HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-11-25, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1948 CLINTON NEWSi-RECORD .-r PAGE FIVE • ewsRecord CIaSsifled AdietS BriflgQuick results 'CASH. RATE—(if paid by Wed- mesdayfollowing date of laser rtion)-One Cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday: • ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 'THREE-ROOM HEATED Apart- ment, share . bathroom, in Sea - forth, abstainers. Apply Box "W" NEWS -RECORD. 48-p AGENTS WANTED 'BE - YOUR' OWN BOSS! Distribute our 250 products: Toilet Articles, 'Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecticides, Farm Prod- '•ucts, splendid assortment of gift 'boxes. Our dealers make sub- stantial profits! A customer in -each home! For catalogue and details, write to FAMILEX, 1600 1Jelorimier Street, Montre 4,4 . . ARTICLE'S WANTED `SECOND HAND METRONOME in good condition. Cell H. Coch- rane, phone 153. 48-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1929 CHEVROLET CAR IN A-1 -condition. Phone 906r25. 48-b 1937 FORD TUDOR COACH, Southwind heater, defroster, seal - beam headlights; in good shape. 'Elliott Layton, phone Clinton -829r3. 48-9-p 1953 PONTIAC SEDAN. Must sell •immediately. $175. Owner posted north. Apply LAC Gray, G. .3., Phone Clinton 73. 48-p BUILDING LOT FOR SALE 'TOWN 'OF 'CLINTON, A 'GOOD 'building 'lot, 'frontage 128 feet, depth '78 Teet. Apply H. C. Law - ‘son, -Realtor, Phone 251W, Clin- ton. 48btfb BUILDINGS FOR SALE FRAME BUILDING, ASPHALT shingled, 24 ft. x 16 ft., in A-1 -condition. Suitable for garage, or henhouse, Located on Ontario St., -Clinton. Gordon Horner, 1300 •Cumberland Ave., Hamilton. 47-48-b CHRISTMAS CARDS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIX HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 21 months old; vaccinated; two reg- istered. W. L. Stirling, R. It. 2, Goderich, Bluewater- Highway,. THREE WHITE FACE COWS, due first of February. Set of bench sleighs, flat rack. Will be at home in forenoons. Miller Adams, phone Seaforth 845r4282. ORDER YOUR OWN PERSON - ally -printed Christmas Cards now while there is a wide selection of beautiful samples. Satisfaction -guaranteed. Samples on display .at CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. 41-tfbx CLOTHING FOR SALE LADY'S BLACK WINTER COAT brown fur trimmed, size 38, in good condition, Reasonable. Phone 891W. 48-p DRESSED POULTRY DRESSED TURKEYS and Geese for Christmas. George Colclough, phone Clinton 805r31. 48-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ONE 12 -INCH GRINDER WITH speed jack and belt, G. R. Mc - Kiel, phone 633r14. 4'7-8-p HOUSES FOR SALE FOUR PUREBRED POLLED Hereford cows, six years old; also three Polled Hereford heif- ers. All cattle'T.B. tested under the accredited herd plan, Robert Thompson, phone 904r21, Clin- ton. 48-p MISCELLANEOUS A N Y-0 N E- WISHING AVON Products for Christmas please contact Mrs. Wilfred Freeman, phone 791J. 48-p SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale. var- ious lengths. Enquire. • 46-1-p SEWING MACHINES CLEAN - ed, overhauled and adjusted, $5; guaranteed satisfaction. Just bring in the head. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich. 43-52-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices.. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb. 'TOWN OF CLINTON, FIVE room cottage, instil -brick siding, -full basement, hardwood floors, hydro and water, garage, r/4 acre land with some fruit trees, rasp- berry and strawberry plants. Possession 30 days. H. C. Law- son, Realtor, Phone 251W, Clin- ton. 43btfb 'HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED In Town of Clinton, six -roomed dwelling, all modern conven- iences, corner Albert and Mill Streets, possession December 15. Apply Mrs. David Churchill, 2183 Bloor St. W., Toronto, phone Toronto MU.1524. 48btfb TEXTILE WATERPROOFING — Let it rain! Let it pour! "Rain- proof" all your clothes, topcbats, overcoats, snow suits, overalls, work jackets, mattresses, sports jackets, etc., etc., at home. 89c bottle will do three topcoats. At Ball and Mutch Hardware this week. 97-3-b PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. STOVES FOR SALE HEAVILY - WIRED T H R E E - Plate burner, complete with fuse box. Phone 72. 48-p FIRECO RANGE, FIRST CLASS condition, as good as new. Ap- ply J. E. Howard, Bayfield, phone Clinton 624r31. 48-b TRAILER FOR SALE TWO -WHEEL TRAILER WITH 600 x 16 wheels and tires, steel box. Apply George Little, Hay- field. 48-b WANTED SMALL CATTLE TO FEED BY the month. Bert Garrett, R R. 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton 615r3. 48-b BIRTHS MERNER — In Clinton Public. Hospital, on Wednesday, No- vember 24, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Merton Merrier, Bayfield, a daughter (Janice Marie). PRILL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, November, Secretary -treasurer W. V. Roy, 20, 1948, to Cpl. and Mrs. G. Londesboro, read the minutes of H. frill, Clinton, a daughter the last annual meeting. (Michelle Louise). RATIi on President Speaks W on n Clinton Public R. Lobb, R.R. 2, Clinton, Hospital, Saturday, Nevem- in his presidential address re- ber 20, 1948, to Mr. and MBrus. ce marked that all townships were D'Arey Rothwell, R.R. 1, Bruce- represented at the meeting. He field, a daughter, reported a willing bunch of wok- RATHWELL—In Clinton Public p 1' Hospital, on Sunday November erg in every township. "Huron 21, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs. Thom- County is really on the map," he said. "We're tops down there at as Rothwell, R,R, 3, Clinton, a daughter.headquarters in Toronto. Huron County is strongly organized and RENCOURT—In Clinton Public Hospital," on Friday, November recognized as such in the pro - 19, 1948, to Cpl. and Mrs. J. P. vincial office. Rencourt, Clinton, q son (Paul Mr. Lobb reported good meet - Raymond). ings and good business during the year, and appreciated very MARRIAGES much the cooperation of every- one The farm forums were mak- DOUGALL-FLETT—At the home ing excellent progress, showed of Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Young, the highest type of democracy Fergus, on Friday, Noverhber and should be of great benefit to , 19, 1948, Jessie Patterson Flett, Iall. The president reported on daughter of the late Mr. and the various branches of the Fed - Mrs. J. R. Habkirk, formerly eration such as hog producers, of Hensall and Seaforth, to cream producers; county library, Samuel Dougall, Hensall. They etc. The Federation should stim- will reside in Hensall. ulate more commodity groups. DRENNAN-HABGOOD—On Fri- Office Suggested day, November 12, 1948, by W. V. Roy, Londesboro, in his secretary's report, reported a good year including an excellent field day and profits on the year book. Reporting, on his trip to Ohio last summer, Mr. Roy stres- sed the importance of having plenty of funds available for projects, and said money was absolutely necessary to carry through big things, Mr. Roy felt that a county of- fice should be established and declared that it was. difficult to carry on under present circum- stances, The business of the Fed- eration had grown to ' a $12,000 business annually, he stated. Balance on Year In the financial statement of the Federation for the year end- ed October 31, 1948, Mr. Roy indicated total expenditures of $11,377.91 against total receipts of $1165118 or a balance on AGRICULTURE FEDERATION OPPOSES OLEO (Continued from page One) WANTED TO BUY WILL PAY 2c FOR HORSES for mink feed and call and pick up same. Phone Goderich Coll- ect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32. 45btft WOOD FOR SALE 50 CORDS . OF HARD BODY Wood; also potatoes for winter. Apply Lorne Tyndall, phone Clin- ton 904r4. 48-p Rev. N. A. Healey, Stratford, Sheila Molly Habgood, daugh- ter of Mrs. Habgood, Clinton, and the late John Habgood, Surrey, England, to Bill Dren- nan,' RCAF, Clinton. MacKINNON-HAWKINS—In St. Paul's Church of England, Clinton, by Rev. R. M. P. Bul- teel, on Saturday afternoon, November 20, 1948, Madeleine Frances, daughter of Mrs. W. Thomas Hawkins, Clinton, and the late 1}4r. Hawkins, to Jphn G. MacKinnon, Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew MacKinnon, formerly of John- stone, Scotland. MONTGOMERY - RUTLEDGE — In Dungannon United Church; by Rev. James Bright, on Sat- urdey, November 13, 1948, • Dorothy June, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rutledge, Dungannon, to Harry Allan Harold Montgomery. Benmiller. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. J. W. Reid wishes to con- vey her thanks to her many friends andneighbours who so kindly sent her flowers, cards, fruit and gifts during her illness in Clinton Public Hospital, with. special thanks to Dr. Oakes and Dr. Addison, and the nursing staff who were so kind to her. 48-b Announcement! For your convenience, we have installed a Magazine Rack and will carry a complete line of current magazines, weekly newspapers, poc- ket books, etc. We shall he glad to save your f avourii e magazine lot yOU.\ Clinton Bowling -Alley "Hal" Hartley, Prop. te1•0.114.0•••.46 1.1.11 Huron County Farmers! SPECIAL ' SERIES OF Educational Meetings CONTINUES "!Soils and Soil .Management" THUR., NOV. 25 — Exeter FRI., NOV. 26 — Wingham "Crops and Pasture Problems" MON., NOV. 29 — Goderich TUES., NOV. 30 — Clinton WED., DEC. 1 — Seaforth THUR., DEC. 2 Exeter FRI., DEC. 3-- Wingham a Meetings in Collegiates or High Schools at 8.15 p.m. sharp BRING YOUR PROI;I.;EMS, AND QUESTIONS ALONG EVERYBODY WELCOME ! J. C. RENNIE, R, G. BENNETT, Ass't. Agr. Rep. • Agr. Rep. DEATHS ROXY THEATRE C L'I N T 0 N Now Playing (Nov. 25-27) Red Skelton as "THE FULLER BRUSH MAN" Mon. Tues. Wed. (Nov. 29 -Dee. 1) Van Johnson, June Allyson and Butch Jenkins — You'll go wild with laughter when you see "THE BRIDE GOES WILD" A new' high in hilarity Thurs., Fri., Sat. (Dec. 2-4) 'Hal Roach Comedy Carnival' Here's the greatest package deal 'ever offered, not one, hut two, side-splitting, rib -tickling com- edies—"Curley" Frances. Rafferty and Mem; Janssen. "THE FAB- ULOUS JOE" Walter Abel, Mar- got Grahame and Donald Meek Coming (Dec 8) "HENRY VIII" Special Matinee NOTE; Until further notice there will be one show each evening, Mon. to Friday inclusive, 8 p.m. Sat. night two shows 7.30 & 9.15 CAPITAL THEATRE • GOD ERIC H Now Playing (Nov. 25.27) Yvonne de Carlo and Technicolor in "BLACK BART" Mon. Tues. Wed. (Nov. 39 -Deo, 1) Deanna Durbin, Dick llaymes & Vincent Prig„ — This delightful story of an immigrant Irish girl features music from • Verdi to Romberg. "UP IN CENTRAL PARK" Thurs., Fri., Sat. (Dec, 2-4) Peggy Cumins, Charles Coburn & Robert Arthur —Unheralded and unannounced this Technicolor jewel stole the season's Blue Rib- bon Award. 'The Green Grass of Wyoming' Coming (Dec. 6-8) Ronald Col- man and Signe Hasse in "A DOUBLE . LIFE" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing (Nov, 25-27) Van Johnson and June Allyson in "THE BRIDE GOES, WILD" Mon, Tues. Wed. (Nov. 29 -Dee. 1) Clark Gable, Lana Turner and Anne Baxter—An adult love story that visits battle -torn Europe and returns home again. • "HOMECOMING" Thurs., Fri., Sat. (Dec. 2-4) Red Skelton, Janet Blair and Don McGuire — Your chuckles will grow to guffaws es a lovable goon turns salesman "The FULL'ER BRUSH MAN" Coming (Dec. 6-8) "ROMANCE on The HIGH SEAS" Technicolor Matinees: Wed. Sat. holid'ys, 2.30 Matinees: Sat., Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Charles R. Coultes, Belgrave, reporting for the Hog Producers' Committee, declared that the price ' of pork had been satis- factory this year, there had been very little complaints or protests. Reports Given In the absence of the chair- man, Harry Gowdy, Exeter, W. V. Roy reported for the Cream Producers' Committee. He said he had attended the first annual meeting of Ontario Cream Pro- ducers' Association in Toronto when oleomargarine had been a big topic. The Association was in good condition. Bert Irwin, Seaforth, secre- tery, Huron Co-operative Medical Services, reported a total mem- bership of 917 at July 31, 1948, after one year's operation. Fifty- one.groups were included. Total benefit claims were 162, totaling $3,114. Total receipts were $11,- 350 as against expenditures of $4,409. He reported steady pro- gress since organization. President Lobb introduced R. Gordon Bennett, Clinton, new Agricultural representative, who urged cooperation of the members with the County Federation. He promised the fullest cooperation the year's operations of $273.27. of the representatives and Agri - Main items of expenditures cultural Office to the Federation. were: refund to townships, $2,242; Co-operative Insurance Leonard Harman, secretary of the Co-operators' Fidelity and Guarantee Association, the main speaker, was introduced by Ro- county projectionist, National BELL — Suddenly, at his late Film Board, $1,109; field day, residence, Hay Township, west $2,097; Ontario Federation of Ag - of Hensall, on Sunday, Novem- ricillture,' $1,645; Dominion of ber 14, 1948. William Murdock Canada bond $1,012; National Bell, in his 80th year. Funeral Film Board circuit expenses, from the home of his son, $530; 1947 annual meeting, $022, Stewart Bell, to Hensall Union Chief receipts were: township Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon, fees, $4,916; affiliated organize - Nov. 16. tions, $105; 1947 annual meeting, TURNBULL — Inr.Seaforth, on $506: field day and year book, Sunday, November 14, 1948, $3,452; bank loan on bonds, Sarah Elizabeth Turnbull, wid- $1,000; National Film Board, ow of the late George F. Turn- $1,109. Assets were valued at bull, in her 78th ,year. Funeral ion of Canada Bonds, $2,932, including $2,000 Domin- from her late residence to The.. Goderich Elevator trust Maitlandbank Cemetery, Sea -amount now stands at $2,054, Mr. forth, Wednesday, November 17. (Roy said. The original renceipts ROBINSON—At her home, Blyth, totalled $4,230. It isi planed to on Saturday, November 13, :Farmer the remainder for Junior 1948, Agnes Annie Davis, be -'Farmer development. loved wife of R. Harvey Rob- I County Library Actfve M inson, formerly of Londesboro, rs. Glen Eckmeier, county in her 74th year. Funeral from (librarian, reported on Huron inn Cemetery, Blyth, Tuesday Trinity Church, Blyth, to Un -,County Library, She stated that afternoon, Nov. 16. 0 GOOD NEIGHBORS ,.Ness,N.... w1e..+v+ressw1+s+�r. ulwa iE,rnoo•s•.rsa.,,e_ this cooperative organization in- cluded 32 libraries and three de- posit stations with 131 school rooms being served She pointed Frank Wildfong, Hay Township, the exchange schedule last year recovering from en attack of there were' 42 this year. Where - pneumonia, does not have to as total circulation of books in worry about his fall plowing, as the whole of 1947 was 25,083, good neighbors Tuesday of this that for the first nine months of week, with 18 tractors in action, 1948 was 44,989. There was a did his fall plowing for him, Fifty steadily growing reading public, acres of farmland were turned Mrs. Eckmeier reported. A truck over end the work done in half ,had been bought last year and a a day. Fred Beer was the or- film had been made, sponsored ganizer. by the County Library. ayt with Bow:rr. ;. bert S. McKercher, Seaforth, as , "one of the leading co-operators of Ontario," Mr. Harman mentioned the importance and growth of farm radio forums which he said were greater, than those serving 'any' comparable body of farm people }n the world. He stated that Co-op Fidelity was being de- veloped with respact to other farm and co-operative groups of the Province, with representation on the board of directors. This latter was the first consideration of the movement in dealing with co-operative automobile insur- ance. In the rural field, the contact is with the members of the Federa- tion of Agriculture, and in the urban field, with the members of the 308 credit unions. The local Association has made an arrangement to reinsure with the Co-operative Insurance Society of Great Britain, CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS ' For Every Occasion C.V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 One Month Until Christmas Yes, folks, we have to admit it, only one • our. Christmas Shopping. If there is a on your list, we are prepared to in your selections. Dress Shirts • ARROW • TOOKE • BVD and • McGREGO'R All Sizes Plain White and Stripes $3.95 up month more to do MAN or BOY help you HATS Stetson and Crean • Use one of our Gift Certificates. No fuss or bother about size or color. $4.95 to $10.00 Weekend Special 20 PMR OF MEN'S HEAVY TROUSERS Blue Frieze and Humphrey Tweeds. All sizes. Regularly priced up to $9.50. Special at 3.95 and 4.95 pr. ',,w4tcictc ozo veieiC tS exctumwoo act& ,/,(1 o`rmmov eP+.evivor.zte aiF <z". octctmem l mag Try our Christmas lay -away plan. A small deposit ds holds any article until Dec. 18. A ° B , rarawi izmaar:sar trar i zaiDar argarmiza orstat.'Avi: at s:zatrn,arat2raratamanztar AND4wilzaartzlwizt . PIC ETT & CAMPBELL Phone 25 Clinton isimmessimigglintnin the basis of a six -months prem- ium with a policy fee for each car, On claims, Fidelity Co-op will use professional adjusters for the time being at least. Mr. Harman declared that the immediate problems were the matter of distribution. The hope is to establish the agency system, but to operate at a lower cost. He suggested that the distribu- tion of both automobile and life insurance should be handled by one distribution staff. In underwriting, 'it is proposed to accept only what are regard- ed as quite good risks in the ' automobile insurance field. With regard to rates, Mr. Har- man stated that automobile in- surance rates are on their way up. Co-op Fidelity has not yet an- nounced its rates. This co-op will try to strike a level of rates —on the prevailing level of rates, like the other co-ops. Co-op Fid- elity has decided to operate on BAZAAR ONTARIO ST UN'ITED CHURCH HALL Saturday, Dec. 4 3 P.M. Aprons, Fancy Work, Dolts, Candy, Home Baking, Produce AFTERNOON TEA Sponsored by Girls' Club 48.9-b ONCE TOO OFTEN HE THAT BEING OFTEN REPROVED HARDENETH HIS NECK, SHALL SDDENLY BE DESTROYED, AND THAT WITH- OUT REMEDY. —Proverbs 29:1. BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED. —Acts 16 :31. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. DA CE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 TOWN HALL, CLINTON The SKYLINERS ORCHESTRA -Dancing '10 to 1 Admission 50 cents •-•-•-1-4.1.-•-0-11-.4-1.- 1Mr+MHM$ rN-.44-4-4,4, A Wanted at Once for CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL Laundry Maid and Two General Duty Maids GOOD WAGES EIGHT HOUR DAY Apply Miss A. Sinclair SUPERINTENDENT, at Hospital • 48-b t .+444.0• 4.44+444, @IINNINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIINIIMIIIIIIIIIiINIIINNINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIINIINIIIIIIIINIIIj Y U. •d:1111UIIIM I111IIIIIIII1111 Just Arrived KITCHEN SINKS BATHROOM BASINS and. TUBS DON'T FORGET TO SEE A CILA kt,E JEWEL Coal and Wood RANG 4N'? HUGH R. HAWKJNS I. Business 244 . Phone Residence 470 f "IQIIIIIIIIIIIINIIINIIIIIIINNIINIINIIIIIIIIiNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIININNIINIIINNIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNIIIIIINIIIIINIIIIIIIIINIINIIIIIINIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNINI�INQUNIINNN�IIIIN'