HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-02-03, Page 8"--P •.. ,....,,..«,-.1 "'"a.,"'X' RCAF, MITCHELL FIVE -PIN , FIGHT 5-5 DRAW BOWLING OVERTIME GAME (By Harold "Mac" MaeIvor) (As at, February 1) - In an OHA Intermediate "B" CLINTON MEN'S LEAGUE 'hockey .game played at Mitchell W. L HT.Pts. on Monday evening, Clinton Autumn Breezes 23 13 7 53 RCAF battled to a five -all tie Hawkeyes 20 16 6 46 in a hard-fought game, Spitfires.. , 17 19 8 421 It was a very keenly contested Roughriders , , , 16 20 5 37 game with hard skating and Steeplejack's 14 22 4 32 checking by both sides. Mitchell High tingle; Bert White, 352; held the . edge in the first period high three, Bert White, 795, by virtue of their accurate pas- using and took advantage of all ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH ',opportunities.. W L HT.Pts.In the second and third periods Nimrods 32 13 10 74 the RCAF boys started to drive Supersonics ..,, 27 18 7 61d and held a good percentage of Volcanoes , .., 21 24 10 52 the territorial play, end the, per - Skyrockets 10 35 3 23 'rod ended 3-0 in favour of Mit- High single, LMatthews, 303; leehll, only by the stellar goal - high three, L. Matthews, 786. ,tendingforMitcheofll, Chessel in the nets CLINTON GIRLS ' A sustained drive in the third W L HT.Pts. Period and some great battling Beetle Bombers . 30 15 12 72 ,4b-4 fir all pleayeend r founof60dminutes.scthe ore Mighty Atoms 24 21 8 56 at Hoosier Hotshots 19 26 5 431, Each side added a goal in the Cracker Jacks . , 17 28 6 40 ten-minute overtime period, with g Mitchell getting the tieing goal playing a man short. The , ice was getting cut up during the later stages of the game, which made control of the puck very difficult by both sides. "Poppy" Norris played a very sound game for the RCAF ag- gregation with his smooth stick - handling and heavy body cheeks, and Crowder skated miles to rack up four well-earned points. Hennich for Mitchell put on sev- eral outstanding exhibitions of stink -handling, and repeatedly eased the pressure for Mitchell, when they played a man short. CLINTON RCAF: goal, Robert- son; defence, Cunningham, Hun- ter; centre, Sparks; wings, Le- blanc, Helmer; subs— Crowder, Verhelst, Tetrault, Norris, Single- ton, Boland, Melanson, Clark - Marlow, G. PAGE EIGHT Airmen Knock Off Colts In Strenuous Battle 8-6 (BY Harold 'Mac' MacIvor) A capacity crowd at the Clin- '+ton Lions Arena witnessed a fast skating, hard ebiecking clean Intermediate OHA hockey game is which Clinton RCAF increased their winning streak to three games straight by defeating the Clinton Colts 8-6, Saturday even- ing.• The first period saw eight goals scored, four for each side. 'Twit' Leblanc started the scoring for the RCAF at 1.43 of the period, only to be followed by two quick goals by Skwdp and Goodhue. Lareancre and Leblanc teamed 'up again to tie the score with •LaFrance getting the counter. Other goals in the first period were by Neilens, Leblanc. Good- hue and Crowder resulting in the first period ending four all. Coach Singleton of the RCAF pulled Simon (Pee -Wee) Chor- tler out of the nets at the start of the second period and put Schneidor in who played a good steady game in the nets. The Colts had several chances to score but only connected twice in the second frame. Crowder, Norris, and Cunningham played an out- stlrnding game for the RCAF, with Cunningham displaying some fancy stick -handling, Norris with his back checking while Crowder led several attacks which proved fatal to the Colts. Goodhue was the sparkplug for the Colts, and racked himself three goals. The third period started out slow,and saw only one goal. with Lenience beating Wooddock on a p ss