HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-01-27, Page 3THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1049 CLINTON NX S-IFIDGORD, Annu•aI Reports.Show District g ' ti Yea Chancel Gild J J read the financial report for the h' ST. PAUL'S VESTRY MEETING HEARS ANNUAL REPORTS Reports of the various organ- izations r an- iza ons were given as fellows: ince Guild, Mrs. Zapfe; choir, Mrs. 'H. Bartliff; Friend- ship Clgb, Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons; Ladies' Guild, Mrs. J. M. Elliott; Lay Delegate, C. G. Middleton; Sunday Sa'hool, Fred Kirby; Wo- men's Auxiliary, Mrs. W. H. Robinson. The following officers were elected: Lay delegates, C.G. Mid- dleton, 3. J. Zapfe; substitutes, W. H. Robinson, G. E. Hall; Rec- tor's Warden, L. G. Winter; Pen- ple's Warden, J. E. Morgan; trea- surer, Joseph Silcdck; auditors, George McLay, W. C. Smith; Board of Management, 'W. Cor- son, G. M. Counter, W. N. Coun- ter, Caryl Draper, Roy Fitzsimons Joseph Hart, John Livermore, William Johnson, `George McLay, W. E. Perdue, Mr. Rafausse, W. V. Roy, ' Henry Sloman, Robin Thompson, George Walker, Mrs. H. Bartliff, W. A. representative and Mrs. F. Hudie, Guild Repre- sentative; Trustees for the Harr- iett Rance Memorial Fund, G. M. Counter, J. E. Hovey and C. G. Middleton. Churches In Flourishing Condition Haldiinand Warden ed so faithfully during the past r. J. E. Morgan, People's Warden year showing total receipts of 1$3,615.26, expenditures of $3,563- 40, and, a cash balance carried forward in general account of 1$158.21. Budget receipts of $585.84 were reported and at the direction of the meeting, the treasurer was instructed" to make tip the de- iciency. amounting to $113.16'out of general funds. Donations to the roofing fund amounted to i$979.44; payments, covering labor and materials were $918,08 leav- ing a balance on hand of $6L36. The annual Vestry" meeting of St. Paul's Anglican Church was held in the Sunday School room on Monday evening, Jan- uary 17. The rector, Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, presided. Mr. Bulieel gave the year's re- port which showed there had ,TM eight persons confirmed been nine _ tisms four marc, ragcv;, ei ht and six burials. Mr. Bulteel also thanked the members of the var- ious organizations who had work- o w", wmporroo.nordNotirse TOWN HALL CLINTON FRI. JAN. 28 10, p.m. to 1 a.m. THE SKYLINERS ADMISSION: 50 cents plus 10 cents tax "Every House Needs Westinghouse!" See This Fine Westinghouse ROASTER OVEN A Complete Cooker! Cooks everything from delicious pies and cakes to complete oven meals automatically. Self-hasting lid makes cuts juicy and tender Look -in Lid makes "peeking" unneces- sary ... Adjustable Control ends guesswork and watching ... ovenware dish set provides for cooking, serving and food storage . . , LOW COST OPERATION Clinton Electric Shop — WESTINGHOUSE DEALERS — D. W. CORNISH RESIDENCE 358 PHONE 479 Order Your Fuel Now! Freight rates have advanced. Our neat shipment of coal will be higher ha price. We have on hand for immediate delivery:. EGG, STOVE, NUT and PEA ANTHRACITE NUT and RANGE COKE READING ANTHRACITE BRICKETTS Olga Treated EGG & STOVE POCAHONTAS Cavalier Treatted. STOKER COAL , ALBERTA LUMP and EGG COAL BLUE GRASS SOFT COAL CANNELL COAL RICE BLOWER COAL HARDWOOD and CEDAR WOOD -lames E. Johnston BLUE COAL DEALER PHONE 485-W for Quality and Service 2 -3 -b -4x WESSLEY-WILLIS CHURCH YEAR SATISFACTORY A happy family gathering wa the keynote which was promin ent at the annual meetingf Wesley -Willis United Church Clinton, which was held in th Lecture Room of the Church o Wednesday evening last, January 19. Mrs. W. A. Oakes, president o the WA, Mrs. Andrew Lane an Miss Wimiifred O'Neil, president of the