HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-01-13, Page 5MON It�NA-ROAD PAGE EIVEi " iLTRSDAY, JANUARY 13,. 1949 ..., flet BringQudel ecoid lass f e l tori RATE— (If geld by Wed ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE. BIRTI-IS •rH C LI N T O N G•O D E R I C H S E A F O R T H ...day following date of ureal- • LOST AND FOUND c,,jlion9—[Dine cent a word first in- T—GOLD]3RACELET be- DALE—In Glasgow, Scotland; on Now Playing (Jan, 13-15) 'Now Playing (Jan. 13-15) a illon 'minimum 35 cents); sub-LOSJanuary 5, 1949, to Now Playing (Jan. 13-15)'' „ Ann Sherdian and Errol Flynn Gene Belly and Judy Garland in qe (. ,ay' " SO WELL REMEMBERED Aeyuemt insertions one cents word tween Town Hall and residence. Mr. end minimum 25r cents), 15 cents exp Mrs. A. lel, Knight; ,phone 321, Mr. end Mrs. J. E. Dale, Clin- t in "MEYER RIVER". "TILE PIRATE" In • Technicolor (bar or for direr- p .. ton, a daughter. Continued for box num '2 GLAZIER — In Clinton Public (Continued ardmg p g with Martha Scot MON,; TUES., WED. (Jan. 10-19) ° Office. COCKER Spaniels, -- Hospital, on -Wednesday, Jana- t4 TIES, WED. San.17-19) 14"" TLIES., WED. (San. 17-19) IJaue, Powell, Elizabeth Taylor do 'Alma to NEWS -RECORD LOST—TWO CO Ii Pa Tiosp police Coun- cil, 'MON., T male, colour, one buff and one ary 12, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Jane Powell, Carmen Miranda, Sidney Field, Greta the s and Wallace Beery—You will enjoy i er please call Clin- William Glazier, Clinton, a allace Beery and Selena Royle. M eyRuggles—Fromthystudios s Technicolor story of family black. F nd p the Medical Of W of Eagle Lion comes a musical ton 191W. 2-p daughter (stillborn). r Bylaws should be to A musical comedy which has life IT:elle small town, sing everything you can ask for in romance in Teehnfoolor with a •"A DATE WITH JUDY" LOST IN CLINTON, MALE story to please you, Collie dog, white and brown in MARRIAGEScompletely from the files It top-notch enkertainment. Songs "MY HEART GOES CRAZY" , colour, with long pointed nose. , THURS., FRL, SAT. (Jan. 20-22) Anyone knowing whereabouts, g 1949 Cl t n C g t his orchestra and lav Peggy' Cummins, Charles Coburn lease contact George Mahon, Saturday, M 1950 and there should be big ish Te hn color THURS., FRI., SAT. (Jan.20-22). & Robert Arthur -A great white p Rew. h ii , g oration 4or Airmen's' Mess, RCAF Station, rtl Thomas clean-up in th t `, DATE WITH Joyce Reynolds, Robert Hutton Stallion will win your heart too; phone 382 local 46. 2-b pry de, Exeter, MLA Huron and John Howell — A dramatic in the year's most pleasing race size and importance of Clin- ton lin- THURS., FRI., SAT. (Jan. 20 22) story o£, young lovers and their story — In Technicolor MISCELAOUS d t houid possess an officia'1 solution to the problem of sap- "THE GREEN GRASS ara"ALWAYS TOGETHER" OF WYOMING" CLINTON PLANS ARE SET FOR BY NEW .'MAYOR from Page One) Regarding reports, he suggested a monthly po ce reportfor • - cil, end a quarterly' report from (icer of Health• n broughtup date; there were some mis looked as if there Might., be an by Jane Powell, music by Xavier Old Boys' Reunion in Clinton i Cugat and a this, " •c i JUDY" He also suggested that a town the ze. c este "SILVER RIVER" - In , conclusion, His Worship Never before hes the silver screen said: "It will be my aim, as,blazed with such a stirring saga Mayor, to have unity and co- of the rugged West—Errol Flynn, operation; not only in this Coun- cil, but also in the various or - IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 pen, Wednesday ACCaOO ONION F'`THREE-ROOM APART Pent, bath, hot and cold water, • suitable for two, no children. Sam Cudmore, Seaforth. 