HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-01-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR VVoInen's.an 111 PEIttiONALS PERSONALS Mrs. Carman McPherson is visiting with friends in London this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McVittie spent the weekend with Mr. and, Mrs. Gordon, Keyes and Murray, St, Marys. Bill.' . Morrell is visiting his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs: Fred Morrell, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale and Ian, London, spent Sunday at the home of the former's father, Ar- thur Dale. LAC H. L. Bostock, RCAF, Edmonton, Alta., is spending a leave at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Campbell, Mill St. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken at- tended the funeral of the late D. J. Banns, the former's brother - in -Bain, in Owen Sound on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Epps spent the weekend in Brantford visit- ing friends they had not seen for 55 years, A pleasant time was spent renewing acquaintances. Congratulations are extended to Miss Margaret Shoebottom who has received word that she has been successful in passing exam- inations for Nurses' Registration. New Cold Wave Complete SHAMPOO - SETTING $5.50 HENRI'S Beauty Shoppe ' PHONE 223 CLINTON 1-b Gerald D. Mistele has assumed duties as accountant of Clinton' Branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, succeeding K. W. Coign - hour. A native of Rodney, Mr. Mistele comes from the Yonge' Sherwood Branch, Toronto. LAC and Mrs. Allan Ablett and son David, left Monday to spend leave in Toronto and Montreal prior to being stationed with the, RCAF at Whitehorse, Yukon, Mrs., Ablett and'son will remein with the former's par- ents in Montreal for a few months. 0 WEDDINGS PRYDE—BELL On Saturday, January 8, 1949, Mary Margaret Bell, Seaforth, and Thomas Pryde, Exeter, MLA for Huron, were married quietly in Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. B. Rhodes. After a wedding dinner at the Bark Plaza Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Pryde left by motor fore the Southern States. On their return they will reside in Exeter. STEEP—ALLEN A lovely 'winter double -ring wedding .was solemnized in Vic- toria St. United Church Parson- age, Goderich, on Saturday, Jan- uary 5, 19'i9, when Rev. L. H. Turner united in marriage Phyllis Margaret Alien and A/B Robert John Steep. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Secord Alien, Goderich, and the groom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Steep, Clinton. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was charming in her gown of white sheer with sequin neckline. A sweetheart headdress held her floor -length veil in place. She carried a bouquet of red roses. The bride's only attendant was lvtrs. Thomas Steep, Clinton, who wore a floor -length gown of blue sheer with matching acces- sories and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Thomas Steep, Clinton, brother of the groom, was best man. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents where her mother received wearing a blue crepe dress with a corsage of white cernatiogs, She was ee- elated by the ="NBbiii's lilotiier who chose a fuschie coloured dress and hat and also a corsage of white carnations. Later the young couple left for a trip to Toronto and points east, the bride travelling in a black moire dress with fuschia sash, green coat and black accessories. Guests were present from Kin- cardine, Clinton and Goderich. !Presbyterian WA Names Committees The WA of 'Clinton Presby- terian Church met- in the Sunday School room of ,the Chvrch on Tuesday, January 4, at 3 p.m., with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Shaddock, was in the chair, and Mrs, Snider was at the piano, A hymn was sung. Bins. Shad - dock read the Soripture lesson and Mrs, Lane •led . in prayer. Mrs. Maxwell gave the secretary's and treasurer's reports. Letters of thanks for Christmas baskets' from shut-ins were read. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Nott and Mrs. McEwen for pre- paring the Christmas baskets. The roll call was answered by giving Christmas thrills. The various committees were appointed es follows: social, Mrs, McTaggart, Mrs. Roberton, Mrs. Nott, Miss Shaw, Mrs. Robert Mc- Ewen; quilt, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Clif- ton, Mrs. Snider, Miss Stirling, Mrs. McEwen; visiting, Mrs. Rob- erton, Mrs. Snider; property, Mrs. Twitchell, Mrs. Roberton; flow- ers and cards, Mrs. Maxwell, Final arrangements were made for the Presbyterial dinner which is being held in Clinton Presby- terian Church on Tuesday, Jan- uary 11. Hostesses for the Febru- ary meeting will be Mrs. Rober- ton and Mrs, Snider. Mrs. • Clifton favoured with a beautiful reading. A hymn was sung followed by the Lord's • Prayer repeated in unison, after which Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Clifton served a cup of tea. 