HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-28, Page 8PAGE FOUR s li Miss Marjorie McMath, Toron- Huron St., motored to Kitchener to, is visiting Miss Mary Turner. on Sunday,, They were accomp- Ray Ruinball, Montreal, Que., anted by the latter's sister and spent the weekend with his brother, Mrs. Will Dobbie, ,Kiteh- mother, Mrs. Clara Rumbal'l, ener, and W. H. Miller, Kirkland ;Mrs, Harold Treleaven and Lake, who had been here on 'ae- daughter, ;Ruth, Lucknow, spent countof the illness and death of We weekend with Dr, and Mrs. their mother, the late Mrs, Emily Fowler. Miller. Mickey Haiakawa, Vineland, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Chur- was a weekend visitor at the chill, Detroit, Mich., spent a few home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C, days with the former's brother Jervis and family. and sister-in-law' Mr. rand Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Murray Thomas Churchill:, Roy Chur- and. children, Donald and Robert, chill, a student in Chemistry and Brampton, visited with Mrs. Fred Physics at the University of Johnston on Sunday. Western Ontario, London, also Clarence Pierce, Hamilton, was at..•the parental home for spent the weekend with his bro- ther-in-law and sister, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Scott, Mary St. Miss Dolly Cantelon spent the weekend in Toronto visiting her aunt and cousins, Mrs. E. Floody, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Floody and Miss Olive Floody. PERSONA I. Mrs, John A. Sutter and son, Benson, were weekend visitors in Toronto with the former's sis- ter, Mrs. W. E. Floody and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crutcher, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snell and Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Betties attended the Andrews -Stanley wedding . in Calvary Baptist Church, Toronto, on Saturday. Mr. and° Mrs. William Murphy, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murphy and Pat, Winnipeg, Man., visited over the 'weekend with the for- mer's sister and brother, Mrs,, 11, McCartney and Bert Murphy. all of Sarnia; and William Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnston, Walkerton. the weekend, Mrs, H. B. Combe left on Mon- day for Charlottetown, P. E. I., where she will spend the winter with her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr, and Mrs, Fletcher Troop, who recently have been trans- ferred there, Her other daugli- CLINTON ' NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1948 Club to. Continue ' St. Paul's W.A. Dears WED'DIN'GS To Improve Roomy Excellent Talk The meeting of the G4rls' Club The W.A. of St, Paul's Church of Wesley -Willis United Church held its; October meeting at the was held in the Church Parlour. home of the president, Mrs. Hu - The' business period was in charge die, on Tuesdayafternoon, Oetob- of the president, Miss W. O'Neil, ar 19 A i • The recreation room committee, Mrs. Riddick and Mrs Trines, was instructed to continue with far- ther improvements to .that room, and Mrs. W. A Oakes was ap- ss sting the president in the opening service were, Mil. Robinson and Miss Holmes. The treasurer reported' a small bank balance which is not suf- ficient to cover the amount still pointed to purchase two ping pong due in pledges but expects this sets. c will be forthcoming at the next meeting. The re ort of the' Dor- The next meeting is to be the p Thankoffering 'at which the ladies cos secretary'' gave the good news of the WMS will be the iguests tht good clothing aa Sorge bale of of the Club. had been sent to Endeavour, ' Mrs. C. Cook had charge of the Sask., and that the quota for the programme. The Scripture les- Mohawk Institute had been metson was read by Miss h Wilkin- and forwarded, shaw followed by prayer offered Inthe near future Mrs. Rob- by Miss L. Brigham. A piano erison is expected to visit the elo by Miss Eileen Gliddon, • a Parish to organize a Girls' branch reading "Who is Our Nei hbour," ' of g by M]ss,Viole Fraser and a vocal the W.A. At this time there will be guests from neighbour - solo by Miss Gloria Palmer were lag parishes,. all very much enjoyed. Due to The members then heard a ter, liars, Robert McKee, return- illness the guest speaker was up- ,'splendid talk by a new member, ed to her Home in Ottawa after able•to attend. In her, place, Miss Mrs. Refaussey, who took as her spending a few weeks with her V. Fraser read three very inter- topic the Closing chapters of the mother. esting Tetters from Miss Jessie Study Book, the subject of which Miss JoAnne Cuninghame, doing educational re- J O'Neil Who is spending her sob- was "Our Chinese, 'Japanese and Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. sab- batical year ews." Mrs. Refaussey stressed Hull, Toronto, visited their par- search on the continent of Eur- the word "Our." If we pray ents in Bayfield over the week- ope. A