pafrom Leblanc. Both teams were tiring under the pressure C that they had showed all even- 2 ing, but played good hard clean hockey. In the game there were 15 penalties handed out, six to. h RCAF, nine to Colts. CLINTON COLTS: goal, Wood- e cock; defence, Schoenhals, Colqu- houn; centre, Goodhue; wings, Haply, Draper; subs, Bartliff, CotinteikelMenaan 'Strong, Cam- eron, Andrews, Neilans, Steep. CLINTON RCAF: goal, Char - tier,. Schneidor; defeece, Cun- ningham, Hunter; centre, La - Fiance; . wings, Leblanc, Helmer; subs Crowder, Verhelst, Tet- rault, Norris, Singleton, Boland, -Melanson, Clark -Marlow, G. I First Period 1—RCAF, Leblanc (Helmer, La Prance) 1.43. 2—Colts, Steep, 2.20. 3 --Colts, Goodhue, 3,10. 4—RCAF, LaFrance (Leblanc) 5.53. 5—Colts. Neilans (Counter) 10.30. 6—RCAF, Leblanc (Singleton) 17.55. 7—Colts, Goodhue (Schoenhals) 17.58. 8—RCAF, Crowder, 19.00. Penalties Boland, Colquhoun, Cameron, Singleton, Counter. Second Period 9—RCAF, Crowder, 2.00. 10—RCAF, Norris, 4.35. 11—Colts, Goodhue (Schoenhals), 9.20. " 12 Colts, Bartliff (Counter) 10.20. 13—RCAF, Cunningham(Crowd- er) 18.10. Penalties — Counter Helmer, Cameron (2), Hunter, Bartliff (2). Third Period 14—RCAF, LaFrance (Leblanc) 15.10. Penalties—Boland, Steep, Cam- eron, Singleton, Bartliff (mint and 10 -minute misconduct). Referee: Gordon Muir, Seaforth. LIONS MIDGETS TIE ONE GAME LOSE ANOTHER (By Murray Colquhoun) Clinton Lions Midgets, in two WOAA group matches during the ast week, tied Listowel here Saturday evening prior to the olts-RCAF game, and then lost -1 to Palmerston here Monday evening. In the Listowel match, the kids ad their hands full to come out ven, as Jerry Holmes tallied the qualizer for Clinton with only 15 seconds remaining. Jerry scored two other goals, and Clare and Cam. Maltby, three each. CLINTON LIONS: goal; Tides - well; defence, Wilson, Shearing: centre, Cam Maltby; left wing, Clare Maltby; right wing, Jerry Holmes; alternates—Cowan, Ladd, Oakes, Fowler, Carter, Colquhoun. In the Pahnerston game, Wil- liams tallied twice for the visit- ors, and Ron Carter for Clinton Lions. The line-up in this game was the same as on Saturday night except that Zaphe and Purvey were in the line-up instead of Colquhoun. SEVENTH STRAIGHT Milverton Dominion Royals Friday night took their seventh successive game without a loss or, tie in the OHA It -deleted - late "B" League when they defeated Seaforth 14-4 et Mil- verton arena. Approximately 400 fans attended. ADDITIONAL SPORTS PAGE 3 I Valentine Cards ST. VALENTINE'S DAY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14 — the day of Love — the day to remember those you love by sending a VALENTINE GREETING CARD Our Valentine selections range from Kiddies', at 2c and 3c up to Adults', at 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c and $1 A sentiment in verse to suit everyone BIRTHDAY VALENTINES "GET WELL" CARDS KIDDIES' CUT-OUTS BOOK OF VALENTINES Special "SWEETHEART" CARDS And for that Valentine Party! Attractive Serviettes and Table Covers in special Valentine designs McEwan's Phone 84 Clinton Just in Time for the COLD WEATHER! BOYS' PARKAS Size 30-32-34 Priced at $7.95 We carry a complete linle of STANFIELD'S and PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR Herman's Men's Wear Biltmore Hats Forsyth Shirts Phone 224W -Clinton RCAF LOSES CLOSE MATCH TO CENTRALIA (By Harold "Mac" Macivor) Centralia RCAF jumped into commanding lead in the first two periods of last night's OHA In- termediate "B" group match in Exeter . Arena, and despite an all'.out drive by Clinton RCAF in the final stanza, nosed out the local Airmen by 9-8. Centralia led 6-3 at, the end of the first, and 9-3 at the end of the