HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-02-03, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON taferd-ancon THURSDAY, -FEBRUARY 3, 1949 omen and Church Affairs inClintonDisirict assrasasessare Study Group Notes Lack of Playgrounds The Yoiftig Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church held its first meeting of the y?ar on Tuesday evening, January, 25, at the home of Mrs. 3, A. Addison with a good at- tendance. Two mothers attend- ing for the first time were intro- duced. and cordially welcomed into the group. Mrs. D. A. Dales, in charge of the meeting, ably conducted a well-planned devotional period followed by the business session. Mrs. Will Grigg was appointed serrretary-treasurer for 1949, Mrs. F. G. Lawrence offered her home for the February meeting, with Mrs. A. Griffiths in charge of fire programme. The annual re- port of the group for 1948 was presented by Mrs, W. Murch. During the discussion period, two readings by Mrs. Glen Lock- hart and Mrs, Gordon Ross were given, namely: "How Mothers can help one another, and, How rules for Democracy in the home prove effective." In the discus- sion keen regrets were forcibly expressed at the great lack of playground facilities in Clinton where children, especially pre- school rage, could enjoy the great out-of-doors in which to develop an all-round healthy body and mind., With so many families forced • to live in small quarters, the decision of the group was' that, as conditions are now, it is 'these mothers with their young children who are "bearing the burden and heat of the day" in both winter end summer seasons, The social half-hour which fol- lowed proved enjoyable to all with puzzling little contests to unravel, followed by the social teacup and bounteous lunch ser- ved by the hostess assisted by Mrs. W. Murch and Mrs. A. Griff- ith. The hostesses for the February meeting are Mrs. F. G. Lawrence, Mrs. Gordon Ross and Mrs. Fred Miller. PERSONALS Ross Merrill spent the week- end visiting his aunt, Mrs, Or- ville Phillips, Mitchell. Jahn Sorensen visited over the weekend with his brother-in-faw and sister, Mr, end Mrs. C. Mont- gomery, eZrs. JohnBend an Barrie, spent the weekend and a fewThe minister received en increase 200 i days with friendof's in Clinton. Her $ n salary over 1947, The husband, Flying Officer Baum& Parsonage committee reportedthe is at 1vcr7F Station. sale of the former parsonage and Mrs• F. B. P•ennebaker and Mrs, Iihc purchase` of a more suitable C. ,O. Martin, Kitchener, are vis- home for the minister. The iting in Toronto this week and amount collected to date for the also taking in "The Ice Follies." ,Parsonage fund is $1,585, leaving IElwin Merrill and Benson Sut- le balance of $435 which is expect - ter spent the weekend in Wood- ed to be raised in two weeks.stock attending a committee meeting of London Conference IY.P.U- ONTARIO STREET, TURNER'S, RAISE TOTAL' OF $11,294 (Continued from Page One) repairs and improvements to property amounted to over $600, Mrs. Charles E. Elliott has re- turned after spending a few days The Woman's Association re- ported an income of $1,083. Among the expenditures were choir gowns $76 and improve- ments to property of over" $450, with her son and daughter -in- leaving a good balance for 1949. jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Kermeth C. The Girls' Club showed an in - Elliott, London, Friends will be come •of $324, of which $50 was (sorry to learn thet Ken is at given for Missions. Meetings present a patient in St, Joseph's were held each month by both 'Hospital, suffering from a severe organizations and good attend - arm injury sustained while test- once noted. ing a tractor. The WMS, Mission Band. and Sunday visitors at the home of Baby Band gave interesting Mrs. James Brooks .and Mr• and reports. The Auxiliary raised $91 Mrs, A. B. Gardiner, Albert St., over its allocation, were Mr, and Mrs, Charles W, The Missionary and Maintan- Brooks and family, Mitchell, Mr. ance Fund treasurer reported an `and Mrs. Harry J. Brooks and increase of over 24 percent over family, London, Robert Brooks, 1947. During the past three years Yonir, B.C„ end Miss Norma the charge had paid $1,550 to the Scheerer, Dearborn, arborn, Mich, The Cauitel Pension Fund of the ,occasion was Mrs. Brooks birth- Church, The sum of $1,200 was day. I acknowledged from the James o Miller• Estate to the M. and M. Ontario St. WA