'i.lg it;•@illeiits Announced Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Clark, London, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth (Betty) Audrey, to William Wallace Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Watson, Kippen, the marriage to take place February 5 in Adelaide St. Baptist Church, London, at three o'clock. PRESBYTERIAN WMS The WMS of Clinton Presby- terian Church will meet on Tues- day, January 18, at three p.m. in the Church Parlour. OMEA HOLDS MEETING t The Huron Branch of the On- tario Music Educators' Associo- tieii. field a dinner -meeting on January 9 hi Hotel Clinton, with 'Music geperyiddrs present from North end South Huron. The guest speaker for the evening was Garfield Bender, Kitchener, chairman of the Provincial Zone Committee. The next meeting is planned for March 15 at Goderich. 1 IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Lead the Heat Parade: NO Hopper to Fill! NO IRON FIREIVIAV Coal. STOKERS GET 30%. Shovelling! MORE HEAT A houseful of, warmth without work or worry 10 Big Advantages of Your Iron Fireman Coal Stoker 1 It enables you to burn coal—North America's abundant, economy fuel. 2' It fires coal automatically, elimin- ating basement drudgery. 3 It gives you the comfort, conven- ience, cleanliness, and the low cost of automatic coal heating. 4 The Iran Fireman Air Volumeter (Coal -Flow ;and Deluxe models) con- stantly maintains correct air -fuel ratio. C Its exclusive Synerostat-control pro- ", vides automatic temperature regula- tion day and night, with healthful, fuel -saving lowered night tempera- ture. 6 7 8 9 Iron Fireman's quarter-century of experience in combustion engineer- ing is your assurance of top per- formance. Every stoker is correctly engineered 'and soundly built for long years of, dependable, trouble-free service. Hundreds of thousands of satisfied users of this high quality equipment have made Iron Firemen the best - know name in automatic heating. Correct installation by experienced men insures efficient stoker opera- tion, 10 As en authorized Iron Fireman dealer, we are proud of the service we render our customers. DOMESTIC SIZE $465 INS'TALLED BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE and FURNITURE Funeral Directors D. G. BALL, Phone 361-W W. J. MUTCH, Phone 361-J PHONE 195 1 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 13;.1949 iairs:in CIhiton �1S�Y'1C Sixteen Applications For Old Age Pensions Sixteen applications for old age pensions end mothers allow- ances were considered by,Huron County Old ' Age Pensions and Mothers' Allowances' Board meet- ing on Thursday afternoon in the Court House, Goderich, Of the '14 OAP applications, 11 were recommended for full pensions, two for partial pen - /aims, and one for further in- vestigation. One applieation for mothers' allowance was approv- ed, and one recommended for ,further investigation.' Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, a member; of the Board, was in attendande. 0 51 YEARS MARRIED DUBLIN — Mr. and Mrs. W. Britton celebrated their 51st wed- ding anniversary. 1 Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -.-Union Evening Wor- ship in this church. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 11.00 a.m.—Morning service and Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis United Church. Annual Vestry Meeting — Mon- day, January 17. Tuesday, January 18—W.A. will meet at home of Mrs. G. M. Counter et 2,30 p.m. iar$])yterirn. Clurch REV. D. J. LANE fblinisste' Mrs. Bert Boyes, 'Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship "Man's Dealing With God" 2,30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield. All Welcome Ontario St. United Church REV, W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs, E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, ,JANUARY 16 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor- ship in Wesley -Willis United Church, Baptist Church REV. A, FORSYTH, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butter, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JANUARY 16 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Worship Service, EVERYONE WELCOME y° Vetter. If You Know Your Car Will Start Tomorrow ZZ Morning! You can make sure it will start every morning—and operate dependably every day—if you have it serviced regularly by our trained mechanics, using factory -engineered parts( We'd Rather Prevent breakdowns than fix 'enol A simple ineFpensive "tune up" may save plenty of money later on. Don't take chances! Have necessary work done NOW byour expert m%chanics. PROMPT and DEPENDABLE service at reasonable prices is our policy! PHONE 465 CLINTON Murphy Bros. Garage Chrysler, Plymouth, Fargo Sales and Service Mrs. W. J, Woolfrey Heads Ont. St. WMS The January meeting of the Ontario St. United Church WMS was held in the Church hall with the president, Mrs. Woolfrey, pre- siding, and 