HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-12-30, Page 3THURSDAY, DECEMBER 80;;194'8 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Al • PMGE'THREE 'Presbyterian; SS. Concert Successful Clinton. Presbyterian Church Christmas. Sunday School enter- tainment last week was attend- ed ° by a large • number of inter- ested parents and friends, as well as, the children of the school.• . Rev D. J.Lane acted as chair- man, and the program was begun with everyone taking part in the singing of carols and Christmas songs. Miss Joanne Castle, in Scottish dress, contributed two well - rendered selections on the ba,g- i es. pp The Primary class, under the dieretion of Miss. Evelyn Mac -1 Donald, Mrs. H. Cowan and Mrs. Elmer Murray, staged a selection in which each child, with a large letter in hand, mounted the ,plat- form, and thus formed the words, "Merry Christmas," each with a little speech about the day. Those taking part were Connie Mac - To The Ratepayers of Clinton: If elected to the Office of MAYOR FOR 1949 1 WILL, as soon as humanly pos- sible, call a special joint meeting of Council and Public Utilities Commission to devise a more 'equitable and just means of col- lecting sewerage rental. I WILL endeavour to see that the Council gives its moral sup- port to any and all organizations that are working on projects for the betterment of our town. I WILL endeavour, with the aid of Council, to set a mill rate (lower, if possible) that will retire our yearly debt and put the town in a better financial position. I WILL, if necessary, appoint the strongest delegation possible from the Clinton Council to interview government officials regarding grants or aid in paving the streets of Clinton. I WILL endeavour, at all times, to give you safe, sane, co-opera- tive, democratic, municipal administration. Having been on active service in both great wars, I feel I have the knowledge and ability to give the returned man the just consideration' he merits. WISHING ALL CLINTONIANS. THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON. Ald. Robert Hattin For Information or Transportation on Election Day, Phone 595-W. 1 d�es'xrt�cr., ihH Donald, Carol, Sim, James France, Bud Boyes, Michael Cowan, Sybil Castle, ' Mary Jean Colquhoun, Gail Murray, Alec and; Ken Mc- Leod, Nyal Hunter, Rose Mary MacDonald, John Jacob, Bobbie McCann, Two clarinet 'numbers played by, Sheila Rogers, were well re- ceived, . and Jack Cowan contri- buted selections on the cornet, to the delight of all present. Mr. EdwardMcLeod, the sup- erintendent of the school, spoke a few words to the parents, ;en- couraging„thein to help the teach- ers by the regular attendance of their boys and girls at the school, and the chairman played a couple of selections on the mouth organ. A lovely and humorous dia- logue "Christmas at Holly Farm,” was presented in two acts, with Ann ` Shaddock, John Cowan, Barbara MacDonald, Joanne Castle Sheila Rogers, John Hun- ter, Frankie MacDonald and 'Gail lllurrey,aetjng the different parts. Mrs. John Leiper directed the play. Beverley Boyes, Gail Murray, Frankie MacDonald and Sheila 'Rogers were chosen as a quar- tette to sing ''Here Comes Santa Claus," and when they had done so, the jingling of bells was heard, and jolly ,old. St. Nicholas arrived ,to distribute the , good things among the boys and girls, much to the great delight of them all. 'A very pleasant evening was brought to a close with the Benediction. St. Paul's Scholars Stage Fine Concert An air of expectancy hung over St. Paul's Sunday School as the scholars and their parents gath- ered to (stage their Christmas concert, and to meet Santa Claus • on Wednesday evening last, The 'school was prettily decorated by the teachers and bore a festive The programme opened with ;the singing of carols. This was 'followed by a varied programme including the following: song by the Primary class; plays by Mrs. Winter's class, Mrs. Refausses' class, and Mr. Andrew's and Mr Kirby's' classes; recitations were given by Catherine McLay, Joan Livermore, Dianne