HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-11-04, Page 16PAGE SIXTEEN CLINTON NEVUS -RECORD:' THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1948 McEWAN'S; "Clinton Day'' BARGAIAi 55 -Piece Dinner Sets 3 Morning Glory; 1 Cosmos; 1 Nasturtium; b Poppy Regular Price $19.75 Clinton Day Price 13.95 66 -piece Kent Dinner Set Regular Price 27.00 Clinton Day Price 18.95 Brown Tea Pots (6 and 8 cup sizes) Reg. Price "Clinton Day" Price 1.79 ..... 1.19 1.10 ' .79 .85 .59 .• . .65 .49 Colored Glass Vases Reg. Price "Clinton Day" 2.50 1.69 2.25 1.50 1.50 1.00 3.25 2.15 Price Billfold Sale "Reg. Price "Clinton Day" 4.50 2.98 2.75 1.68 4.75 .98 KEY CASES 2.50 1.49 Price Pen and Pencil Sets (by Eversharp) PENS' --40% 'off- Reg. Price "Clinton Day" Price 12.80. ... , .7.68 14.69 8.81 9.28 6.17 5.87 3.53 PENCILS -40% off - 7.65 4.59 5.87 3.53 4.70 2.82 Eclipse Pen and Pencil Sets Regular 3.50 Clinton Day Price 1.39 Black and Brown Zippered Three - Ring Binders Regular Price 2.25 Clinton Day Price 1.69 Rough Lined Scribblers Regular Price..... .... 10c Clinton Day Price, 2 for 15c Boxed Stationery Queen Anne Parchment Margate, reg..... 65c Clinton Day Price . 45c Colonial, reg. 50c Clinton Day Price 35c Glenavon White and White with color, reg. , •. , 75c Clinton Day Price . 59c These prices will prevail for "Clinton Day" only November 6th. 0 Per Cent FF "CLINTON DAY" ONLY BOYS' AND MEN'S ALL -WOOL WINDBREAKERS, two - toned and blue colors with zipper fronts. Reg. $4.25 to $7.50 ... Clinton Day, 3.40 to 6.00 ALL -WORK WORK SOCKS. Reg. 2.25 .. Clinton Day, 1.80 MEN'S HEAVY ALL -WOOL WORK PANTS, sizes 28-30- 32-34. Reg. 5.50 Clinton Day, 4.40 BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS, blue and maroon check, sizes 28-34. Reg. 2.75 Clinton Day, 2.20 1. Very 'Special! 3 Only ALL -WOOL MACKINAWS Sizes 44-46-48 Reg. $10.75 for ... 1 COTTON' GABARDINE WINDBREAKERS, zipper front Reg. 5.50 tr 9.50 6 95 Clinton Day . 4.40 to 7.60 ALL -WOOL WINDBREAKERS, in brown and blue colors, with zipper fronts. Reg. 111.50 Clinton Day, 9.20 FANCY ALL -WOOL WINDBREAKERS, plaid, with zipper front. Reg. 7.25 ............. Clinton Day, 5.80 QVVNlMPM.4.044,ll DAVIS and HERMAN Tailors. and . Men's Furnishings DEDICATION LEGION COLOURS, IENSALL PLAN (By our Hensali correspondent) Hensel] Branch, Canadian Leg- ion, is making plans for the fit- ting,observance of this approach- ing Remembrance Day. On Sunday, November 7, the Branch will hold a church par- ade to the United Church. Par- ade will move off from the Leg- ion rooms at 0:45 a.rn., service will commence at 11 a.m. Rev. R. A. Brook, minister of the church, will conduct the service, On November 11, a service of Dedication of the Legion Col- ours will ,be held in conjunction with the Cenotaph observance. If weather is agreeable, the en- tire service will be held outdoors. If not, only the Cenotaph cere- monies will be observed and all else will be in the Town Hall The Branch Chaplain, Rev. P. A Ferguson, will officiate, and oth- er clergymen will participate. A detachment from RCAF Station, Clinton, with Bugle Band, will also participate. All organizations, Guide s, Scouts, Schools, Firemen, Village and Township Councils, Chamber of Commerce, are invited to join in the parade which will move off from the school at 10.30 sharp. The whole community is invit- ed to give fitting remembrance to all who served and did not return. 4 Demonstrate Thinning Of Woodlot Nov. 10 A thinning demonstration will be held in the woodlot owned by Les. Jervis on Lot 16, Maitiand concession, Township of Colborne, two miles north of Hoimesvil]e, on Wednesday next, November 10, starting at 1 p.m. In co-operation with Mr. Jer- vis, this demonstration has been arariged to provide district farm- ers with a practical example of woodlot management. The de- monstration will he supervised by W. A. G. Thurston, Stratford, Zone Forester with the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests. All district farmers are invit- ed to attend this meeting and get pointers on woodlot thinning and care. It is expected that a power saw will be operating in con- junction with, the demonstration. In' order to show the amount of, wood which can be thinned out of one acre of. bush, the trees will be cut on the spot, so bring your axe. Nelson Ducharme Wins First Prize A very successful bingo party, with a' draw, was held in St. Joseph's Church Hall Wednesday evening last, with a