Makes fund, The Sunday Schaal reporFe Donation to Britain I fish attendance and interest on the part of children and teachers. Ontario St. United Church W. The sum of $125 was given to A, met on Tuesdey, February 1, I the M. and M. fund. Charles in the Church Hall. with theiElliott is continuing as the super - president, Mrs. Veneer, in The rntendent. chair. The meeting opened with' The Young People's Union held the singing of a hymn and a .27 meetings, presented a play, psalm read responsively, follow- 'took the National week service ed by the Lord's Prayer. in the church, and had other The devotional period was tak- !activities. The secretary of the en by Mrs, M. Wiltse opening !Union, Erwin Merrill, was elected with a hymn, followed by the 'the president of Huron Presby - ,Scripture reading from John,ith a the Mrs. McLean favoured with two' and respected leader of the choir, ,mouth organ selections, whichB, J. Gibbings, had retired and ,were much enjoyed. The various (the congregation had shown. its reports were given and routine business regard for his more than business transacted. Mrs. Hawn- 'half a century of devoted service /send acted ea secretary in the I by presenting gifts to both Mrs. absence of Mrs. Charles Elliott, I Gibbrngs and himself. Mrs. Wen - and Mrs, Nay as corresponding Idorf,T the capable organist for secretary in the absence of Mrs. naar_y a quarter of a century, Kennedy, It was decided to give .had taken over as leader in Aug - ,a donatoin of $20 to the Fundust as well as continuing as for Britain. in. organist. Mrs. Lawson sang a very • A nominating committee, en - pleasing solo and Miss Merner pointed by the Official Board re contributed a humourous read- commended some chenges and ing, both of which were much 'additions in the membership of enjoyed. The meeting closed by nnrids and Committees for 1949. singing a hymn, after which the Thaw recommendations were a r,- Mizpah Benediction was repeated. cepted. The new elders are: o Robert Reid, to end of 1949 re - (placing R. Tiplady. deceased: ed - Clinton WI Holds !ditrons for 1951: W. J, Plumateel, MonthlyMeeting W J. Miller; the new Stewards: to end of 1849, Ross Trewartha, to end of ).1150, •Dougles Ball, to Clinton Branch of the Women's end of 1951;'`+'Keith Tyndall, Institute held its January meet- Changes in the following com- ing in the Board Room of the mittees were made: B. J. Gib- Agriculturel Office on Thursday bings, added to choir committee: afternoon, January 27, with the Dr. F. C, Themeson, Arthee president, Mrs C. Sturdy, in the Knight, Ray Tyndall, D. M. chair, and Mrs. E. Adams at the Maltby, and Brock Olde were piano, added to the Property Commit - During the business period, it tee, Willard Aiken and Russell was decided to purchase the Book Jervis were appointed auditors. of 50 years of Achievement. It ; A. J. McMurray. chairman of was also planned to have a pot- the Stewards, spoke briefly and luck supper on Monday, Febru- commended the organizations, ary 14, when the members were boards and committees' for their asked to bring their husbands. splendid reports. He recom- R Gordon Bennett will be the mended that plans be laid for the lases :: g«x, «;.;s.4.q; •:tee •w•e•ee•sseaseee•m•ese• etatelat :da:gwa• guest speaker, and his subject future especiel:v by the Prise - will be "Soil Conservation." erty committee to enlarge the Just Arrived ! . "Easy" Vacuum -Cup Gasoline Washer Equipped with Johnson Iron Horse Engine Complete Delivered to your home S19950 With One -Year Guarantee A REAL HELPER FOR THE ,BUSY FARM HOUSEWIFE! Two Models "Easy" Electric Washers Delivered to your home Vacuum -Cup .. , $154.50 Gyrator 137.50 SEE THESE WASHERS TO -DAY! Every House Needs an_ ., .t: x• "Easy" Floor -Polisher Makes Child's Play of the Toughest Job in the Wonge! Complete FLOOR CONDITIONING SCRUBS - WAXES - POLISHES - BUFFS Price Complete - $89.50 BALL AN" MUTCH Funeral Directors D. Cr. BALL ✓E, Phone 361-W Phone 195• W. J. MUTCH Phone 3614 a?; ' At the close of the meeting the School room of the chinch, to hostesses served dainty refresh- take in the unused shed for use meats. of the Young People. n -"-- A vote of thanks was extended ONTARIO ST. WMS , to all the officials of the church The WMS of Ontario St. United' for their splendid service, A Church will hold its February lnannitnous invitation was extend= meeting on Tuesday, Februaay 8, !ed to Mr. Woolfrey to be the at 2,30 o'clock, at the Parsonage. 