HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-11-04, Page 15TIKIRSDAt NOVEMBER 4, 1948 CLINTON' "N:' �'.RECORD' CASH RATE --(If 'paid by Wed -• nesday following date of inser- tion)—One nsertion)—One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one Dent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with bath privileges. Only abstainers need apply. Box "B", NEWS - RECORD. ' 45-b AGENTS WANTED BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Distribute our x250 products: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Extracts, Spices, Floor Wax, Insecticides, Farm Plrod- ucts, splendid assortment of gift boxes. Our dealers make sub- stantial profits! A customer in each home For entalogue and details, write to FAMIJ:,EX, 1600 Delorimier Street, Montreal, P.Q. 44-9-b AUTOMOBILES.FOR SALE 1935 DESOTO FOUR DOOR' sedan, new rings, heater, defrost- er. Fred Wallis, phone Clinton 909r33. 45-6-p 1946 DODGE SPECIAL DELUXE sedan, like new; 1941 Chevrolet Master DeLuxe coach in real, good condition. Alsa .kitchen range. D'Arcy Bothwell, Bruce - field, phone Clinton 627r6,• 45-b BABY CARRIAGES SECONDHAND STROLLER ands pram in good condition. Apply Mrs. Dick MacDonald, Victoria St., phone Clinton 782J. 45-6-b BICYCLES FOR SALE MAN'S BICYCLE FOR SALE, $25. Thomas, 114 Rattenbury St. W. 35-p BUILDINGS FOR SALE SERVICE STATION AND .GAR - age building for sale or rent. A real opportunity for a good mech- anic Apply to P.O. 'Box 114 Clinton. 45-b CHRISTMAS CARDS ORDER YOUR OWN PEI#SON- ally-printed Christmas Cards now while there is a wide selection of beautiful samples. Satisfaction guaranteed. Samples on display at CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. 41-tfbx CLOTHING FOR SALE GARDEN SUPPLIES, 300 DARWIN TULIP BULBS pink and red. 35 cents a dozen. Phone 352J. • 45-p GRAVEL FOR SALE SEVERAL ACRES OF GOOD road gravel Will be sold by acre or in bulk. Apply J. B. Rathwell, Bayfield; phone Clin- ton 624r11. 44-45-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 11 LEICESTER EWES AND ONE ram. John McGuire, R.R, 2,. Bayfield. 45-p 13 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS' OLD. Apply Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 45-p SHORTHORN BULL CALF, 12 months old. Apply Glen Bros., R,R. 5, Clinton. 45-p QUIET \ DRIVING MARE; HAR- ness and rubber tired buggy, reasonable Phone 478W,. 45-b DURHAM BULL 18 MONTHS old, well bred; cow to freshen in December; cow to freshen in January; • horse, 12 years old a- bout 1700 pounds. George Col - slough, R.R. .1, Clinton, phone 805r31, . _ • 45-b MASSAGE • TRY DEEP GENTLE MASSAGE (kneading manipulation), elim- inative yet stimulating. Steam cabinet baths for any form of rheumatism and other ailments available west of Clinton, Elmer Trick place, L. Leeper, qualified masseur. 45-6-p MISCELLANEOUS SP1 ELLA FOUNDATION Gar- ments, individually designed. Miss Aphra Steepe, Ontario St., Clinton, phone 288. 44-7-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or .936r32, Goder- ich. _ 11-btfb. MEN! WATKINS ' DEALERS earning average minimum $40.00 to $75.00 weekly. Do not delay any further in requesting free information for the vacant Rural District in your sebtion. This fine opportunity of being your own boss, without investment on your part is limited to those who act fast. If you ltaye a car or can purchase one, write today. The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O -C-16, Montreal, Que. 27-29-31-b NOTICES FREE HAVERSACK WITH EV- KINDLY GET YOUR CONTRACT ery $1.95 raincoat at Clinton War signed with me at once for your Assets Surplus. 45-p 1949 silo, as I will only guarantee to build those who have signed a contract. This is necessary as we will be turning away all kinds of work shortly. I will be at our garage all day Saturday for your attention. J. E. Hugill and Sons, phone Clinton 616r34. '. 45-p LADY'S FUR -TRIMMED. :WIN - ter coat in good condition, owner going south. Phone 75J. 45-b JUST ARRIVED—LARGE SHIP- ment of men's dress pants. Reg. $8.95 for $3.95. Clinton War Assets Surplus.. 