HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-01-06, Page 5DE' $,1 CYTON•BMWS>RYCORD Adiets Bring Quick Result •' xuri$DAY, JANUARY 6, 1,949 News -Record- Classified -' BIRTHS CLINTON'S MAYOR- ALDWINCKLE—In Royal Alex- ELECT COMES andra Hospital, Edmonton, Alta., FROM MANITOBA on Thursday, December 30, 19:46, to SIL and Mrs. Robert M. Aldwinokle, formerly of Stanley and Goderich Town- ships respectively, a son (Ro- bert Henry). • YEO—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, January 2, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yeo, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son. • MARRIAGES M cq,''ASE RATE—(If paid by Wed :heyday following date of loser - ,)—One cent a word first in- taertion (minimum 35 cents) ; sub- ;aequent insertions one cent a word ,(minis um'25 cents); 15 cents ex, - iris for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. :DEADLINE --6 p.m. Wednesday LOST AND FOUND LOST—WALLET CONTAINING SII large sum of money, pictures boy which cannot be replaced, sometime Tuesday evening. Re- ward. Capt. Green, Clinton Grill. 1-p LOST—MAN'S BROWN Wallet, with zipper, containing sum o AGENTS WANTED'money and small medallion bear- ing number "13" and photograph. 'BE YOUR OWN BOSS? Distribute, Reward. Phone Clinton 1588. ..on Part Time or Full Time basis, .our 250 products: Toiletries, Vita- anis*, ;anis*, Extracts, . Spices, Baking Powder, Cakes, .Doughnuts, Glass_ SAW FILING, ALL KINDS sones :,Silver, Furniture and Shoe Po at H�K.a Orchard, one mile north fishes, etc. Each individual a of town; also ladders for' sale. var- •customer. Excellent opportunity lou* lengths. Enquire. 53-9-p to test your .business abilities. - — Write for 'FREE details end cat -NEW SINGER Sewing Machines— alogue—FAMILEX, 1600 Del"- cabinet and portable electric, also rr „. oai_ 1-8-b treadle machines; repairs to all makes. Singer Sewing Centre, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. ltfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If' not, will pay prices. If dead phone' at once. Phone collect, or 936 32. Coder-. ich. 11-bttb. ich. TEXTILE WATERPROOFING — Let it rain! Let it pour! "Rain- proof' all your clothes, topcoats, overcoats, snow sults, overalls, work jackets, mattresses, sports jackets, etc., etc., at home.s 89cA bottle will do three topcoats. t Bali and Mutch Hardware this week. 47-3-b PIANO TUNING ,ATTENTION MEN! WATKII' S Dealers wanted for Established Rural Routes. We have en open- ing in, your locality or nearby locality for an aggressivee man, 25 to 55 years of age. Must sup- ply own travel outfit. PorticU- lars without 'obligation. Write 'The J..R. Watkins CCompany, 350 Dept. 0-C-16, Company, 350 St. Roch St,, Mont- real, Quebec. Don'•t delay 53 b ARTICLES FOR SALE (Continued from Page One) Road, Clinton. He became re- united with his family here, and joined the civilian 'pump house staff at RCAF Station, Clinton, where he is now a stationary engineer. A newcomer to town, Mr. Hat - tin first ran for Council three years ago when he failed of elec- tionx re- ceived acclamations for ROXY THEATRE C L 1' N T 0 N is ow Playing: (Jan. 6-8) Red Skelton as "A SOUTHERN YANKEE" Mon., Tues., Wed. (Jan. 10-12) Dick Powell, Signe Haaso and Ludwig Donath — An action - packed documentary approach to the expose of an international opium ring provides thrilling entertainment, "To the ENDS of the EARTH" • Thur., Fri., Sat. (Jan. 13-15) manseof FirstLLE — At the by only vos t Re1re- "SO WELL REMEMBERED" manse of Presbyterian . Church, Seaforth, Beulah Est- and 1948 Councils, and has serv- James 'Hilton's novel, broughtto the screen by a. top-notch cast, alas Glanville, deughter of ed as chairman of the Bylaws tells all the intimate secrets of �48 Arthur Glanville, to John Colin l aid SpecialCommittees of an amazing love aftsec lets all MacKay, Tuckersmlth, son of Council in its