'pastor for another year and a The meeting will take the form vote of thanks was extended to of a Valentien Tea, and a good him and Mrs. Woolfrey for their programme will be given. service and co-operation, o Howard Trewartha, represent- WESLEY-WILLIS WMS 'ing the Official Board presented The regular meeting of the W. e (notion that the present salary M. S. of Wesley -Willis United 'of the minister be augmented by Church will be held in the Chur- . a Bost -of -living bonus, The ma- ch Parlour on Thursday, Febru- (tion wes passed unanimously. A film "Aad now I see" was shown and much enjoyed by all present after which lunch was served by the ladies and a happy ary 10, at 8 p.m. The meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Reg. Shipley's group with Mrs, Frank Fingland giving the chapter from the study book, • social hour spent. Clearance Sale DRESSES (CREPE and WOOL) and WINTER COATS FRIDAY and SATURDAY - at --- 3w. Deduction Everything on our racks to ,he sold at New L.ow Prices QUILTED HOUSE COATS at $8.00 BLAZERS to clear at 7.95 Sale starts, at 9 o'clock Friday Rix evclu itve Jhoppe Miss W. O'Neill in charge .. Honor Mrs. Saville On Birthday Occasion Mrs. G. E. Saville spent a very happy day on Saturday, January 29, vire occasion being her birth- day. A number of ladies took the opportunity of stalling and extencurug theirrelicitations. Many lovely bouquets of flowers were received by' the celebrant and made an attractive setting for the occasion. Mrs. Saville had entertained a few ladies at tea the previous Wednesday in honour of this: oc- casion, being unable to arrange The NEWS -RECORD joins with Mit. Saville's many friends In wishing her many happy returns on this occasion. St. Paul's Friendship Club Members Sew The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Church mat in the Owen Memorial Hall, on Wednesday, January 26, with 24 present. The meeting was spent in, sewing quilt blocks. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 9, at the home of Mrs. Roy Fitz- simons. Dr. Thompson Speaks To "Explorer" Girls At a well -attended group of Explorer girls in the Wesley - Willis United Church school room Dr. F. G. Thotnpson spoke on the practical side of health as it per- tains to such a group, The group should feel fortunate in being born Canadian. girls, Miigions and millions of dollars are spent these days to promote health for youth. Would to -day more were health minded. Individuals through personal good habits in the daily routine must preserve their own healthy physical and intellectual condit- ion. Pour prevention for carry- ing diseases are: clean fingers: eliminations of body; infected foodsi and fight against flies. Through precautions there are no cases of Typhoid Fever in I.O.O.F. Notes Seven candidates have been 1initiated into the order during the ,past three weeks, the degree be - 1 ing conferred by the officers of the local lodge. Maitland Lodge, Wingham, are conferring the first degree on. these brothers. For this purpose a special meeting has been called for Wednesday, Feb- ruary 9, when it is anticipated Brucefield also will be present. a. a & Huronic Rebekah Lodge will confer the degree on several candidates at their regular meet- ing on mondey evening next. A new lodge is being instituted in Hensall end Huronic Lodge hes been asked to confer the degree there on Friday, February 11, This is indeed a significant hon- our and shows considerable con- fidence in the degree captain, Mrs. W. M. Nediger, and her. team. --n JUNIORS TO MEET Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will hold their regular meetings on Tuesday, February 8, at 8.30 p.m. in Clin- ton Collegiate Institute. Girls are asked to please bring lunch. The Girls' Club of Wesley - ,Willis United Church will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday evening, February 8, at eight !o'clock, in the Church Parlour, .The guest speaker will be Miss ,Claire McGowan, who will speak on Child Welfare in Huron County. Mrs. Cree Cook's group will be in charge. -o Daylight saving time will be adopted in Goderich, effective from 2 a.m. Sunday, April 24, to Sunday, September 25, a meet - ism of Gocterich Town Council decided last night. Church Directory Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader , SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "The Kingdom of God" 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Wor- ship in this church. "Not For Sale" St. Paul's Anglican Church. REV. R. M. P, BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Eremite, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader , SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 11.00 a.m.