HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-11-04, Page 11'THURSDAY, NOVEM15EII I, 1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD' :HURON COUNTY HOME HEIFER BRINGS $52 Ruronco Lady Alcartra, a bre -Holstein heifer from the herd of 'Huron County Home, Clinto brought $525, at the A11-Canadia 'Holstein sale held October 25 a Toronto. She was purchased b William J. Murphy, Lindsay, Daughter of the XX bull Mead ow' Glade :Admiral Pabst wh was 'Reserve Junior Champion a Huron County Black and Whit -'Day in 1945, her darn is th "good plus" cow, Bessie Hand Aicartra, with a three-year-oh recordon twice -a -da milking of 530 pounds fat from 15,747 pounds milk. 5 it n, t y 0 t e' e y y n' Top price` at this sale wa • '$9,400 received' by ElmcroP Finn, • Oshawa, for a bull ' calf sold' to 'Dr. • Antonio Ubici, Thu giro,: ` This was the highest /irk/irk'fore a' Holstein in Canada thi year,'• Top price' for a femal was $4,600 received by N. W,: Me Conkey, Peterboro,' from Clar -mice Lyons,' HVft.' Joy; • Pa. for a 'five-year-old World Record pro- ducer ' The .78- head realized a •"total of $95,685 for a general average of $1,226. Thirty of the `78animals sold brought at least 11,000 with. at . least 11 of them topping the $2,000 mark. Twelve bulls averaged $1,958; 14 milking females $1,779; 45 bred heifers $882 and seven open yearlings $1,182. A' 'three-year-old heifer :sold by Ermeroft Farms to. Cash- man Farms, ash-man"'Farms, Hopewell Junction, 14,Y., brought $4,000 while Cash- man also paid . 53,200 to J. J. E. McCague, Alliston, for another "three-year-old. William J. Mur- ' eehy, Lindsey, bought a five- -months -old baby heifer calf from 'the World Champion butterfat ;producer Aleartra Gerben •for '$3,,500. The consigcmor was A.B.C. 'Farm, Brampton, H. L. Guilbert, 'Veircheres, Que., sold a bull calf :to en Italian • buyer for $3,000. s e s e tsitu 011.muill�ll!onmo1�INRmaii 1111f1u 0 41" "Clinton Day" i 6-1 Special • rr� • 1.2 Bry1creem for the *ell -groomed to ' hair • PER TUBE Reg. 50c • " Special 35c Jack Plumtree Barber rjA Hospital Aid Asks Dishes for Hospital A 'request for dishes.—espec- iailyodd plates, dinner or tea size for the hospital—was made at the monthly meeting of Clinton Hospital Aid in the Council Chamber, Tuesday evening.' The president, Mrs. L. Mc- Kinnon,. explained that the hosp- ital was short of dishes of all kinds and that donations of any number would be appreciated. The dishes are to be taken. to, the hospital by the donor. The treasurer's report, read by Miss L, Walkinshaw, showed a balance of $1,515,04, with bilis amounting to $723.23 to be paid in the near future. Mrs. Mae Rance MacKinnon reported for the finance com- mittee, stating that $47, had been taken in by the chain teas during, the past month. Mrs. MacKinnon stated that Miss Cttninghaine's report, which she was giVing ex- plained that Mrs. Bulteel's group lied done in sewing for the• hos- pital:. during the'. teas and that others might do likewise. She also said that plans had been made for the annual Christmas Ball which will be held Dec- ember 28. Mrs. George'MeLay is convening thecommittee again this year. A striking committee was ap- pointed by the president, con- sisting of Mrs. C. H. Epps, Mrs. C. M. Shearing and Mrs. R. S. Atkey. Federation Notes (By W. V. Roy) The attendance at the County Directors' Meeting of Huron Federation of Agriculture, on Tuesday, October 26, was poor, partly due to the busy season, but mainly to the failure of Township Federations and affil- iate organizations to realize their responsbilities. The County' or- ganization can only function ef- fectively inasmuch as it receives support from County affiliates. Resolutions from Middlesex County and Grey Township were endorsed. A motion by R. McKercher of • Seaforth and Roy Strong, of Ger rie, that the farmers of Huron County co-operate in saving A Hydro power, was passed unani- _� mously. It was decided, after some dis- = - cussion, that the County would P. H.::tan e a delegation to the Dist- ' riet Hog Produedes' meeting, in 1 Walkerton on