2-3-b "'THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT, • partly furnished, hydro abd run- ning water, Apply Francis Powell, lit, R. 3,. Clinton, phone 907r24, b ":ONE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR one person wishing xoom but not ',hoard, Apply Box "5" NEWS - ,RECORD. 2-p -FURNISHED CABIN TRAILER 'for rent.. Fully winterized.' Rea- sonable. Phone 73. 2-3-9 SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale. var- ious lengths, Enquire. 53-9-p NEW SINGER Sewing Machines- cabinet end portable electric, also treadle machines;' repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. ltfb AGENTS WANTED BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distribute, •on Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250 products: Toiletries, Vita mins, Extracts, Spices, Bakingn Powder, Cakes, Doughnuts, Silver, ,;Furniture and Shoe Po- lishes, etc. Each individual a customer. Excellent opportunity "to test your business abilities. Write for FREE details. and cat- alogue—FAMILEX, 1600 Delor- 3mier, Montreal. 1-8-b ARTICLES FOR SALE ':BAHN'S CRIB, SMALL SIZE. Apply Mrs. L. Haughton, Ontario o St. eSMALL HEN HOUSE; Several r'storm windows' some 4" tile; ',quantity, of Detective. books, 10c. _ Mrs. C. B. Anderson, Maple St. SILENT SALES SHOW CASE, r8', in 'fair condition. Bartliff ,Bros., phone 1, Clinton. 2-b CARROTS S FOR SALE PRYDE-BELL—In Toronto, on Januaryby J.B. Rhodes, Mary Marg- aret Bell, Seaforth, to m r for STEEP-ALLEN—In Victoria St. United Church, Personage, God- erich, on Saturday, January 8, 1949, by Rev. L. , H. Turner, Phyllis Margaret, /daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Secord Allen, Goderichy...to A/B Robert John Steep, `second son of Mr, and ganizations of the town in their Mrs, Andrew Steep, Clinton. lotions with Council," Itemsof Business R. E. Drennan wrote that he had purchased Lever's Fish and Chips Shop and requested to- bacco and cigarette license, and also refund to Norman Lever. License was granted until April 30, 1950, at $13.35. Letter from Ontario Good Roads Association announcing annual convention in Toronto February 22-23, was tabled. Taxi license to Oscar Priestap was renewed to Janu- ary 27, 1950. Bylaw No. 1 for 1949 was pas- sed authorizing the Mayor and Treasurer to make loans from the Bank of Montreal up to $45,000 to meet current expendi- tures until the taxes are collected. ALL OLD HORSES ANI) DEAD animals. If ,suitable for mink feed will pay more than' fertilizes prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If deeds phone at once. Phone Collect, Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, 036r21 or 936r32. Goder- ick 2btfb TEXTILE WATERPROOFING — Let it rain! Let it pour! "Rain- proof" all your clothes, topcoats, overcoats, snow suits, overalls, work jackets, mattresses, sports jackets, etc., etc., at home. 89c . At Ball bottle will do three and Mutch Hardware this week. 47-3-b NOTICE THE PARTY WHO REMOVED the dark brown overcoat "Prince Brand" from behind the door in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall, Hensell, has been identified and can avoid further trouble be returning the coat to the lTown Hall by Monday, 2-b DEATHS CLUCAS—In Lutheran Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., on Thursday, December 30, 1948, Hannah • Fair. •beloved wife of William L. Clucas, aged 74 years. Fun- eral from Oak Hill Presbyter- ian Church to Valhalla Ceme- tery. HAMILTON -- At his residence, Auburn, Sunday, January 9, 1949, George Hemilton, beloved husband of Belle Wilson, in his 85th year. Funeral from St. Mark's Anglican Church, Auburn, to Colborne Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon, January 