-Hely Communion end Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis UTiit- ed Church. Wednesday; February 9, 8 pm, - Friendship Club at home of Mrs. Roy Fitzismons. Presbyterian Church REV. D. 3, LANE, Minister Mrs, Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY,. FEBRUARY 6 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 em. -Divine Worship "The Romance of Christianity" 2,30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield. All Welcome Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J, WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church. Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs, Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, ;FEBRUARY 6 2.30 p.m -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Worship Service. EVERYONE WELCOME Clinton, These precautions are: pure water ,supply (any cases found in our town came from outside), wrapping bread (town by-law) and sewerage system. The group expressed its sinc- ere appreciation to Dr.'Thonrpson for giving such a helpful talk on preservation of their good health, This week is Good Health Week all over Canada. Betty Lou Nediger, Chief Ex- plorer, conducted the, business 'session, after which te leader, Mrs. N. W. Trewerthe, took the devotional period. The regular meeting next Tuesday afternoon at 4.20 will be a social meeting in honour of St. Valentine's. The minutes of the last meeting and treasurer's re- port were given by Elizabeth Rodges and Marjorie Currie. Af- ter' a short period of games the group closed with "Taps" and "Thanks for the evening, com- rades". Making Room tor Spring Merchandise COATS --- All remaining coats will be sold at Half the Original Price DRESSES -- You will find one or more among these to your liking -Reduced to Half the Original Price. SWEATERS - We have a selection of Sweaters, both Pullover and Cardigans, to claar at Half Price. SKIRTS and BLOUSES - We have selected a num- ber of blouses and skirts in Children's and Misses sizes to be sold at Half Price. Just Arrived -BLOUSES -- SKIRTS (Wool and Gabar- dine) -- SLACKS (Wool - Gabardine and Corduroy) SEE THEM NOW JR'W IN'S Thrill Him With Your Valentine Portrait .... Phone WHAT a surprise . . . , What a thrill when the one-end-ooly gets your photograph• for a Valentine gift. Call Fowler Bros, and make your appointment Now! gowiet /MotIie t3 PHOTOGRAPHERS 84 McEwan's Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford SATURDAY SPECIALS! e SILVER MOON WHITE CAKE O CHERRY BLOSSOM PIE , BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLLNTOid We Have . . . Valentine Boxes Valentine Bricks Sea Sr's FLOQRCOVERINC SECOND -FLOOR CONGOLEUM q, x 9 $5.60 7'/2x9 , . , 6.95 9 x 9 8.50 RUGS 19x10112 $9.75 9 x 12 11.00 19x13% 12.50 9 x 15 13.75 CONGOLEUM by the Yard 2 YARD WIDTH ... $1.44 3 YARD WIDTH .. - 2.25 HALL RUNNER (CONGOLEUM) 36" width . , .75 1 27" width ...65 CONGOLEUM MATS 36"x72" , , 2.00 1 36"x54" , , 1.50 18"x36" ,. .50 REXOLEUM MATS 25c GET YOUR REQUIREMENTS NOW PRICE IS RIGHT at MA'TINS PHONE PHONE 36J 36W PERSONALS Ross Merrill spent the week- end visiting his aunt, Mrs, Or- ville Phillips, Mitchell. Jahn Sorensen visited over the weekend with his brother-in-faw and sister, Mr, end Mrs. C. Mont- gomery, eZrs. JohnBend an Barrie, spent the weekend and a fewThe minister received en increase 200 i days with friendof's in Clinton. Her $ n salary over 1947, The husband, Flying Officer Baum& Parsonage committee reportedthe is at 1vcr7F Station. sale of the former parsonage and Mrs• F. B. P•ennebaker and Mrs, Iihc purchase` of a more suitable C. ,O. Martin, Kitchener, are vis- home for the minister. The iting in Toronto this week and amount collected to date for the also taking in "The Ice Follies." ,Parsonage fund is $1,585, leaving IElwin Merrill and Benson Sut- le balance of $435 which is expect - ter spent the weekend in Wood- ed to be raised in two weeks.stock attending a committee meeting of London Conference IY.P.U- ONTARIO STREET, TURNER'S, RAISE TOTAL' OF $11,294 (Continued from Page One) repairs and improvements to property amounted to over $600, Mrs. Charles