HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-01-20, Page 63-b NES OF c AYFIELD Reprresent;ii3ve: Iii Lucy R. Woods ]Phone Oliutou 681r81. Miss Beverley York, Lucan, partments were read as follows: spent the weekend a!t her hove. 'Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. Larson; Church Guild, Mr's. R. ca. F. Gairdner; Junior Auxiliary, Mrs: Maynard Corrie; Sunday School, Charles Gemeinhard; treasurer's report of church, Leslie Elliott; Ronald Burt, London, spent, the rector's report, Rev, L. Morgan; Weekend with his grandparents, All reports of the past year's Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. work were cheering, and in ad- Mrs.3, McClure returned to dither a special interest pervaded her home e on. Tuesday after spending the past month at To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon, Preston, spent Sunda with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sturgeon, Mr. and Mrs, James Cruick- shank and Iittle Berthene, Clin- ton, spent Sttinday With the lat- ter's mother; Mrs. William Sturgeon. Miss Jeanne Sturgeon, Frank Anderson, Mitchell, end Roland Greeves, Preeton, spent Stmdax• with Mr. and Mrs. Edward 17dttald McAuley, spent the weekend et his, home in Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. Dad Statesbury and son Douglas, are spending e fewdays at Stayner.. Sturgeon. National Film Board The National Film. Board show- ings will be given in Bayfield on Wednesday, January 26, at the school et 2.30 p.m. and in. the Town Hall at 8.30 p.m. Bequest ter Trinity The annual parish meeting of Trinity Church, held in the Church Monday evening, was opened with prayef by the rec- tor. Reports of the various de - the meeting because 1949 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of this church which will be celebrated in a fitting way during the coming summer. A committee was appoipted to. look into the matter of redecorat- ing the church,composed. of Mrs. R. B. Johnson, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Lloyd Scretchmer. With the rector as chairman, the Select Vestry assisted by Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer, Miss Lucy Woods and Mrs. Alma Bassett, will begin preliminary plans for this important event in. the church's history. Lloyd Scotchmer was reappoint- ed' Rector's Warden; Tom Scotch - mer was re-elected to the office of People's Warden, Leslie El- liott to treasurer, and Charles Gemeinherd to Clerk of the Vestry. Mrs, R. B. Johnson was appointedorganist end Maynard Corrie in charge or sidesmen. William Elliott was re -appoint- ed Sexton. The rector announced that a 1 ANNOUNCEMENT As I have taken over the car insurance (Halifax and Lloyd's) formerly operated by Edward McLeod; I shall be glad to meet all policyholders. Yours for a square deal, J. g. HOWARD, Bayfield, Phone Clinton 624r31 -DANC TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD FRIDAY, JANUARY 21 Sponsored by Bayfield Lions Club MURDOCK'S ORCHESTRA COME AND ENJOY A GOOD EVENING 1 CleTIMM tnifirglitEctCAP s rot Cs triAmsP#Y, alear, A: 19 'eco�d's Correspondents Stanley Township District LOL Stanley District, LOL met in the Orange Hall, Varna, on. Thurs- day evening of last week and eleeted the following officers for 1949: W.M., Glenn Slavin; D.M., John. Watson„ Chaplain, R. Cor- nish; regarding secretary, B. Mc- Arthur; financial secretary, L. Coleman; treasurer, H. Coleman; Marshal, H. Perihelia , 1st Lecturer, L. Clarke; 2nd "lecturer, C. Gem- einhard; Tyler, John Aldington.. The officers were installed by past district W.M. Fred Watson. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley treat- ed themselves to e Dodge Car. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley spent Sundry with Mr. and Mrs. C. R11ey.. Mrs. Frank Riley invited the W. A. to her home an Tuesday, and entertained by having a `fish pond" Friends of Constance sympath- ize with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marks, Walton, in their sad ber- eavement. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley, Kit- chener, spent the weekend at the hoorie of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riley. Delayed Entertainment Mrs. Grey's committee held the' Christmas entertainment in the basement of the church on Friday last which was e splendid success. The Concert had been delayed through sickness, The children received treats. The en- tertainment closed with a social time and lunch. bequest of $1,000 has bean made to Trinity Church by the late Professor Lloyd Hodgins, and he also mentioned the first mem- orl'al gift for the anniversary to be given by Mrs. J. Ii. Lambert of Detroit, in memory of her late husband. Library Annual The ..annual meeting of Bay- field Library Association called on. Monday, wes held in the new library rooms in the Featherston's store, on Louisa Street, and was attended by members of the Board. .Annual reports were read and the same officers returned to office, but in as much as three members of the Board wished to resign, Miss Josephine Sterling, who has been a member for many years, Mrs. Alma 'Basset far over ten years, and Mrs. Lloyd Scotch - mer the past two years, the three vacancies were held open, and announcement of their successors will be made at a later date. The library will be open daily, Tuesday through Saturday after- noons from three to five in the afternoon, and Saturday even- ings from seven to rune, with volunteers taking charge during the opening hours. The new Library which is now open has been completely renovated, tables 3-b and benches added, all work be- ing done under the supervision of Mrs. W. L. Metcalfe and her committee. SAVE MONEY HONEY'S GENERAL STORE • BAYFIELD JANUARY 21 - - - Phone 631r21 t o JANUARY 31 Ten Days of Bargains . vvvH .+i�,+ways•i.s. Men's and Boys' Clothing Men's Fine Shirts, striped and plain, Reg. 2.50 to 3.95 .... 20% OFF Men's Diamond and Plain Pullovers and Sweater Coats .... 25% OFF ONE SHELF Boys' Sweaters, 1/2 PRICE Four only -All -Wool Blankets, 25% OFF Men's Weatherproof Jackets, Brown, Reg. 3.95 2.98 Six Dozen -Men's Work and Sport Shirts, cotton flannels, plaids, all sizes, choice of 5 colors. Values up to $2.45 - All going at one price .. , . $1.69 Ladies' Wear Ladies' Elk Bedroom Slippers, fur trim, white, wine, blue, Reg. 3.95 $2.98 Ladies' All -Wool Pullovers, beautiful weave, 32-40. Reg. 4.50 -- $3.49 One Group Ladies' Pullovers, long and short sleeves. Reg. 3.25 $1.95 Balance of Stock of Ladies' Fine Botany and Angora Sweaters , . 20% OFF Ladies' Shoes, nice selection . , 20% OFF 1 1 Bargains in Groceries! Heinz Junior and Baby Foods, 3 cans 25c Aylmer Baby Food's 3 cans 23c Golden Wax Beans 2 cans 25c Weston's, McCormick's Cookies, pkg 19c Duthie's Salad Dressing, 8 oz. jar . 25c Tea-Bisk 39c Bee 'Hive Corn Syrup, 2 lb. tin 25c Oxydol 31c Chipso 31c Pride of Niagara Tomato Juice, 3 cans 25c Burn's Speef 33c Burn's Corned Beef Hash 25c Kraft Dinner 18c VanCamp Pork and Beans . 2 cans 25c Kellogg's All -Wheat 2 pkgs. 25c Nabob Tea pkg. 39c Capitol 'Vanilla, 8 oz. bottle 13c Club House Jello Desserts . 3 pkgs. 25c English China English Bone China Cups and Saucers, unusual value ..., $1.00 to $1:95 Coupons for lovely Rosalie Dinnerware with every purchase LONDESBORO' Mrs. Willis Mountain spent a few days last week at Goderich with her sister, Mrs. Straughin. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wells and Douglas, Clinton, visited with'. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Youngbiutt on Sunday. Rev, S. Ii. Brenton returned home last week after having gone out Westto attend his mother's funeral. The sympathy of the cornmunity goes out to Mn and Mrs. Brenton in their sad ber- eavement'. Mission Band' Meets. The. Mission Band held its January meeting in the basement of the church on Sunday, January 16 at 10.30 a.m, The meeting opened with the President, June 1VIenning, in the chair with the call to Worship and Hymn 446 followed by God Save the King and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Scripture• lesson was read by Marjory Young. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Muriel Shobrook. The roll call was an- swered by paying fees with 21 present. The treasurer's report for 1948 was read by the treasurer with $70.86 sent to Presbyterial treasurer. Birthday pennies were given by Donald Young and Mur- iel Shobbroek. The offering was received by Bob Saundercock. Report of Temperance Secretary was given by Ann Fairserviee. The World Peace was given by Kenneth Gaunt. Marguerite Lyon favored with a piano solo. The study book was given by Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. The missionary story was given by Evelyn Young The meeting closed with Hymn 404 and closing prayer. The officers for 1949 are: President, June Manning; Vice President, Ann Feirservice; Secretary, Mur- iel Shobbrook; Treasurer, Mrs. B. Shobbrook; Pianists, Marguer- ite Lyon, Ann Fairservice, June Manning and Muriel Shobbrok; Scripture Lesson Secretary, Mar- jorie Young; Music, Marguerite Lyon; Temperance Kenneth Gaunt; World Peace Secretary Mervyn burnin: Miss- ionary Secretary, Evelyn Young; Collection, Bob Seundercock. AVMS Meets The regular meeting of the W14IS was held on Thursday of last week in the church basement, with the president, Mrs. Town- send, in the chair, who opened the meeting as usual. There was a little change in the routine of the meeting by presenting the program at the beginning rather than the last part. Mrs. W. E. Manning lender of group three, took charge. Three verses of hymn 270 were read in unison. Mrs. E. Wood gave the Bible Iesson and Mrs. 1'. Tomblyn led in prayer. Miss D. Armstrong sang a solo, "1 shall not pass again this way." The chapter in the study book, 'West of the Gorges," was ably BRUCEFIELD W. A. Meets The January meeting of the W. A. Brucefield United Church was held with an attendance of twenty-five. The meeting opened with Miss Bowey, as President in the chair and Mrs. Johnston et the piano, by repeating the creed. Hymn 571 was then sung. Mrs. Henry read the Scripture. Mrs. R. Allan then gave the Th- eme for the year. "The Christian Home and Family Life." then read, the Theme for January, "Christian Character" also a poen "Guide Thou Me". Mrs. Alcan then led in prayer. The minutes of .the last meeting were read by Mrs. Wilson, which were adopted. The roll call was an- swered by a verse on the New Year. A lovely Duet was sung by Mrs. Stanway and Mrs. Hender- son accompanied by Mrs. John- ston. It was decided to have groups this year. The meeting closed with the usual song and prayer of the W. A. The program committee then served a lovely lunch. The work committee will serve lunch at the February meeting. The roll call for February, a new member in person or her name. VARNA R. Lamont and daughter, Mrs. M. Elliott, visited Mrs. A. Mc- Connell Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. B. Keys, Bruce - field, were renewing acquaint- ances in the village Monday, Mrs, D. 3. Stephenson, Egmond vile, is a guest at the home, of her daughter, Mrs. L McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ellwood and Mary Joyce and Mrs. Mary And- erson, all of Goderich, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Keys. Mrs, M. Reid who had the mis- fortune to fail and break her hip last August was able to attend service in St. John's Anglican Church Sunday morning, The annual Vestry meeting 01 St. John's Anglican Church was held in the Church Monday af- ternoon at 2.30. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. L. Morgan, The minutes of last meeting were read" by secretary, E. E. Mossop, and adopted as read. The financial report was read by Warden Wilmer Reid, leaving a substantial balance on hand, and it was adopted as read. The re- port of the WA was read by treasurer E. t. Mossop, leaving after all "obligations had been met a balance on hand, and was adopted as read. It was decided to decorate the church in the very near future, Meeting was closed with the Benediction by the rector. taken by Mrs. Art Clark and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Mrs. Ivan Car- ter took up the offering. Hymn 1377 was sung, and Mrs. Manning closed with prayer. The yearly reports were given by the several secretaries. Mrs. Govier reported there were 12 meetings held during the year, Ione being in the form of a pic- oie held at the Community Hall, when the WMS entertained the Junior .,societies. A good crowd attended and an. enjoyable time (was spent together. Two splendid" bales were sent to Toronto for European Relief, consisting of (good used clothing and 13 quilts. Also a set of knitted goods for a child of three years. This was for the