hymn followed by the «Our Father" earnestly and listen end. Other out-of-town visitors +TVlizpeh Benediction closed the' to our hearts we will act in the at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'meeting. Gordon Cuninghame were Miss 0 Florence Cuninghame, Clinton; Miss Mary Bell, Seaforth; Thomas Pryde, Exeter; Bill Payne, Glenn Wonnacott and David 1 -larding, (Rail a` dJl utcli Sunetal Nome HIGH STREET, CLINTON , The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropinate, Atnong Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not the Least. , There is No Extra Charge for Services Held Here Under Such Ideal Conditions. Watch Next Week's Issue for "CLINTON DAY" Specials BALL AND 1I1UTCH D. G. BALL Phone 361-W Hardware and Furniture Funeral Directors Phone 195 . W. J. MUTCH )Phone 3614 t`+aleti!aalt.:k:.%a:!a!act a!AMCniaaa',Halaanw,o;ela;««:•aa: hada ww la jHW.J( Used Cars For Sale 3a to These cars are in the pink of condition. If you t have a good Olean car, we could handle it on a trade-in, ._ We. also have a good TWO -WHEELED TRAILER and Racks. 1946 CHEVROLET 'Black Sedan ,white- wall tires and in beautiful shape. 1947 HUDSON Black Sedan, in new car condition. 1946 CHEVROLET Maroon Sedan with only 9,000 miles, radio & heater. SEE 'THESE AT THE Supertest Garage Across from Bank of Montreal Phone 784-W or house Clinton 616r34 JONATHAN HUGILL »�H H:HwH�Niµ �a:.+i 4�H.1>ia:1 H aH Ni idol«iH41:H�.+iNiH:H�H 1i:Nialtf� iM[s�wW� +.I.eor.I•�w.r++ersrlVvnN•Ny.M.aq,I�M.yyp,++,�,..�.N,Sew,axw.nNw•+v++A�.MnwAr+u��+JwN.ri...MMNv/•�'>rretN•i�•/rwJNv�v�` X MARRIAGES LONGMAN-YOUNGBLUT — At the home of the bride's par- ents, Londesboro, on Satur- day, October 23, 1948, by Rev. S. 11:Brenton, Kathleen Eliza- beth, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Youngbiut, to Francis Car, son of Mr. and Mrs. Faruk Longman, Blyth. o'clock. Christlike manner towards those who have their own problems in this our native land. Mrs. C. H. Epps expressed the thanks of the members to Mrs. Rutile for her hospitality. 0 HOSPITAL AID The regular meeting of the Hospital Aid will be held in the Council Chamber on Tuesday evening, November 2, at eight 't»Viaal a'ltal :+«w taxi ataaari!!, nl ± :«: ;a+ta3«IH'.aintIn2 ; :.:::M ararn»'raratara:aa. .-. n A IV ealafri f , / 7� is valuable Let us protect it from moths the BERLOU GUARANTEED WAY. Men's and Ladies' Coats and - Suits, cleaned and moth- - proofed $1.74 Ladies; we can help you with your fall home -cleaning by sending us your DRAPES, WOOL BLANKETS, COM- FORTERS and SEAT COVERS. PROMPT SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY! Uptown Agents—Davis and Herman; C. Lobb Watch Next Week's Issue for "CLINTON DAY" Specials Gliddon's Cleaning ,Oso Pressing WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER King St. - - - Clinton PHONE 466W 3: • t'..i4+4. � i W«0H. �H« n ::aA a.»:««.I,":«, ;..,:+++,4444:44.4.;«;«.�i;,«::y, �i` MOW SECOND - FLOOR Chil ren's Wear Department Clothing Footwear Needs There is No Substitute for Quality and the Price is Right BOYS • COAT SETS • PARKAS ' • BREECHES • GOLF HOSE • SWEATERS - • UNDERWEAR • SHIRTS • TIES • SUITS • MITTS - • PYJAMAS GIRLS . • COATS -• HOSE • •- COAT SETS SKIRTS • SNOW SUITS • BLOUSES • SLACKS 0 SWEATERS • BLOOMERS • VESTS SIZES 1 TO 14X Phone 36W MARTINS'u'uPhone 36J Watch for our "Clinton Day" Specials Noy. 6th r.INS`1•M•�PNNNJNT�i.N'•.INV.tINMIMI�NNIWIffMMMNNN�MPWVNMIfMOJ�d'•PI•MMI�••f.MMMMI•IJ•4 ' �I`N'M.PMI•MIi.►NIMMMI.MFII•MN.. LONGMAN—YQUNGBLVT The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph' Youngblut, Londesboro, was -the setting of a very pretty autumn • wedding on Saturday, October 23, 1948, when their younger daughter, Kathleen Elizabeth, was united. in marriage to Francis Carl Longman, son of Mr: and Mrs. Frank Longman, Blyth. Rev. S. H. Brenton of Londesboro: United 'Church, per- formed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage f th wo o a floor - length gown of ice blue whisp- ering taffeta, bustle effect, cap sleeves and matching mittens. Her finger-tip veil was held with e matching headdress and she carried a_ cascade bouquet of Lestra Hibbeard roses, i The bride was attended by her sister, Mrs, Russel Good. who wore a floor -length dress of pink sheer, shoulder -length veil, and carried a colonial bouquet of pink Briarcliff e roses, The groom was, attended by his brother, Lloyd Longman, Strat- ford. Miss ' Rete Walden, Ripley, played traditional wedding music. Miss Walden, who was also soloist, sang "I'll Walk Beside You," be- fore the ceremony and "Through the Years" during the signing of the register and was accompanied by Mrs. S. H. Brenton. After receiving the congratula- tions of their guests, the bride and groom proceeded to the din- ing room where a dainty lunch- eon was served. The bride's table was centred with e three - tiered wedding cake and pink and white streamers with candles