human joy and despair. You'll lair. and Mrs, Charles MacKay, The Mayor -elect is a member it its magnificent—John de John Mills, R. R. 2, Kippen.lof Clinton Branch, No. 140, Can- Murtha Scott, Patricia Roe and SCHULHA-McC.?,RTNEX — In adian Legion, and a charter mein- Trevor Howard. McDougall United Church, Ed- ber °of Branch No. 8 for Mani- (Jan. 17-19) In Teehni- Corning monton, 'Alta., on Saturday, ( toba at Virden; Chamber of color `A DATE 'WITH • JUDY" Villett, Aileen Rosalie, elder December 25, 1948, by Dr. Commerce; Horticultural Society. A member of the United Church, starring Jane Powell' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- I Virden, Man., he is an adherent I ' vey McCartney, Clinton, to of Wesley -Willis United Church, Peter Henry, youngest son of Clinton. Wliile in the West, he Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Schulha, also hod considerable municipal Bellis, Alta.. ,experience. He considers him- WILSON-GALLMAN •— At the self procedure -conscious in the manse of Trinity Lutheran conduct of public business white Church, London, on Thursday, favours thehite i ght of p December 30, 1948, by Rev. C. lieity on such matters. J. Killinger, Pearl L. C. Gell- I Mr. Hattie was married, in 1920 man, Bayfield, youngest Baugh- to Miss Edna Tapp, Virden, Man., ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. I and they have three daughters: Jacob Gellman, Zurich, to ,Jean, Mrs. Clarence Cooper, George Wilson, son of Mrs. ,Clinton; Shirley Joyce and Bar - Amy Wilson, Hamilton, and the bars Joan, at home, the latter 'CHILD'S PLAY PEN in excellent' condition. Phone 284J,,_ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE ' 1935 DE SOTO SEDAN, in good for quickrder,sale. pr Joe13. R reasonable athwell, ".Bayfield, phone Clinton 624r11. '1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN with built-in radio and under -seat 'heater, low mileage, in good con- dition. Sold cheap for and see nek it -sale. Drop around :Roy Mann, King St„ Clinton,i 'phone 689J. -p • CARROTS FOR SALE CHOICE WASHED CARROTS •for sale, $1.50 per bushel. Robert W. Cole, phone Clinton 906r24. 1-8-p CAPITAL THEATRE I REGENT F THEATRE GODERICH TH Now Playing (Jan. 6-8) Groucho Marx, Carmen Miranda in "COPACABANA" Now Playing',(Jan. 6-8) Red Skelton and Arlene Dahl in "A SOUTHERN YANKEB Mon., Tues., Wed. (Jai. 10-12) Dan Dailey, Nancy Guild and Charles Winninger—plus Charles Ruggles and a supreme comedy cast in a rollicking story of the theatre -In Technicolor • "GIVE MY 'REGARDS TO BROADWAY" . Mon., Tues., Wed, (Jan. 10-12) Ronald Colman, Signe Hasse & Edmond O'Brien — Based on Shakespeare's "Othello" and fea- ituring superb performances in an unusual .drama. "A DOUBLE LIFE" Thur., Fri., Sat. (Jan. 13-15) Ann Sheridan, Errol Flynn and Bruce Bennett—Tell the tale of a man who gambled his life for o city of silver and the love of its golden queen, "SILVER RIVER" Coining (Jan. 17-1.9) "MY HEART GOES CRAZY" Matinees: Wed. Sat. holid'ys, 2.30 Matinees: Sat., holidays, 2.30 p.m. Thur., Fri„ Sat. (Jan. 13-15) Judy Garland, Gene Kelly and Walter Slezak—A lively, dancing romance set amidst the edvent- urous ports of the East. wITIE PIRATE" In Technicolor Coming—In Technicolor "A DATE WITH JUDE" PIANO allk CleaniNING ng, REPAIRS toam, de -moth - Ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Taplets for double results; new healthY flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60 cents. All druggists. 