HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-02-03, Page 7F ` E, IURSD. AY, FEBRUARY '3, no WALTON` Blyth Couple Feted Anenjoyable evening. was :spent in Walton Community Nall i'3n honor 'of•Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tialland, Blyth About 150' guests were preterit' The esieninga was spent in denting' to' music sups' plied by 'the 'Wilbee , orelhestra, Mr. and Mrs. Holland were'pry. sensed with a purse of money, the address being read by' Ross Bennett end the presentation made by 'William Coutts Mr. Holland made a suitable replyt FUR FARM RANCHERS Order your 1949 requirements now of our No. 1 quality LIVERS NORSEMEAT: - HEARTS - L • For full particulars, write INGERSOLL, ONTARIO AN ALL -CANADIAN FIRM, ESTABLISHED 1870 eteScearatalatetelaPP171 Contract Barley Taking contracts for barley again this year; will be supplying Mont - calm seed. Contracts same as last year. Please let me know as soon as possible your requirements. FRED O. FORD,. 3-btfb CLINTON MONUMENT SHOP OPEN DAILY If closed contact Mr. J. J. ZAP FE Phone 103 ►dEMORIALS AND CEMETERY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION T. PRYDE & SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH CLINTON NEWS -RCORD'; NEWS' . O, F A U B U. Donald Rose, Galt; wag a Week end visitor with' his' mother, Mrs, Fred Ross. Donald Campbell, Kitcheneri, Visited his parents, Mr., and Mrs, Albert Calttpbell, at the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bamford, Preston spent the weekend with 'PAGE: SSVIIttt'; munity on presehting . such an excellent program and gave their derision in favor of the Colborne- Hullett •side, A large number of people were unable to get in the Following the concert an old time dance was enjoyed with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bamford music sr /periled l ied bY local l talent. and Mrs. Ed. Anderson. Proceeds are in aid of the eon - Masonic "At Home" munity Memorial Hall, Morningstar Lodge, A.F. and A,M., of Carlow, staged an "at anniversary this year. J. G. home' in connection with its its 75th SUMMERH' ILI Robertson was chairman in the absence of Hugh Hill. Partici- pating in the programme were: Carlton Worsen, William Mc- Laren, Glen Lodge and F. Sturdy of Goderich.; Mr, and liens Frank Mclilwain, Mrs. Gerson Taylor, Mrs. William. Craig, Florence Wilson, Evelyn Rivett, Mrs. John Ladies' Club Meets The January meeting of Sum- merhill Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Keith Tyn- dall with 21 members and eight visitors present. The meeting opened by singing a few Christ- mas carols, followed by prayer. The minutes of the previous MacDougall, John Ladd, Garth meeting were read and the roll McClinohey; Glenn Patterson, Bill . call answered. Craig, Mrs. Harry Worrell, all of Readings were given by Mrs,' Auburn; and Joseph Kelly, Gode- Ivan Heggart and Mrs. Wes, Hog - rich. • gart, • and ,Mrs. Keith Tyndall Scottish Concert favoured with an instrumental.. The Foresters Hall was packed The meeting closed with the National Anthem. , The next meeting, will be head at the home of Mrs. Wes Vodden. Those in charge of the program will be Mrs. Harold' Lobb, Mrs, Chester Farquhar, Mrs. Cornish. The lunch committee consists of Mrs, Wee Vodden, Mrs. Charles Merrill, Mrs. Percy Gibhings and Mrs. Cornish. on Wednesday night January 26, ,for the Scottish concert sponsor- ed by the finance committee of the community Memorial Hall. The concert was a contest be- tween East and West Wawanosh versus Colborne and Hullett, The committee in charge was, for East and West Wawanosh,.Gordon Mc- Clinchey. Keith Arthur and Har- ry Sturdy, for Colborne 'and Hull- ett, Bert Craig, William