November 1 25 STITCHES GODERICII—When Ieaving a ▪ friend's house on Napier st., Mrs. - B. Knight, of the staff of F. E. Hibbert and Son, missed a step in the dark and fell prone, break- ing her glasses, which caused Cuts ~ on her face. that - required 25 Li stitches. She also suffered a fractured right wrist' and shock. She is a patient in AIexandra hospital here, !NI I IEi natio noilia not OilN Iflfl111li11111Rit PAGE ELEVEN_ Clinton"Colts OBA Intermediate C" Runners -Up 1948 e nton Co ts, a ampions of the Huron -Perth Baseball League and Western Ontario champions, have just completed a successful season in the Ontario Baseball Association In- termediate "C" piaydowns, only losing out in the finals for . the Ontario championship to Caledonia, Eastern and Central Ontario champions, in two straight games, 15-10 and 7-3. ABOVE is a photograph of. the team just prior to the final game of the season. Left to right: IN FRONT — "Jerry" Holmes and Bill Pearson, bat boys • FRONT ROW — Harry McEwan, second base; Bert White -centre Held; Hugh Hawkins, ejaging manager; Doug Bart - life, shortstop; Gordon Stock, dash and pitcher. MIDALE ' ROW - Norman Wilson, catcher; Bob Craig, pitcher; Bill Cook, pitches; Laurie Colquhoun, catcher; Bob Miller, field; Clarence Neilans, left field,... • • :. , , BACK ROW — John "Bud" Schoenhals, first base; Art Woodcock, third base; Clarence Livermore, business manag- er; Jack Wilson, utilittk; Bill Craig, right field; Bob Diaper, pitcher and right field; ABSENT — Len Johnson, pitcher, now attending Strat- ford Normal School. • —photo by Fowler Bros., Studio. PRESENT TROPHY TO CLINTON'S PEEWEE CHAMPS Clinton's Western Ontario Ath- letic Association Peewee baseball champions were honoured at a dinner in Hotel Clinton Friday evening last when they.and their fathers were ithe guests of ,the sponsor, Dr. S. W. Shaw, veteran sportsman, Dr. Shaw was chairman, end associated with him at the head table were James Reynolds, God- erich, donor ' of the Reynolds Trophy, emblematic of the championship; Mayor A. .1. Me - Murray and Reeve G, W. Nott; Hugh R. Hawkins, representing the WOAA; and James Chowen, manager of the team and group convener.' Highlight of the evening was when Mr. Reynolds made 'the,', presentation of the beautiful trophy to Dr. Shaw, in behalf of the WOAA. Crests bearing the "` legend, "WOAA. Peewee Champ- ions 1948" were presented by' James Chowen to the boys, Mr. Reynolds heartily congrat- ulated the players on their ach- ievement in winning the title,;;`! and urged them to continue as good sportsmen always, He re-:, fated some of Itis Men experi- ences in professional baseball ' circles, • The boys individually thanked .` Dr. Shaw for his 'interest in sp- onsoringthe team, and the donor for the trophy. Head table guests and the fath• - ers of the boys; also added a word' of congratulation and appreciat- ion. • —o— Seaforth Produce • HAS NARROW ESCAPE -BRUSSELS — Robert Farrow est Wawanosh escaped serious injury Sets Tax Rat Speaks at Banquet while 'engaged i + ' narrowly n excavation work on the premises of Dm C.1" A by-law fixing the 1948 hates East Wawanosli Federation of Myers when a seven -foot trench, I for various taxation' purposes' in Agriculture held its -ennual ban - in whidh Farrow was working, (West Wawanosh Township was quet at Whitechurch when V. S. suddenly caved in. A fellow:passed at a recent meeting. of Milburn, Toronto, provincial worker, John Evans, scraped the 'the council, earth from around Farrow's head and prevented him from being . For county purposes in the smothered. « `Goderich High School District the Federation Secretary Dance every Saturday night to Cleyt Steeper's nine -piece oe- chestra at the Opera House, Exeter. Admission eft. 44-5-b CLINTON DAY is SATURDAY - NOV. 6 s BARGAINS GALORE Clinton merchants are offering groceries, clotllin, ' drugs, furniture, dry goods, and other items at prices that will absolutely amaze you. • RODEO - CIRCUJS The greatest show of its type ever to tour Ontario— Western and South America—America's finest trained horses and