HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-01-06, Page 4LITTON le15111115-11USCOMD'
VVomeint s and Church Affairs in Clinton 13islrict
Mrs. Venner Heads MR. AND MRS. F.
I'George B. Beattie -is 'attending Mr. and Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, OntarlO St. WA met on TueGOLDEN WEDDING-
the furniture show in Toronto ' Toronto, spent the holiday week- de;y. January 4, at 3 p.m. with ----
this week.
lend with the latter's mother, Mrs, the president, Mrs. Venner, in I Mr, aud Mrs, Fred Taylor,
Frank A. Freeman, Kingston, W. T. Hawkins. , choir. The meeting opened by Auburn, were at home to their
was renewing acquaintances in Mies Helen Shaddock and LAC singing hymn 43, after which friends on•
town last week. Stuart Macaulay left Monday for Psalm 724 was lead alternately, 50th wedding anniversary. At
the oecaslaq of their psc.meneeonf Daeeeeurniebte7e2crult vri2a0
Mise Alice Holmes, London, Winnipeg, Men., where they will followed by the Lord's Prayer in talete.wheorkeertonin,thlimbladree'ts
Rosalie McCartney, elder
Arnold,PntsADirieeVnillett united in marriage
spent the New Year's weekend visit the latter's parents for some 'unison.,
with Miss Kathleen McGill. weeks. Mrs. D. M. Maltby then took daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Carl White, De- Mr. and Mrs, James A. McGill vey 1VIcCartney, Clinton, and
troit, Mich., are visiting this week spent the New 'Year's weekend Peter Henry Schulhe, youngest
with 1V1r. end Mrs. Lloydon Walper. with their son-in-law and dau- son of Mr. and Mrs.. Phillip
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Atkey spent ghter, MA'. and Mrs. A. C. Kelly,
the New Year's holiday with Mr. London.
end Mr's. 0. L. G. Atkey, Petrolia. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roberton
Mr. and Mrs. Norman 1VIiller and family, Aylmer, spent the
and fernily,, Goderich, spent New New Year's weekend with the
Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas former's parents,Mr. and Mrs.
SCHULPIA—McCARTNEY Hale church organist. Rev. J.
1VIcDougall -United Church, A. Davies officiated.
Edmonton, Alberta, was the After the ceremony an infor-
mal reception was held at Alta-
dore, members of the Canadian
Legion Auxiliary, serving the
wedding dinner. The bride's
Mother received in a navy blue
crepe dress with dubonnet acces-
sories end a corsage of yellow
and white chrysanthemums. Mrs.
Schulha, Bell's, Alta. Arthur, mother of the bride -
The bride wore a royal blue groom, wore a wine dress with
street length dress adorned by black accessories and her corsage
an heirloom brooch which once was of white carnations.
graced the neck of hes' great
The couple left by motor on a
great grandmother. Her flowers trip to Montreal, the bride travel -
were a corsage of white carna-
tions and pink roses.
Attending the bride was Mrs.
George Schulha, Sedgewick,
who wore a rose street length
the devotional period taking as
her topic, "Standards and Meas-
ures," reading a very suitable
poem, closing with prayer and
bymn 571. The president then
wished all a Happy New Year,
reading a New year's creed, about 11 years ago. They live on
Minutes of previous meeting were the Colborne - West Wawanosh
read and adopted by Mrs. Charles boundary on the former DO -da
Churchill. George Roberton. Elliott, also report of executive farm.
To this union were born nine
is for 1949:
Mrs. E. E. Brown, Petrolia,
visiting her father, Alex Neilans, Past president, Mrs. Townsend; sons and three daughters. Three
who celebrated his 87th birthday President, Mrs. Venner; lst vice- sons have passed away. The re-
, New Year's DaY, and her sister, President, Mrs. Maltby; 2nd vice- maming members of the family
George Arnold, was united in
marriage to Fred Taylor, son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor,-
on December 31, 1898. After their
=Triage they farmed near Wier -
ton. until coming to this district
New Cold Wave.
