Clinton News-Record, 1948-12-09, Page 12•
t 47G, >$Et ERIBER. 9i .1948i
women's an
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Plum Pudding
Festive Fruit
Fancy Centre
Give Chocolates This Xmas•
When you give PAGE and SHAW
You give the Finest.
Alice Blue Miniatures
Bond Street
Clayton's lee Cream Bar
Phone 134
Oirs �n C�i�ton District
Stan ley Couple Celebrate
Their Golden Anniversary
Mr, and Mrs, Fenwick Stewart, gift was presented to them.
Stanley Township, were "at The Stanley Conununity Club
home" to their friends on the expressed its good wishes . with
occasion of their 50th wedding a beautiful basket of golden-
anniversary on Tuesday after- 'bronze 'mums and much apprec-
Rev. W. J. Woolfrey officiated
at the funeral held at the Beat-
tie Funeral Home, Rattenbury St.
E., on Monday, December: 8; 1948,
for Miss Margaret Walmsley.
Interment followed in Dungannon
noon, December 7. The' weather- ! rated personal gifts for the bride
Cemetery. Pallbearers were John
man smiled benignly for the oc- and groom of 50 years. The J Zn Frank, Lloyd Bat kin, W. M.
g Y Aiken, Glew, all of Clin-
ton, and Messrs. Thompson,
casion and their hospitable home I grandchildren of the honoured
overflowed with those who came couple also presented them with
to offer their congratulations and 'a basket df yellow 'mums and
good wishes. flowers for the tea table, Miss Walmsley, in her 46th
Guests were served from a I Fenwick Stewart and Alice E. • year, was born near. Donnybrook,
beautifully arranged table with Rathwell were married 50 years ,later living near Dungannon and
Mrs. Adam Stewart and Mrs. � ago on December 7, at the home 'about . 15 ye8is ago moved to
John McFarlane pouring tea of the bride's parents, Mr, and Clinton where she had since re -
while four granddaughter's, Lil- ,Mrs. Samuel Rathwell, Goderich 'sided. She possessed a very
Han, Betty, Nancy and Helen Township.. They were attended
Stewart, served. - I by Addie Rathwell (Mrs. Jack
Rev. Andre Lane on behalf McKay) who is not living, and
l of all present expressed pleasure , Adam Stewart, who was also
d at being with the happy couple present at their golden wedding.
on this memora`iile occasion. Mr. They have one daughter, Mary,
Stewart replied briefly, thanking Mrs. F. G. Smith, Noranda, Que.,
everyone for joining Mrs Stew- and three sons, Harvey, London, t
art and himself on their day of ;and Kenneth and Clifford, Stan -
I•ley Township els() ten grand -
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were children and one great grand -
guests at a family dinner on child. z,
Sunday, December 5, at the home'
The NEWS -RECORD joins with
of Mr: and Mrs. Clifford Stewart the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. :s«
when all their children and most Stewart in offering heartfelt
of their grandchildren were (felicitations on this joyous 'n
present. At this time a family • occasion.
cheerful disposition and ±vas
w g, orker w @rzev r a e wa followed the o¢eupatton• of fame
st. United Church. was iflenttfied with Or}tarlWi ing his entire. lifetime. He was;
``P' Clinton a quiet homg oving masa and
leers death occurred, in, Cllinton
Public Hospital, where she had
been a patient • for a few .weeks
on Saturday, December 4. -
Miss Walinsley, a daughter • of Surviving are his wife, the
Mrs. Hannah, Walmsley and the former Ethel Smith, wheat he
late John Walmsley, is survived married on April 3, 1912, and
by her mother* and twie sisters. one son, Charles, and four grand-.
children, Ruth, Margaret, Sandra
WILLIAM JOHN M'ERRILL and William James Ralph, Also
The death accursed in Clinton surviving is one brother, Ira Mer-
Public Hospital on Wednesday,
rill, Goderich Township.