11. MILLER—At her home, Ontario St., Clinton, following an ill- ness of a few months, on Tues- day, January 11, 1949, Grace Isobel Walters, beloved wife of William J. Miller, in her 49th year. Funeral from her late residence, Thursday, Janu- ary 13, 1949, at 2.30 o'clock, to Clinton Cemetery. POPE—At her home, Belgrave St., London, on Saturday, Jan- uary 8, 1949, Mrs. Mary Ellen Graybiel Pope, formerly of Hens -all in her 85th year, Fun- eral un eral from Bonthron's Funera Homey Hensall, to Hensel Union Cemetery Monday after noon, January 10. -- o PIANO TUNING , PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS WASHED CARROTS to all makes, Meaning, de -moth - CHOICE ung, free estimates. Write or phone :°ion .sale; $1.50 per bushel. Robert Willi^m N. Gould, 314W Clinton, *• Vole, phone Clinton 906x24, I , — !ra .1-9-p 'SPORTS EQUIPMENT - EQU'IPMENT FOR SALE IVO tTATA BLACK SKATES: TWO H.P. FAIRBANKS -MORSE lady's, size 616; child's, size 2. Gasoline Engine, like new; also Phone 692M. 2-9 Coleman lantern and lamp. Mil- WANTED TO BUY 5ord W. Durst, R.R. 2, Clinton, ;phone Carlow 1112. 2-b FARMS FOR SALE "CHOHIE FARM consisting of 200 •acres, Ideal location, 20 acres !bush, first class buildings, 40 acres ploughing done, well drain- • ed, well fenced. Apply John :Scott, Londesboro, Ont, 2-3-b •HOUSE TO RENT SEVEN ROOM HOUSE TO RENT 'with hydro and telephone. Apply . Roy Tyndall, phone 907r3. OLD BRICK BUILDINGS, suit- able for wrecking or re-claimed brick. Please state colour of brick and price per thousand. Write R. W. Sears, First St.,2 3-p 9, London. ''TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be •,re' carved for ten cord of. hard body Maple wood, 14" long, to be de- livered to U S 5 No 12 Hullett Coming (Jan. 24-26) "EASTER PARADE" Coming (Jan. 24.26) "SONG OF LOVE" with Katharine Hepburn Matinees: Wed. Sat. holid'ys, 2.30 of the Fire and Water Commit- tee, hold a meeting, After con- ative and Chief met the Fire and siderable discussion, the matter Water Committee to discuss the was left to the discretion of the' matter. Members of the cam - Fire and Water Coritimittee, the-tnittee went to Seaforth Tuesday latter to report at the earliest afternoon to inspect Seaforth's opportunity, if need be, at a new truck which would be sim special meeting of Council. ,new to the one offered by Bickle- Council meeting, the represent - George H. Jefferson was ap- pointed to the Public Library Board for a term of three years, and M. T. Corless to the Local Board of Health. In reply to a question by Aid. N. W. Trewer- the„ Reeve Nott stated that County Council figured it would be the fall session before the county health unit got under way. - Fire Truck Discussed Ald. Melvin Crich brought up. _ the matter of the "crash" truck 1 offered to Council by the Public 1 I Utilities Commission and the _ offer of $2,500 for it or a new lone. The Mayer etiggtsted that Ald, lir, G, $. Elliott, chairmen COUNCIL FOR '4$ I BEAUTY SHOPPE SAYS FAREWELL TO CIVIC SCENE Shampoo Manicure (Continued from Page One) not in a block of houses in one Finger Waves spot. He didn't think anyone Permanents had done any more Work eh the wartime houses than he had. ]C' "�I17CL THOMPSON The Mayor reviewed the sew- erage project and declared he was not to blame for sewerage rentals Princess St. 