HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-11-04, Page 12PAGE TWELVE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER. 4, ‘1.948, PRESBYTERIAN GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Clinton Presbyterian 'Church will meet at the home of Mrs, T. W. Mor- gan on Tuesday evening, Novem- ber 9, at 8 o'cclock. Mrs. Sam Castle, Jr., will, be co -hostess. 'i '_1 Y.t.-4 +M2»Ittit4'.P,' 4 o oft 4404"411`.$titoi4«A44+Fi'.400.4ei .nal!+: lt$'!k'.'_1 0 3`< 3:. 0 2 cents Per Pound Reduction on all Quarters of Beef for "CLINTON DAY" ONLY Clinton Locker Service PERSONALS II Austin Nediger, Sarnia, spent weeks with Mrs. Adams' parents, he Weekend at the 'home of ' his Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Freya in, left BAPTIST CHURCH ANNIVERSARY PROVES SUCCESS The 68th anniversary service parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Ned- !on' Monday for their home 1'1'1 of Clinton Baptist Church was ger. Winnipeg, Man. observed on Sunday when Rev. Mrs. Herbert Castle has return- I Mr. and Mrs. R. P, Robbins, H. A. Tripier, •pastor of Maitland ed after a pleasant three weeks Crediton, spent the weekend at ISt. Baptist Church, London, was visit with friends in Hamilton 'the home of the Tatter's parents, the guest preacher. A very large and Dunnville, IMr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter. Mrs. Congregation was present, and a Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGuire Robbins assisted the choir of splendid offering was received. were guests on Saturday at the Wesley -Willis United Church on Services in Auburn Baptist Simpson—Bushell wedding in , Sunday morning' by singing a ,Church were withdrawn in re-. Lucknow ori Saturday. solo. cognition Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue i Mr, and MrsGordon Cuning- Special music was furnished by spent the weekend in Toronto heme motored to Toronto' last the Lobb Male Quartette (Clif- . with their son and daughter -in- weekend where Mrs. Cuninghame toed Lobb, Sgt. A. R. Persaa, law, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perdue, is visiting for' this week among RCAF, Glen Lockhart, and Fred John A. "Tony" VanEgmond, friends and relatives. Mr. Cun- Lobb), accompanied by, Mrs. C. Detroit, Mich„ is spending a inghame, in company with Roy Lobb;, and by the Van der Berg vacation with his brother, Ferg and Carl East, Toronto, is en- Trio, accompanied by A. Van der VanEgmond, and, Mrs. Van Eg-. joying an outing at their hunt mond. cabin, Baie-de-ore. , Mrs, Joseph McGillawee and Mr. and Mrs. George Dufrene 5 family, Shakespeare, returned to and Mrs. Andrew Moore, Detroit, their home on Tuesday after vis- Mr. and Mrs. E. Prescott and 4 iting the former's mother, Mrs. daughters, Audrey and Dorothy, W. J. Tough. „„ Newton Chapman and Bob Sparks, . Mrs. Wilson y a,� a weekend visitor at the home Pring, Harriston, spent the Fred Thorndike, 'London, was all of Toronto, and 3».*+;p.:41:01R44«,,,.,;.,4-4«;.,,..T:.;.r..;**t".:.+,..L«t «»« ,,":" « .144.1,.4., of his parents and grandfather, weekend with Mayor and Mrs, Y ' For Clinton Lay only Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thorndike 1 A J. McMurray, Miss Dorothy end Mr. Thomas "Hardy. 'Prescott and Mrs. Pring assisted Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gibbings "with the Hallowe'en party at the. / / • / / 2 and son, Stratford, and Miss Collegiate on Saturday evening. 2o% discount 1 ON ALL FRAMES Large stock of metal, glass and wood , frames and frames made-to-order for your pictures. 1 . owten " Atotheti PHOTOGRAPHERS Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford } Phone 84, McEwan's Clinton Marion Gibbings, Dundas, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings over the weekend. and E. McGillicuddy D. z. Dn. Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooke, engage - Mr. as g announce the e o Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Hymus, ment of their daughter, Ethel, Toronto, visited Mrs. Grace, Hig- to Eldon Yeo, son of Mrs. Yeo gins and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. I and the late William Yeo, Holmes- Pennebaker ove)} the weekend. ville, the marriage to take place Mrs. N. W. ^Trewartha, Mrs, in November. Ernest Adams, Mrs. E. H. Epps * s' * and Mrs. I. M. Nay were among I The engagement is announced those from Clinton branch of the of Madeleine Prances, daughter W.I. who attended the conven- of Mrs. Hawkins and the late tion in London last week. .W. Thomas Hawkins, to John G. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Char- MacKinnon, Toronto, the mer- les Stewart or Sunday last were riage to take place on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vincent, God- November 20, at 2 p.m., in St. erich, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toll, Paul's Church, Clinton, Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas these countries. London, Sunday night. He re - Rev. A. Forsyth supplied themaiiied in Londbn ouennight. on pulpit - of Maitland St. Chureh,account of heavy fags.; ililifaitt.44.4teMatalittitt4+1+0._. .14.4t0 I THE SMART PLACE THE RIGHT PLACTo Oa'E sAvESH'EARING'S Berg. The fine harmony of both groups was greatly appreciated by ell and added to the effective- ness of the service. The church was decorated throughout with chrysanthemums and other flowers and coloured leaves. Mr. Trimer based his message on the types of people who are to be found at church. He de- scribed a parade of religious people in which one could pick out: (1) the man who didn't. care e wasthere or not;2 whether he ( ) the man who also had little re- ligious interests but wanted to be seen in the company of the re- ligious; (3) the man who, at heart, didn't went to be in the parade, but was afraid not to be there; (4) the man who wanted to be there because of the real joy he found in religious service and fellowship. • He appealed to the congrega- tion to find the real values in Christianity that they might have a new appreciation of our re- ligion and better attendance at the public srevices of the church. Following the worship service, Mr. Trinier gave a very inter- esting and informative travelogue, in which he summed up the delib- erations of the Baptist World Alliance at Copenhagen and the World . Council of Churches at Amsterdam last summer. His slides depicted views of England, Scotland, Germany, ,i Adams, Londesboro, and Mr. and LEGION AUXILIARY Mrs. Lloyd Stewart. I The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Adams and Canadian Legion will meet in two children, Brenda end Bill, !the Legion Hall on Monday, No - who have spent the past three vember 8, at 8.15 p.m. 1 1 First -Class Merchandise "Clintori Day" SPECIALS Genuine Bargains of 2 Children's Wear CHILDREN'S and MISSES' HATS Reg. $1.98 -- $2.49 Special 1.49 -- 1.98 Shoe Dept. A FREE Pair of RUBBERS with Every Pair of Shoes sold on "Clinton Day." Babywear Dept. FLANNELETTE CRIB -SHEETS Reg. 85c Special 59c ea. Men's wear Dept. MEN'S JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS Reg. $3.95 Special $2.95 Accessories Dept. LADIES' HANDBAGS Reg. $4.95 - $3.95 Special $2.95. Chinaware Dept. EVERY -DAY WHITE CUPS Reg. 18c ea. Special 2 for 25c Ladies' Wear PRINT HOUSE DRESSES Reg. .,.. $2.49-$2.95-$3.95 Special .. $1.98 - $2.49 - $2.95 Wallpaper Dept. FREE Border with Every ROOM of Wallpaper sold. a Wool Dept. FREE Knitting Book with Every Purchase of 5 BALLS WOOL OR OVER Piece Goods Dept. GOOD QUALITY WABASSO PRINTS Reg. .49c Special .39c Hosiery -Lingerie Dept. LADIES' COTTON HOSE Reg. .39c. Special .25c LADIES' NYLON KNITTED SLIPS Reg. $5.50 '..... Special $4.75 Linen Dept. LINEN TEA TOWELLING 23" wide Reg. .98c Special .69c Z5oyJand Aloes Open -v PHONE 36j - 2nd .1001 MAIITINS36-e 1 1 Holland and Denmark, and he gave some, of his impressions of s� i :+.s....n..ewA... - I•R+�.....MCMMo�N•.s.a..Pn.I.a...rlH....r.w...s.+.MSJ.a. i New Modern Food Market NEW LOW CASH-AND-CARRY FOOD PRICES Extra Bargains for Clinton Day Nov. 6 COFFEE, Maxwell House .:..:'. .. lb. pkg. 57c SUGAR, Granulated 5 lb. bag 44c , CORN, York Bantam ................2 tins 35c SOUP, Campbell's Tomato 2 tins 21c CATSUP, Wagstaffe's bottle 17c ' PICKLE, Heinz Sliced Dill jar 18c APPLE JUICE, Allen's tin 10c ? JELLY POWDERS, Club House. 2 pkgs. 15c TOMATO JUICE, Libby's tin 11c ' CORN SYRUP, Bee Hive 2 lb. tin 25c RAISINS, Australian Seedless 2 lbs. 29c , CHERRIES, Stoney Creek Sweet tin 30c .s • QUALITY MEATS • y Large Pork Sliced Side 'Smoked Cottage �' SAUSAGE lb. 49cIBACON 1/2 lb 37cIROLLS .. lb 59c .� 3 YORK FROSTED FOODS STRAWBERRIESIWhole Kernel 'Fancy Quality 3 Sliced . pkg. 40c CORN pkg. 28c PEAS . pkg. 30c' Garden Fresh FRUITS & VEGETABLES Choice Hearts . Juicy 392's Golden Ripe CELERY ORANGES BANANAS Bunch .. . 23cDoz. 19c Lb. 15c Your Red & White Self Serve Store 3; PHONE 48 -- We Deliver — CLINTON z :«tv6.2��3r3«+i..:»;«4T..3�+i«i»':d»5.`«Z�«r:«d»+..{�p,�i«3»«F:�,3fe.��{.ti,�i%!»Yf�*`_•3%d•?i Our "CUnton Day" Special Clinton Ne .Y, (° s- k ""'ecord "The Home Paper With the News" From now until the end of 1949 For Onl% r 2 (60 ISSUES) The CLASSIFIED ADLETS alone are worth many times the trifling cost per week of this popular newspaper. You can- not afford to be without it. And besides you get 100% news coverage. DROP IN AND SEE US ON "CLINTON DAY!", Saturday, November 6. • XL SEW IUMMEMEMIC imm� Paging All HuronCounty! gi� FOR "CLINTON DAY", SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 A Grand Opportunity for yov to Make Your Dollars have More Cents! Greatly Reduced Prices on Merchandise from practically every Department Throughout the store. Angora Gloves & Mitts E AT in a great variety of ONE-HALF shades. Away they go PRICE at One -Half of Original Prices. 25% REDUCTIO Men's Dress Sox in all -wool and Union, sizes 101 to 11%. They will make an excellent Christmas gift. DRASTIC REDUCTIONS On Piece Goods. We have selected a table of Materials suitable for Women's and Children's Wear, at prices which - wiliattract the most thrifty shoppers. NOTE THESE PRICES — 36" Plastic Priced for one day only 35c and 49c yd. Plain and Flowered Regular prices 50c and 69c 1 11