HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-28, Page 10A.B.C. Ranch Corral These Specials Choice Creamery BUTTER 70c Bee -Hive CORN SYRUP ... 5 lbs55c SALMON, Golden ,Net (Fancy Red) 30c Honey Pod PEAS (tender) . . 17c Carnation MILK (small) , . 2 for 15c Baby Roll CHEESE 1 lb. 45c Aylmer KETCHUP 19c Monarch Pastry FLOUR .. 24 lb. $1.67 Coleman Pure LARD 1 lb.: 33c ORANGES -- 344's 24c For your convenience we keep open Holidays atid'Evenings till 9 pan. Ross Fitzsimons Your Texaco Dealer PAGE SIX CLINTON NEVVii-RECORD Interesting Items From Mews - NEWS O;F BAYFIE'LD RRepresentistive: Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 Miss: Doris McEwen, London, Wes home over the weekend, Mrs. James R. Scott is spend- ing a few days in Toronto this Week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake Lire visiting St. Thomas friends this week. Mr. and Mrs, J: Stewart, Ham- ilton, were at their home in the village overthe weekend. Dr. and Mrs, Wilson Mitchell, Birmingham, Mich,, occupied their cottage over the weekend. Mrs. A. . Suppniek, Detroit, spent a few days at the end of the week at her cottage, "Holley Lodge." Mr, and. Mrs. James P. Fergu- son, London, visited the form er's mother, Mrs. James Fergu- son, over the weekend. E. A. Featherston, London, was home over the weekend and Keith Leonard, Montreal, spent the weekend with his wife and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stephens end two sons; Keith and Don, were at their home in the vil- lage, "Shangri-La," over ' the weekend Ken Newton, Detroit, Spent the weekend withhis aunt, Miss Elizabeth Reid, His mother, Mrs. Eudo Newton, who had been visiting his sister, returned to Detroit with hip;. Here From Alberta • Mr. and . Mrs. W. C. Stirling,, Hanna, .Alta., who motored east to visit relatives, arrived on Mon- day evening, and are with the former's sisters, Misses A.M. and E. J. Stirling. Two great neph- ews, John Campbell, Bronson Line; Stanley Township, and George Keyes, Varna, who were out west, accompanied them on the trip. Double Celebration Mr. and Mrs. Sam Helmer cele Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY • Tq{tiirnship of Stanley will hold a COURT OF REVISION on the 1949 ASSESS- MENT ROLL on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 at 1.30 p.Yn. in, the Township Hall, Varna All applications must be in the hands of the Clerk prior to this date. FRED WATSON, Clerk 43-4-b WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE C.OKE-REFRESH EBENEZER YPU Meets The Ebenezer YPU held their annual pot -luck supper at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Mer- rill Twenty-five 'sat down to the well -laden tebles, Following the supper, reports were given by Marion Jones and Grace Lobb on the 24th annual YPU Con- ference, which was held at Wood- stock. The remainder of the; even- ing was spent in a sing -song with Miss Verna Meller at the piano; and in games, brated their 40th wedding an- niversary and their son, Harvey and his wife, their ninth wed- ding anniversary et their' home on the Blue Water Highway on Saturday evening. Their daugh- ter, Maria, and other son,. Clar- ence and his wife were present, Twenty -.guests, relatives and close friends sat down to dinner. The table decorations were in pink and white, centerd with e three -tiered wedding cake. They were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. The evening was spent in music and singing; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rohner were married in Seaforth and for a great many years farmed on the Bronson Line. They re- tired a few years ago to the farm on the outskirts of the vil- lage which they purchased from R. Heard. We join in extending congratulations end wish them many more happy years to- gether. LONDON ROAD Club Meets, The monthly meeting of Lon- don Road Club was •held at the home of Mrs. Managhan, The meeting opened with the singing. of "The Maple Leaf Forever. The president, Mrs. Roy Plumsteel, was in the chair. A thank you note was read from Wilma Oke, by' the secre- tary, Mrs. Managhan. A dona- tion was received from Mes. Ross Fitzsimons, - The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Anderson who was in charge of the program, Read- ings were given by Mrs. Harry Plumsteel, Mrs. N. Manning end Mrs. Anderson. At the close of the meeting a delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs, A. Wiltse. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 194$: BRUCEFIELD Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer, visited her parents, Mr, end Mrs. R. P. Watson, over the weekend. Mr. and Mre. Lobb end family, Michigan, were weekend visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Hend- erson. Mrs, Elsie Forrest, London, spent the weekend with her brother, Arthur McQueen end Mrs. McQueen. Mrs. Smith and Mr. Delbert Henry, Detroit, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. William Henry. Mrs. Alex Henry who has been Visiting here, returned home with them. YPU Hallowe'en The annual Hallowe'en party of the YPU was held on Monday evening in the school room of the church. Games and contests. were enjoyed by those present. A delicious lunch was served at the close. Mission Band Meets The regular meeting of the Mission Band' was held Sunday morning duringchurch service. The president, Ross Stanway, was in the chair. Scripture reading was taken by Ann Haugh. The leader,, Mrs. McDonald, told the missionary story. There was a good attendance. Church Services The services at United Church Sunday were conducted by Rev. E. R. Stanway, At the morning service, Mr. and M. Vander - burgh and family of Clinton, for- merly of Holland, were present and sang three beautiful numbers in their native tongue. Mr. Van- derburgh also played the Ham- mond organ before the service and accompanied for the singing. At the evening service a good attendance was present to see the film "King of Kings," which de- picted the life of Christ. The picture which lasted over two hours was one all should see. Feted Ere Departure Last Friday evening well over 100 friends and neighbors gath- ered at Stanley School to spend a social hour with. Mr. and Mrs. Lt Hill end family prior to their leaving the community and tak- ing up residence near Bayfield. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Hill were called to the platform and following an address read by Mr. Alton Johnston were present- ed with a beautiful trilight lamp, wall mirror and table mirror. Prior to leaving school at No. 10, Prank and Murrey Hill were pre- sented with ball-point pens by their fellow classmates, They will be greatly missed in the various community activities. Plus 2,1 wartime taxes and orders. cal. am,. �,.. lfi;gjaZe. 'hlV W5,ut YOU POI VELVET ;/.4111tli AND 185X Ask for it either wry , , , both trade -marks mean the sante thing. This new lustre wall paint is easily applied and dries hover night to a rich, velvety It leaves no unpleasant odor , and being an oil paint, washes perfectly. Painted walls are highly sanitary and very much in style, and we can thoroughly recommend this special wall paint. 245o Authorized Bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca Cole, Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY 700 Brie St. Phone 78 MARTINS Thanks For Your Help Although we are not yet under our daily quota, the Public Utilities Com- mission, for the time being, has decided to dispense with power cut-offs from 6.30 to , 7.30 p.m., Monday through Friday. HOWEVER, THE NOON CUT-OFF — FROM 12 TO 1 P.M. — WILL STILL REMAIN IN FORCE. AT THE SAME TIME we urge the utmost co-operation from users of electrical energy all through the day and night. HAVE YOU TRIED REPLACING 100- AND 150 -WATT BULBS WITH 40- AND 60 -WATT BULBS? Clinton Public Utilities Commission PORTER'S HILL Grace "Church W.A. The WA of Grace Church held a crokinole party in the: church, basement on Friday eveninP;"Ou- tober 22, under the supervision isicrn of Rev, F. G. Stotesbury, Win- ners of ,the most' games were Audi ey Harrison and Jack Pi oc- tor' while co, • olatior, (e.t.a went to Greet Harris and Since "obis Audrey Barris we.: the prize for scoring the most 20's.. Lunch was served by the ladies. Community Club Meets The regular meeting of Port- er's Hill Community Club was held et the home of Mrs, Frank Picot on Wednesday, October 20. with Mrs. J. A. Torrance pre- siding. The minutes and reports were read and adopted. The treasurer reported a substantial balance. A set of library books has been ordered. A quilt was quilted during the afternoon. At the close of the meeting the hostess served n: .superb lunch. The next meeting willbe held" at the home of Mrs, John McCowen on November 17, There will be a speaker on health in- surance. Goderich Township Jack Cluff had the hyaro turn- ed on this week. Mrs. Arthur Welsh spent Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs Ern. Reed, London. Mr, and Mrs. Thomas RathweIl and Lois spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Potter. Social Evening A very pleasant social evening for the members and friends of St. James' Church, Middleton, was held last Friday at the home of Mr.and Mrs, John Middleton. The early part of the evening was spent playing euchre.. 