1-b POULTRY FOR SALE CLOTHING FOR SALE DARK RED COAT, SIZE 16, in good condition. Suitable for tall girl. Mrs. Hefner, % John Rath, Ontario St. 1 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ONE -AND -A -HALF WAGNER :Electric motor, both 110 and 220 current, for sale cheap. Groves Electric, Clinton, 53-1-b FARM EQUIPMENT FOR late . George Wilson, Werds- ville. DEATHS BOWEY—in Exeter, en• Wednes- day, December 29, 1948, Cath- erine Thompson, beloved wife of James P. Bovey, Exeter, formerly of Brucefield. Fun- eral from Hopper -Hockey Fun- eral Home, Exeter, to Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Township. HOTZHAUER—At his late resi- dence, Blyth, on Tuesday, Dec - 28, 1948, Eli Holtzhauer, be- loved husband of Mary Plaet- zer, in his 87th year. Funeral from the family residence to Blyth Union. Cemetery Thurs- day afternoon, December 30. — HURON COUNTY HOME INMATES WELL TREATED (Continued from Page One) acted as pianist. A very inter- esting film was shown, which was a real treat for some of the IN MEMORIAM old folk, Gifts of tobacco, pipes, JERVIS—In loving memory of ties and handkerchiefs were left Oliver J. Jervis, a dear hus- as well as treats of candy and band and father, who passed oranges. This gesture by the air- away a year ago, January 9, men was greatly appreciated by SALE 1948: the Home management and com- "Olr, could we clasp his hand lug so close to Christmas Day SET OF SLEIGHS, LIKE NEW again, brought e real spirit of Christmas ,Wilbur Nott, phone Clinton His smiling face to see, to an institution where with all �1i19r31. 1-p To hear his voice and see his the rush and bustle it might he smile a bit forgotten. GUNS FOR BALE As in the days that used to be." Theatre Party —Ever lovingly remembered by Manager Jacob was able to HAMMERLESS DOUBLE BAR -his wife and family. 1-p arrange'"a theatre party at the :rel Shotgun. Apply Mervyny Roxy Theatre, Clisiton, on Box- Batkin, phone 359J. 1-li .r s is ;;e eetet T ,0,es ;.d i + es nig Day, when all the ladies who .: e. were able were taken to see the HELP WANTED—FEMALE 3 FOR SALE 3 eicture "Fun and Fancy Free" This was made Possible through WOMAN TO DO IRONING one .: day a week. Mrs. A. M. Jackson i New four -room cpttage, the kind co-operation of Mr. end 1-b covered with instil brick, = Mrs.J, D. Thorndike and the fe at jewellery store. three-piece bath, built-in ,!staff of the theatre and also Jim s kitchen cupboards, hot and s Snell. cold running water, situat- Clinton Lions Club s ed on three lots on Main L I The final good will touch of St., Bayfield, on Highway t I the Christmas season was brought g' No. 21. 4 by Clinton Lions Club on Thurs- se, December 30. FLt. Lt. Ray Included with sale are ten ' t Agof ee -moew a isthe efficient Songs and caster r •e new cabins, built according y Lwcre played and sung, the artists s• pr government - fatted eedit regulations,eeeresses. being Gordon Ross, A. "Red" ' flush p�toilets, hot and cold 4 Garon, Sgts. LeBlanc .and 'Mason. 't' running water; new garage. „ Sgt. A. R. Persan delighted the 3 Home that would soon pay : poople with his violin selections, I' for itself. +t as did Joseph Reid and Orville Stanley with their harmonica APPLY: +, numbers. Dudley Pegg ached as 3 �g pianist throughout the . evening. A very hilarious note, one which Lloyd Batkin also was a bit awesome, was the s magician's tricks performed by Clinton .: Jerry Fulton. Before leaving LARGE STEAMER or Wardrobe I 1 3. treats of candy, grapes and or - et n c . good 22dition, wanted' , �w, , , , w"; «"« Wit. anges were given to the Old Folk. at once. Phone 227. 1-p ih o FIRST AT SEAFORTH SEAFORTH—The first New Year's. baby in S'eaforth was the son of 'Mr, and Mrs. Vern Hoff. He was born on New Year's Day at Scott Memorial Hospital, PUREBRED ROUYN DUCKS, heavy breed. C. Sturdy, phonee Clinton 901r13. WANTED TO BUY WILL PAY 2c FOR HORSES for mink feed and call and piok up same. Phone Goderich Coll- ect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 938r32, 45btft attending public school. They own their own home on Fulton St., in St. John's Ward. e FIRST AT GODERICH GODERICH-Sharilyn Currey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Currey has the distinction of being the first New Year baby born in Goderich. She arrived at 2,40 