HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-11-18, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLLNTON NE'W47.1t CO41:1-' THURSDAY,` NOVEMBER 18. 13948 857-04 FOOD MARKET Blue and Gold 20 • oz. tin FANCY PEAS ibc NABOB COFFEE lb. S9c Pure White HONEY 1 lb. pkg. 29c Royal York TEA, Orange Pekoe . '/a lb. pkg. 47c Hillcrest SHORTENING lb. pkg. 39c Jell -o Lemon PIE FILLER 2 pkgs.19c Choke Cooking RICE 2 lbs. 35c Ell -Marr Homogenized 16 oz. jar PEANUT BUTTER 39c Velvet Fancy 5 lb, bag CAKE and PASTRY FLOUR .. 33c WE DELIVER BALL and LAVIS PHONE 111 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wiltse spent the weekend with friends at Thedford. Miss Effie Johnston, Windsor, is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. F. W. Johnston. Mrs. H, R. Kilty, 'Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Dr. and Mrs, J. W. Shaw. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Symons spent the weekend visiting re- latives in and around Port Hope. Mrs. C. Moffatt and son, Arth- ur, Bickford, are visiting the for- mer's mother, Mrs. A. D. Beaton. Misses Jean Smith and Ellen Draper, Brussels, spent the weekend with Mrs. David Steep. Murray Dempsey, Carberry, Man., is visiting his brother-in- law and sister, Mr. end Mrs. B. B. Pocklington. W. F. Carltelon, Toronto, spent the 'weekend with his siter, Mrs. J. E. Brooks, and his niece, Mrs. A. W, Gardiner. George Roberton is spending this week with his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roberton, Aylmer, iVlr. and Mrs. W. J, Pinning visited on Sunday with the for- mer's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1M. Wallace, Oak- ville. Mrs. F, W. Johnston returned home Saturday evening after visiting for the past week with friends at Georgetown, Guelph and Brampton. Charles W. Thompson, who is with the Rural Hydro Electric at Kitchener, spent the weekend with his parents, Dr. end Mrs. F. G. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Lane, Kinlough, Bruce County, were the guests this week of the form- er's brothers and sisters-in-law, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Lane and Rev.,_and Mrs. Andrew Inane. Weekend visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John A. Sutter„ included the former's mother and sister, Mrs. Emma Sutter and Mrs. Clara Beatty, Stratord, and their son-in-law, R. P. Rob - ONTARIO ST WMS The . W. 141, S. of Ontario St. United Church, will; held' its Aut- umn Thss koffering meeting in the Church Hall on Tuesday ev- ening, November 23, at '8 o'clock. Miss Edith .Sparring, St. Marys, formerly of China, will be the guest speaker. GROUP TO MEET The Young • Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United Church )mill' meet at the home of Mrs, Clarence Hugill, Queen St.; on Tuesday,November embe 23, at 8.15 r p.m. with Mrs.- William Murch in charge of the meeting. NAME OMITTED The name of Bill ,Andrews was inadvertently omitted in the ac- count, of the Retembrance Day Services in last week's issue. Bill had the honour of being the trumpeter who, 'blew "The Last Post" and "The Reveille'. Inadvertently, il'uronic Re- bekah Lodge No: 306 was not credited in last week's issue with placing a wreath on the Ceno- taph at the Post Office on Re- membrance Day. This was done on behalf of the lodge by the Vice Grand, Mrs, lllary Sutter. bins, Crediton, • Mrs. R. L Colquhoun, Glendale, Calif., who came to attend the funeral of her sister, the late lahazel White, St. Marys, paid a short visit to Clinton calling on Mr. and IVirs. A. J. McMurray, Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy and -M. T. Carless. Mrs. M. T. Corless has been a guest of her ,daughter, Mrs. Kenneth M. Breakey, Zurich, for the past two weeks, during the period that Mr. Breakey, with a crew' of seven, has been hunting up at Manitoulin Island. Clifford Castle, Exeter, Mrs. Herbret Castle, Mrs..S. Castle, Sr., Percy Livermore, Mrs. Fred Livermore, Mrs. W. Burton and Mrs. James Lives -more were in Blyth on Monday attending the funeral of the late Gregory Leith son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leith, Hamilton, formerly of Clinton. Fresh From Our Ovens! Treats For Your Table! For 'Saturday: Cherry Blossom Pie Pumpkin Cake Bread and Rolls BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PRONE 1 CLINTON Jx z...:1t'yr .ii . #'Y„i� p. �F.�Iw : �h, Pr?4e} hi Is Now Open at MARTINS Shop Early For Best Selection The Best Selection Of TOYS and GAMES Since PRE-WAR DAYS LSTORY -• PICTURE PAINT BOOKS 5c to 49c Carpenter Sets li$ 79c GAMES 15c to 98c MECHANICAL t Steam Rollers 3.49 SLEIGHS 2.75 to.3.25 r........+.................r. DOLLS, 256 too 6.95 Steam Engines 3.25 to 4.95 MECHANICAL TRACTORS ' 1.59. TELEPHONES . 