45-p RED FLANNEL SUIT, SIZE '14; reversible rain coat, size 14; winter coat, navy, size 14; brown winter coat size 10 or 12; kiteh- en'cabinet; all in good condition. Phone 15GW. 45-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ONE BABEE-TENDA,' NEW, for sale. Apply Mrs. Jim Turner, Huron St. 45-b 10-20 TRACTOR, LIKE NEW, Allis -Chambers with plow, $625; 15-30 tractor, 595; rubber -tired wagon, 550, half cash. W. B. Thompson, R.R. 2, Clinton. 45-p FARMS FOR SALE STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 80 AC - res, 65 tillable clay loam, , house garage, henhouse, basement bern, 53,000 with terms. Neighbors sow it all in corn or flax, wheat, then alfalfa. William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 45-6-p GODERICH TOWNSHIP, 80 acres, eight ecres bush; nine -room house, furnace, cistern and hard water, garage, L shape basement barns, hydro. School busses pass farm. Possess quickly, William Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 45-6-p FURNITURE FOR SALE UPHOLSTERED CHAIR FOR sale. Phone 99. 44-45-b LIVING ROOM TABLE; LIVING zoom stove, will burn either coal or wood, Frank Dixon., phone 596. 44-45-p HOUSES' FOR SALE TOWN OF CLINTON, FIVE room cottage, insul-brick siding, full basement, hardwood floors, hydro and water, garage, r/4 acre land with some fruit trees, rasp- berry and strawberry plants. Possession 30 days. H. C. Law- son, Realtor, Phone 251W, Clin- ton.. . 43btfb TOWN OF CLINTON, 11/2 STOR- WILL PAY 2c FOR HORSES ey dwelling, sun °porch, living for mink feed and call and pick room, dining room, kitchen, built up same. Phone Goderich Coll- in -cupboards, four bedrooms, all act Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, modern conveniences, garage,I936r21 or 936r32. 45btft good location, possession on Dec- ember 15. Apply II. C. Leveson, FOR PINE. PRINTING Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton. I PHONE 4 45-btfb TRE NEWS-RIl00RD OFFICE EQUIPMENT SAVE $20 ON NEW REMING- ton Portable Typewriter. Sale Price 569.50. Next shipment will sell for $89.50. J. R. Butler, Phone 274. • 3 45-p • PIANO FOR SALE GENUINE HEINTZMAN PIANO and bench, marvelous tone, suit- able for any need. Apply Mrs. G. Carter, Joseph St. 45-b PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de -moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 2btf POULTRY 'FOR SALE 100 LEGHORN PULLETS REA- dy to lay. A. Stevens, 21/2 miles north of Clinton on No. 4 High- way, phone Clinton 805r11. 45-p SEWING MACHINES " SEWING MACHINES CLEAN - ed, overhauled and adjusted, $5; guaranteed satisfaction. Just bring in the head. C. Woods, 12 East St., Goderich. 43-52-p STOVES FOR SALE GOOD BEACH RANGE, PRAC- tically new, fairly small. Will- iam Holland, phone Clinton 616r- 13. 45-b TRUCKS FOR SALE 1946 CHEVROLET TWO TON truck with stake body. Driven only 11,000 miles. Priced right. Lorne Brown Motors. 45-b WANTED TO BUY SECOND HAND KITCHEN CAB- inet and two dressers or two chests of drawers. Phone 301W. 45-p DO YOU BELIEVE GOD? He Has Said; • "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Jer. 17 : 9 A ."There is none righteous, no, not one: all have sinned:" h Rom. 3 : 10, 23 ® "The wicked shell be turned into Hell." Psalm 9 t 17 • "The Lord Jesus came into this world to save sinners." I Tim, 1:15 CHAS.' E. FULLER, Box 123;;' Los Angeles 53, Calif. BIRTHS CAMPBELL -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, October 31, 1948, to Mr, and Mrs Keri- •neth'Campbell, R.R. 2 Auburn e daughter, (Nairda Valerie), COOK—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, an Thursday, October 28, 1948, to. Mr. and Mrs Russell Cook, Blyth,a daughter, (El- eanor Elaine). MERNER— In Clinton 'Public Hospital, op Thursday, Octob- er 28, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. John Merrier, R.R. 3, Zurich, a son, (Allan John). N,EILANS— In . Clinton Public hospital, on Thursday, Octob- er 28, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neilans, Clinton; a daughter, (Mary Jean). PHELAN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, November 2, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Phelan, Blyth, a daughter, (Maryann