E. Elliott has re- turned after spending a few days The Woman's Association re- ported an income of $1,083. Among the expenditures were choir gowns $76 and improve- ments to property of over" $450, with her son and daughter -in- leaving a good balance for 1949. jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Kermeth C. The Girls' Club showed an in - Elliott, London, Friends will be come •of $324, of which $50 was (sorry to learn thet Ken is at given for Missions. Meetings present a patient in St, Joseph's were held each month by both 'Hospital, suffering from a severe organizations and good attend - arm injury sustained while test- once noted. ing a tractor. The WMS, Mission Band. and Sunday visitors at the home of Baby Band gave interesting Mrs. James Brooks .and Mr• and reports. The Auxiliary raised $91 Mrs, A. B. Gardiner, Albert St., over its allocation, were Mr, and Mrs, Charles W, The Missionary and Maintan- Brooks and family, Mitchell, Mr. ance Fund treasurer reported an `and Mrs. Harry J. Brooks and increase of over 24 percent over family, London, Robert Brooks, 1947. During the past three years Yonir, B.C„ end Miss Norma the charge had paid $1,550 to the Scheerer, Dearborn, arborn, Mich, The Cauitel Pension Fund of the ,occasion was Mrs. Brooks birth- Church, The sum of $1,200 was day. I acknowledged from the James o Miller• Estate to the M. and M. Ontario St. WA Makes fund, The Sunday Schaal reporFe Donation to Britain I fish attendance and interest on the part of children and teachers. Ontario St. United Church W. The sum of $125 was given to A, met on Tuesdey, February 1, I the M. and M. fund. Charles in the Church Hall. with theiElliott is continuing as the super - president, Mrs. Veneer, in The rntendent. chair. The meeting opened with' The Young People's Union held the singing of a hymn and a .27 meetings, presented a play, psalm read responsively, follow- 'took the National week service ed by the Lord's Prayer. in the church, and had other The devotional period was tak- !activities. The secretary of the en by Mrs, M. Wiltse opening !Union, Erwin Merrill, was elected with a hymn, followed by the 'the president of Huron Presby - ,Scripture reading from John,ith a the Mrs. McLean favoured with two' and respected leader of the choir, ,mouth organ selections, whichB, J. Gibbings, had retired and ,were much enjoyed. The various (the congregation had shown. its reports were given and routine business regard for his more than business transacted. Mrs. Hawn- 'half a century of devoted service /send acted ea secretary in the I by presenting gifts to both Mrs. absence of Mrs. Charles Elliott, I Gibbrngs and himself. Mrs. Wen - and Mrs, Nay as corresponding Idorf,T the capable organist for secretary in the absence of Mrs. naar_y a quarter of a century, Kennedy, It was decided to give .had taken over as leader in Aug - ,a donatoin of $20 to the Fundust as well as continuing as for Britain. in. organist. Mrs. Lawson sang a very • A nominating committee, en - pleasing solo and Miss Merner pointed by the Official Board re contributed a humourous read- commended some chenges and ing, both of which were much 'additions in the membership of enjoyed. The meeting closed by nnrids and Committees for 1949. singing a hymn, after which the Thaw recommendations were a r,- Mizpah Benediction was repeated. cepted. The new elders are: o Robert Reid, to end of 1949 re - (placing R. Tiplady. deceased: ed - Clinton WI Holds !ditrons for 1951: W. J, Plumateel, MonthlyMeeting W J. Miller; the new Stewards: to end of 1849, Ross Trewartha, to end of ).1150, •Dougles Ball, to Clinton Branch of the Women's end of 1951;'`+'Keith Tyndall, Institute held its January meet- Changes in the following com- ing in the Board Room of the mittees were made: B. J. Gib- Agriculturel Office on Thursday bings, added to choir committee: afternoon, January 27, with the Dr. F. C, Themeson, Arthee president, Mrs C. Sturdy, in the Knight, Ray Tyndall, D. M. chair, and Mrs. E. Adams at the Maltby, and Brock Olde were piano, added to the Property Commit - During the business period, it tee, Willard Aiken and Russell was decided to purchase the Book Jervis were appointed auditors. of 50 years of Achievement. It ; A. J. McMurray. chairman of was also planned to have a pot- the Stewards, spoke briefly and luck supper on Monday, Febru- commended the organizations, ary 14, when the members were