HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-02-03, Page 5:THURSDAY., FEBRUARY 3, 1949 CLINTON NYiWS-R1000AD PAGE'.11J* News -Record Classified Adlets Quick Results CASH RATE -(If paid by Wed- daesday following date of ioser- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Rion) --One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word ':(minimum .25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- :tion. to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -i5 cents extra. -DEADLINE-6 p.m. Wednesday AGENTS WANTED BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distribute, on Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250 products: Toiletries, Vita- mins, Extracts, Spices, Baking :Powder, Cakes, Deugheuts, Glass. Silver, Furniture and Shoe Po - lashes, ' etc. Each individual a customer. Excellent opportunity to test your business abilities. Write for FREE details end cat- alogue—FAMILEX, 1600 Delor- ' hiller, Montreal. 1-8-b AUTOMOBILE PARTS FOR SALE -WRECKING 1929 CHEVROLET. Good used parts at reasonable ;prices: Lorne Brown Motors. 5-b CARROTS FOR SALE CHOICE WASHED CARROTS lfoc sale, $L50 per bushel. Robert 'W. Cole, phone Clinton 906r24. 1-8-p, CONTRACTING HAVE •YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT DONE? Plumbing, water system, concrete, carpentry. H we can't do your work, we'll get somebody who can. McKay Contracting Co., phone Clinton 373M. 4-5-p FARMS FOR SALE FIVE MILES SOUTH OF BAY- ffeld on Blue Water Highway, farm consisting of 125 acres, 80 acres of good farming land, 30 •acres mixed timber, spring water 'piped to buildings. Apply Wil- liam Flack, Bayfield, phone Clin- ton 624r16. 4-5-b FARM FOR SALE, $5,000, SIX miles north of Goderich, 1271 acres good land, part clay loam. part sandy loam, 22 acres wood •lot, 45 acres ready for spring seeding, spring water supply, fruit trees and fruit shrubs, good six -room two-storey frame house 28'x28', bank barn 36'x54', hen house, hydro not installed but signed for. Possession Apirl 1. C. F. Chapman, Real Estate Broker, phone 18, Goderich. 5-6-b :FARM FOR. SALE OR RENT 80 ACRES GOOD PASTURE with spring creek, lots of shade. Apply to Mrs. Ellen J. Cox, -Huron St., Clinton. 5-10-p MISCELLANEOUS SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoere's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale. var- ious lengths. tEnquire, 53-9-p NEW SINGER'Sewing Machines— cabinet and portable electric, also -treadle machines; repairs to all Makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 3 Ontario 'St., Stratford. 1tfb TEN LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. Apply Hugh Ball, phone 617r2, 5-b, YORKSHIRE HOG, GOOD SER vice record. George Colclough, phone Clinton 906r23. 5-b HOLSTEIN CALF, SUITABLE for veeling. Apply Grant Stir- ling, phone Clinton900r12. 5-b THREE DURHAM COWS, ONE with calf at foot, ten days old; one due February 12; one due March 25. All good milkersand quiet. William R. Pepper, R.R, 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton 615r21. 5-b LOST AND FOUND LOST — GREEN BILLFOLD), either in taxi from RCAF Station or in front of Hotel Clinton early Sunday. Identification inside. Please leave at NEWS -RECORD Office. Reward. 5-p PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb PRAM FOR SALE BABY'S PRAM FOR SALE IN good condition. Phone 685J. 5-b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John G. Gibbings wishes to thank all those who so kindly sena flowers, card and letters, BIRTHS .'INFLATION --WELL COWAN—In Clinton Public Hos- SAYS MISSIONARY pital, on Tuesday, February 1, IN CHINA FIELD 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. William Cowan, Blyth, a son (George). LEWINGTON In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, January 27, 1949, to Mr. ,and