Spicer, Heather Winter, Paul Bateman. Jimmie Sx'nith and Susanne Bartliff. A song was sung by Mary Liver- more accompanied by Dorothy Cartwright, who also sang a duet. While waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus, the story of Rudolph, the red -nosed reindeer, was given by Mrs. George McIpay. Santa then distributed gifts, oranges •and candy to all the children end prizes were given to the best scholar in each class. • foliowted by prayer by the minister. The primary department has, expanded to such an extent that there was not room for them all on the platform et one time so their share of the programme was given in two parts, the first by the junior, members and the sec- end by the senior members. Mrs. W. 'M. Nediger, superintendent of this department, ably assisted by her staff of teachers, led the children through their songs, re- 'citations and short memory verses. l Between the primary section of the programme and the senior , part of the programme, the hymn "0 Little Town of 'Bethlehem" was sung. Ruth Glazier gave a very interesting recitation. Two girls, Agnes Lane and Gwen Griffiths, from Mrs. Griffiths'„ class sang "Silent Night," with, Joyce Andrews accompanying on the piano. Another recitation was given by Marjorie Currie, An interesting skit was given by Mrs. Turnbull's class, follow- ed by a guitar solo by Marilyn Shaddick, Two classes,.those 'taught by Benson Sutter and Wal- ter Little; joined forces and sang a chorus, "Good King Wen- ceslas," with Jean Nediger play- ing the piano accompaniment, The final number of the programme was' a cleverly -arranged pageant of the Nativity whichwas pre- sented by Mrs. Benson Sutter's land Mrs, Charles Nelson's clas- ses. Mrs. M. J. Agnew accomp- anied this number on the organ. Santa Claus, with his usual good humour, arrived before the ga1'7i •tering dispersed and distribut- ed treats and, gifts to the children.. c --- Ontario St. S.S. Wesley -Willis S. S. Holds Entertainment I The annual Christmas Tree entertainment of Wesley -Willis United Church Sunday School was held on Monday evening, December 20, with a gond attend- ance. Rev, Andrew Lane, min- ' ister' of the church, was chair - (man. The hymn, `Joy to the i World" opened the programme t 17= 01===0 =0=0=1 01==0=IOL U 41 I O NOTT ORKS FO A Record of Accomplishment as Clinton's Represelltative in Huron County Council: 11—HEALTH—As chairman of the Health and Hospitals Committee, I was one of the chief instigators and supporters of the new County Health Unit, adopted at the November Session. This Plan should bring great benefits to the people of the County and especially the growing children, our greatest asset. The cost to the Town of Clinton, included in the county levy, will be only slightly greater than the cost of local health services under the present antiquidated system. Y 2—ROADS—Through the co-operation of the County Good Roads Committee, I have been able to secure a fine blacktop pavement on King Street, the county connecting link in Clinton, without any outlay whatever on the part of the Town. The cost will be deducted from future county subsidies / due Clinton.. Wasn't that good business? 3—COUNTY LIBRARY—The County Library Committee, of which I am a member, has provided our people with the very best of books through our "travelling library." It is a service that is greatly appreciated, not only in the town- ships, but also in the town itself. ' THE TOWN HALL NEEDS IMPROVEMENTS! In my opinion, one of the most necessary jobs to be done in the town this coming year, is the improvement of 'the Town Hall. I•f re-elected, that will be one of my first objectives in town affairs. Re-Eleect "'' et"' FENT FOR 49 For Information and Transportation on Election Day, Monday, January 3,, PHONE 33.9, -,mmrl 11 X^rr,.Tµ' E -rT S n h The programme included the Holds• Fine Concert Ontario t. United Church Sunday School's annual Christ- mas concert held in the Sunday School Room of the church last week, proved a very successful The a superintendent, E Charles E. lliott, presided, as- sisted