boards and committees' for their asked to bring their husbands. splendid reports. He recom- R Gordon Bennett will be the mended that plans be laid for the lases :: g«x, «;.;s.4.q; •:tee •w•e•ee•sseaseee•m•ese• etatelat :da:gwa• guest speaker, and his subject future especiel:v by the Prise - will be "Soil Conservation." erty committee to enlarge the Just Arrived ! . "Easy" Vacuum -Cup Gasoline Washer Equipped with Johnson Iron Horse Engine Complete Delivered to your home S19950 With One -Year Guarantee A REAL HELPER FOR THE ,BUSY FARM HOUSEWIFE! Two Models "Easy" Electric Washers Delivered to your home Vacuum -Cup .. , $154.50 Gyrator 137.50 SEE THESE WASHERS TO -DAY! Every House Needs an_ ., .t: x• "Easy" Floor -Polisher Makes Child's Play of the Toughest Job in the Wonge! Complete FLOOR CONDITIONING SCRUBS - WAXES - POLISHES - BUFFS Price Complete - $89.50 BALL AN" MUTCH Funeral Directors D. Cr. BALL ✓E, Phone 361-W Phone 195• W. J. MUTCH Phone 3614 a?; ' At the close of the meeting the School room of the chinch, to hostesses served dainty refresh- take in the unused shed for use meats. of the Young People. n -"-- A vote of thanks was extended ONTARIO ST. WMS , to all the officials of the church The WMS of Ontario St. United' for their splendid service, A Church will hold its February lnannitnous invitation was extend= meeting on Tuesday, Februaay 8, !ed to Mr. Woolfrey to be the at 2,30 o'clock, at the Parsonage. 'pastor for another year and a The meeting will take the form vote of thanks was extended to of a Valentien Tea, and a good him and Mrs. Woolfrey for their programme will be given. service and co-operation, o Howard Trewartha, represent- WESLEY-WILLIS WMS 'ing the Official Board presented The regular meeting of the W. e (notion that the present salary M. S. of Wesley -Willis United 'of the minister be augmented by Church will be held in the Chur- . a Bost -of -living bonus, The ma- ch Parlour on Thursday, Febru- (tion wes passed unanimously. A film "Aad now I see" was shown and much enjoyed by all present after which lunch was served by the ladies and a happy ary 10, at 8 p.m. The meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Reg. Shipley's group with Mrs, Frank Fingland giving the chapter from the study book, • social hour spent. Clearance Sale DRESSES (CREPE and WOOL) and WINTER COATS FRIDAY and SATURDAY - at --- 3w. Deduction Everything on our racks to ,he sold at New L.ow Prices QUILTED HOUSE COATS at $8.00 BLAZERS to clear at 7.95 Sale starts, at 9 o'clock Friday Rix evclu itve Jhoppe Miss W. O'Neill in charge .. Honor Mrs. Saville On Birthday Occasion Mrs. G. E. Saville spent a very happy day on Saturday, January 29, vire occasion being her birth- day. A number of ladies took the opportunity of stalling and extencurug theirrelicitations. Many lovely bouquets of flowers were received by' the celebrant and made an attractive setting for the occasion. Mrs. Saville had entertained a few ladies at tea the previous Wednesday in honour of this: oc- casion, being unable to arrange The NEWS -RECORD joins with Mit. Saville's many friends In wishing her many happy returns on this occasion. St. Paul's Friendship Club Members Sew The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Church mat in the Owen Memorial Hall, on Wednesday, January 26, with 24 present. The meeting was spent in, sewing quilt blocks. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 9, at the home of Mrs. Roy Fitz- simons. Dr. Thompson Speaks To "Explorer" Girls At a well -attended group of Explorer girls in the Wesley - Willis United Church school room Dr. F. G. Thotnpson spoke on the practical side of health as it per- tains to such a group, The group should feel fortunate in being born Canadian. girls, Miigions and millions of dollars are spent these days to promote health for youth. Would to -day more were health minded. Individuals through personal good habits in the daily routine must preserve their own healthy physical and intellectual condit- ion. Pour prevention for carry- ing diseases are: clean fingers: eliminations of body; infected foodsi and fight against flies. Through precautions there are no cases of Typhoid Fever in I.O.O.F. Notes Seven candidates have been 1initiated into the order during the ,past three weeks, the degree be - 1 ing conferred by the officers of the local lodge. Maitland Lodge, Wingham, are conferring the first degree on. these