Cecilia). MARRIAGES PEPPER—WRIGHT—In the Un- ited Church: Manse, Hensel, on Saturday, October 30, 1948, by Rev. R. A. Brook, Jeen Eliza- beth Wright, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright, Cromarty, to William Ross Pepper, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Pepper, Mitchell. RICHARDSON—HODD—In Went 'wortIV Baptist ChurchrHamil- ton, by Rev. A. Frank Patch, Jean Edna, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Rodd, Blyth, to William John Richardson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Richardson, St. Cath- arines. SCOTT—WIGHTMAN— At the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt, Whitechurch, at high noon on Saturday, October 23, 1948, Violet May, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wightman, Bel - grave, to W. J. Borden Scott, youngest son of Mrs. John Scott, Eest Wawanosh, and the late Mr. Scott, SHOEBOTTOIVI—CARNAHAN — In Ontario St. United Church, on Saturday, October 23, 1948, by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Evel- yn Joyce, second daughter of Frank. Carnahan and the late Mrs. Carnahan, Owen Sound, to Lloyd George, only son of Mr. and Mrs: R. G. Shoebottom, Clinton. DEATHS HOGG—Following a lengthy ill- ness, in Woodstock Hospitel, on Thursday, October 28, 1948, Margaret E. Hesseltine, helov- ed wife of Rev. Dr. J. E. Hogg, 563 Princess St., Woodstock, formerly of Clinton, Funeral from E. F. Meadows Funeral Home, Woodstock, Saturday, October 30, thence to McDou- gall and Brown Funeral Home, 646 St. Clain Ave. W., Toronto, for service on Monday, Nov- ember 1, to Mount Pleasant Cemetery. POWELL— In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Nov- ember 2, 1948, Susannah Eliz- abeth (Susie) Powell, dear sister of Mrs. J, D. Sterling, in her '73rd year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, on Friday afternoon, November 5, at 2.30 o'clock, to Clinton Cemetery. TAPP—At the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. 'R. R. McGregor, Detroit, Mich., on Sunday, Oct- ober 31, 1948, Richard Tapp, dear father of Mrs. R. Y. Hatt - in, Clinton, in his 95th year. Funeral and interment at Ex- eter on Tuesday, November 2. WATSON—At the home of her daughter, 128 Bartlett Ave., ' Toronto, on Monday, November 1, 1948, Noreine (Nona) Miller beloved wife of the -late Geo- rge Harvey Watson, dear moth- er of Mrs. (Rev.) Patrick Me - honey (Margaret) and grand- mother of Mary Lou. Funeral from Turner and Porter Fun- eral Home,.. 436 RoncesvaIles Ave., Toronto, on Wednesday, November 3,.to Park Lawn Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ball wish to express their, sincere thenks for kindness shown, flowers sent, and cars loaned during the sick- ness end death of Mrs. Annie Ball, special thanks to the nurses and doctors at Clinton Public Hospital; also Rev:Andrew Lane. • 45-p 013.1. CUT, FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C.V COO E FLOiRI Phones; 66w and 66j BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. Flare Phone 585 L'. BITUA THOMAS" J TOLLAND Word has been received 'by ielatiVes here of the death in•'St. Boniface ' Hospital, ' Winnipeg, Man' of Thomas J. Holland, ' of' that .city, ..formerly of Holmes - vine.' Deceased ..had been in failing health fpr some time; but suffered a heart attack from which he never rallied, passing away the next day, Friday, Oc- tober 22. ' rie• is survived by his widow, who was formerly Cecelia Jervis, also of'_Hoimesvilie, and one son, Walter, and two grandcnitdren, all of 'Winnipeg, also a sister, Mrs. Annie Walker, London, The funeral which was con- ducted by Rev. Mr. White, Win- nipeg, was from the Gardiner Funeral Home under Masonic auspices. Interment followed in St. John Cemetery. Mr, Holland was a brother of the late George and Charles Hol- land, Clinton. RICHARD TAPP Richard Tapp passed away Sun- day, October 31, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. R. McGre- gor, Detroit, Mich., where he had resided for the past six months, Mr. Tapp had reached the advan- ced age of 94 years, two months and 25 days. He had been ill for only a week