Craig and Gordon Dobie. Each side put on one half hour Scottish and a half hour miscellaneous entert- ainment. Harry Sturdy, chairman of the finance committee, spoke a few words and introduced the chairman for East and West Waw- anosh. Dr. B. C: Weir, who pre- sided for the following program: Bagpipe selection, D. A, MacLen- nan, Lochalsh; Scottish dance, Mrs. Stewart Plunkett; solo, Clark Johnston accompanied by Mrs. A. Bruce; number by the Atholl Bruce orchestra; solo, Mrs, Emmerson. Rodger, accompanied by Mrs. 11, D. Munro; Scottish dance, Ruth Mass and Isobel An- drews, accompanied by the piper; reading, Mrs. Albert Campbell; solo, Stanley Sidthorpe, accomp- anied by Miss Norma Dair; Scot- tish dance, Miss Joy Lutz, accom- panied by the piper; orchestra •ti .41 Sse ese Vs •.i Sa wk3«;»; wteaseel+k l«S+.»' let e:»'»aaMM»`r±: ee;«c 11«11» : . • Hatched by Buckeye Streamliners in a modern hatchery designed to produce large numbers of high +=t grade chicks at reasonable prices. Ne'w Hampshire, Sussex, White Leghorn, White ,« Rock, Fast Feathering Barred Rock Chicks every week.:' Canadian Approved Chicks Large numbers of crossbred chicks are also pro- ;_ duced. N. 14. x Sussex, N. 'H. x B. Rock, and W. Rock x W. Leghorn. 11. Armstrong with Mrs. Tom Allan McKinley's FARM &HATCHERY ZURICH, ONT. PHONE 97-11, HENSALL Hullett Township COUNTY'S,. FIRST , FOLKScHQOL IS SUCCESSFUL The Huron •County,Folk School was. held at the McMillan home, Con. 4, McKillop Township, from January 9-15, inclusive. There were ten candidates from verious parts of . the county 'registered, and leadership was supplied by Ray; Hergott of the Ontario Fern Radio Forton office and Mrs, W, H. Collum, Toronto.' This school, residential in char- acter, was sponsored and jointly organized by Ontario Farm Rade io Forum and. the Farm Forum Committee of Huron County Fed- eration of Agriculture. The group came together for a three -fold purpose to discuss community problemsto extend their knowledge of arts and cra- fts and to develop leadership in the recreation field. As a back ground for the discussion of the week Mr. Hergott led the group in study of a few chapters of Dr. Arthur• Morgan's book "The Small Community". On Mondaythe groups were led in discussion on "What lies ahead for co-operators in Ontar- io" and "Co-op Insurance in Ont - Farm Forum Meets The Farm Forum of S.S No. 1, Hullett met on Monday evening, January 31, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Holland, The topic for discussion was 'This Little Pig Went to Market." Most of the evening was given to dis- cussing what would be the best method of marketing our agri- cultural products. Noble Holland and Mrs, Albert Glazier favouree with a few musical numbers, af- ter which a delicious lunch was served. Next meeting v'ill be held at the home or Mr. ana Mrs. Fred Pepper. Happy Workers Meet The January meeting of the Happy Workers Club was held at the home of Mrs. Hugh Bali. number, Harvey and Murray Mc- The meeting opened by singing Dowell and Stewart Toll, acme_ ."Rescue the Perisher," followed panied by Miss Norma Dair; solo, by the Lord's Prayer, The tress- Aubrey' Toll, accompanied by neer and secretary's report was Mrs. Munro on the piano and then given. The roll call was Stewart Toll on the saxaphone; ,answered by 16members. Fees reading, Mrs. Roy Finnigan; solo, for the 'following year were paid Clarke Johnston; selection, Mrs. by 13 members. Mrs. William William Roberton; number by !Holland won the prize and the Atholl Bruce orchestra; solo, next meeting is to be held at Stan Sidthorpe. This side con -the home of Mrs. William Hol- cluded their program by a chorus ;eland. The meeting closed