Girls' Club, greeted thos in attendance. The meeting open ed with a period of worship eon - ducted by the minister, Rev Andrew Lane. Benson Sutter was appointed secretary. Membership of 480 The report of the session was given by the Clerk, N. W. Tre- wartha, There is a membership in the church of 480, 55 of whom are non-residents. During the year there had been 29 baptisms, There had been 26 join the church during the year, and 11 had been removed by death. Rev. Andrew Lane conducted a brief "In Memoriam" period for those who had passed on. Their names were: George B. Campbell, Harry W. Fitzsimons, W. H. Hellyar, J. B. Lobb, George VanRorne, J. Ben- son 'Cox, Charles Fraser, William Higgins, Miss Susan Powell, Mrs. Albert Vodden and Mrs. Frank T. Wilson. " - 107 in Primary John A. Sutter reported for the Sunday School showing the total receipts of $419.37 and ex- penditures of $391.21, which left a balance on hand of $28.16. The superintendent, John W. Nediger, spoke briefly for this department and Mrs. W. M. Nediger spoke concerning the work of the Prim- ary Department, at the present time there being 107 enrolled there, WA and Girls' Club Mrs. W. A. Oakes and Mrs. G. B. Beattie presented the re- port of the WA. This group of ladies had receipts amounting to $1,577,76. During the year they had assisted the recreation room .by gifts of $800 and done con- siderable repairing at the Manse. They had a bank balance of $102.35 as well as a Dominion of Canada Bond valued at $500. The Girls' Club report was given by Mrs. G. M. Steepe and showed receipts of $903.52 and a balance on hand of $173.52, This group had also helped with the recreation room by giving $400. The church organist, Mrs. M. I J. Agnew, spoke briefly on the work of the choir and reported a balance of $5.29. Benson Sutter spoke briefly on the Harp stop 1 and answered questions which were asked. The Young People's Union, a new group in the church, was shown as having a balance of $5,5.07, in the report given by the president, Miss Ruth Hearn. W. M. S. Mrs. A. T. Cooper, in reporting for the'WMS, showed a mem- bership of 25 life members and 13 ' annual members. They had sent $505 to the Presbyterial treasurer. Mrs, William Murch reported for the Evening Aux- iliary of the WMS and showed $153,18 sent to the Presbyterial treasurer, which showed an in- crease over the allocation of $125. Marilyn Martin and Doris Coop- er reported for the Mission Band with $53 having been sent to the Presbyterial treasurer. The other group affiliated with the WMS, the Baby Band, was reported by Mrs. William Murch. This group had sent $30 to the Presbyterial treasurer. The M. and M. report of the church was given by the treas- urer, Benson Sutter. This show- ed receipt's'' to' date far' 1948 of $1,211.12 with the prospect of the allocation being met. The church treasurer, Gordon R. Ross, reported that during the year there had been receipts of $6,726.73, end a bank balance of $83.71, with some outstanding liabilities, O. L. Paisley, W. C. Jervis, William Jervis, George Beattie, Leslie Ball and Fred Potter were re -appointed to the Board of Stewards for a three-year term and Benson Sutter was elected for' one''year to fill the vacancy caused by the removal from town of A. E. Douglas. ' John A. Sutter retired as chairman of the Board of Ushers after having served for over 35 years. Lester Martin was nam- ed his successor and G R. Foster and Leslie Ball were appointed to the eomrnittee Against Open Sunday The congregation went on're- cord ,as'favouring a resolution of Huron Presbytery which record- ed 'its opposition to 'any legisia- tion which would afford a 'more open Sunday; and that a copy - of the 'resolution is to be sent to A. Glenn Hays, Crown Attorney GORDON L. HALL