Mrs. W. T. Lewington, Clinton, a dough- ( augh- "The -other day I sent out'for tet (Janice Alma). t a small box of. safety matches LOBE -in Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, January 27, and gave tht boy a G.Y. dollar. He returned and informed me they were two boxes for $3. (A `G.Y.' dollar is the new gold yuan and one dollar represents three million of the old currency) so nine million buys : two penny boxes of matches. One egg costs seven million five hundred thous- and dollars, or $2.50 if you reckon it in the new .currency. "The stores are now giving out the old 20 cash pieces to beggars. When I was here 25 years ago, they were .worth about half a cent, U.S. currency, and had good buying value at that. Now they are worth one or two million dol- Lars end very little you can buy with them, This will give you an idea what people are talking flat aboution. when they speak of in - "O Canada" ':I' was glad to read your com- ment re the party who would not, stand when '0 Canada' was being played, unless it were de- clared the Netional Anthem. Any Canadian who would object to standing when either 'The Maple Leaf' or '0 Canada' was being Played, ought to live out here or in some other foreign country for a few years" O In 1946—excluding- Quebec— there were five thousand (1 in 10) employed school teachers in Canada who lacked the minimum professional qualifications. (Continued from Page One) are only 60 million. New Currency 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Orval Lobb, Clinton, a • son (John Clifford). PEPPER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, February 2, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Pepper, Bruoefield, • a. daughter. ZANKOWSKI—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Sunday, Jan- uary 30, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. Stanislaus Zankowski, Zurich, a son (Peter George). MARRIAGES CAUSTON-COLLINS—In Trinity Church, Galt, on Wednesday, January 26, 1949, by Rev. A. B. Thomas, Rita Leona Collins, daughter of the late Mr. end Mrs, D. Collins, Galt, to Albert J. H. Cuaston, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Causton, Huntingdom, England. FISHER-BUSHELL—In the par- sonage of Benmiller United Church, by Rev. S.E. Hayward, Aisle Margaret, youngest dau- • ghter . of Mr, end Mrs. John Bushell, Benmiller, to Herman Fisher, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Fisher, Benmiller. DEATHS EVANS—In Lady Minto Hospit- also the doctors and nurses for al, Miinedosa, Man., on Thurs- their kindly servcies to her dur- day, January 6, 1949, Harry ing her recent illness while a Gordon Evans, formerly of patient in Clinton Public Hos- Holmesville Funeral from Min- pital. These aots of kindness are nedosa United Church to Fair - deeply appreciated. 5-p IN MEMORIAM McBRIDE—In loving memory of our dear sister, Myrtle (Arm- strong) McBride, who died in Windsor, February 3, 1944: "Five years have passed, we had to part With a sister we loved with all our heart, Though her smile has gone -forever and Her hand we cannot touch We will never lose the memory of a sister We loved so much." —Always remembered by sister and brother, Anna Kay and Jack Armstrong end families. ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer. 'prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch. 936x21 or 936r32. Goder- ioh. 2btfb SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too, Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All druggists. 1-b KELP WANTED, MALE 'RELIABLE 1VIAN TO TAKE over Watkins Rural Sales local- ity. Must be between 25 and 55 years of age. Must have car or means of obtaining one. Wonder- ful opportunity for steady em- ployment and good earnings for the right man. Sales experience not necessary. We will train you. 