Beauty Shoppe
Mrs. VVilliam Shaddock. president, Mrs. Townsend; 3rd ore; Fred, Eric, Mich.; StanleY,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steep, the vice-presideht, Mrs, Ernie Brown; Hamilton; Stewart, Nile; 'Ray,
former a Member of the Post recording secretary, Mrs. Charles Welland; George, RCAF, Aylmer;
Office Department, London, spent Elliott; assistant secretary, Mrs. Bernard, London; Mre, A. J. Clap -
the holiday- weekend with the Holmes; treasurer, Mrs. leelVlur- worthy (Wilda), (lrantor.; Mrs.
former's mother, Mrs. David ray; Flower conveners. Mrs. Ben Park (Hazel), Dungannon;
Steep. BroWn and Mrs. Jamieson; press Mrs. B. Wright (Irene), Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter sceretary, Mrs, M Tyndall; They have 18 grandchildren,
and Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter pianist, Miss L. Grant; assistant also one great grandchild.
spent New Year's with the for- pianist, Mrs. Fear. A family dinner was served
tires son-in-law end daughter, Miss Wiltse favoured the aud- Friday evening. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Robbins, ience -with a piano solo which
was much enjoyed, Then busi-
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson
ness concerning Blue Cross hos-
end son, Frank, and Mrs. John pitalization was discussed. Re -
Huller, wete guests at the Durst- Ports of the different branches
Hughes wedding in First Meth- were given which showed very
odist Church, Royal Oak, Mich., satisfactory reports for the past
on New Year's Eve. Year, Mac. Nay taking corres-
o pondence in absence of Mrs.
MISSIONARY SOCIETIES Kennedy. Mrs. Glew favoured
The first regular meeting of the audience with a humorous
the amalgamated societies, the reading entitled "Speech Mak-
Woman's Missionary Society and ing," which was much enjoyed.
the Evening Auxiliary, of Wes- The meeting then closed by sing -
ley -Willis United Church, will he ing hymn 'Nb. 6 and Mizpah
held on Thursday evening, Jan- Benediction. Members fees were
paid for coming year, and a pic-
homeuary 13, at eight o'clock, at the
nic lunch was served by ladies
of 1VIrs. George Beattie.
Annual reports of both organiza-
of social committee.
tions will be heaed. A social
get-together will be held at the Mrs. Noble Holland
close of the business period.
Clinton Presbyterian Girls'
Club will hold 'its monthly meet-
ing at the home of Mrs. David
Wilson, Rattenbury St. 'W.. on
Tuesday, January 11, at 8 p.m.
hall and Aiutch gunetal Jiome
• The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home
are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the
Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Nat
the Least. . .... .. .
' There is No Extra Charge for Services Held
Here Under Such Ideal Conditions,
Funeral Directors
F110310 361-W Phone 361-3
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Portraits of
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Air Studios in Mitchell and Stratford
After Skating....
Drop in for . . .
A Hot Chocolate
A Hot Fudge Sundae,
A Tasty Sandwich
"It's the Popular Place in Town!"
ling in a wine dress with gray
coat, wine accessories and a cor-
sage of two white gardenias.
Guests were present from Au -
dress with black accessoriesburn, Elmira, Galt, • Brantford,
. Mrs. Zorra and Amherstburg. Mr.
Schulhe's corsage was of pink
and white carnations. and Mrs. Arthur will reside in
The groom -was attended by Auburn.
his brother John Schulha, Blair -
Foilowing e short trip, the
A pretty wedding was solem-
young couple have taken up resi-
niz'ed in St Peter's Roman
dence in Edmonton, Alta.