by t e minister, Rev. W. J. Woolfrey,and welcomed the children and their parents. following: "Hark, the herald angels sing," sung by the Sunday school; solos, recitations, and choruses by the. Primary Department, including a welcome by D. MacLean; Christmas exercises by Miss Mildred Wiltse's girls; recitation, Bobby Gibbings; dialogue, "Tak- ing his own medicines'; piano solo, Marlene Jervis;' dialogue, "Why do we keep Christmas?"; recitation, Terry Elliott; drill by little girls, "Alice Blue Gown"; recitation. Gordon Jenkins; dia- logue, "Christmas. Packages"' reading, Miss M. Wiltse; dialogue, Mrs. Woolfrey's class, "Too much borrowing"; skit, "The Naughty Mouse"; chorus, "The Bells ere ringing"; reeding, \Mrs. W. M. Aiken. Santa Claus appeared and distrbiuted a present to every child. Play is Feature Of Baptist Concert Clinton Baptist Sunday School held its annual Christmas concert on Wednesday last with Rev. A. Forsyth in the chair. A goodly number of friends and scholars enjoyed the varied programme. After a season of carol singing, an acrostic exercise was present- ed by the Junior DepFartment under Miss Eileen Pocock and Miss Betty Osbaldestan. Recita- tions also were given by the following from the Primary De- partment: Sherry Cochrane, Mau- reen Anderson, Catherine Black- er, Billy Blacker, R. Cummings, R. Clifford, Allan Cochrane. Jabet Cotton, and Teddy Bezzo. A duet with pantomime was sung by Sherry Cochrane and Cath- erine Blacker, accompanied by Faye Aikenheed. .The Junior and Senior Ife- partments presented a play, un- der the direction of Miss Trixie Forsyth, "A Present for Pru- dence." The cast was: announcer, Bert Clifford; Mr, Hilmer, Carl Murray; Mrs. 'Hilmer, Faye Aikenhead; Aunt Maria, Marie Lee; Mr. Premo, Bev. Aikenheed; Harry Bannon, Gordon Murray; Prudence, Betty Smith; Bert Hilmer, Billy Murray; Clara Hil- mer, Donna Parry. A duet by Faye Aikenhead and Marie Lee, and a solo by Eileen Pocock, were accompanied by I Mrs. W. Aikenheed. • A film depicting scenes from Dickens' "Christmas Carol" was shown, and the highlight of the evening was the arrival of Santa Claus, who expeditiously unload- ed the Christmas tree to the de- light of all the children present. Nowl• Available ab e TONI CREME SHAMPOO 1 oz. -33c, 2 oz. -55c 4oz.—$1.00 TONI HOME PERMANENT $2.50 REFILL - 91.25 t` TONI PLASTIC CURLERS 1. doz.-35c Helene Curtis QUICK DRY CURLERS 10c 15c . - 25c' WAVE CLIPS 15c card CURL CLIPS — 25c card H Q .• Z RINSE 2 5 c JC)CUR WAVE SET 19c and 29c Fitch Wave Set — 19c Wildroot Wave Set — 35c UNIQUE PHOTO' SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER PHONE DRUGGIST ' .14 ELECT N.E. "Hal" Hartley Councillor 1949 If elected I will do my best to help give our town good honest government. Compliments of the Season to all! "HAL" HARTLEY C X62: th C � OF DETROI 4 ac F''.r t a.- '4is1' FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK The Tullcr, a modern hotel for those who want the best) Con• vonient to Offices, Theaters, and Shops. Friendly,courte- ous service and real Hotel Comfort. The Tuller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for your Dining 'Pleasure et modest prices. It pays to stay at Hotel Tullcr. VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE 01,10 Of OETROII'S FINEST 800 ROOMS $175 r;;WITH BATA FROM HOTEL FULLER gICHA;;D C. rti:t..C.CJ, i1,lr. �• .-, .,ogre TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON: Your vote on Monday next for COUNCILLOR for 1949 would be appreciated. Wishing you A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Thomas Deeves TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON: I am again a candidate for the position of Councillor. If elected 1 shall endeavour to carry on in 1949 the same as in previous years when you elected me to your Council Board. Thanking you for past favors, I am, Yours ,truly, N.W. TitNartha TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON: if elected to the post of Colldilhr for 49 shall do the best job I can for ti!Tr' c'tizens. .. l,7, YE.AR!... 0