'IlaSt Phone 585 and. did not intend to take the blame. Some people don't know ; they're paying off the debenture S debt. `If anyone can see a bet- ter way, I am perfectly willing Jannary i to fall in line." and Goderich Townships, at Sum- merhill, by June 1, 1949. Tenders Mr. McMurray denied that Mr. will close January 28, 1949. Clar- Paisley, Mr. Trewartha, or any- • Clearing Jack Blair, representative of Segrave.. Bickle-Segrave, Woodstock, ad- Agreement Approved - dressed Council, stating his After some discussion, Council company would take in the crash approved continuing • agreement truck at $2,500 on a new one with Fred Parry for use by him which would cost $7,800 to $8,000, of the Town Hall on Friday the difference being about,$5,500. evenings for dancing. He paid He pointed out that the old truck $500 in October 1948 for the sea - was 21 years old and didn't owe the town anything. He suggest- ed paying for it through 20 -year debentures. Seaforth had spent its surplus last year, and Milver- ton and Brussels had purchased. Fire, Chief Grant Rath said the firemen weren't •favorable to•. fixing ' up the crash truck, and he didn't think Council would ever get a better deal than this. He felt the firemen should have something to work with if they were expected to do a job, and Clinton had been very fortunate in the matter of fires. Immediately following the HOUSES r - FOR SALE Town of Clinton, 11/2 storey frame dwelling,, living room, dining room, kitchen, three bedrooms, three-piece bath, full basement, furnace, garage, ideal location, pos- session in 30 days. Town of Clinton, one -floor ; 2 Instil brick cottage, nearly new, 1lvitig rooitt with din- ette space, Modern kitchen' with built-in cupboards, two bedrooms with closet space, three-pieet bath ivitlt built-in tub, liaa'diiodd floors, fully insulated; #dll basement, furnace equipped with oil burner, good cation, possession March 15, 1949. Town of Clinton, 1?! storey frame dwelling, hydro, wat- er, good location, early pos- session. H. C. LAWSON PHONE CLINTON 251w REALTOR 2btfb bette b ence Ball, secretary -treasurer. one else could have done r -3- HELP WANTED—MALE 2-3-h in keeping down the cost of the sewerege project, and he pointed OR FEMALE INSTAL CARILLONIC BELLS out that the increase of ten per GODERICH—Carollonic bells cent over the original contract I are to be installed in the organ was far better thany anyone ever and tower of Knox Presbyterian expected. He had made mistakes, Church, within two months. They but if no one ever made 'mistakes, are the gift of Mr, and Mrs. it was clear they had never done use for d music in the church, I Ald.R. Y. Hattie. Mayor -elect, WANTED AT ONCE, YOUNG -men or girl to learn the Grocery business. Full time position. Ap- Sp1y'in person to Shearing's Food d .Market. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED 'HOUSEKEEPER WANTED TO look after completely modern ,.borne for adult and three child- ren. ' Ellwood Epps, ph n 49-btfb. Clinton. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 'TEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply David Campbell, Bayfield • .Line, phone Clinton 909r31. 2-b FIVE ;SOWS, carrying second and third litters, due latter part of January. A Shanahan, phone 801116. . 2-3-p SEVEN CHOICE YORKSHIRE Chunks, ebout eight weeks old. Charles Stewart, phone 807r3. 2-p SEVEN SMALL CHUNKS. Joe Potter, phone Clinton 907r2. 2-p Thomas Sandy, Goderich, to be Anything. and for the benefit of the corn- declared: "It would have been munity. Installation will include more appropriate for you to have a set of 25 English bells, with defended yourself that night which hymn tunes can be played. (nomination night) than tonight"' gee e e eeeee T ; etereetee e+'• = He added that he held no grudge; I FOR SAlife was too short for that. LE 3 $ I Other members also spoke briefly. eNew four -room cottage, e t covered with insul brick, +_ r tluee-piece bath, built-in ,f, 3 kitchen cupboards, hot and X cold running water, situat- 4. ed on three lots on Main3 et St., Bayfield, on Highway 4 ,e No. 21. DURHAM BULL CALF, about Yr/ months old. Ray Whitmore, R.R, 2, Clinton, phone 901r22. 