Catholic Church, Goderich, on
Prior to her marriage the December 27, when Rev, J. P.
bride was the guest of honour at
Gleeson officiated at the mar-
riage of Arthemise Lassaline,
daughter of Dennis J. Lassaline,
and the late Mrs. Lassaline, God -
Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Taylor and e kitchen shower held at thd
family; Mr. end Mrs. Bon Park home of Mrs. H. M. Ford, Gode-
and family; Mrs. 'Irene Wright rich, on Thursday, December 16.
and family, Mr. and Mrs. par,- Relatives from Clinton and Code -
worthy. Owing to weather and rich were present to extend to
erich Township, to William
road conditions the other inem-' her best wishes for future hap-
Lalonde, son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Lelonde, Virginiatown,
hers of the family were unable piness. On Friday of the same
Ont. Miss Mary Joyce Straughan
to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Tay- ,week the community met at the presided at the organ, and the
for were recipients of a purse ,home of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. soloist, NlisRose Marie sof money from the family, also Hebden when the bride-to-be
Hart -
telegrams of congratulations from !was honoured with the presen_an, sang `Ave Maria" and "0
- '"
the ones unable'. to be presentetation of a toaster and a beauti- Holy Night." The alter was
Rev.decorated, With Rev. C. B. Wooley, Lucknow, ful lace tablecloth. She also poin-
a poem which Mrs. Wooley ceived a lovely quilt from the
had composed in honor of the Ebenezer Young People's Union. The bride, given in marriage
I by her father wore a becoming
The neighbors gathered to hon- COOK—HILDEBRAND dressmaker suit of Burgundy
or Mr. end Mrs. Taylor end pre- At the United Church parson- wool, white blouse, and matching
sented Mr. Taylor with a smok- age, Hensel', Rev, R. A. Brook accessories, She carried a cos-
er, and Mrs. Taylor with a com- united in marriage Anita Hilde- carie bouquet of white chrysan-
bination end table. The address brand, Hensel', daughter of IVIr, themums. Her sister, Miss Paul -
was read by Thomas McPhee and and Mrs. R. Hildebrand, Leam- line Lassaline, as bridesmaid,
ington, and Robert Henry Cook, wore a dressmaker suit of beige
Heads Happy Workers the presentation made by Harry
Watson and George Million.
The Happy Weekers' Club held- '
its December meeting at the GALLANT WIFE
home of Mrs. William Glazier
"Silent Night," followed by the
repeating of the Lord's Prayer. FROM HOLD-UP
The treasurer's and secretary's
reports were given end the roll Elmer Ellacott, con. 9, Grey
called. It was planned to have township was awakened at about
1.45 2.M. Thursday morning last
the next meeting at the home
of Mrs. Hugh Bali. by the, sound of knocking on an
Officers for the coming year inner door downateirs.
He called out "who's there?"
and was answered, "We want
some gas". Believing a neighbor
had run out of gasoline he and
his wife dressed and went down-
stairs. The kitchen door was
standing open and inside in the
middle of the kitchen floor stood
vener, Mrs, William Hollaed; e pair of masked fellows, one
pianist, Mrs. Albert Glazier: as- brandishing a small revolver. Mr.
sistant, Mrs, Arnold Jamieson. Ellacott leaped at the pair, push-
burMg the afternoon Christ- ing the gun aside and knocking
Inas presents were distributed by the. two 0' the floor.
Mrs. Bert Irwin. A delicious Scrambling lo their feet again
lunch was served by group 4, Mrs. Ellecott stood between her
which consists of Mrs. Andrew husband and the gun and remark -
Dose's. Mrs, Raymond Jamieson, ed if any shooting was to be done
Mrs. Arnold Jamieson and Mrs', it would have to be her,
William Glazier. Complying with a demand for
The proceeds for the afternoon money, Mrs. Ellacott handed them
were $2.71. The meeting dos- la purse containing $1.60 but they
ed with the National Anthem. (refused and asked for a' larger
o_—_____. Isum.