'For full particulars write: Dept. O -C-16, 350 St. Roeh St., Mont- real, Que. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED TO look after completely modern home for adult and three child- ren. Ellwood Epps, phone 42, Clinton. 49-btfb. TRAILER FOR SALE 'TWO -WHEELED TRAILER, body eight feet by four feet, complete with tarpaulin and rack, equip ped with socket -style drawbar; tires good: Price $85. Ellwood Epps Sports Shop, phone Clin- ton 42. 5-b. IN MEMORIAM HARRIS—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Harris. who passed away three years ago, February 1, 1946: "His weary hours, some days of pain, His troubled nights are past, Though in our aching hearts we know He found sweet rest at last." -Lovingly remembered by wife, Mary, and family. 5-b 0 PRESBYTERIAN GIRLS' CLUB The February meeting of the Girls' Club of Clinton Presbyter- ian Church will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Mutch on Tuesday evening, February 8, at eight o'clock. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion mount Cemetery, Saturday, January 8, IRWIN — Irr Hanna, Alta., on Wednesday, January 26, 1949, Rev. William Holmes Irwin, in his 69th year, father of Robert N. Irwin and brother of Miss Ruby V. Irwin, both of Clin- ton. Funeral from Hanna United Church, Sunday, Jan- uary 30, interment following in Edmonton. MILLER At her home, King St., Clinton, on Monday, Jan- uary 31, 1949, Jamima Miller in her 87th year. Funeral from her late residence to Clinton Cemetery Wednesday after- noon, February 2. C. „V. OOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j TAILORED -TO -MEASURE SUITS LADIES' and MEN'S See our ranges of new Spring samples now— ' Worsteds, Serges, Sharkskins, Gabardines, etc. Any style, made to fit you. 3 to 4 weeks delivery, from $44.50 up SPECIAL! Complete Stock Overcoats --2O5 off All Parkas, Men's & Boys' --25 off. Pickett 14 Campbell Stetson Hats Arrow Shirts PHONE 25 — CLINTON ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing (Feb. 3-5) "ABBOTT and COSTELLO MEET FRANKENSTEIN" MON., TUES., WED. (Feb. 7-9) "B. F.'s DAUGHTER" A compelling story of our times and our problems, from the pen of J. P. Marquand — Barbara Stanwyek, Van Heflin and Charles Coburn THUR.; FRI., SAT. (Feb. 10-12) Humphrey Bogart, Edward G. Robinson, Lauren Bacall and Lionel Barrymore—A top-notch cast in a tense drama that packs more impact and more excitement than you've ever seen before. "KEY LARGO" Coming (Feb. 14-16) "TENTH AVENUE ANGEL". with Margaret O'Brien CAPITAL , THEATRE ! REGENT THEATRE. GODERICIEI S E A F O R T H Now Playing (Feb. 3-5) MGM's "THE SEA1ICIf" A truly wonderful motion picture! MON., TUES., WED. (Feb. 7-9) )1lumlphrey Bogart, Lauren Baeall, Lionel Barrymore and Edward' G. Robinson—Four unforgettable performances feature this rugged dramatization of life in the tropics "KEY LARGO" THUR., FRL, SAT. (Feb. 10-12) Derek Bond, Sir Cedric Hard- wieke and Mary Merrall— Dickens' beloved story depicts the adventures of one of his most popular characters. "NICHOLAS NICKLEBY" Coming (Feb., 14-16) MGM's gay Technicolor musical "LUXURY LINER" Now Playing (Feb. 3-5) "ALWAYS TOGETHER" starring Joyce Reynolds - Robert Hutton MON„ TUES., WED. (Feb.. 7-9) Barabra • Stanwyek, Charles CO - burn and Van Heflin -Telling the modern tale ofa tycoon and his rebellious offspring, "B. F.'s DAUGHTER" THUR., FRI., SAT. (Feb. 10-12) Lionel Barrymore, Humphrey Bogart, Edward G. Robinson and Lauren Baeall — Unbeatable in cast and story is this terrific sketch of, primitive emotions. "KEY LARGO". Coming (Feb. 14-16) Katharine Hepburn in "SONG OF LOVE" Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. GILBE'RT NETHERY NEW PRESIDENT OF BLYTH FAIR (Continued on Page Five) white" exhibit to the 1949 ex- hibition. J. B. Watson was nam- ed as representative on the parks board. Mr. C. J. Rennie, essistant agricultural representative for Huron County, was present and commended the fair board on the condition of the grounds and splendid facilities for taking care of the baby beef entries, and PARTLOW—At the Queen Eliz- ebeth Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, January 31, 1949, Howard P. Partlow, 182 Dunn Ave., Toronto, beloved husband of Amelia Townsend. Funeral from Ross Craig Funeral Chap- el, Queen St. W., to Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, on Thursday, February 3. PETTY — In the Saundercock Nursing Home, Hensall, on Tuesday, February 1, 1949, Hannah D. Petty, widow of the late G. C. Petty, in her 94th 'year. Funeral from her late residence to Hensel]. Union Cemetery Thursday afternoon, February 3. is ANNUALMEETING Clinton Hospital Association COUNCIL CHAMBER, TOWN HALL THURSDAY,* FEL 10 at 8 p.m. 3 • X EVERYBODY WELCOME! W. A. OAKES, President E. \s'AL.TON, Secretary s; 4-5-b ttk �a"rr,�r�»H:t»�e«t«z»:»r»t.:«yws s•ws»i:�:�•la»i~rs»? Newest Men's and Boys' —PARKAS - Reduced 20% To Clear AIKEN' S • :_ , PHONE 2 CLINTON 'F 4,0:-:+4+4.1.44.-m4+,84-,444,÷:-..t$ 14' 000440-0-04.4-04.4:+0.4f FOOD MARKET• SPECIALS Feb. -3 - 4 - 5 ELL-MARR HOMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER,' 16 oz. jar , , . 33c• HILLCREST SHORTENING lb. ... 36c WHOLE DILL PICKLES i oz jar ... 33c 31ue and Gold Fancy CREAM CORN, 20 oz. tins .. 2 for 35c ROYAL YORK ROYAL YORK TEA .. 1% lb. 47c COFFEE . 1b. 59c I 51'. WILLIAMS Orange and Grapefruit • MARMALADE, 32 oz. jar 25c KELLOGG'S Lge,' Pkg. ALL -BRAN Free Meaisuri•ng Spoon 25c STOKELY'S TOMATO SOUP 3 10 oz: tins 25c FREE DELIVERY PHONE '1 '1 HOUSES FOR SALE Town of Clinton, 1a/ storey frame dwelling, living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, three-piece bath, full basement, furnace, garage, ideal location, pos- session in 30 days. • * Town of Clinton, one -floor insal brick cottage, nearly new, living room with din- ette space, modern kitchen with built-in cupboards, two bedrooms with closet space, three-piece bath with built -hi tub, hardwood floors, fully insulated, full basement, furnace equipped with oil burner, good lo- cation, possession March 15, 1949. * * * Town of Clinton, one storey, five -room dwelling, two bedrooms, modern kitchen, four -piece, bath, full base- ment, garage, quantity of small fruit trees, immed- iate possession. * * * H. C. LAWSON REALTOR PHONE CLINTON 22btfb51w 1 YOU CAN'T GET, TO HEAVEN BY • Doubtiog the truth of God's Word. • Working your own way. • Tearing the Bible apart. • Without the blood. . • Getting, your . name• on a church roll. —BUT to him that worketh not, but believeth on him, that. • justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Ill nr, .4:5 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53; • Calif. r also the high quality and uni- meetings during the year. formity of the oelves exhibited. A new secretary -treasurer will He recommended holding more be advertised for. releatMaaSsteletiaeleietet aati tate:MyIt4.' ekaa••ea.ataraa«P3+d!etalee etat»aaaa a! PIumbingFixtures 3 Now In Stock KITCHEN SERVICES—all kinds BATHROOM FIXTURES Pedestal Basins China Cabinet Outfits B EATTY WASHERS CLARE STOVES H ECLA FURNACES •. HUGH' R. HAWKINS 4 Plumbing and Heating =� Business 244—PHONES—Residence 470 it QUALITY! SERVICE! Business stationery 1 LOW COST! liking ....printed to your_ j Let us quote you one.,. * Invitations * Counter Check Books * Letterheads * Envelopes * Shipping Tags * Statements * Bill Heads * Business and Factory Forms * Bill and Charge Forms * Receipts * Invoices PrOgrammeS * ',Tickets Rr Or any other, printing you might require For quotation, just PHONE 4 and a representative will call. Clinton News -Record "Fine Commercial Printing" re