HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-01-27, Page 6AGg3:: Sl isisteleneleamonscaeir 4111111, CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 194in ,nt�:restin� Iterns NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: Hiss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 Mrs. Percy Weston spent from Friday, to Tuesday with friends M London: Mr. end Mrs. Nelson McConkey, North Bay, spent the weekend in the 'village. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon and Gerald spent Sunday in Clin- ton with Mr. 'and Mrs. Dennis Bisback, Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Stotes- bury.' Camlaehie, spent the week .end with the former's parents, Rev. and Mrs. F, G. Stotesbury. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Telford spent e few days last week in Toronto where Mr. Telford attended the Fishermen's Convention in the Royal York Hotel. London, Miss ,Gloria Westlake returned to London on Monday after a three week's vacation with her parents, Mr. ''and Mrs. Walter' Westlake. VARNA Mrs. Fred McClymont and Miss Joan McClymont spent the ,Week end in Toronto. The regular meeting of Varna - Goshen YPU was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Mc- Kinley. The president, Ivan Mc - Wins Wrist Watch Clymont, opened the meeting and , Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer has been hymn 237 was sung. Miss Hern one of the lucky winners he read. the Scripture and followed Mother Parker's musical quizz with prayer. when she won a wrist' watch. The minutes of the last meet - Now in Hospital ing were read by Mona Reid and We ere sorry to report that roll call answered by 25 mem- Miss Alice Hastings was taken to bers. . Hymn 87 was sung and Clinton Public Hospital last week. Marilyn Dowson gave the topic. Her many friends wish her a Hymn 192 and Mizpeh Benedic- speedy recovery. tion closed the meeting.. George' St. Andrew's Annual and Gorodn McClymont led in -The congregation of St. And- recreation. rew's United Church served a The next meeting will be held pot luck dinner in the basement in Goshen Church on January 31. of the church on Thursday of Vivian Chuter will give the topic last week. After the dinner, the and Charles Reid will have charge annual congregational ' meeting of the recreation. was convened with Rev. F. G. Stotesbury in the chair. Reports from 'secretaries of all the or- The W A of Varna United ganizatlons were Beard and were Church held its annual meeting encouraging and showing''finan- at the home of Mrs. , Clarence cial increases. Stephenson on Wednesday even - The church treasurer had a ing, Jan. 19, with an attendance balance of $350 after paying all of 24. accounts; 'the WMS had met its After the theme song was sung, allocation of $200; the WA had Mrs. William Stephenson took a balance of -$300 arid the M. and charge of the devotion. The hymn, M. Fund is being held open um- ".Take up Thy Cross' the Saviour til the end of January. The Sun' said," was sung. Mrs. Orrin day School reported edvefices in Dowson read the Scripture. Mrs. both attendance and givings. Stephenson read Thoughts on the lesson on Christian disciples. The hymn, "Jesus call us; o'er the tumult," was sung, after which Mrs. Stephenson led in prayer, Mrs. Earnie McClinchey pre- sided over the business. The minutes were read and approved and roll Fall responded to„ The treasurer reported e substantial sum of money en hand' Election of officers for 1949, Varna WA Meets All offices "were' re -appointed with the exception of the chair- man of the Board of Stewards, Albert Dunn, Sr., who resigned, John Watson was ele`eted in his place. Various projects for im- proving the church property, in- doors and outdoors were discus- sed and plans made for the same. Mrs. H. A. Lawson returned to the village on. Sunday after spending the past two months in conducted by Rev. Reba Hearn, resulted as followse President, Mrs. Fred Reid; 1st