5�"i� Home=cured Mellow -mild side Bacon sliced, lb. .55 piece, lb. .52 CuredPicnic 'HAMS whole, lb. .44 Boneless HAMS, Smoked Tendersweet, lb. ,69 Regular HAMS, leg, whole or half, lb. .52 Cottage -Rolls lb., .57 °Tasty Bacon Squares ib., .39 Cooked Meats FOILED ;C'O'OKED 'HAM BOLOGNA WEINERS .. ;JELLIED 'TO'NGUE ,?'GRN BEEF :(Cooked) lb., .78 lb., .35 lb., .44 ib., ;69 lb., .67 i'Our POTTED MEATS, while they last Ib., .29 Fresh ark Cuts PEAMEAL COTTAGE ROLL PORK LOIN CUTS, piece either end piece either end, chops, FRESH :HAM, varying cuts lb., SHOULDERS BUTTS (Boston) Our Home -Made PURE PORK SAUSAGE, Large 2 lbs. Ib., ,i52 Ib., .54 sliced, lb., .57 .40, .45, .50 whole, whole or half, Small Try once (always) our PATTIES s�� ee ..... is FRESH LEAN GROUND HAMBURGER, 2 lbs. for .75 or ALL STEAKS—Round, Sirloin, Wing MINCED ROUND STEAKS BONELESS LEAN POT ROASTS PURE FRESH BEEF DRIPPING, (Excellent for Fish and Chips) Ib., .19 Ib., .42 ib., .49 for .75 lb., .42 Ib., .39 lb., .39 ib., '.64 Ib., .64 lb., .44 tVN'O#fJffgJR,S EY 'Vegetables 3 :SPECIALS are Green Beans, Peas, Liana Beans Fruit 20% off Peaches and Black Berries Outstanding' tG'HICKEN A LA KING . box, .86 WE HAVE AT ALL TIMES: Lovely Plump Milk -Fed Roasting Chicken lb., .57 Choice Young Lamb in stock at all times FISH To your want, for an easy -prepared meal .attention, Farmers! Side of Pork (half hog), averaging 75-80 lbs. each - lb., .35 Now is the time to bring in your Store 76. Choice Quality Quarters of Beef, cut up ..... ... fronts, 1b., .36 hinds, lb., .41 pig for custom killing and curing. ODERN MEAT MARKET Stanley Bros. PHONES 44 Slaughter r.) House 282-W