'Mrs. Stewart Middleton .won the lad- ies' prize, '" Rarold Tyndall the men's first prize. The " highlight of the evening was the presentation of gifts .to three recent ,brides; •Mrs. Robert Campbell. -(nee Ketlileen Middle- ton); Mrs. Edwin Tufts (nee Ruth Middleton) ; and to Mrs, Robert Glenn, (formerly Muriel Wise). These couples were all married in St. James' Church. Mr, and Mrs. Campbell were given a rug, Mr, and Mrs. Tufts a wall mirror, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, a candle- wick bedspread. An appropriate presentation address was read by . Stewart Middleton and- signed by Charles Cooper, Edward Wise and J. Deeves. The three grooms replied fit- tingly, thanking ,their friends on behalf of their brides for the lovely gifts, The hostess then served a delicious lunch, after which Mr. Tufts entertained all present by vocal and piano selec- tions, also leading a sing -song, Community Club Meets The S.S. No. 4 Goderich Town- ship Community Chub held its October meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Walter For- bes. The meeting was opened, by repeating the Lord's Prayer. The roll call was answered by 16 members and there was one visitor present. The treasurer's report was then read., During the business session, it was decided that the Club would put on a baking sale in Clinton Town Hall. It also was decided that we send a bale of clothing up north, including two new quilts. Donations of clothing are being requested to be brought to the November meeting Mrs. C. Tebbutt donated a gift, which was sold by tickets, the gift be- ing won by Mrs. A. Hebden, The meeting was closed, and a de- licious lunch was served by the hostess. A quilt was quilted dur- ing the afternoon. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Reid and Mavis, London, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Reid, Owen Sound, Miss Minnie Reid, Hensall, Mr and Mrs. Jack Traquair and Ruth Anne, Hen- sel], spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McQueen. Shoot 14 Geese Bill Kyle, Edgar McClinchey, Tommy and Don Kyle returned home with 14 geese, the result of a shooting expedition on the Blue Water Highway. Posted to Yukon Jack Smith, Hensall, stationed with the RCAF at Clinton, has been posted tc White Horse, Yu- kon, and will leave shortly, ac- companied by his wife and in- fant son. Sunday Preacher Rev, Harold Swan, missionary of Trinidad, now home on fur- lough at his home in Toronto, will be guest spealcer at the even- ing service in the United Church Sunday, October 30. His father, Rev, Frank Swan, was a former minister here. Recovering at Home Miss Edna Petzke, who suffer- ed serious injuries in a recent motor accident, has returned home from Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaforth, end is making a splendid recovery, although she will not be able to work for many months. Half Holiday Nov. 11 , The annual Poppy Day spon- sored by the local branch of the Canadian Legion will be held Saturday, November 6. Remem- brance Day will be observed in the United Church Thursday, November 11, with a half holiday proclaimed by Reeve A. W. Kers- lake. W.Y. Meetings The Institutes of South Huron district have chosen Citizenship Conferences—Developing Com- munity Enterprises—as one type of service for the year. The meetings will be held at Exeter, November 4, and at Seaforth, November 5. This, type of meet- ing should be of interest and benefit to all Institute members and to non-members of the com- munity. Correspondents 44te4.t QactfribiTia .LAD. CE ?KOz Complete Equipment for CONCRETE WORT( FOUNDATIONS BUILDINGS. Equipment For Rent or Hire Protect Working Conditions by Assuring that Men Eamployed are Covered by Compensation and Unemployment Insurance. • rvr McKay Contracting Co. Princess St. W. CLINTON Phone 373M ..•..a.um; NOTICE Court of Revision t , The Township of l-lfullett will hold. the COURT OF REVISION on the 1949 ASSESSMENT ROLL, Monday Nov.1 at 2.30 Inn in the COMMUNITY HALL, LONDESBORO All appeals must be in the hands of the Clerk prior to this date, GEORGE W. COWAN, Clerk 42-3-4-b His name may be George Wilson, Patrick O'Reilly or Emile Legault. He may be a farmer, a lawyer, a carpenter, a real estate agent, a banker, a teacher or one of our own ;employees. His wife or mother might bo a shareholder. He and about 5,000 other Cnnndians from all walks of life. are the owners of Dominion Textile Company Limited. Last year, among them, they did $57,038,394 worth of business. That was the. company's total income for the year.,, Lot'ssimplify it and say each Average Shareholder did 511,567.67' worth of business. That was the money he took in. Now let's look at what he spent to get that money. Here it is, roughly calculated, for the. average shareholder. Raw materials (principally raw cotton) $5,730.85. Starches, chemicals, dyes, packing cases; other supplies and operating expenses such as re. pairs, fuel, pewee, light, pensions, insurance and other such items Amount paid 'to employee., 'Taxes Money re.invested to keep the businer& is a amble condition Net profit received by Mr, Average Shareholder (on which he pays personal taxes too) 82,184,68. $2,628.16. $ 457,00 $ 178,01. ¢$11$.94. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED MANUPACFU88RI Of blensevarserearwaven DUC.ffr