26 ladies present, The meeting opened with a hymn followed' by prayer by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey who also conducted the installation service for the new executive. The officers for 1949 are: hon- orary president, Mrs. George Shipley; president, Mrs. W. J. Woolfrey; first vice-president, Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes; second vice-president, Mrs. N. Carter; third vice-president, Mrs. A. J. McMurray; recording secretary, Mrs. F. Townsehd; corresponding secretaiy, Mrs. D. Maltby; tress- urer, Mrs. G. Wheatley; Christian stew'ards'hip secretary, Mrs. W. M Aiken; community friendship, Mrs. R. Webster, Mrs, M. Wiltse; visiting . committee, Miss M. Wiltse, Miss H. Courtice; assoc- iate members, Mrs. G. Glazier; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. J. C. Radford; temperance secretary, Mrs. A. Farnham; pianist, Miss E. Wiltse; assistant, Mrs. G, R. Fear; press and literature sec- retary, Mrs. C. Stewart; Mission Band superintendent, Mrs. Fear, Mrs. Stewart; Baby Band super- intendent, Mrs. W, Hoggart; study book convener, Mrs. W. B. Olde; expense secretary, Mrs. Thompson; supply secretary, Mrs. N. Sly. Mrs. Woolfrey conducted the worship period using Matt. 22:34- 40 as her Scripture lesson and a hymn as a New Year's prayer. The secretary gave the minutes of the December meeting which were adopted as read. The treas- urer's report given by Mrs. Wiltse in the absence of Mrs. Wheatley, showed the allocation of $500 had been exceeded by $91, two new life memberships had been made, and Thankoffering collections had amounted to $137.10. The Study Book chapter on "Medical Missions" was ably taken by Mrs. H. Lawson and Mrs. Thompson. The February meeting will take the form of e Valentine tea to be held at the 3. ;i k 3' JAJKEN's'z. PHONE 2 : CLINTON 'F Winter Footwear for MEN i nli BOYS and I Cold Weather PARKAS and MACKINAWS 3 See the .z. Complete New 1 Lines F at 4 Clinton Hospital Aid ly collections, '$17.43; Christzi as Has Balance of $1(Dance (Dee..26,e 1947), $433.05; ,155 +Marathon 13xidgand Games Night, $419.95; Donations, $411,91; Clinton hospital Aid A s ' Twilight Musicale, . $12.78; Tag tion r Day, 8 r .55• received the following Erten- Y, $� , Chain teas, $214.25; clal report for 1948 at the annual Christmas Dance (Dec. 28, 1948), meeting last 'week, . as prepared $248'76; bank interest, $15,59; by Mi s M. L, Walkinshaw, Total.—$2,841.24. treasurer. It is published at the request of the retiring president, Mrs, L. M. McKinnon. Receipts -Jan. 1, 1948—Balance brought forward, $935.47; Mem hershifi fees (134), $33.50; Month - Parsonage with the executive be- ing responsible for the lunch. The meeting will be at 2.30 p.m. The meeting closed with the singing of a hymn and the re- peating of the. Mizpah Benedic- tion, --a—_� ST. PAUL'S GUILD The ,Church Chancel ( f ill meetonThursday, January 20, at eight o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. May Rance MacKInnon will be the guest speaker. Expenses—Gifts for Hospital staff and patients, Christmas, 1947, $48.20; expenses re dance (Dec. 26, 1947), $86.59; sewing committee supplies, .80; adver- tising re Musicale, $4.78; adver-' tising, orchestra and sundry ex- penses re Games Night, $48.88; Clinton Hospital Association, equipment for labor room, $618.75; expenses re Tag Day, $12.24; flowers and sundry expenses re Nurses' Graduation, $16.44; Clin- ton Hospital Association, drapes and furnishings for new wing, $723.73; advance expense money, Christmas Dance committee, $20; orchestra,advertising and sundry expenses re Christmas Dance, $106.84; postage end excise, .26; Total expenses —$1,687.51; Bal- ance on hand, $1,153.73; Total— $2,841.24. Treats from Our Ovens for the WEEK END! Chocolate Pineapple Cake Sugared Do -Nuts Cream Puffs Eclaires Corn Flake Macaroons Tea Biscuits BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLINTON Your Children Photographed. In The Rome .... YES, we will come to your home and take photographs of your children in beauti- fur formal or natural can- did peens. Thele is no extra charge for this service: Phone to- day for full particulars. ;/owitei I iotIIe'i PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford JANUARY SALE CONTINUES D EssE. A IaTge variety ofto stylesclear, at colors and One -Third the Original Price Including Women's, Misses, Children's, all reduced in price, some as low as half COATS SNOW SUITS and Three -Piece Outfits fhere is lots of winter to come yet. Now is the time to select that suit or coat your child requires. SKIRTS -- SLACKS -- BLOUSES A fine selection — Reduced 25% PULLOVER SWEATERS We are offering all our pullover sweaters at 25% off PLAIN STRIPED -- FANCY Don't miss this chance of a real good buy! Special We have a rack of garments we are of- fering at HALF PRICE. Included are COATS. DRESSES, JACKETS, SKIRTS and BLOUSES. Don't fail to browse through these bargains. 1 WIN'S_