brothers. For this purpose a special meeting has been called for Wednesday, Feb- ruary 9, when it is anticipated Brucefield also will be present. a. a & Huronic Rebekah Lodge will confer the degree on several candidates at their regular meet- ing on mondey evening next. A new lodge is being instituted in Hensall end Huronic Lodge hes been asked to confer the degree there on Friday, February 11, This is indeed a significant hon- our and shows considerable con- fidence in the degree captain, Mrs. W. M. Nediger, and her. team. --n JUNIORS TO MEET Clinton Junior Farmers and Junior Institute will hold their regular meetings on Tuesday, February 8, at 8.30 p.m. in Clin- ton Collegiate Institute. Girls are asked to please bring lunch. The Girls' Club of Wesley - ,Willis United Church will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday evening, February 8, at eight !o'clock, in the Church Parlour, .The guest speaker will be Miss ,Claire McGowan, who will speak on Child Welfare in Huron County. Mrs. Cree Cook's group will be in charge. -o Daylight saving time will be adopted in Goderich, effective from 2 a.m. Sunday, April 24, to Sunday, September 25, a meet - ism of Gocterich Town Council decided last night. Church Directory Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader , SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship "The Kingdom of God" 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Wor- ship in this church. "Not For Sale" St. Paul's Anglican Church. REV. R. M. P, BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Eremite, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader , SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 11.00 a.m.-Hely Communion end Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis UTiit- ed Church. Wednesday; February 9, 8 pm, - Friendship Club at home of Mrs. Roy Fitzismons. Presbyterian Church REV. D. 3, LANE, Minister Mrs, Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY,. FEBRUARY 6 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 em. -Divine Worship "The Romance of Christianity" 2,30 p.m. -Service at Bayfield. All Welcome Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J, WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 6 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Union Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis Unit- ed Church. Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs, Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, ;FEBRUARY 6 2.30 p.m -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Worship Service. EVERYONE WELCOME Clinton, These precautions are: pure water ,supply (any cases found in our town came from outside), wrapping bread (town by-law) and sewerage system. The group expressed its sinc- ere appreciation to Dr.'Thonrpson for giving such a helpful talk on preservation of their good health, This week is Good Health Week all over Canada. Betty Lou Nediger, Chief Ex- plorer, conducted the, business 'session, after which te leader, Mrs. N. W. Trewerthe, took the devotional period. The regular meeting next Tuesday afternoon at 4.20 will be a social meeting in honour of St. Valentine's. The minutes of the last meeting and treasurer's re- port were given by Elizabeth Rodges and Marjorie Currie. Af- ter' a short period of games the group closed with "Taps" and "Thanks for the evening, com- rades". Making Room tor Spring Merchandise COATS --- All remaining coats will be sold at Half the Original Price DRESSES -- You will find one or more among these to your liking -Reduced to Half the Original Price. SWEATERS - We have a selection of Sweaters, both Pullover and Cardigans, to claar at Half Price. SKIRTS and BLOUSES - We have selected a num- ber of blouses and skirts in Children's and Misses sizes to be sold at Half Price. Just Arrived -BLOUSES -- SKIRTS (Wool and Gabar- dine) -- SLACKS (Wool - Gabardine and Corduroy) SEE THEM NOW JR'W IN'S Thrill Him With Your Valentine Portrait .... Phone WHAT a surprise . . . , What a thrill when the one-end-ooly gets your photograph• for a Valentine gift. Call Fowler Bros, and make your appointment Now! gowiet /MotIie t3 PHOTOGRAPHERS 84 McEwan's Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford SATURDAY SPECIALS! e SILVER MOON WHITE CAKE O CHERRY BLOSSOM PIE , BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLLNTOid We Have . . . Valentine Boxes Valentine Bricks Sea Sr's