Reeve'of the Village of Cayuga, 1 publisher of The Haidimand Ad -1 vocate, and native of Clinton, who was chosen as Warden of Heidi - mend County for 1949 at the inaugural meeting of the Heidi - mend County Council last week. A. L. Case Chairman Hensall School Board o Hensall School Board held its e first 1949 meeting Friday even - n ling, all members of the Board lbeing present. The following of.. ficers were appointed for the f year: A. L. Case, chairman; J. d Blackwell, secretary -treasurer; S. G. Rennie, musical instructor. e Members present -were: W. O. - Goodwin, P. McNaughton, Keith Buchanan, R. Dalrymple, A. Clark, A. L. Case. New mem- bers appointed to Library Board, J. BIackweIl, to fill vacancy of M. Sanders. Teachers on staff are: J. Blackhell, principal; R.I Dennison, assistant; Mrs, R. Cook, assitsant; and Miss J. Brandon, assistant; caretaker, Thomas Richardson. SUPERB SERVICE... IMMEDIATELY • . . at any time of day or night, for those who know that in such matters, "Time is priceless." One high standard to all patrons from your home, church or our Chapel. The Beattie Funeral Home AMBULANCE GEORGE B. BEATTIE for .Huron County, and also to Hon. Leslie Blackwell, Attorney General of the province. Appreciation A. T. Cooper and N. W. Tre- wartha voiced the appreciation of the congregation to a•11 the officers of the various organiza- tions and to Rev. and Mrs, And- rew Lane for the work they had done in the congregation. Mr. Lane, in replying on behalf of himself and Mrs. Lane, expres- sed his sincere thanks for the words which had been spoken and intimated that he did not expect to be the minister of the eon- , gregation after June as he was i desirous of a change in pastor- ate, Following the meeting delic- ious refreshments were served by the WA in the Church Hall. Mrs. Andrew Lane and Mrs. B. C. Hearn, president of the WMS, poured tea at an attractively ar- ranged table. ,e elite.13 Shoppe Clearance ,SALE DRESSES Reduced to 3.95 DRES'S'ES Reduced to 10.95 DRESSES Reduced to 13.95 Coats and Suits at new low prices LIMITED QUANTITY All must go out to make rooms for our new Spring stocks. exchoive Ite33S/ oppe miss W. " O'Neil in charge PRESBYTERIANS REPORT GOOD YEAR CLOSED The annual- congregational business meeting of the Presby- terian Church in Clinton was held in the school room on Tues- day evening, January 18. After devotion, conducted by the minister, Rev. D. J. Lane, the congregation elected Dr. J. W. Shaw as chairman. The sec- retary of the congregation; Edd. McLeod, read the minutes of the last "'annual meeting and after ,come discussion, these minutes were unanimously adopted. The chairman then called for the usual reports of the various boards and organizations, The Clerk of Session, speaking for that body, outlined the activ- ities for which the Session was responsible, namely the conduct of public worship, the arrange- ments for the administration of the sacraments of the church, the oversight of missionary funds and the reception of new members, all of which had been carried out. He sported the loss by death of William Shepherd, an elder of many years, and of Wil- liam J. (Blondey) Cook, a valued member of the managing board, as well as the passing of Mrs, A. Mprris end John McEwen. The Session had granted the use of the church to the Christian Re- form Church for service with the Hollanders who have come to settle in this section of the pro- vince, and reported a fine at- tendance of these new settlers at the afternoon worship, con- ducted in their own language" by missionaries of the Reformed Church. In its report the Ses- sion commended the faithful work being accomplished by the several organizations within the congregation. The roll of mem- bership had increased despite