although he had not been active for the past two years. Mr. Tapp was born at North Moutton, England, on August 6, 1854, a son of the late James Tapp and Mary Ann Manley. He went to school at North Moutton and Charlestown and at the age of 12 went to work at a stock farm where he remained for five years. At the age of 17 he sail- ed from Plymouth to join his brother at Exeter. He worked around Exeter for ten years and in the spring of 1882 he arrived at Winnipeg, Man. Mr. Tapp homesteaded at Broad- view, Sask., and in 1884 moved to Virden, Man„ where he farmed for 42 years, later returning East. In 1889 he married Eliza Har- rison at Rogerviile, Ont., who predeceased him on September 8, 1936. Ten children were born to this union, all on the farm at Virden, The family, include A. C. Tapp, Bradford, Ont„ Mrs. Lillian Pope, Tagaske, Sask.; Lynford Charles, (deceased); Mrs. Edna Hattin, Clinton; Mrs. Merle McGregor, Detroit, Mich,; Clar- ice Lorraine, (deceased); Lionel Verne, Toronto; Richard Earle, Monkton, Ont.; Arthur Sheldon, Regina, Sask.; Ellice Wesley, Bradford. Also surviving are 19 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. He was prede- ceased by his brother, Thomas, on October 10 of this year, at the age of 97 years. Mr. Tapp was an official of the Methodist Church and later the United Church for many' years in the Montgomery District Church, Virden. Man. "• Funeral services were 'held in Exeter on Tuesday; Npvgmber,.2, with Rev. Harold J Snellx"offie- fatirfig. ' Interment followed in Exeter Cemetery, 0 IN MEMORIAM JOHNSTON—In loving memory of our dear husband and fath- er, J. Wellington Johnston, who passed away November 9, 1947, Away in the beautiful hills of God, By the valley of rest so fair, Some time, some day, we know not when, We will meet our loved one there. —Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by his wife and family. 45-b ANNUAL MEETING GODERRICH TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE is called for S. S. No. 3, Holni,esville Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 8:30 p.m. National Film Board will pre- sent a number of films and he - sides routine business, the elec- tion of officers and represent- atives also will be held. The school children will attend a presentation of films in S.S. No: 2 in the afternoon. 45-b s Brin • ROXY THEATRE C'L I N T O N Now Playing (Nov. 4-6) "APRIL SHOWERS" with Jaek, Carson and Ann Sothern MON., TUES., WED. (Nov. 8-10) "THE EXILE" In Sepiatone— Here's Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., the one and only King of Adventure, with a reward on his head and a price on his heart— Douglat Fairbanks, Jr., Maria Monter and Paul Croset THUR., FRI., SAT. (Nov, 11-13) Victor .Mature, Coleen Gray and Glenn' Langan—Drama written in fury and flames blazes ecross the screen as two gallant brothers make a last stand at Furnace Creek. "Fury at Furnace Creek" Coming (Nov. 15-17) You can't afford to miss "HOMECOMING" NOTE: Come to Clinton ,on in feature attraction "APRIL PAGE FIFTEEN'' uCk Resu CAPITAL THEATRE GODERIC 11 Now Playing (Nov. 4-6) Danny Kaye in "THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER 'WITTY" In Technicolor MON., TUES., WED. (Nov. 8-10) Barry Fitzgerald, Dorothy Hart and Dori Taylor—The most ex- citing story of the world's most exciting city, told by Mark Hellinger. "NAKED. CITY" " THUR., FRT., SAT. (Nov. 11-13) George Sanders, Lucille Bali, Charles Coburn, Boris Karioff, Alas' Mowbray and Cedric Hard- wicke—A terrific all-star cast in. a thriller 'that will hold your interest. "PERSONAL COLUMN" Coning (Nov. 15-17) '"ON AN ISLAND WITH YOU" Technicolor Saturday, ; Nov. 6, "CLINTON SHOWERS" playing at the R 5 REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing, (Nov, 4-5), Edgar, Bergen in Walt Disney's "FUN AND FANCY FREE'" MON„ TUES., WED. (Nov. 8-10) Glenn Ford, EYelyn Keyes and Ron Randall.