by singing God Save the King. During the afternoon a quilt was quilted. Later, a dainty lunch was served by group 1, whcih are Mrs. George Glazier, "Auld Lang Syne" After is 15 -minute recess the Colborne-Hullett committee pre- sented their program which com- menced with a mixed chorus, Mrs, Charles Brandon, Mrs. Hugh with Mrs. R. J, Phillips presiding Ball and Mrs. Cliff Glazier. Col-• at the piano. Other selections lection amounted to $5,60. were: Bagpipe selection, H. King- a swell, Hullett; solo, Bill Craig, jr., accompanied by Mrs. Phillips; Geo. C. Feagan Heads Scottish dance by the McCabe E sisters, accompanied by the piper; x -Wardens' Group duet, Misses Emma and Shirley Robertson; monologue, Mrs. Doli— Ex••wwrdens of Huron County old Fowler; solo, M. Kingswell; have organized an Ex -Wardens' Scotch dance, McCabe sisters; Association, and ten of 22 former orchestra number, J•anck Ladd, wardens were present at an m Glen Patterson, Bill Craig, jr., ganization meeting in the Court Garth McClinohey with Mrs. Sid- House, Goderich, lest week. ney McClinchey at the piano; George C. Feagan, Goderich ladies' trio, Mrs. S. H. Brenton, Township, was elected president; Mrs, Shaddick and Miss Doreen elelliam Sweitzer, Exeter, vice- president; Alex Alexander, God- erich, secretary -treasurer; and directors: R. J. Bowman, Brus- sels; B. W. Tuckey, Exeter; Louis Rader, Dashwood. An annual meeting will be held in June • of each year. We did a big Job in 1948... AND THERE'S A BIG JOB STILL TO BE DONE! WE'vis JUST completed the busiest year in our history. Ontario and Quebectelephone lines carried a record 9,000,000 calls daily, and service generally was better. We built more new buildings than in any previous year, added 325,000 mites of wire —indications of the size of the construction program that enabled us to install 148,981 new telephones another record. Much remains to be done. Thousands still want tele- phones, further service unprovement is still possible. Every day throughout the coming year, telephone men and 'women everywhere will be working hard to meet this challenge. In 1949, as in the past, all our efforts will be directed to the achievement of more and better telephone serv- ice at the lowest possible cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA sAre vSlk as accompanist; solo, with guitar accompaniment, Clare Stewart; piano duet, Misses Margaret Jack- son, Evelyn Raithby; quartette, Amos Andrew, Bill Craig, Jr., Jack Ladd end Glen Patterson, accompanied by Mrs. W. Craig; solo, with guitar accompaniment, Mrs. Tom Allan; solo, Harry Lear accompanied by Doreen Arm- strong; solo, with guitar accom- paniment, Clare Stewart. This side concluded their program with a' chorus "Now is the Hour." The judges were .Mrs, Clayton Edward, Goderich; Mrs, E. Wen- dorf and George Jefferson, Clint- on. On behalf of the judges Mr. Jefferson congratulated the com- saasaIG7i p'•} r'i; USED CAR SPECIALS YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS t 1947 FORD Club Coupe, black, with white rims and other extras. 1947 FORD Special Deluxe Sedan, maroon, loaded with extras. 194.6 MERCURY 118 Sedan, blue, super - cushion tires, radio, etc. 1941 HUDSON Six Sedan, gray, in lovely con- dition.' 1935 TERRAPLANE 5 i x Coach, black, recently overhauled. 1934 P,LYMOTITII Business Coupe, clean' ear. All these cars are winter- ized and equipped with heaters. GOOD CASK PRICE FOR YOUR CAR: BOB COOK, Hensall MOTOR SALES PHONES Bus. 54 Res, 178 5-b i 1 •,4rwN,+•1•a•/~a•nrwawu4.4.41 .I4 FOR SALE ROGERS MAJESTIC . RADIOS ... $32.50 and un PHILCO RADIOS $30.50 and up ADMIRAL RADIOS • $29.50 and up APEX WASHERS DOMINION' WASHERS BIG THRIFTY WASHER $49,50 APEX RECORDS—Get your latest hit here Groves' Electric Res. 290w -Phones -Store 274 ...,11.11. 