2-p • Included with sale are ten ;i new cabins, built according e to government regulations, 3 epringi - fl3led mattresses, • flush toilets, hot and cold 3 ee running water; new garage. tee Home that would soon pay ,t for itself, APPLY: .t F' Lloyd Batkin It's not the size of the boy in ; Clinton -the fight that counts, so' much as,l. 2 ;b %' , the size of the 'fighty «;«;:g», in the boy. .ro » ' , See the Beni.Itiful., New • CLARE JEWEL Cabinet Electric Range An 'Inspection Will Convince! Priced at $285 BEATTY E'L•ECTRIC WASHERS VACUUM CLEANERS I'RONERS RENT A VAC , .. $1. PER DAY Special Prices on CLARE JEWEL Coal and Wood Ranges • 4 ,. Say';f , c 9Fa UinR.110. CUT FLOW ERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V.,OE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j • • • IIUGI1R.HA'NKINS Plumbing and Heating • Business 244—PHONES—Residence 470 g • 4 -A-L-E SUITS - DRESSES and COATS SAVING 20 to 30% BLANKETS TO CLEAR AT $13.95 pr. Special Sale of Dresses at $3.95 V1t'ie tvxcIuJit a p Miss S o en charge SUN LIFE REPRESENTATIVE The Sun'Life Assurance Company of Canada is pleased to announce that they have appointed K. W. COLQUHOUN as ',their represent- ative in this area. At all times it will• be my . inten- tion to provide the finest possible insurance service to my clients. My office is located in the Royal Bank Building, I-Iw'on, St. Entrance, K. n Colquhoun GENERAI:., INSURANCE SUN LIFE REPRESENTATIVE Office 50 - PHONES - Residence 9 - son, lasting .until April 1949. Town Clerk Corless said there were no reservations at t h e Coming (Jan. 24-26) "UP IN CENTRAL PARK" with Deanna Durbin Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.ni.OHIO present time. Town's Finances Ald. Trewartha asked the treasurer to provide a few main items in connection with current account and sewerage account. Mr. Corless reported' a surplus' ,. of about $2,000 in the general account, with approximately $18,- 000 18;000 owing on the sewerage ac- count. Some of the latter items are as'foliows: contract "B" sew- age treatment plant), McDougall, $4,825.14; contract "A" •(sewver- age), Weston Construction Co., $4,991.81 on 15 per cent hold- back; $5,700 , on extras; $1,166 to the engineers; $1,629 on machin- ery for sewage plant. YOU CAN'T GET TO HEAVEN BY • Doubting the truth of God's Word. • Working your own way. is Tearing the Bible apart, • Without the blood, • Getting your name on a church roll. —BUT to him that worketh not, but belleveth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Rom. 4:5 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. r 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dance CLINTON TOWN HALL FRI. JAN 14 TED KEANE and His Orchestra ADMISSION: h0 cents`plus 40 cents tax 2-b — _et OUR JANUARY Continues For the remainder of the month we offer at reduced prices: Men's and . Boys' Suits and Overcoats • Jackets Sweaters • Socks • Gloves • Ties • Parkas • and many other lines of Winter Wearables, Save up to 30% of regular prices by buying now! Made -to -Measure Suits (10 shades of English all -wool Gabardine, For the chap who likes his clothes to fit properly and well-known names in made -to -measure 0 W. R. JOHNSTON • TIP TOP TAILORS (extra trousers available) of our many satisfied customers. just arrived) feel right, we offer clothing: four • WARREN K. COOK • REGAL PARK from $44.50 up — As to Style and Fit, ask one Good Clothes deserve Good Care. We are agents fon NEWTEX CLEANERS, one of the best in the. business Pickett f3 Campbell • MEN'S and BOYS' READY-TO-WEAR • PHONE 25 CLINTON,