ONTARIO SI. WMS I Noticing a Bible which they
Ontario St. United Church WMS had been reading the night before
will hold its first meeting of the on a table Mrs. Ellacott remark -
New Year in the Church Hall on ed "the Lord is watching over
Tuesday afternoon, January 11 , us." This apparently made the
The installation of officers will pair more nervous and they de -
take place and the chepter from psrted quickly leaving the purse
the study book given. 1 and money behind.
o_ Immediately, Mrs. Ellacott us -
TWINS CELEBRATE ed the phone and failing to get
ZURICH—At the home of Mr. "central" realized the wires were
and Mrs. Ervin Gingerich, Bran- cut. Going to the car they also
son Line, the family of Mr. and found it had been tampered with
Mrs, Chris Erb, Zurich, were me- and would not run.
sent to celebrate the 60th .birth -1 Taking their nine-year-old dau-
day of the twin sisters, Mrs. Erb ghter, Uelen" with them, they
and Mrs. Simon i,itwiller, of ren through a snowstorm to a
IVIenson, Iowa Mr and Mrs, Beck- neighboris home and called police
ler, Exeter, Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Provinciar,l_ Constabler,_.Salter, BlY-
Gerber. of Adamsvilie, Pa were "' m''`nive'ama•
present. .,
--0 —
were electegl as follows: presi-
dent, Mrs. Noble Holland; vice-
president, Mrs. Fred Pepper;
secretary, 1VIrs. Cliff Glazier;
treasurer and buyer, Mrs. And-
rew Desek; putting quilts togeth-
er, Mrs. George Glazier, Mrs.
Raymond Jamieson; flower con-
USBORNE — TGirls! Club will hold its regular
ax cbliector Wesley -Willis United Church
William Johns reports $76,000 or meeting on Tuesday, January 11,
96 per cent of the total Usborne at 8 p.m. in the Church Parlour.
Township levy received, The tete'
tax for the year is $79,081 end Mrs. Shearing's group will be in
outstanding December 15, .1 + charge and Mrs. May Rance Me-
dley for payment before a
Kinnon will lzre the guest speaker,
showing is equal to, if not better o--
ally is added, was $3,100. This
than that of any previous year.
Canada has eleven lakes ex-
ceeding 1,000 square miles in area
Cold ands?
4 .
.411R04.1.«.14440+44.144 -0-1,44•4444-004140441.44:»t44.4-044.4441.44,44444.4-04
See our large stock of,:
Lined Mitts
Short Gloves One -Finger Gloves Gauntlet Gloves
Wet Feet?
We have more styles of warm and dry Rubber
Footwear than ever. before:
eldest son or Mr. and Mrs. N. E.
Cools, Hensall.
The bride wore a wine suit 'with
black accessories, end wore a
corsage of white and yellow chry-
santhemums. She wore a three -
strand necklace of pearls, gift
of the bridegroom.
Following the ceremony a wed-
ding dinner was served at the
home of the bridegroom's parents
in Hensall. For their wedding
trip the couple motored to New
York. Upon their return they
will reside in Hensall, where the
bride is on the staff of the Public
Old St. Paul's Church, Wood-
stock, was prettily decorated with
pelms, ferns and white chrysan-
themums, when Mary Lucille,
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Keller, Woodstock, was
united in marriage to William
Henry, second son of Mrs, John
Arthur,Auburn, end the late Church
Mr. Arthur.
Given in marriage by her Mac, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
father, the bride wore a floor,
length gown of ivory nylon, fash-
and Choir Leader
ioned with fitted bodice, sheer
yoke with rose point col -lee and
pearl clips. The hoop skirt was
bows showing a frilly lace petti-
caught up in front with satin I
11.00 a.m.-INforning Worship
Sacrsunent of the Lord's
finger-tip bridal veil was held in '
Her 172..0105S—Supl:npuenlayniSenchoEovIening
coat. Her bouquet was a cascade
of red and white carnations. Wor-
a tiara of...seed pearls and bril-. ship in St. Paul's Anglican
Mrs, Ken Masters was matron Church.
of -honor, wearing a gown of pink
net end satin with sweetheart
hat of pink net. She carried a
bouquet of pink and white
chrysanthemums. Mrs. John
Gemmell, cousin of the bride,
was bridesmaid in an apple- REV. R. M. P. BLTLTEEL, Rector
green moire taffeta gown with Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
greet net sweetheart hat. She Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir
wool with brown accessories, and
carried a cascade of Golden Glow
chrysanthemums. Harvey Las -
saline, brother of the bride, was
best man.