25c to 1.19 DOLL PRAMS 3.95 TEDDY BEARS AND SCOTTIES 1.75 to 3.49 MECHANICAL TRAIN SETS 2.25 to 6.95 TOPS " 45c to 2.25 DR, U. B. WELL and , NURSES SETS 69C }} TRICYCLES 7.95 Marty. other T bys and Games :'too` Numerous to Mention A DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ITEM UNTIL DEC,. 19 Church Directory Ontario St, United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service "The Undeserved Cross" 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—United Evening Ser- vice in St. Paul's Anglican Church. Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister ' Mrs: Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. '7.00 p.m.—Worship Service.. • EVERYONE WELCOME .Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and' Choir Leader SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship "One Difficult Demand of Jesus" 2.30 -p.m. -Service at Bayfield, All Welcome St. Paul's Anglican Church REV, R, M. P. BULTEEL. Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 11.00 a.m;--Morning Prayer and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.—United Evening Wor- shin in this church.. Itev. W. J. Woolfrey speaks on "Chris- tian Influence on Public Standards" Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 11:00 a.m.--Morning' Service -' Special Gift Sunday. "Bring ye all the tithes into mine house." 12.15—Senday School 7.00 p.m United Evening Wor- ship in St. Paul's Anglican Church. .'. Engagements Announced Mr. avid Mrs. Leonard McGee;. Clinton, announce the 'engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Pearl Evelyn, Kitchener,, to Ro- bert Hartman' son of. Mr. Joseph Hartman, Waiterloo, and the lete Mrs. Hartman, The marriage, is to take place at three o'clock, Saturday, November 27, in St. Louis Rectory, Waterloo. Mr. ` and Mrs. Edward' Miller, Goderich Township, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter; Margaret Gwendolyn, to Francis Alcide Corriveau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Corriveau, Drysdale, the marriage to take place the latter part of Novem- ber. Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, 'Clinton, announce the engege7 ment of their only daughter, Fern Isabel, to Urban F. Mar- tell, R.C:A.F. Radar School, Clinton, son of Mrs. 1Viartell and the late Urban Martell, L'Ar- doise, N.S., the marriage to take place the latter part of Novem- ber. Give Happiness.. . Give Your Portrait Imagine the pleasure of friends and family when they receive your portrait for Christmas, It's a gift you'd like to receive your- self tool Let Fowler Brost make you -a portrait you'll be proud to send. Make an early appoint- ment! .7owte' £totlieti PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 MeEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and- Stratford Sale of Lingerie Brassieres, Bandeaux, Slips and Panties TEA ROSE ONLY Some as low as ONE-HALF Original Prices Sale of Coats Continues' We tifxest substantially recce the remaining, stocks of i f this season's coats. it is more than likely the coat you are If looking for is here and most attractively priced, 1 ANIESSIMININNINURIIIMERI 14:4 4 i i IRO FIREM t =: STOKERS Lead the Heat Parade! NO Hopper to Fill! CAN> YOU AFYQRp TQ FIRE COAL BY NSI IRON FIR MA STOKERS GET 30%. MORE HEAT NO Coal Shovelling! A houseful of warmth withoul work or worry 10 Big Advantages of Your Iron Fireman Coal Stoker It enables you to burn coal—North . America's' abundant, economy fuel. 2 It fires coal automatically, elimin- ating''basernent drudgery. It gives you the comfort, conven- t' ience, cleenliness,• and the low cost of automatic coal heating. 4 The Iron Firemen Air Volumeter (Coal -Flow and Deluxe models) con- stantly maintains correct air -fuel ratio. c Its exclusive Syncrostat-control pro- vides automatic temperature regula- tion, day and night, with healthful, fuel -saving lowered night tempera- ture. Gj Iron Firemen's quarter-century of experience in combustion engineer- ing is your assurance of top per- formance. 7 Every stoker is correctly engineered and soundly built for long years of dependable, trouble-free service. S Hundreds of thousands of satisfied users of this high quality equipment have made Iron Firemen the best- known name in automatic heating. aCorrect installation by experienced men insures efficient stoker opera- tion. 7 O As an authorized. Iron Fireman S dealer, we are prow of the service we render our customers. There's plenty of coal! An Iron Fireman stoker burns it automatically, economically, to give you 'unexcelled l'iorne comfort BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE afnd.. FURNITUR : Funeral Directors D. G.. BALL W. .7. MUTCIi Phone 361-W Phone • 361,1 Phone ,195 d tS,G'�'