—A truly funny tale of a girl who adopted en orphan and then hed to find a Husband. "The MATING OF M'I'LLIE" THUR., FRI., SAT. (Nov. 11-13) GFne Autry, Adele Mara and Sterling Holloway—The popular saddle pals are off on a new singing adventure with a dash of romance thrown in ' "Twilight on the Rio Grande" Coming (Nov. 15-17) "VOICE OF THE TURTLE" Don't miss hi DAY", and see the outstand oxy Theatre BUTTER, CHEESE, PRODUCTION OFF IN THIS COUNTY Production of both erea:nery butter and cheddar cheese has dropped drastically in Huron County in September 1948 ar,d also in the first nine months of the year, according to figures released in the Monthly Dairy report of the Department of Ag- I riculture. Creamery butter figures show 312,263 pounds produced in Sep- Itember 1948 es against 487.035 in the same month in 1947. Fig- ures for the nine months period in the two years are 3,107,159 and 3,894,605. The figures in Cheddar cheese eroductoin are 20,922 in. 1948 ag AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK Lot 13-14, Concession 6, Colborne Township, 11/4 miles west and 1 mile south of Auburn, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10 at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: 15 Durham and Angus steers, 1,000 to 1,200 lbs.; 6 Durham het'ers, 900 to 1,000 lbs.; 12 Here- ford heifers, had one calf; 12 Hereford calves, 300 to 400 lbs.; I2 yearling steers about '700 lbs., ready for market; 4 yearling heifers. TERMS—CASH WILLIAM THOM & SON, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 45-b Merchants! Clinton Day is YOUR day Banners POSTERS & STREAMERS Call KIRBY ' SIGNS- - Ph. 589R - Princess St. W., Clinton VARIETY t SHOW With the kind permission of g the Commanding Officer i= The Radar * and Communications School Concert Party * 4 . . . REPEATS . . . Ft 3F "THE ti GREMLIN'S" ill 4. t A Variety Show 7. . Mon. Nov. 8 a. :z 8:00 P.M. S • ADMISSION: 35 cents 3 i At The 3. Station Theatre 45-b °:.-4141.4•14:441:44-0,00.4.-0, The 'next meeting of the HURON COUNTY COUNCIL will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Code - rich, commencing TUESDAY, , NOVEM- BER NOVEM- BER 16, at 2.00 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business reuuirifg'the attention ;of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 13th. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ontario 45 -E -b against 82,019 in the correspond- ing month in 1947, The nine months figures are 449,359 and 566,673.' It is interesting to note that in the surrounding counties of Middlesex, Bruce, Grey and Perth, all show a similar decrease in t h e production of cheddar cheese and all except Middlesex the same condition in creamery buttes. In this regard Middlesex shows an increase of over 10,000 pounds in the month of Septem- ber and over 300,000 pounds in the nine months period. So Sorry The passenger leaned out of the taxi window. "What on earth are you do- ing?" he shouted to the driver. "I asked you to drive me from Victoria to Leicester Square, and this is the fourth time we've passed St. Paul's." "I'm sorry, sir," replied the driver. "I thought you were an American." 0 GODERICH — Alan Tinfield, Goderich, and Roland C. Day, London, returned from a hunt- ing expedition in the North, with the carcass of a mdgnificent bull moose weighing 1,200 pounds House For Sale! One of the Newest and Most Modern Houses in Clinton. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION One -and -a -half storeys, seven rooms; bath upstairs and down; oil heated, thermostat -controlled; hardwood floors throughout; located on Ontario Street, in one of best resi- dential sections of Clinton. APPLY TO Gordon Horner Phone 483-j Clinton .uv,r+rMM✓m Special Price for "Clinton Day" on TwVIKING CREAM SEPARATORS One 600-1b. capacity, new One 200-1b. capacity, used a short time H. Charlesworth MtN.MrNfMI.NJ+IIM !Offi\,J OICIO)......, FOR "CLINTON DAY" ° 11 Special a FOOT DOGS, Hot Barbecue Each 15c • Ruby and Bill's SNACK BAR "NEAR THE MAIN CORNER" vctz== 0 RA10 Slaughte For "Clinton Day" Only 3 ONLY—Eight-tube Electric Automatic, plays 10- and 12 -inch records, miracle tone area. Reg. $289. Sale $220 Electric Rangette Four -burner. Reg. $61.50 . , Sale $57 1% hp. ELECTRIC MOTOR Reg. $125 Sale $98 SPECIAL PRICES ON TABLE LAMPS Groves Electric Phone 274 Huron St, )