December 8, of William John Mr. Meiiill • is resting at his
Merrill, following an i'lhress of late residence, Base Line, Hullett
two, days, and the word of his Township, until Friday morning.
passing came as a great shock The funeral will be held at the
to his family and friends. Bali and Mutch Funeral Home,
Mr. Merrill was born in Gode- High St., Clinton, on Friday af-
rich Taownship on December 7, ternoon, December 10, conunenc-
1882, son of the late Samuel Ing at 2 o'clock with interment
Merrill and Mary Jervis. He had following in Clinton Cemetery.
took no active part in public
Me. He was a member of On-
tario St. United Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Middleton
and Dennis, Stratford, spent the Mrs. Spencer Ervine and Mary
weekend with Mri and Mrs. Bob I Elizabeth have been visitir}g rear,
Campbell. 'fives in Southampton;
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew Bayfield Public Sehool Christ
were in Paris on Sunday attend- mas concert will be held in the ._
ing the funeral of 'their cousin,
the late Mrs. Richard Thomson. Town Hall on Friday evening, .s
Mrs. F. G. Smith, Noranda, December 10.
Que., returned to her home to- United Church Women
day after• spending the past week The December meeting of the 3
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iwomen 's organizations of the
Fenwick Stewart, Stanley Town -
United Church was held at home
Rattenbury St. E. ship, coming down to be present
of Mrs, Gladwin Westlake, Blue
alelbedaiektIne3aat the Golden Wedding Celebra- Water Highway on Thursday
)aINWrItZi r cella at3r5r9rai2n/Dat2r�k)2,9rar2iaiat�iria;9791$ tion of her parents on Tuesday. (last. Almost 30 women ;were
r`y"3iaryi3rgagts, Mrs. John A. Sutter and son,
Present and several children: As
.this was the Last meeting of the
Toronto with the former's sister, ,year, the main business was the
Mrs. W. E. Fleody and Mr. and
,election of officers. For the most
Pi Mrs. Martin Crutcher. Ipart, the ladies were re-elected,
Miss Elizabeth Middleton, Ot- with a few exceptions, viz.: Mrs.
tawa, was in London on Saturday C. Campbell as the new WMS
attending the banquet and dance President and Mrs. Gladwin
I" f m arememe'e ' e3r enl ]
en Benson spent the weekend in
Dear Santa
Make Mine A Dress from
The Exclusive Shop
They have a grand selection suitable
for any occasion.
Sizes 12 to 46 $10.95 and up
And for My Stocking
—Some lovely lingerie, or a pretty
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Nylon Hose.
You Won't Need T o Look
Further Than •
71,(ie exclui ive SkopPHONE — 178W
of the Gamma Phi Beta Sorority I Westlake Mrs Rov Scotchmex
where she had the honour of re_ and Mrs. R. Grainger, as 1st,
calving the Zella Fawkes award 2nd and 3rd vice-presidents, also
for Honour standing and extra Mrs. Crewe, as Mission Band
curricular activities during her leader.
,university years. I In the WA all were returned
—o i to office. As to finances, the
! Wrii5 will meet its allocation of
Ontario St. WA Hears $zoo and the WA has a balance
g of some $360, figures very grat-
a Committee Reports ifying to all concerned. At the
close of the WA meeting, a de-
lightful lunch was served by the
committee: Mrs, R. Grainger, Mrs.
T. Snowden, Mrs, Bert Dunn, Jr.,
Mrs. Dewar and Mrs. Sparks.
The December meeting of the
WA of Ontario St. United Church
was held Tuesday afternoon, De-
cember 7, The president, Mrs.
C. Venner, was in the chair, and
the meeting opened with the
singing of a hymn. The scripture
lesson was read and the Lord's
Prayer repeated in unison.
Mrs, Woolfrey, taking the de-
votional period, read and spoke
on the Christmas lesson from St.
Matthew, Chapter 2 Church Direcfior
During the business discussion, y
reports from various committees
were read. Calls on the sick and
shut-ins numbering 60 were re-- Wesley -Willis United
ported. Christmas Sunshine boxes
will be packed on December 17 Church
at the home of Mrs. W. S. R. REV: ANDREW LANE, Minister
Holmes. Lunch for the January Mrs, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
meeting will be served by the and Choir Leader
social committee.
Miss Pond favoured the ladies SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12
11.00 a,m. Morning Service
12.15—Sunday School
7.00 p.m. —`Annual Christmas
Carol and Candle Lighting
Service, auspices YPU.
Mr. and Mrs. John .1. Zapfe
are spending a few clays renew-
ing acquaintances in Owen Sound,
with a piano solo and Miss E.
Wiltse with a solo, "Sleep, Baby,
P.S.—If you'd like to add something very special, A Sleep."
I could do with a new coat, and The EXCLUSIVE SHOP t erThe social half hour itas spent
are offering their's at January Clearance prices now. with the ladies of St, George's
A°i Ward serving ,refreshments..
eelletetelliea3r erle iinereterelliereleieleielniDieteateieMein'teilieenet elereeieteree
Sweet Remembrance
Reflection of your good taste .
our holiday -wrapped candies . .
delicious, rich and wholesome . .
a gift TREAT . for young and old!
'' )J k v ,, ' 4E a OW meeting with prayer.
The highlight of the annual
meeting of the Ladies' Guild of.
St. Paul's Church held in the
Qwen Memorial Hall on Tuesday,
December 7, was the travel talk
given by Mrs. May Rance u Mac-
Kinnon in her own inimitable,
4 humoorus and very interesting
g manner, in which she described
lI her recent trip, principally by
bus, through Western Canada,
el Oregon, California, and on to the
Gulf of Mexico.
Perhaps the most interesting
bits were her description, illust-
rated with pictures, of her trip
through the Rockies, the Red-
woods, Hollywood, and the wond-
erful Forest Lawn, Memorial Park
with its interesting churches —
The Wee Kirk o' the Heather
(replica of Annie Laurie's
church), The Church of the Re-
cessional (replica of Kipling's
I • Churchill), the fames windows of
the Hall of Memory (patterned
on Westminster Abbey), and she
;told the story of the re-creation
irr a huge stained glass window,
Iby a Peruvian retest, of Leonardo
de Vinci's "Last Supper," which
g unfortunately was painted on a
plaster wall in Milan and is fast
flaking from dampness and al-
; most destroyed.
The very Sincere e apps, ci tion
g of the members was expressed
by Mrs. Fred Ford.
The slate of office,•, for 1949
as presented by Mrs, W. H. Rob-
,inson, convener of the striking
committee was adopted as fol-
lows: President, Mrs, C. Sturdy;
'vice-president, Mrs. A Kirby;
is secretary; Mrs. L M. McKinnon;
g treasurer, Mrs. J. M. Elliott; prop-
erty committee Mrs. Zspee, Mrs.
Robinson;, visiting committee,
Miss Hohne•s, Mrs, Herman, Mrs.
Elliott, Mrs. Epps, Mrs, Caryl
Draper; flower mission Mrs. G.
Walker, memorial flowers. M'•s.
C. V. Cooke; quilts, Mrs. Hudie,
Mrs. Walker; representative to
Board of Management, Mrs,
The hostesses for. the day were
the president and vice-president,
Mrs. Sturdy, and Mrs KirbyIt
Was decided, to continue holding
thee' meetings iti'•'the Meitiorial
Hall Mrs. Butted closed the
Ontario St. United
REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
11.00 a.m.—Morning Service
12,15—Stinday Sehool
7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Ser-
vice in Wesley -Willis Unit-
ed Church.
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs, Ernest Adams, Organist
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
11.15 a.m.—Sunday School.
7.00 p.m.—Worship Service.
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. 1. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11,00 a.m.—Divine Worship
Pre -Christmas Thoughts
2.30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield.
All Welcome
St. Paul's: Anglican
REV. 11. NI. P. BULTEEL, Rector
'Mrs. Theodore Frernlin, Organist
Mrs. J, G. MacKinnon, Choir
Leader �«
11,00 a.m.—Morning Service and o".•s«
Sunday' School.
7.00 p.m.—Union Evening Wor-
ship in ,Wesley -Willis Unit-
ed Church.
Wednesdey, Decernhei 15, W.A.
;meet home, of Mrs.
I3arry Bartliff at 2.30 p.m.
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In Beautiful Walnut Finish. Mother or sweetheart or
anyone would be proud to own one.
BALL and T,.
Phone 361-W
Funeral Directors W. J. MUTCII
Phone 361-3
• s•