a.m•, New Year's Day, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. She wins a special award. DR. G. ELLIOTT "HAL" HARTLEY HEAD COUNCIL' (Continued from Page One) Hattin's mother was seriously ill in Clinton Public Hospital end he rushed there just as soon as the results of the Mayoralty race were known, She is now out of danger, Inaugural 'Meeting Monday The final meeting of the 1946 Council takes place to -night, with the inaugural meeting of the 1949 Council at 8 p.m. Monday next, January 10, to which the public is invited. A preliminary meeting will be .held at 11 a.so. Monday. 0 BRODHAGEN — Irwin Leon- hardt, McKillop Township, has purchased the wagon and wood- working shop from August Hille- brecht. I\ HOUSEKEEPER WANTED HOUSEKEEPER S afterEPcompletelly FD TO modern ii'ome for adult and three child- ren. Ellwood Epps, phone 42, .Clinton. 49-btfb• LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN LITTLE PIGS, ready to -wean, choice Yorkshire. Apply 'Theo Dele, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone Clinton 800r25, SERVICEABLE YORKSHIRE Hog for sale. Apply Elgin Dale, phone Clinton 800r15. 1-p WANTED Office Help Wanted MALE or FEMALE — General Office Work, including Billing, Bookkeeping and Typewriting. PERMANENT POSITION TO SUITABLE PERSON CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION A. E. RUMBALL, superintendent 53-1-b Annual January �! CLEARANCE SALE • THE AaagaliMMIN NT DI OTE FOR SIN "without tire shedding of blood is no remission ( Hesin)" 9". 22 "The blood of Jesus Christ eleanseth us from la l sin" i "1 :7 Christ has provided the Antidote for our sin "Look unto ME, and be ye saved, all the ends oIfthe45earth"2" "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the LLOBO som, 10 hall be SAVED." 3 CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los -'Angeles 53, Calif. (((((( :I: 444. :i',vB.+:»»'+;.s;«0,,,.'p,«;«•,«w«,W;rfi .M 4 ;«iH `R ;«»; :«A See the Beautiful, New• CLARE JEWEL 114. Cabinet Electric Range An Inspection Will Convince! F =V Priced at $285 X -2-b teleteeeleteeseresLaos BEATTY CARD OF THANKS The relatives of the. late Robert Campbell, Verna, wish to thank the friends and neighbours for their expressions of sympethy and kindnesses, also for flowers sent during their bereavement, 1-b BEAUTY Ski OPPE Shampoo Manicure .-Finger Waves Permanents • ETHEL Ti TOM 1".°;ON Princess St, East Phone 585 E LECTRIC WASHERS ;_ ✓ ACUUM CLEANERS IRONERS RENT A VAC .... $1. PER DAY 3 Special Prices on \ CLARE JEWEL Coal and Wood Ranges • IIUGH R; IIAWKINS. 1.. Plumbing and Heating t Business 244--PHONES—Residence 470 '_' ..` 3.«X0«; «g ;«t.•t»',«w«;«,«{,1-0 ` r. s+Pet:':a. CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C y. V .0 OO K E FLORIST Planless: 66w and 633 35 Men's Suits SIZES 35 to 44 20 to 25% off Stock -taking has been completed and space is required for the "Spring lines of merchandise. The items which we now offer to our customers, are not a lot of undesirables brought in for this sale, but are lines of first-class merchandise from leading Canadian manufacturers, at a real saving to you at a time when they are really needed. BOYS' PARKAS 'DRESS GLOVES. � Complete Stock 15 to 25% off JACKETS Complete stock, Men's & Boys' sizes, reduced to clear 20% off 15 Boys' Suits Assorted Tweeds, 6 to 16 years 20. to 25% off MEN'S SOCKS 200 Pair, Assorted Size and Colors up to 30% off Ladies' Arch -Support OXFORDS Reg. $7.50 Value To Clear at --- 5.53 pr. PICKETT ARROW, TOOKE, BVD and McGREGOR SHIRTS Men's and Boys' Brown or Black 10 to 20% off SWEATERS Men's and Boys' ALL SIZES 20% off DRESSING GOWNS All -Wool and Eiderdown One -Third Off is se see ky[.,gr s - 25 .Men's Coats GIRLS' LOAFERS • Black, Brown or Wine ALL SIZES Reg. $4.95 Value To Clear , at - and 3.50 pr. SIZES 33 to 44 20 to 25% off 8 Boys' MP Coats Ages 8 to 18 years 20 to 25% off ELL PHONE 25_