vice-presi- dent, IVirs. Orrin Dawson; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. William Mc - Ash; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. J. T. McAsh; 4th vice-president, Mrs. Anson Coleman; recording secretary, Mrs. Bruce McClin- chey; treasurer, Miss Rachel Johnston; organist, Mrs. J. T. Mc - Ash; press secretary, Mrs. B. Me- Clinchey; Devotional' committee, Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mrs. Wil- liam R. Stephenson, Mrs. Mary 1E. Johnston; visiting committee, Mrs. Wilfred Chuter, Mrs. An- son Coleman, Mrs. Robert Tay- lor; lunch committee, Mrs. George Reid, Mrs. Melvin Webster. The meeting closed by repeat- ing the WA prayer in unison. A delicious lunch was served. - NOTICE Any subscriber of the racket -smith Municipal Tele- phone System desiring to have their name changed or any correction made in the telephone directory must notify the secretary of the Telephone System before February 10, 1949. J. K. CORNISH, Secretary -treasurer I Very few parents ever wake up 3-4-b their second baby just to see it tit smile. • Another THRESHERMEN'S BALL FRIDAY, JAN. 28 BAYFIELD TOWN HALL Proceeds to go to Bayfield Fire Department GOOD DOOR PRIZE Come early and enjoy an evening packed full of entertainment. 4-p Insulate Now by the Blowing Process! IT PAYS FOR ITSELF STOPS: Heat, Cold, Fire, Sound Irregularities due to ceiling joists overlapping, diagonal or sloping bridging, warping of studs or joists do not present any difficulty to instalation. The process of blowing tends to loosenup and deposit wool in a fine fibre form, thus eliminating any free circulation of air. For further information and a free estimate of the cost of insulating your home, phone or write: LLOYD SCOTCHMER Bayfield, phone 624r33 Clinton • K. -W. ROOFING and INSULATION CO., KITCHENER 3-4-5-6-b .+.si+w. PUBLIC MEETING -Town Hall, Exeter MONDAY, JANUARY 31 — 8.30 P.M. — Gueat Speaker: William H. Temple MPP The man who defeated Col. Drew by a .mashing majority in Toronto High Park constituency, 1948 Provincial Election. "Bill" is most interesting and instructive EVERYBODY COME Bring Your Neighbours and Friends RUBON PERTH BIDING ASSOCIATION Allen Campbell, Seater*, secretary Mra,; 4xb �ror Correspondents BRUCEFIELD Mrs. William' Henry spent the weekend in London. Ronny Paterson, London, spent the weekend at his home here. Misses Betty Allan, Hyde Park; Blanche Zapfer London; end Janet Watson, A ylme!r, were at their homes over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. J. K, Cornish were in Exeter on Sunday. Their daughter, Mrs. Roy Brock, had a birthday dinner in Their honor. The play, "Mr. Beane from Lima," presented by a cast from' Blyth was greatly enjoyed by e large audience on Tuesday even- ing. Between acts two musical numbers—e duet by Mrs. E. R: Stanway and Miss Eva Stack- house, and instrumental' trio by Misses Flhylllis McBride, )Eva Stackhouse and Bob Allan' 'were given. The .play was spopsored by the YPU. EBENEZER Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting was held in Ebenezer Church on Thursday afternoon with most of the families in the congregation represented. Rev. C. Tavener conducted the meet- ing, with Stewart Farquhar as secretary. All reports showed a satisfactory balance in the trees ury. The Sunday School executive Wes "then appointed by the 'con- gregation, viz: 'Superintendent, Carman Tebbutt; assistant sup- erintendent, Jack Merrill; secre- tary -treasurer, Stewart Farquhar; assistant secretary -treasurer, Ira Merrill; organist, Lewis Tebbutt; assistant, Gerald Tebbutt; teach- ers: Bible class, Irvine Tebbutt; assistant, Mrs. Ira Merrill; teen- age class, Ross Merrill; assistant, Mrs. Bert Lobb; intermediate, Mrs. Frank Jones; assistant, Josephine Muir; primary, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt; assistant, Mrs. Jack Merrill; missionary super- intendent, Mrs. Bert Lobb; temp- erance superintendent, Mrs. Ira Merrill. The