second, but in the third, the Clinton crew tallied five with- out reply. It was a very fast, well played match, feetured by sloppy de- fensive work and poor covering up by the Clinton team in the first two frames. Pumple and Homs stood out for Centralia end .Keith Clark -Marlow and Cun- ningham for Clinton. CLINTON RCAF. goal, Snyder, Robertson; defence, Cunning- ham, Hunter; centre, Norris; wings, Leblanc, Helmer; alter- nates—Crowder, Verhelst, Tet- rault, Singleton, Bolend, Mela�i- son, Clark -Marlow,.,, G., Clark - Marlow, K CENTRALIA RCAF; goal, Mc- Leod; defence Pumple, Horton; centre, Rhudle; wings, Homs, Coale; alternates — Qulckfall. Shone Casselman, Hollott, Ebcel, Anderson. Referee—Archie Hubert, Sea - forth. First Period. 1—Clinton, Norris (Clark -Mar- low, G.) 4.55. 2—Centralia, Homs (Pumple) 6.00. 3 --Centralia, Coals, 9.56. 4—Centralia, Hollott (Shorn) 11.20. 5—Centralia, Homs (Rhudle) 12.15, 6—Centralia, Homs, 16.05. 7—Clinton, Crowder (Verhelst) 17.17. 8—Clinton, Norris (Clark -Mar- low, G.) 17.40. 9 --Centralia, Casselman Mel- lott) 18.55. Penalty—Horton. 10 --Centralia, Ccels, 3.10. 11—Centralia, Homs, 3.35. 12—Centralia, Coals, 11.08. Penalties — : Quickfall, Coals, Rhudle, Sham, • Third Period 13—Clinton, Clark -Marlow G., 7.20. 14—Clinton, ., Norris (Cunning- ham) 8.00. 15—Clinton, Clark -Marlow, K., 13,35. 16—Clinton, }Telmer (Leblanc) 15,10, 17—Clinton, Verhelst (Boland) 17.13, Penalty—Boland. BANTAMS WIN FROM LUCKNOW; LOSE To GODERICH (By Howard Cowles) A fast and furious WOAA hockey game was played Mon- day, evening in Clinton Lions Arora between Clinton Lions Bantams and Lucknow Bantams, the Clinton team corning out on top 3-2. Clinton's goal keeper, Denomme, can be thanked for the small score against Clinton, as he made some wonderful saves when. >`ruiiber' was all around him. Lucknow boys were out to win and showed Clinton boys so when they came out in the second per- iod. All the way through it was a clean and surprisingly fast game, only one penalty and that going to Rickey Elliott for hold- ing. Clinton scored the first goal of the game at the ten-minute mark, credit going to John Hart- ley, Lucknow scored in the second period to tie it up 1-1 at the 35 minute mark with Thom- pson taking honours. Lucknow took the lead in the third period with Art Baker chalking from Ross. Clinton tied the game up at the 52 minute mark with Maltby scoring from Carrick. Murray Colquhoun scor- ed the winning goal with only three minutes left to play. Lucknow boys worked hard but couldn't beat Clinton's goal'' keeper. All in all it was a very good and worthwhile game to watch. LUCKNOW: goal, Bieman; de- fence, Hoveald and Taylor; centre, Ross; wings, Thompson and And- , erson; subs, J. Chin, C. Chin, 'Baker, Ferguson, McNay, Csed- well and Emberlin. CLINTON LIONS: goal, Den- omme; defence, Carrick, Moore omme; defence, Bob Carrick and Jerk Moore; centre, "Rickey" El- liott; wings. John Hartley, Mur - 'ray Maltby; subs, Murray Colqh- houn, Tom Colquhoun, Murrey Taylor, Ken McLeod, Bev. Aiken - heed, Jenkins, Bobby Garon, Refausse. Referee: John Nediger, Clinton. I Lose to Goderich Rounding out a two -game 'ser- ies with Goderich, Clinton Lions Bantams went- down to defeat both times, the latter game be- ing played in Goderich on Friday evening last with the final score 7-5. Scoring was as follows: First Period: Sully, Carrick, Gaynor, MacDonald; Second Per- iod:- MacDonald, "Stewart; Third Period: MacDonald (2), Carrick, Maltby, Carrick (Maltby), Hart- ley. There was only one penalty in the geme, thot e"ino Mon» CLINTON BANTAMS: goal, Denonune; defence. Garon, rick; centre, centre, Elliott; wings, Mur- ray