capacity at- tendance. Prize -winners were as follows: 1. Nelson Ducharme, Drysdale, $25 cash donated by T. J. Riley, Clinton; 2. Joseph Blake, RR. 1, Clinton, pressure cooker donated by Sutter -Perdue, Clinton; 3. Mrs. Stewart Durward, Blyth, 310 cash donated by friends; 4. J. R. Williamson, RCAF, Centralia, permanent wave donated by Henri Beauty Shopper 5 Mrs. J. Duncan, Toronto, $5 cash donated by friends. Bayfield Lions Give Hallowe'en Party (By our Bayfield correspondent) Bayfield Lions Club sponsored a most enjoyable Hallowe'en Party in the Town Hall on Sat- urday evening which, according to reports, was one of the best in both attendance and costumes, Jemes . R. Scott, Mrs. LeRoy Poth and Joe Mayman were judges and awarded prizes as follows: Girls under 6 years, fancy - Ruth Ann Scotchmer (angel), Elaine Weston (Kate Greenway); comic - Judy Weston (Bunny), Romone Telford (fisherman); boys under 6 years, fancy :Ted Turner (pirate), Howie Scotch- mer (ghost); comic -Douglas Tel- ford (baker), Roy Telford ,(com- munity chest); girls 6-10 years, fancy -Joyce Greer (doll), Merry Mack (Little Bo-Peep):_e ni1c- Charlene Scotchrner (old lady), Stanley Telford' (new look); boys 6-10 years, fancy -Douglas Batkin (Indian); girls 10-14 years, , fancy - Helen MacLeod (mother); Joan MacLeod (dau- ghter) ; comic -Donna Sturgeon (time to retire);.boys 10-14 years, fancy -Barbara Brandon (Tom Sawyer), Bob 'Brandon (owl); comic -Bobby Talbot (fat man), Shirley Brandon (hobo) Grand prize •- ,Tudy Weston, Douglas 1 Telford, Elaine Weston, Monica May (witch), Jimmy Francis (clown). Mrs. James Ferguson presided at the piano for marching and musical games conducted by Don McAuley. Despite the fact that this was voted one of the best parties and the prizes amounted to a con- siderable sum of money,, young folk went out soaping windows, taking off gates and playing oth- er pranks after the party and re- peated the offences on Sunday night. The party was given in I lieu of such activities. I'AINFULACCIDENT (By our Hensall correspondent) Roy Couillard, Hensall district resident, met with a painful ac- cident while repairing a car when he ran a bolt end spring in his band, the spring remaining in the hand, which had to be re- moved at Clniton Public hospital, A number of stitches were re- e 1111.11.111111r nuked to close the wound. Hullett Farmer Has Painful Accident Randolph Lowry, Hullett Town- ship, met with a painful acci- dent on Friday morning while driving up the gangway into his barn. • WINGRAM - Special services were held in two local churches Sunday, the United Church hold- ing anniversary services,. and the Baptists concluding a week of special meetings. ' pinning Mr. Lowry's . head be- tween the rack and the door He got off the wagon to make some adjustments to the hayrack, and the team • bolted or jumped, POPPY DAY'SATURDAY Citizens' of Clinton and district are reminded that Saturday, Nev- i einber 6, is Poppy Day in Clinton The canvass will. be in charge of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Can- adian Legion with Mrs. A. E. Reddy as convener. Each year at this time the public' is asked: jamb. His face and neck were to give "In Remembrance" that badly cut and bruised, requiring scores of wounded veterans• may several stitches, be given financial assistance. `Clinton Day' Specials! Io% Discount •.on.. • BRADY COOLING SYSTEM CLEANING OR STEAM JENNY CLEANING of any kind, if the work is completed on "Clinton Day" or an appointment made for the following week. REMEMBER -Brady Cleaning effectively cleans Radiator and Block. Results guaranteed. For Car, Truck or Tractor, Steam Cleaning will remove grease and dirt from 'your Farm Machinery and put it in first class shape for painting. See us for all your cal, nee ds:' Full line of Fresh Batteries, Goodyear Tires, General Motors and Chrysler Parts. Lorne Brown motors Your Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Dealer Day 367W - PHONES -- Night 367J "A paint and varnish for every purpose" Free Gift With Every Purchase at utter•Perdue on "Clinton Day" Every Housewife Needs One! ... "ECONOMY" ALUMINUM Double Boiler Reg. $1.50 Clinton Day, $1.00 6 Only RANGETTE Reg. $61.95 Swett, _Mode in- gleamiitg Mite! less 15% CLINTON DAY $5 24.5 Porcelain Enamel Top • Baked. Enamel Body • Extra'Large Oven-. insulated All Sidon • Stereo' Drawer e Range Quality SWItahee PLUG IN - 12 Amps. - 140. Volts coho eal4, Beauti u1l Really efficient!