YPU held their last meet- ing at the home of Bill Lobb. At the previous meeting held at the home of Marion and Lois Jones, the officers for the coming year were appointed: President, Grace Lobb; vice-president, Marion Jones; secretary -treasurer, Jack Tebbutt; pianist, Lewis Tebbutt; essistant, Gerald Tebbutt; con- veners: Christian Missions, Doug- las Jones; fellowship, Josephine Muir; culture, Lewis Tebbutt; citizenship, Lois Jones; leader- ship, Rev. C. Tavener; lunch, Mrs. Jack Merrill, Bill Lobb; re- creation, Verna Miller, Jack Merrill, Jim Lobb. The YPU were guests of the Ontario St. United Church, Clin- ton YPU on Sunday evening at their "Fireside Hour." LONDON ROAD Club Holds Meeting The January meeting of Lon- don Road Club was held at the home of Mrs. N. Manning with the president, Mrs. Clegg, in the chair. The meeting opened by singing 'The more we get to- gether", followed by the Club Creed. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read by the secretary, Mrs. Managhan and annual re ports given by the conveners. Thank You" notes for Crhistruas cheer boxes were read from the following: . Mrs, Farquhar, Mrs. McMichael,. Mrs. Swinbank, Nor - me Bennett and Mrs. T. Man- aghan. It was decided to have a mystery box in aid of the flow- er fund. The roll call was an- swered by 15 members paying their fees. Material' was pro- vided for a quilt to be.sterted. As usual a delicious tea round- ed out a pleasant afternoon. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Clegg. HENSALL Passes in States Word was received 'by Mrs. George Troyer of the death of her brother Frank Taylor, St, Clair, Mich, Frank was the sec- ond son of the late George and Elizabeth Taylor, Kippen. He leaves to mourn his loss two sons and three daughters; two broth- ers, Fred and Albert, London; two sisters, Mrs. William Pope, British Columbia, and Mrs. George Troyer, Hensall. Presbyterian Annual The annual meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Church was held in the church hall Friday evening, January 21. There was a large attendance in spite of the un- fortunate blackout, gas lamps be- ing used for the first part of the meeting. Devotions were con- ducted by the minister, Rev. P. A. Ferguson, who also acted as chairman of the meeting. Donald Bell ` was elected secretary. Most encouraging reports evid- encing a most successful year's. work were received. The report of the various groups were read as follows: Kirk Session, George Tinny Sabbath School, Charles Forrest; Mission Band, Mrs. P. A. Ferguson; Young People, Mrs. C. Kennedy; W1VIS, Mrs. P. A. Ferguson; Arnold Circle, Mrs. Roy MacLaren; Ladies' Aid, Mrs. R. MacLaren; Board of Manage- ment, Melvin Moir.. The • following ' appointments were made: Boerd of Manage- ment, Melvin Moir, Harold Bell; William Brown, Charles Cooper. Sydney MacArthurwas elected al trustee; is. G. Weikel. and Mrs. C Kennelly were appointed re- cording secretaries. After ,the completion of business, they mem- bers enjoyed ,a social time. Seeks Leadership A KELSO ROBERTS, Prominent Ontario lawyer end former member of the Ontario Legislature for St, Patrick's Rid- ing, Toronto, who on January 25• announcedhis candidature for the leadership of the Progres- sive Conservative' Party of On- tario. Mr. Roberts is a veteran of World War I and during the past two decades has had close association with Canada's min- ing ining industry. Hullett Township Farm Forum Meets The Farm Forum of S.S. No. 1, Hullett, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noble Holland on Mon- day evening, January 24, with 20 present. It being review night, there was a short discussion on the Improvement of Fall Fairs. Progressive euchre was played. First prize was won by Mrs, Al- bert Glazier end William Hol- land, and consolation prizes by Mrs. Bert Irwin and Ken Me - Burney. A delicious lunch was served, after which Mrs. Bert Ir- win, Elgin Nott and Noble Hol- land favoured with a few musi- cal numbers, which were enjoyed by all. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Holland. ZURICH Goshen WMS Meets The Goshen WMS was held at Mrs, John Armstrpng's on Thurs- day evening, Mrs. Elmer Hay- ter's group being in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Russel Er- ratt presided at the piano in the absence of Mrs. Elmer Keys. Call to worship with two verses of 602. The theme "Thy Kingdom Come." Hymn 299 was sung after which the president, Mrs. William Hayter, offered prayer. Hymn 48 was sung after which Mrs. Bob Peck read the Scrip- ture. Hymn 233 was then sung. Mrs. John Keys read the min- utes and roll call was taken with each membeit paying membership fees. Mrs. Russell Erratt gave the treasurer's report, Two membres were given Life Men'ibership; the two being Mrs. William Hayter and Mrs. Richard Robinson, Mrs. Elmore Keyes resigned from organist and sec- retary on account of her health. A temperance reading was read by temperance secretary Mfrs. Russel. Erratt. We were favour- ed with a duet by Mrs. Bob Peck and Mrs. Harvey Keyes, accomp- anied by Mrs. Elmer Hayter on the piano. Prayers were offer- ed by Mrs. Robert McKinley and Miss Hem and Mrs. Elmer Hay- ter. Hymn 384 was sung and Benediction, after which lunch was served and a social half hour spent. AUBURN A number from here attended the Amateur concert at Blyth Friday night. Miss Zeta Munro is visiting her sister Mrs. Robert Ling and Mr. Ling, Toronto. The National Film Board pre- sented pictures in the Forester's Hall Friday evening, sponsored by the Women's Institute. Orange Social The Orangeman held a success- ful social evening in their Lodge Irooms Friday night. A good crowd was in attehdance. Auburn W I Meets Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour of Blyth was the guest speaker at the January meeting of the Women's Institute held in the Foresters hall Tuesday, January 18. She told of some of the, highlights of a trip to Fort William, and also gave a talk on the history of the famous drug penicillin. A duet was contributed by Mrs. Gordon McPhee and Mrs. George Million,foilowed by a parade of the women who had taken the sewing course in December, dis- playing the dresses they had made •Those taking the course were Mrs. W. Bradnock, Mrs, Archie Robinson, Mrs. Len Archambault, Mrs. G. McClinchey, Mrs. William Gross, Mrs. Ted East, Mrs. Harold Gross, Mrs. 13. Craig,; Mrs. E. Little, and Mrs. F. Raithby. Short talks on the course wore given by Mrs. McClinchey, Mrs. Bradno'ck, Mrs, Little, Mrs. Craig and Mrs. Raithby, A song con posed by. Mrs. William Roberton on "The Sewing Course" ' was sung by Mrs. W. T. Robison, Mrs, 11 Fowler, Mrs, Albert Campbell, Mrs. H, Mogridge, and Mrs. Rob- erton, The president Mrs, Herb Mog- ridge, presided for the meeting, with Mrs. R. J, Phillips at the piano. It was decided to buy a copy of the book "Fifty Years of Achievement,' Lunch was screed by Mrs. W. J, Craig, Mrs. A. G. Hewitt Mrs, Irene Wright, Mrs, A°. Rollinson, 'and Miss' Atnelio Mcllwain:' LONDESBORO'., Mr. and Mrs, . John Pipe visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pipe, Goderich, -on Sunday, Miss Jennie Cowan, Seaforth, spent the weekend at the home of her sister, Mrs; Robert Town- send. Miss Fern Watson, London, Spent the weekend at the home of her mother, Mrs. Nellie Wat- son. Mrs. Revington, Lucen, is visit- ing at the home of 'her cousin, Mrs. Fred Shobbrook and Mr. Shobbrook. Miss Mary Caldwell, London, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs.' Bill Bageant and family of near ingerosll, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fairservice on Sunday, New Books hi Library The following are a list of new books just received in the Lon- desboro Library This Wes My Choice, Igor Gouzenko; Yonder Shining Light, Marion Keith; The Mill oh Mad River, Howard Clark; Peace of Mind, Joshua Liebman; Behind the Curtain. Philip Gibbs; The