removal by death and other ST. JAMES CHURCH PLANS REPAIRS, RENOVATIONS The annual Vestry meeting of St. ,Tames Church, Middleton, was held on Tuesday evening, January 18, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wise With a good attendance, The Rector, Rev. LaVerne Mor - gen, opened the meeting with Mor- gen, and acted as chairman. The treasurer's report was given by Charles Cooper and showed a good -balance on hand. Mrs. Colciough reported for the Women's Auxiliary and Mrs. John Middleton for the Sunday School, Mr. Morgan thanked all the mem- bers for their excellent support during the past year. Fred Middleton was appointed Rector's Warden; George Wise as People's Warden; Edward Wise in charge of salesmen; Lay Dele- gates to Synod, Stewart Middle- ton; substitute, Charles Cooper. It was decided to renovate the church ba^ement and attend to any necessary painting and re- pairs. At the conclusion of the business meeting, a social even- ing was much enjoyed. Ladies high score in euchre was won by Miss Mary ,Hudie; men's high, Alf. Hudie; most Ione hands, Mrs. Wilfred Colelough. The ladies served a delicious lunch. A vote of thanks was moved to Mr. and Mrs. Wise for a very pleasant evening. causes. The work of the Girls' Club was ' reviewed by Mrs, Frank Mulch. Increased• membership and larger interest as well as many completed projects within and without the local church were items featuring the report. 1 ,The Club had given $300 to the Managing Board and had a fine balance at the .close of the year. The Woman's Association re- ported by Mrs, All Maxwell enlightened all present as to the' activities of this group of the (Continued on Page Seven) KEEP FIT THIS WINTER! Check Coughs and Colds NEO CHEMICAL FOOD— • Capsules for Adults 1.45, 2.65, 5.95 Fluid' for. Children - 1.35, 2;95, 4.95 ALPHAMETTES $1.00, 1.85, 3.50 LANTIGEN A $P:)0 THERMOGENE 59c, $1.19 BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE 40c, 75c MENTHOLATUM 29c, 59c VICKS VAPORUB and VATRONOL ... both for 89c SAL HEPATICA 35c, 70c, $1.30 PINEX . , , , 49c WATER BURYSCO . , .. $1.00 KLEENEX .. 18e; 2 for 35c Man's Size , . 29c LYSOL 35; 69c, $1.35 SQUIB VIGRAN CAPSULES MINARD'S LINIMENT LISTERINE $3.3,5, • 29e, 59c 29c, 59e, 89c ASPIRIN TABS. 18c, 29; 79c SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS -- Black or Menthol roc SPECIAL COUGH MIXTURE 50c BASSETTS COUGH CANDIES 5c PHONP. 14 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER DRUGGIST Sale Goes On! Many Bargains are still available in our "Window Sale." Be sure and look • over these specials each day and make worth -while savings on many items ..— many are half price and less.. Watch for Chest of Community Plate, in Coronation pattern, service for eight, at bargain price -- also Mantel Clock, Watches, „Jewellery, etc. Why not put a new Dresser Set in your guest room for $3.95. i 1,4 W. N. Counter Counter. for Finer 7ewelfery for Over Ralf a Century to Myron County Fir Slab Doors Panel Doors Combination Doors UggaiilLg Striated Fir P a~ ¢nod Arborite Masonite Insulation Mart YOUR HOME MORE LIVBIPIF—with the now P.V. Barr ./ Weldtex Striated Plywood. Walls can Iso finished In a striking two -tons effect by cuts- Weldtex into squares or diamonds and alternating tho hori-f and vertical striations. ,iiboms can be made to appear larger by applying panels horizontally. Collings appear higher when pan. .. -red vertically. ;> snatch room strung—P.V. Brand Weldietc is ideal Sc. •:,inure, cabinets or bookcases, Your building supply dealer today : r complete . the new P.V. BrandWoldtox Striated P',vwood. Alwninum Trims PAINTS, ENAMELS and VARNISHES AND A FULL LINE OF PLYWOODS J.W. ounter Lumber and Builders' Supplies "YOUR PLYWOOD HEADQUARTERS" PHONE 290M CLINTON