Maltby, Hartley; subs, T. Colquhoun, M. Colquhoun, Tay- lor, Jenkins, Refausse, Moore, Carter (sub -goal), Juveniles Lose The same night Clinton Lions Juvenile team played in the County Town and likewise went down to defeat by 4-1. Old time rivalry between 'the two towns was much in evidence when bumping, high sticking and minor skirmishes added a note of ex- citement to the game. The Clin- ton Juvenile team has been with- drawn from competition, ADDITIONAL SPORTS PAGE '3 CL=NTOA' NEWS -RECORD' NOTES High single, Olive Carter, 294; high three, Olive Carter, 712. W—won; L—lost; T—tied; HT.—high total; P. --points. MITCHELL TRIMS COLTS BY 10-6; DRAPER INJURED Clinton hockey fans were treat- ed to the fastest game of the season in Lions Arena last night when Mitchell Canadian Legion and Colts clashed in their first meeting of the year. Mitchell won 10.6, and kept pace with the group -leading Milverton team. A good crowd attended. Unfortunately, Colts suffered the loss of one of their best play- ers when Bob Draper.- sustained a severe gash on his left leg from a skate during the first per- iod. It required eight stitches to close the wound, and may mean that the redoubtable Bob may be THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1941', MITCHELL: goal, Chessel; de- fence, • Rohfritsch, Houze; centre, J, McNairn; wings, K. McNairn, Flennich; subs Stock; Gibbert, Pierce, weber, Tuer, Powell. Frst eriod 1—Mitchell, K.pMcNairn (Herr- - nick) .45. 2—Mitchell, Uennich, 10,45. Penetlies Melanson, Roh- fritsch, Houze, Second Period 3—Mitchell,Weber, 5,10, Penalties=None, Third Period 4—RCAF, Boland (Crowder) 1.46. t 6—'RCAF,11 Crowder�(Verhelst) 8.45. 7—RCAF, Verhelst (Crowder) 13.35. 8—RCAF, Leblanc (Norris) 14,45. Penalties — Helmer, Stock, Pierce, Leblanc, Rohfritseh, 9 Overtime —RCAF Crowder (Norris) .38. Revised • Schedule For Clinton RCAF' The weatherman is no respect>. er -61 persons. and this year with the increasingly long mild spell, the OIIA Intermediate group schedule was rather ba'dly hit. The revised schedule, which af- fects Clinton RCAF, is as follows: Feb. 5—Clinton Colts at RCAF 8—Centralia at RCAF 9—Seaforth at RCAF 11—RCAF at Wellesley. , 15 -Milverton at RCAF 18—Mitchell at RCAF 18—Wellesley at RCAF. Home games of Clinton RCAp' are played in Clinton Lions Arena.. 10—Mitchell, Hennich (K. Mc - Nairn), 8.00. Penalties—Crowder, Rohfritscit (major). Referee—"Archie" Hubert, Sea- forth. GODERWH 9—LISTOWEL 5 Listowel minor hockey teams out of action. for several days, split a twin bill there Monday at. least. Bill .Counter was in.'s- the in WOro fixtures, 6 sing from the line-up through the juniors romped to a 13-6 illness, win over Harriston, and the midgets bowed to Goderieh, 9-5. The visitors outscored Colts chiefly through the fact that the latter's passes .were going astray. The count was 3-2 for Mitchell in each stanza. Mitchell iced a fast, young team. MITCHELL .Canadian Legion: goal, Chessel; defence, Houze, Rohfritsch; centre, Powell; wings, McNairn, Kennick; alternates — Tuer, Stock, McNairn, Gibbard. Gatenby. CLINTON Colts: goal, Miller; defence, Schoenhals, Colquhoun; centre, Goodhue; wings, Hanly-, Draper; alternates -- Montan, Hayter, Strong, Bartliff, Neilans, Steep, Musser, Andrews, Wood- cock (sub -goal). Referee—Gordon Muir, Seaforth. First Period 1—Clinton, Schoenhals, 0.35. 2—Mitehell, Weber, 3.10. 3—Mitchell, Powell' (McNairn) 10.05. 4—Clinton, Strong (Hayter) 16.10. 5—Mitchell, Powell (McNairn, Kennick) 17.25, Penalties—Gibbard, Rohfritsch. Second Period 6—Mitchell, McNairn (Powell) 8.13. 7—Clinton, Strong (Hayter, Mc - Ewan) 11.06. 8—Clinton, Goodhue ' (Musser) 13,02. 9—Mitchell, McNair (Powell) 14.45, 10—Mitchell, Iver (Weber) 19,50. Penalties—None, Third Period 11—Clinton, Hayter (Strong, Mc Ewan) 5,15. 