A wedding breakfast was
served to the immediate families
at the tbride's home. Mrs. Lalonde,
the bridegroom's mother, was
gowned in peerI grey crepe with
corsage of red roses, and black
accessories. Later, the couple
left for a trip east, the bride
donning for travelling a black
topcoat with orchid corsage. They
will reside in Virginiatown.
Presbyterian WMS
Holds Xmas .Meeting
The Christmas -meeting of the
WMS of Clinton Presbyterian ,
Church was held et the home of
Mrs, G. W. Nott. Mrs. Roberton,
the president, read the account
of the birth of Christ from the
book of Luke. 'Ws. Robert Mc-
Kenzie followed with prayer.
Mrs. Clifton told the story of the
piano.hymn"0 Little Town of Beth-
lehem," after which ell sang
earols with Mrs. Nott et the
Readings were given by Mrs.
Snider, Mrs. McTaggart and Mrs.
Roberton, all bearing on the
birth of Christ.
It was the wish of all present,
that the officers for 1948 would
continue their good work for
Mrs. Roberton expressed the
ap_per;eciiratilionnn ofgiven n
the hearrmdonniroinuga
her term of office as president.
Special prayer for sick mem-
bers was offered by Mrs. Lane
and an enjoyable and profitable
meeting was brought to a close.
Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Me -
Taggart assisted the hostess in
serving refreshments.
Rev. C. J. Killinger, pastor of
Trinity Lutheran Church, Lon-
don, performed the ceremony
uniting in marriage Pearl L. C.
Gellman, Bayfield, youngest
daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Gellman, Zurich, and
George Wilson, son of Mrs. Amy
Wilson, Hamilton, and the late
George Wilson, Wardsville. The
ceremony was performed at the
church manse on Thursday, De-
cember 30.
For her wedding the bride
chose a floor -length gown of
!white lace over satin with form-
fitting bodice featuring a sweet-
heart neckline and lily -pointed
sleeves, the bouffant skirt ex-
tending into a short train. Her
finger-tip veil was held in place
by a white velvet floral crown.
• She carried a white Bible topped
1with pink end blue flowers from
which fell satin streamers.
Mrs .Walter Johnston, Hayfield,
niece of the bride, was the only
'attendant and wore a floor -length
gown of blush satin and lace,
with matching sweetheart bonnet
and elbow mittens. She carried a
cascade of white and pink baby
Walter Johnston, Bayfield, was
best man.
For the wedding trip througb.
the States the bride changed to
an Ice Blue dress with lace pep-
lum and brown fur coat with
matching accessories.
Wesley -Willis United
Si. Paul's Anglican
carried bronze and yellow chry-
The bridegroom was attended
by his brother, Keith Arthur,
Auburn, and Kenneth Masters
and Pat Fogarty were ushers.
During the signing of the reg-
ister Miss Vivien Straughan, ship in this church.
London, gowned in yellow net wednesday—Select Vestry Meet -
with green feather het and a ing, 8 p.m.
corsage of pink and white 'mums, Annual Vestry Meeting — Mon -
sang "Because," The wedding day, January 17.
music was played by Mrs. H.
a er
11.00 a.m.—Morning service and
Sunday School
7.00 p,m.—Union Evening Wor-
Presbyterian Church
REV. D, J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
10.00 ALM —Sunday &here
11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship
"IVIan—not dust alone"
2,30 pane—Service at Beyfield,
All Welcome
Ontario St. United
• Church •
REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wended, Organist
'and Choir Leader
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service
12.15 --Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor-
ship in St. Paul's Anglican
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
J. IL Butler, Choir Leader
2,30 pan,—Sunday Scheel
7.00 p.m.—Worship Service.
Our Annual Stock Cleaning Sale •
The Month of January is your grand opportunity to save on
your mid -winter purchases.
This week we will feature
drastic reductions in prices of an
assortment of children's, misses'
and women's Coats, Dresses,
Slacks, Jackets and Skirts, sqrne
of these are marked as low as
Half Price.
1 N S