09„ �CCCoFDETROIT , FACIt1G GRANO CIRCUS PARK (he Totter, a modern hotel for those who want the Eesti Co', gement to Gilkes, Theaters, and Shops. Friendly, course• cus service and real lintel, fit Comfort. Comfort. The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your Dining Pleasure at modest prices, ft po5s to stay at S ;�f j Hotel Tuller: VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE ONE OF 055501T'5 FINEST 800 ROOMS $175 WITH HATH -FROM 1101EL RICHARD C..resne es, ter. /11.1,40,, BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ' LEGAI.. H. T. RANCE Notary Public Division Court Clerk Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public Albert St. Curti. ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Ete., Etc. By Royal Warrant ario" by William Nicholson, president of the Ontario Co-op- erative Union. Mrs. Ed Wendorf, music instructor for the rural schools in the area, gave the group ern illustrated talk and led them in a discussion of musical appreciation. Mrs, O. G. Anderson, Wingham, Mrs. K. R. Currie and Miss Win nifred' Savauge, both of Seaforth, visited the sebool on Tuesday, Mrs. Anderson outlined the or- ganization functions of the Huron Co-operative Medical Services and also led a. discussion en cred- it unions. Mrs. Currie gave a short talk on leathercraft and then taught the group some of the basic parts of the craft such as thonging and tooling. Miss Sav- auge started the group in its first season on hand weaving. Prof. Norman High, heed of the Department of Economics at the Ontario Agricultural College, accompanied by five of his third year students spent Wednesday et the school. He led the group in discussions on Rural Recons- truction. G. C. Brightrall, manager of the Seaforth Branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, visited the school and geve a talk and led a discussion on the place of the bank in the rural community. Dr. Robby Kidd, as- sistant director of the Cenadian Association for Adult Education, spent Thursday afternoon at the "school. He addressed the school on the different forms of Gov - CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE HOURS: Hotel. Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 pan. Commercial, Seaforth, Monday 1 to 8 p.m. ACCOUNTANCY R. G. MCCANN Accountant and Auditor Rattenbury St. E. Phone 783-W Clinton ERNEST W. HUNTER , Chartered Accountant 57 Bloor St. W. Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. Ann Street • Phone 355W EXETER INCOME TAX RETURNS Private Business Farm Reports Bookkeeping records installed and checked monthly or as requested. ROT N. BENTLEY 36 Regent St. Box 58 Goderich, Ontario DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES Dentist Lovett Block Clinton Telephone 170 Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 1.30-6 pan. VETERINARIAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.U. Optometrist Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted i GODERICH - Phone 33 RUTH. HEARN, R.Q. Optometrist Huron St. - Phone 6i - Clinton . MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials T. PRYDE and SON Clinton Showrooms 'Open Fridays See J. J. Zapfe. Phohe 103 SIGNS Signs for Every Purpose Outdoor Advertising - Trucks Cut-out Designs - Window Cards 27 years experience KIRBY SIGNS Phone 58911 Clinton INSURANCE R. L. MCMILLAN, BAYFIELD Life, Accident, Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization. • Household Phone: Clinton 634r15 II, C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W, Res. 251J. Insurance Real Estate" Agent 'Mutual Life