12 --Mitchell, Weber (McNairn) 5.50, 13—Mitchell. Powell. (Weber, Mc - Nairn) 14.00, 14—Mitchell, Powell, 14.45. 15—Clinton, Hayter. 17.10. 16—Mitchell, Weber, 19.50. Penalty--Colquhoun, 0 MLLVERTON 3—GODERICH 2 Playing their best game of the season, Goderich Kinsmen OHA Intermediate "A" club, was de- feated by Milverton at Goderich Monday night, 3-2. Both goal- keepers did some stellar work. Miner, in the nets for the Kins- men club for the first time this season, end Schmidt for Milver- ton. Goderich Saddle Club reorgan- ized at its annual meeting Mon- day night. George C. Feagan was elected president; Hugh Hill, vice-president; H. O. Jerry, treas- urer; Miss Lamb, secretary. The club is planning a Dominion Day celebration with. a percentage of the proceeds to be handed over to Goderich. Arena fund. 7111111. BOWLING IS FUN FOR ANY AGE Creno on, Mum and Dad, get the kids together for a swell `venin:; of fun! Come on down to our lanes and really enjoy yourself while you take in e nc' healthy exercise and a 4,iv r h rills, • Open Bowling Wed., Fri., Sat. Clinton bowling Alley Be Sure to See and Hear the fates; in personal Portable Radios "The Starlette" 4 tubes exceptional sensitivity and selectivity. Outperforms any other small portable on the markert, Only $29.95 Complete with batteries • Merrill Radio & Electric Phone 313 - - - Clinton Special Bargains! DOMINION GASOLINE ' WASHER, used, in good condition. fk • • GILSON ELECTRIC WASHER, used, in good condition, • • • • The Latest Thing! "Lullaby" BEDLAMP RADIO $35.95 • • • • • SEE THESE IN OUR SHOWROOMS! S'LITT'ER --PERDUE er SKIS At long last, the hills are ,ready to go! MAPLE RIDGE - TOP -- 6 ft., 61/4 ft., $6 25 6i/ ft., 63/, ft., 7 ft. lengths for , , , , HICKORY DELUXE, equipped with steel 24.50 Junior, pr. $1.5® Senior r. 1.95: edges, pair CHALET HARNESS Low Hitch, pr. 2.50, CHALET Micromatic Cable, pr. 3.95 METAL SKI POLES pr. 3.95 SKI MITI'S ea. 4,70 to 7.75, pr. 2.25; SKI JACKETS, Ladies' and Men's. Complete line of SKI WAXES and LACQUERS CLINTEIR mood E P P §i ONTARIO PHONE 4SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY CLINTON SELLING OUT SALE ! OF ALL OUR OVER STOCKS OF CANNED FOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Watch our shelves for the "On Sale" Tags SUNLIGHT STOKLEY'S TOMATO Soap .. 2 bars 25c / Soup . . 4 tins 25c STOKLEY''S TOMATO ALLEN'S APPLE Juice .. 2 tins 19c ' Juice .. 3 tins 25c BACON, BREAKFAST, SIDE, sliced lb. 49c Victory Brand PEAS 3 tins 25c Glenwood Diced CARROTS 3 tins 25c Old Tyme Table SYRUP bottle 23c xter's hoic 1I Luff` PumCp Qine \� j Club JELLY Powders 2 pkgs. 15c Glenwood Diced ER BO% BEETS LG PKG. 36c 3 tins 25c We have for Rental a JOHNSON'S NEW BEAUTIFLOR ELECTRIC POLISHER YORK FROSTED FOODS OYSTERS Ib. pkg. .. 95c PEAS pkg. 26c STRAWBERRIES pkg. 40c SALMON Fillets, Ib. . 59c GARDis&N FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FLORIDA HEARTS of VIC!TEXAS Seedless, 112's de CELERY, bunch • f1JJ GRAPEFRUIT .. 6 forLt C SHEARING'S NEW MODERN FOOD MARKET PHONE 48—Free Delivery—CLINTON "THERE'S NO PLACE LIKE FIRST PLACE!" It's just as simple as that! BE FIRST. with a car that's easy to start, smooth running, economical and comfortable. .Our Mechanics have the 'know how." Our Parts Dept. has all the necesSi'bies for your entire satisfaction. Drive - . in .today. BE FIRST with good tires. Liberal trade-in allowance on new Goodyears. BE FIRST to see ,the '49 Chevrolet. Watch this space for announcement. Lorne Brown Motors Your Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Dealer Ontario Motor League and General Towing Service Day 367W -- PHONES — Night 367J