novelty circus acts —after supper in the Arena. v • 0 WIN TEN DOLLARS During the afternoon — Identify Miss Chamber of Commerce and during the evening identify the elusive Mss Clinton. • BARN DANCE & STAGE SHOW In the Town Hall at 3:30 --The Western Swinbillies, 1C.F.P.L.'s "Noontime Frolickers" in person. BE IN CLINTON SATURDAY - NOV. 6! is /av�nARtmi*`a federation secretary, .was the guest speaker, • He gave a very enlightening' address :on- "Insur- +rate is six and two-tenths mills; ansa. and Federation Polities," ".for county purposes in the Wing- Other speakers ,were John W. ham High School District the rate Hanna, MLA: Elston Cardiff, jis six and eight -tenths mills, ; Bert Lobb, Clinton, County Federation president; J. C. Ren - i For township purposes,' the nie, Clinton, assistant agricultural irate decided upon was three and representative for Huron County. 'live -tenths mills end for the.po- Clark Johnson added to the ,bice "village of Manchester, nine musical part of the program with :and four -tenths Mills. (Miss Elaine Walsh' at the piano. Miss Lois Whitney, Wingham, Other rates are as follows: rendered a couple of solos. J.D. Goderich High School Distriet, Beecroft, reeve, took charge of ltwo and one-tenth mills; Wing -'the election of officers for the bam • High School District, two I ensuing year. John Buchanan, and one-tenth mills; Federation was returned as president and of Agriculture, two-tenths of a Aidin Purdin vice-president. mill; general school rate, three I 0 and two-tenths mills; Dungannon EXETER -- Harold Whitesides, street lights, two and three- London, while on his way to tenths mills. 'Exeter, met with a bad accident The clerk was .authorized to but escaped with minor injuries. advertise for tenders for the con- About four miles south of Exeter struction of the Kirk drain. A .the car he was driving went out representative° from the firm of of control and landed in a deep Faegan and Prest was present ditch and overturned. Whitesides and gave an estimate of the costwas able to crawl from the car of wiring the Township Hall. ithrough a window. . • "Clinton Day" only 10% OFF ALL EXIDE BATTERIES Have your car greased here while in town. * o since Service Station Charles Shanahan, lessee King St. — PHONE 342 — Clinton Clinton Day" Special DELICIOUS BUTTERNUT CAKE CHERRY ROLL Take home some MARSHMALLO BALLS They're delicious served with chocolate sauce,. Dixon Pastry Shop Rattnubury St. E. -- Phone 281W - Clinton Destroyed by Fire, Fire of unknown origin ddst- royed the killing plant of Sea- forth Produce early Monday. No estimate of the Loss was made by G. A. Spence, manager of the plant, but he said the one -storey frame building contained consld- • erable machinery. Flanmes were first nbticed at •: 5.30 a.m. and by the time the call had been answered by the Seaforth fire department''it had taken en unbreakable. hold. The plant was on the out- skirts of Seaforth and apart from machinery, contained only 90 birds left front the weekend kill- ing. The building usually em- ployed 15 persons and had a daily capacity of 2,000 birds. .HiW.M{C4dOV. Special Prices This Week 1947 HUDSON Sedan, 1,800 miles 1946 CHEVROLET Sedan, 1,900 linilOS 1934 DODGE Sedan, nice condition 1947 WILLYS JEEP, power take -off, pulley and drawbar Above cars have heaters, spare tires and are in new car condition. SEE THESE AT THE Supertest Garage BankAcross from of Montreal cone 616-34, Clinton JONATHANor at tny residence, HUGILL 11 -- o Oa 1 ( O) 0 `O I 5 lbs. ROBIN HOOD OATS ... 33c 11 10 lbs. SUGAR . . . 0 a. e a 85c °i (I • EXTRA SPECIALS FOR "CLINTON DAY" e 0 O II Rumball's Grocery 11 PHONE 86 • We Deliver CLINTON 0 jl "I To Our Farmer Friends!. X! Now is the time of year to build up your farm animals and poultry to face the winter ahead by adding Vitamins A and D t'o their diet. USE Cod Liver Oil Buy it by the Gallon Reg. %4.5o "CLINTON DAY" SPECIAL . — $3.99 ELLIOTT'S VETERINARY SVPPLIES and PATENTED 1VIEDICINES +z* PHONE 203 CLINTON; 4e.. +H i:41::;:e 44 rA 4 4.:33 Ai!+'A4.§3. 33..ti ri0' Et1�'w.?_+`i'S?fRi'W.e• f .tel ig