annual quota which was requested. Our allocation was fully melt, and $273 was sent to headquart- ers. The Mission Circle reported, $124:81. The Mission Band rais- ed $42.56; and the Baby Band sent $50.37, making a total of. $52L65. Miss Young gave a talk on Christian Stewardship. Mrs. Townsend read an item on the New Year. Mrs. Charles Watson then: read the slate of officers for, 1949, Which was as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. J. Fingland and Mrs. M. Manning; president, Hors. R. Townsend; first vice, Mrs. 1'. Tamblyn; second vice, Mrs, R. Caldwell; third vice, Mrs. E. Wood; recording secretary, Mrs. W. Govier, assistant, Mrs, A. Fangrad; treasurer, Mrs. C. Wat- son; Missionary Monthly, Miss F. Jamieson; supply secretary, Mrs. William Lyon; literature secre- tary, Mrs. George MeVittie; friendship secretary, Mrs. F. Shobbrook; Associate Helpers, Mrs. W. Lyon corresponding secretery, Mrs. W. E. Manning; temperance secretary, Mrs. S. 11. • NOTICE Any subscriber of the ruekersmith Municipal Tele- phone System desiring to have their name changed or any correction made in the telephone directory must notify the secretary of the Telephone System before February 10, 1949. J. K. CORNISH, Secretary -treasurer 3-4-b Brenton; Christian Stewardship, and Mrs,. Ivan• Carter; Baby Miss Thing; Mission Circle sup- Band, Mics, J. Shaddiek; Bion! t, eriutendent, Mrs. 12. Wood; Mis- Mee E. Wood, .oz's: Arica ..ion Band, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook }cress. secretary, .Mrs. M. Mantling. TLA Outstanding Quality • Delirious amour Blyth Dramatic Club presents Mr. Beane From Lima' Auspices Brucefield Young People's Union UNITED CHURCH BRUCEFIELD TUE., JAN. 25‘ at 8 p.m . ADU1:1-S, 50 cents; CHILDREN, 25 cents 3-b Insulate Now by the Blowing Process! IT PAYS FOR ITSELF STOPS: Heat: Cold, Fire, Sound Irregularities due to ceiling joists overlapping, diagonal or sloping bridging, warping of studs or joists do not present any difficulty. to instalation. The process of blowing tends to loosen up and deposit wool in a fine fibre form, thus elitninatirg any free circulation of air. For further information and a free estimate of the cost of insulating your home, phone or write: LLOYD SCOTCHMER Bayfield, phone 624r33 Clinton X. -W. ROOFING and INSULATION CO., KITCH'ENER 3 -4 -5 -d -b SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, Rayfield Hardware JANUARY 21, and ends J SATURDAY, JAN. 29 Announces is YOU CAN SAVE from 20 to 50% on Hardware and Other Merchandise Annual Sale This great event is again making it possiblefor you to buy quality merchandise at sub- stantial savings and to help us balance our inventories and make room for our spring stocker. Check your wants for winter, spring, and summer; take ad- vantage of these exceptional savings to supply your needs at prices which will save you many dollars, READ THESE MONEYSAVING SPECIALS -- COME EARLY ---- Quantities Limit BUYIrons,otplates, THESE AT 15%tOF'R LIST PRICE! Electric All Boots, Shoes, Men's and Boys' Gloves and Sox Cistern and Deep Well Hand Pumps .f, SHELF HARDWARE and PAINTS . 10% OFF LIST PRICE TIRES, TUBES, AUTO ACCESS. 10% OFF LIST PRICE LIGHTING FIXTURES 10% OFF LIST PRICE 1 Lot Men's Shirts .. $1.00 ea. 1 Lot Men's Caps ... .75 ea. 1 Lot Men's Shirts .. $1.50 ea. 1 Lot Spark Plugs .. .50 ea. BUY AT WHOLESALE COSTS OR LESS 1. Bedroom Fixtures, Door Chimes, Bed Lamps 2. All Waxes, Polishes, and Cleaners 3. All Harness, Straps, Collars, Pads, etc. 4. All Glass Cups and Dishes 5. All Cold Water Paints (not Kemtone) 6. All Stock and Poultry Tonics and Remedies 1 KITCHEN RANGE Was $149.50 NOW $105.00 2 QUEBEC HEATERS Were 22.50 NOW 18.00 2 QUEBEC HEATERS Were 28.00 ...... NOW 22.00, 3 CHIMNEY THERMODRAFTS 9.85 7.75 1 OAT ROLLER Was 2 00. 00 NOW 165.00 1 GRINDER Was 75.00 NOW 55.00 1 CARBON SUN LAMP Was 9.85 NOW 7.00 Was 65.00 NOW 55.00. 1. HEAVY DUTY RANGE Was 129.50 NOW 112.50 1 HEAVY DUTY RANGE Was 103.50 NOW 91.50 2 32" SAWSLVere 14.75 NOW 12.00' 2 KITCHEN TABLES Were 12.00 NOW 9.00. 6 PAIR GIRLS' SKATES Were 9.85 NOW 7.75 1 PAIL A DAY TOILETVas 125.00 NOW 91.00 1 ROUBLE COMP. SINK Was 75.00 NOW 62.50, 1 RANGETTE All Purchases Must Be Cash All Sales Final BAYFIELD HARDWARE BAYFIELD ONTARIO: