HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-11-18, Page 6CLINTON NEWS -RECO
I�terestin� Items From
Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31
E. A. Featherston, London, was
home over the weekend.
Miss Betty Lou Larson, Lon-
don, was home over the week-
Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Mack, Phyl-
lis and Merry spent Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson visit-
ed. Mr, and Mrs. Harold King,
Sarnia, on Sunday.
Mrs. Hazel Murray, Owen
Sound, is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. John McLeod.
1VIr,' and Mrs. Harry Moore and
family, Sarnia, spent Sunday
with friends in the village.
Huron County
Tues., Nov. 23
Mat 1.30 P.M.
Mrs. N. W. Woods left on Mon
day to spend a few days in Tor
onto, with Dr. and Mrs. E. P
Walter Westlake returned
onSaturday night from
hunting trip with his bag —
fine buck.
Archie Starling and daughters,
Rhea and Edna, London,. spent
Sunday with relatives in the
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burt
and Ronald Burt, London, visited
their grandfather, F. W. Baker,
over the weekend.
Miss Mary Galbraith and Mrs.
Ada Reid, Seaforth, ` are visiting
Misses Elizabeth and Mildred
Cameron for a few days this
Mrs. Robert Haggerty and Mr.
and Mrs, Frank Haggerty and
family, MempI is, Mieh., were
weekend guests of Herbert and
Miss Maud McGregor.
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth and
Ronald, Kitchener, spent the
weekend wth Mrs. Poth's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Jow-
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rathwell,
Goderich Township, recently
moved to their home on Keith
Crescent>. We bid them welcome
to the village.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scott
were in London for a couple of
days last week. Mr. Scott is' giv-
ing a special course of lectures
in creative writing at Wester/
Stuart Sturgeon, who was one
of the hunting party of which
WMS and WA Meet
The November meeting of the
WMS was held at the home of
_ Mrs. W. Norman on. Wednesday
_ with a. large attendance, and'1VIrs.
• P, Palmer in charge of the mis-
sionary program,.
Following the singing of hymn
a Rev. C. Tavener led in pray-
er,a The Scripture° lesson was read
by Mrs. E. J. Trewartha, after
which •Mrs. E. Grigg read "Med-
itation or} the Scripture."
The roll call was answered by,
"Thoughts for the day." A few
verses from the Bible read by
Mrs, W. Norman, serving as an
introduction to the reading, "My
Neighbor," which followed, and
was ably presented by Mrs. N.
W. Trewartha, Clinton.
The autumn Thankoffering
was handed: in at this meeting.
A very interesting reading, "The
Miracle of the Messieh," was giv-
en by the leader, after which
the Solo"Come unto Him" from
the Oratorio "The Messiah" was
sung by Miss Molly. Finlay. After
singing a hymn the meeting clos-
ed' with prayer by Mrs. Palmer.
The WA 'meeting followed, and
was, opened with the singing of
hymn 378, followed . by . prayer-
by Mrs. Tavener. Several mat-
ters of business were discussed
and a report of the bazaar was
read by the president.The meet-
ing closed with prayer by Rev.
C. Tavener. A lovely lunch was
served by the hostesses, Mrs. H.
J. Trewartha and Mrs. N. Nor-
man, and a social half hour en-
joyed by all.
The annual meeting.. of the Ratepayers
of the Township of Hullett
will be held in the
Friday, November 26
The Clerk will be in the Community Hall, Lon-
desboro, from 1 to 2 p.m. to receive Nominations for
One Reeve and Four Councillors for to, hold office
for the year 1949.
When a proposed Candidate is not present his Nom-
ination Paper shall not be valid unless there is attached
thereto evidence satisfactory to the Returning Officer that
he consents to be so Nominated.
A meeting of the Electors will be held in the
Community Hall, Londesboro, at 2 p.m., FRIDAY,
NOVEMBER 26, to hear proposed Candidates and in
case more than the required number of Candidates to
fill the offices care Nominated, and a vote demanded, a
Poll will be held on
From 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. at the following places:
Poll Polling Place
1. Forrester's Hall, Kinburn
2. School House, S.S. No. 6
3. School I%use, S.S No. 2
4. Com. Hall, Londesboro
5. Com. Hall, Sumherhill
6. Com. Hall, Londesboro
'7. Forrester's Hali, Auburn
D.R.O. Poll Clerk
Seeord McBrien Eph, Clark
Bert Beacom .. .. Leo. Watt
Joseph Flynn Bernard Tighe
Thomas Miller Emerson Hesk
Ephraim Snell Orval Rapson
Frank Longman R. Townsend
William Craig George Lawlor
Township Clerk
Sus ziviunoi Taxes and Orders
wish for it either way ... both
trade -marks mean the same thing.
Authorized Bottler of Come -Coli uadee ooimisact
with Owe Cols Ltd.
700 Me St. ' l';bone 78
Walter Westlake was a member,
returned to Preston on Sunday.
Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon returned
with. her husband after having
spent last week with her another -
in -law, Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon.
Mrs. Henry McClinchey re-
turned to her home in the village
on Saturday after having visited
in Preston and Detroit. She was
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W.
Speed and three. children, Billy,
Becky end Merle, who spent the
weekend with her.
Here Frm England
George Hewitt, Wallasey, Eng-
land, is visiting his sister, Mrs.
Emerson Heard. Mr. Hewitt,
who made the trip by air in
36 hours, the plane being ground-
ed in Iceland and Labrador, ar-
rived on November 1. He likes
Canada and we give Min' a wel-
Successful Ball
The Threshers' Ball, held in
the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Fri-
day evening was enjoyed by the
large number present, The door
prize was won by A. Johnston,
Varna. Mrs. Telford received the
consolation prize: Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Cox, Goderich, won the
spot dance prize. Music was by
the Blyth Orchestra and lunch
was served in the basement.
Goderich Township
' George C, Ginn, reeve of God-
erich Township, attended the No-
vember Session of Huron County
Council in Goderich this week.
S. S. No. 4 Farm. Forum
The S.S. No. 4 Farm Radio
Forum ,net at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Irvine.Tebbutt on Mon-
day night. There were 16 pres-
ent. Following the radio'broad-
cast on the tpoic "Your Father's
Farm," a very interesting discus-
sion took place, with Irvine Teb-
butt as discussion leader. The
recreation was under the direc-
tion of Fred Lobb and Jack Mer-
rill. Riddles and jokes were 'read
and games of euchre and lost heir
were played. Lunch was served
by the ladies. Next week the
meeting will lie at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill, with
Mrs. Morgan Jones and Walter
Forbes as recreation committee.
S. S. Room
Auspices. of W. A.
Friday, Nov. 19
3 p.m.
Name Baking, Apeons,
Fancy Work
Farm Produce
'Touch and Take Booths
Afternoon Tea Served
Township Hall
Wed., Nov. 24
Auspices of Varna
United Church W.A.
Quilt, Aprons ,\ Hand
&&Win paid" Knitted ,Ar-
ticles,- Produce, -Home
Belnerg, Horse -made
Afternoon Tea
3 to 6 o'clock
4 46-7-•b
lyliss Rutin Scott, St. ' Thomas
spent the weekend at her home
Mr., and Mrs. Beecroft and
children,;;Belgrave, visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. R. P
1Vlisses •Ina and Ellen Scott,
London, visited over the week-
end with their brothers and sist-
ers-inlaw,. Mr. and Mrs. floss
Scott and Mr, and • Mrs Bill
Mrs. R. A. McKenzie, Detroit,
Mich., was a weekend guest at
the. home of her mother, Mrs. H.
Zapfe. She was accompanied by
her, son, Edwin. also of Detroit.
Autumn Thankoffering •
At the morning service at
United Church on Sunday, the
W.M.S,, held their Autumn
Thankoffering service, the spe-
cial speaker.' for the day was the
Rev. Franklin Wu of West China,
now studying In Toronto, He said
they were much indebted to the
missionary ,enterprise which be-
gan the work of Christianity in
China 140 years ago. Now there
are two and one-half millien
Chinese Christians, He feels now
is the time to gather in the har-
vest as people are eager to hear
the gospel. Christianity is now
looked upon as part of the Chin-
ese nation. Denominations are
uniting to form the Church of
Christ In China. Mr. Wu feels
Christianity can overcome poli-
tical problems, and by raising
the -standards of the people, can.
relieve the misery of the Chinese
end curb uprising. He believes
the Church's future is bright but
they need all support possible.
Rev. W. ,i, Wollfrey of Ontario
Street Church, Clinton, was the
speaker at the evening service.
Following this • an informal hour
was had in the schoolroom when
all were given the opportunity
of meeting Rev, Mr. Wu and
chatting informally with him.
It was deeply regretted that Mrs.
Wu was unable to be present at
this time.
, Miss E. Logan, Herman, visited
Miss Mosso.p last Thursday.
Mrs. Wirliam Hart visited
Brucefield friends last Tuesday.
Alvin and Donald Keys spent
• Sunday in Sarnia visiting
nd Mrs,
Keys spent
Sundaya with Mr. and Mrs. John
F. McAsh spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John. McAsh.
B. Iiymner, Atwood, was re-
newing acquaintances in the vil-
lage last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson
are enjoying the electric lights
which they had installed in their
home recently.
Miss Shirleyon Riley, Kitchen-
er, is visiting at the home' of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs,
Charles Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Riley were
guests at the Wilbee—Coutts
wedding in Walton on Saturday,
November 13.
We are sorry to learn Mrs.
Ernest Adams is not enjoying
very good health these days. We
hope she soon will be enjoying
the best of health again.
Bride -elect Feted
Honoring Miss Jean Coutts,
bride -elect, Miss Doreen Coutts
entertained at a crystal shower at
her home. The guest of honor
received a number of gifts. The
hostess served a chicken dinner.
The evening was spent in bingo.
The young lady was married in
Walton on Saturday, November 13,
Newlyweds Honored
Friends and neighbors gather-
ed in Walton community hall on
Friday evening to honor Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Fraser, who were
recently married. Just before
lunch was served Mr. and Mrs.
Fraser were called to the plat-
form and presented with a purse
of money, ari address being read
by John Bryan and the present-
ation made by Bobbie Houston,
nephew of the bride. Music was
supplied by Wilbee's orchestra,
Eimer Webster, reeve of Stan-
ley Township, attended the No-
vember Session of Huron County.
Council in Goderich this week.
Mary E. Beatty is convalescing
at her home after her recent
operation for appendicitis in
Seaforth Memorial. Hospital, Sea -
Mrs. Ross Latham, London,
spent a few days with her moth-
er,. Mrs. S. Beatty, who is con-
fined to her bed with a very
heavy cold. We hope soon to
see her able to he around again,
Home From Hospital
Mrs. M. Reid returned home
Tuesday after spending 12 weeks
in Clinton Public Hospital.. Mrs.
Reid is still unable to get around
and is being cared for by Miss
E. Reid, Hayfield.
Purchases Property
A. Murray, Clinton. has pur-
chased the Wanless property
from Nelson Reid and has moved
to the village. We welcome Mr.
and Mrs, Murray and family back
to the community,
H. Coultes has moved to the
Babylon Line and is occupying
the house formerly owned by
the late John Stephenson. Mr,
Coultes intends working for Wil-
liam Hayter.
Remodelling House
Nelson Reid and staff of work-
men are very busy these days
remodelling the house Mr. Reid
recently purchased from Mrs.
Sherlock Keys.
John W. Armstrong, reeve of
Hullett, attended the November
Session of Huron County Council
in Goderich this week.
Arthur Nicholson, reeve of
Tuckersmith Township, attended
the November Session of Huron
County Council in Goderich this
Hullett Township
The Farm Forum of S.S. No. 1,
Hallett, met on Monday even-
ing, Nov. 15th at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Noble Holland, with 19
present. The topic for discussion
was "Your Father's Farm". After
lunch was served a sing -sing and
musical selections were enjoyed
by all, with Mrs Bert Irwin at
the piano, Noble Holland played
the nmouth organ and Elgin Nott
the violin.
The next meeting is to be
held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Holland on Monday
evening, November 22.
SEAFORTH— Arnold Storey,
McKillop township, received sev-
ere burns to his arms and legs
when he attempted to light a
gasoline lantern when preparing
to do some plowing at night et
the farm of his brother, Orville
Storey. He was rushed to Scott
Memorial Hospital where he was
reported resting comfortably.
4.44'444-F H4-.141144•.•0FH4441'►-d}
Ratepayers in the Township of
Tuckersmith are requested to • co-operate
with the Council by placing their mail
boxes on swinging poles in • order to
facilitate snowplowing operations.
Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith
.Community Concerts .
The Goderich Community Concert.
will hold the first Concert of the Series, on
Monday Evening, November 22
at 8.30 p.m. in
Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich
The artists will be:
dePaur's Infantry Chorus of
36 Negro ex -GI's
Admittance is by Membership card only,
so don't forget your cards.
Outstanding Q txlity • Ddidous Pial our
io Las.
Per Lb.
85c 71c
CARNATION MILK (small) 2 for 15c
Club Special COFFEE . ...... lb. '43c
4.String BROOMS 79c
CALIFORNIA ;GRAPES .... 2 Ib.. 25c
SUNKIST ORANGES (344) .. doz. 23c
GRAPEFRUIT (96) .......... 7 for 33c
Don't forget to visit our
Snack, Bar
Ross Fitzsimons
Your Texaco Dealer
Nomination Meeting
Township of Goderich
A meeting of the Ratepayers of the
Township of Goderich will be held in the
Council Chamber, Town of Clinton, on
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, at 1 p.m.
to nominate a Reeve and Four C'ouncil.-
lors for the Township for 1949. Also to
nominate two Trustees for School Area.
If a poll is held, voting will be on
at the following places with Deputy Retulnting, Officers
and Poll Clerks:
Ward Place Deputy Returning Officers Poll Clerks
No. 1 Orange Hall, con. 4; E. Mellwain; W.G.V. Johnston
No.2 House of Cliff Sturdy; Howard Sturdy;,, Cliff Sturdy
No. 3 House of Geo.. Hopson; Thos. fludie; Chas. Wallis
No. 4 House of Arn. Rathwell; Arnold Rathwoll;, Elmer Trick
No. 5' House of H. McCartney; H. McCartney; Leslie Pearson.
No, 6 House of R. Bowden; Robt. Bowden;. E. J. Trewartha
Poli will open at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m.
Returning Officer and. Clerk.
due November 15,, 1951
have been called for payment
November 15, 1948
These bonds should be presented kr re-
demption,. with all coupons of later date
attached. No further interest will be paid
on these bonds after this date.
on Guaranteed -
Trust Certificates
ISSUED fes any amount.... far a tars, el
five years .... guaranteed both as to prWscipsl
and interest .... Interest phegnoe mailed to
reach holders on due date, or, •t holder's
option, may be allowed to aoeuneulete M
compound interest.
An ideal investment for individwJy cam -
papier authorized by law for• eem.teey
boards, executors and other trustee.
372 ley Street, Terente 1
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