Precipice, Hugh MacLennan; Something's Got to Give, Marion Hargrove; A View of the Har- bour, Elizabeth Taylor; Tammy Out of Time, Cid Rickets Sum- ner; Shannon's Way, A. J. Cron- in; Village of Souls, Philip Child; High Towers, Thomas Costain.; She Skated into Our Hearts (the story of Barbara Ann Scott), Cay. Moore; Valley of Wild Horses, Zane Grey; Uneasy Street, Wade Miller; The Big Fisherman, Lloyd C. Douglas, WA January Meeting The WA of Londesboro United Church 'held its January meeting on Thursday afternoon, January 20, in the basement of the church with Mrs, Robert Fairservice in the their. The meeting opened with hymn 488 and prayer. The Scripture reading was Psalm '704. Hymn 148 was sung and the min- utes of the lest meeting were read'. Letters of appreciation were read from - Mrs. Melville, Mrs, Teras, Willis Mountain, Mrs. Tom Adams, Mrs. Garrett and Mr. and: Mrs. Kerslake. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Nott, It was moved that we have a travelling basket for the first six months of the year. The roll call was answered by paying fees and your favourite hymn. There were 22 preesnt. Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Govier and Mrs McVittie are a committee for program for congregational meet- ing. Mrs. Saundercock and Mrs. John Shobbrook program com- mittee for February meeting. The following program was present- ed: instrumental by Mrs. Bren- ton, followed by readings from Mrs. Govier and Mrs. Watson, The meeting closed with' Hymn 15 and Benediction. The hostesses then served lunch which was en- joyed by all. The following of- Goderich Township S.S. 4 Farm Forum The SS No. 4 Farm Forum met on Monday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Jones,` with 2Q in attendance. This was re- view night, and - following the broadcast the evening was spent in contests end games. The next'. meeting will he held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Lobb;, With Mrs. Morgan Jones and Ira Mer- rill on the recreation committee. Lunch was served by the ladies. INAUGURAL MEETING SEAFORTH—Inaugural meet- ing of Seaforth Town Council was held Monday morning, Jan- uary 10, with J. E.' Keating talo his place as mayor. Other mein - berg of the council for 1949• ax'e: Reee F. D. Sills, Couns.' E.aL Close, B. F. Christie, Dr. E. A. McMaster, James A. Stewart,. Wallace Ross, and Norman Scoine Rev.prayer,II, V. Workman offered' ficers for 1949: Acting president,. Mrs, Robert Fairservice; vice-- president, Mrs, Robert Town- send; treasurer, Mrs. John Nott; secretary, Mrs. L. Pipe; press secretary, Mrs, Bert Shobbrook;. pianist, Mrs. Tom Allen; card. committee, Mrs. B. Shobbrook,. Mrs. E: Wood, Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Millar, Mrs. W. Manning, Mrs. Ab. Vodden, Miss Lily Adams, NEW ENGINE PERFORMANCE IN JUST ONE DAY! REPLACE THAT "WORN-OUT" ENGINE WITH A CHRYSLER METHOD REMANUFACTURED ENGINE. You can get, real new -engine per- formance with a Chrysler Method Remanufactured Engine—and, we can install it in just one day. These engines are precision -built to Chrysler factory standards. Parts which do not meet factory specifications are replaced with Genuine Chrysler - engineered parts. Every engine gets a NEW crankshaft. Every engine is. Dynamometer -tested and fully guar- anteed to give new -engine perform- ance. See us to -day. Let us save you time and money by installing a Chrysler Method Remanufactdted Engine in your Chrysler -built car or truck.. Don't Repair ... Replace! Murphy Bros. Garage Huron and Orange Streets PHONE 465 CLINTON ✓ eleart eete z ,a,s.,eewr ar,,n .a a..v.a,.r - r • Check Your Printing Requirements Now! F We Can Fulfill- Your ulfillYour Every Printing Need STATEMENTS LETTERHEADS BLOTTERS INVITATIONS PROGRAMS TAGS ENVELOPES POSTERS ANNOUNCEMENTS PLACARDS TICKETS . Quality Printing at the Lowest Cost --i For quotation, just PHONE 4 and a representative will call Clinton News -Record "Fine Commercial Printing"