Assurance Co. LOBB INSURANCE AGENCY Cor. William and Rattenbury Sts. PHONE 691W Fire -- Auto -- Wind Ilospitalizatioii Sick and Accident J,. E HOWARD BAYFIELD, Ont. Phone Clinton 624r31 Car--Fire—Life—Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth Officers, 1948—President, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Vice -Presi- dent, Hugh Alexander, Walton; Manager and Secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors —, Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Hugh Alexander. Wal- ton; Sam: H. Whitmore, Seaforth; E. J, Trewertha, ,Clinton; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John 18. Mc- Ewing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; John L. Malone. Seaforth;. Harvey Fuller, Goderich. Agents—John E. Pepper, Bruce - field, RfB. 1; Geo. A. Watt, Blyth, R.R. 1; R. S Mcieercher, Dublin, R.R. 1: J. 2'.iPrueter, Brodhagen. RADIO . SERVICE _ PERSAN and MADSEN Fast Efficient and, Service Ten Years Previous Experience on all Auto and Home Radios Free F.M. Information PHONE •471-W CLINTON ertiments found in the world toe day. Miss Jean Scott, Home Econ- ist for the Department of Agri- culture, gave a talk on "Nutri- tion" Rev. D. Glenn Campbell led the group in a discussion' on I "The Place of the Church in the Rural Community," in the even. ing. Clarence Hodge, Editor of The Farmers' Magazine, and Miss Ethel Chapman, Women's Editor .cf, the wine publication, spent Friday after o at the school. r y non Mr,. Hodge spoke on "Conserve-. tion, of People and the Soil" and Miss Chapmen led a discussion on the "Satisfying Home." Mrs, A. H. K. Musgrave, Edu- cational director of the Ontario Co-operative Union gave a talk on "do -operation as a waY of life," on Saturday,: morning and later, R. G. Bennett, Agricultural Representative for Huron County, discussed "Conservation on your own farm," Each person finished, a ,project or two, evidence of his creative ability. Mr. 'Hergott and Mrs, Collum handled the recreation periods each day and the studehts ' organized and conducted a play, party for the community on. Fri - dray evening.,, The names of the students were as follows: Christine Dobson, Kirkton; Roma Breckenridge, Bluevale; Grace Lobb, Clinton; Maurice Hallahan, Belgrave; Douglas. May, Centralia; Charles Reid, Varna. uhe Qu �Ah� JI:V 1 se, !! LAD " El fir as? tteaf '_ t+.t leri»a'efieeteeel ttlelt::d 3 milt". ti, �i8s t;n Farmers Attentionet y We Are Open To i� Contract Malting Barley 0. 4, v_. ` ti GRAIN ELEVATORS—HENSALL, Ont. _` Day Phone No. 32 NightPhone No. 2 s; 3-5-7-9-11-13-15-p Se e talal ri'allE,alne ;f :%le!: tit'ieratr Gree`+»tallanatatast at itetosteeeterratarialet..;,seiresie;.°,; AND WILL SUPPLY THE SEED FOR SAME. We have a good market for this barley, Growers interested, please call or write • W. G. THOMPSON 3' s STILL Profits In E'gs! Yes, there are still good profits in eggs, if you observe the following points: (1), (2) (3) Cull out and market non -layers; Employ good poultry husbandry and flock management; Feed SHUR-GAIN 30% Egmaker or SHUR-GAIN 17% Laying Mash. Either way you may be sure you have --LOWEST COST HIGHEST DIGESTIBLE NUTRIENTS FEED RICH IN ANIMAL PROTEIN HIGHEST ' EFFICIENCY M. ti Clinton Feed PHONE 580 Order Your 1949 CHICKS NOW!! Eight Breeds to Choose From: S. C. WHITE LEGHORN BARRED ROCK x WHITE LEGHORN WHITE LEGHORN x BARRED ROCK NEW HAMPSHIRE x WHITE LEGHORN LIGHT SUSSEX "FAST FEATHERING" BARRED ROCK. NEW HAMPSHIRE • x BARRED ROCK LIGHT SUSSEX x NEW HAMPSHIRE Place your order early to obtain ' desired date of deli'verv. Headquarters for. LIFETERIA and PIONEER FEEDS, Poultry Supplies and Canada Paint.' Jervis' Hatchery HONE 194 CLINTON, ONT.