in silver holders on either side. The guests were received by the bride's mother, who wore a dress of black crepe with lace inset and a corsage of white Killarney roses. The groom's mother as- sisted, wearing blue crepe and a corsege of Killarney roses. Those assisting at the lunch- eon were Miss Christena Cun- ningham, Auburn, Miss Keitha Weymouth, Stratford, Miss Nor- ma Dexter and Miss Ferne Dex- ter, Constance. Those convening The Huron County TEMPERANCE FEDERATION will hold its Annual CONVENTION in Ontario St. United Church, Clinton, on Monday, Nov. 1 at 3 pan. Evening Session at 8 pm. will feature a Youth Public Speaking Contest. Guctst speaker will be Dr. C, L. Cowan, Hamilton, 44-p 1 NIMNIVMNM�W�M../J Church Directory Wesley -Willis United Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 11.00 am.—Morning Service 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R, M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship and Sunday School, 7.00 pan. --Evening Worship Tuesday --Ladies' Guild at Rec." tory, 3.00 p.m. Wednesday ---Confirmation Class, 7.00 p.m. Presbyterian Church REV. D. 3, LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a,m.—Divine Worship "The Dignity of Man" 2.30 p.m.—Service at Bayfield. All Welcome Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf; Organist and Choit Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service "Follow Thou Me" 1215—Sunday School 7,00 p.m.—Evening Service "Our Point of View" were Miss Elizabeth Mains, Mrs. Harvey Wells, 'Miss Lillian Ad- ams and Mrs. Thomas Oliver, The groom's' gift to the bride was a gold compact, to the brides- maid a neo:dace, to the soloist and pianist each a enp and sau- cer and to the best man a leather bill fol'd.j The bride's gift to the groom was a gold signet ring. The couple- left on a trip to Windsor, Chicago and other points, the bride wearing a brown suit with matching accessories and carrying a dark brown coat with a silver fox collar, Friends numbering about 40 were pres- ent from Stratford, Niagara Falls, Ingersoll, Clinton, Ripley, Blyth and Londesboro. Prior to her rherxiage a trous- seau tea was held at the bride's home on Thursday, October 14. Mrs. Russel Good and Mrs. Stan- ley Ball displayed the trousseau end gifts while Mrs. Austin Dex- ter and Mrs. Charles Dexter, aunts of the bride, poured tea with Mrs. William Jewitt, Mrs. John Sanderson and Miss Ferne Dexter, cousins of the bride, as- sisting, 0 There will be no 'Teen Town this week because of the Init- iation et O.C.I., but it is hoped that all 'teen-agers will keep in mind the meeting on Friday, November 5. All 'teen-agers are welcome, Ontario St. W.M.S. Hears Reports Teh regular monthly meeting of Ontario St. United Church WMS was held' in the Church Hall with the president, Mrs. Woolfrey in the chair. Reports were given by Nlrs.. Townsend and`Mrs. Aiken of the Sectional meeting recently held in Duff's Church, McKillop, The Study Book was taken by Mrs, Woolfrey, ' WESLEY• WILLIS W.A. The regular meeting of the W.A. of Wesley -Willis United Church will be held in the Church Parlour on Thursday af- ternoon, November 4, at three o'clock with Mrs. Addison's group in charge of the tea hour, I.O.O.F NOTES In last week's edition under this heading, the names of the Noble Grand and the Vice Grand of • Huronic Rebekah Lodge were inadvertently omitted. ,The article should have read: Noble Grand, Mrs. Vivian Knights; vice grand, Mrs. Mary Sutter. 0 The W.A. of Ontario St. Unit- ed Church will meet on Tues- day, November 2, at 3 p.m. The Ladies of the London and Huron Roads will serve. COATS Correct in Silhouette,' Color and Material and Super in Value. Green, Winter Wine and Tunnel Grey, and, of •. course, Black. Fully lined with Satin and warmly interlined. Keep in mind "Fun For All", Nov. 4 & 5 in Town Hall Watch Next Week's Issue for "CLINTON DAY" Specials t' s Coming. The CKNX Barn -ia.: ;Fe Broadcast From the TOWN HALL, CLINTON '8 p.m., Sharp, on Saturday, October 30 FEATURING STARS OF RADIO, STAGE ADULTS 75c -- CHILDREN 50c Dance to follow — 9:30 to 12 Sponsored by Huron Fish and Game Club Give A Brush Oil Photograph FOR CHRISTMAS No gift would be more appreciated than a Brush Oii Photograph of you. •.•ri A Brush Oii Photograph combines the beauty that only an oil painting can give — plus the true-to-life re- production that only photography can give, Because of the large amount of work involved in making Brush Oil Photographs, the last day that sittings can be arranged to assure Christmas delivery is October 30th, So cell in now and see for yourself why this would make the ideal gift. Bowel /Y of e'ti PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McEivan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs, Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31 Anniversary Services 11,15 a.m.—Sunday School. l 7.00 p.m.—Worship Service. Guest preacher, Rev. 11 U. Trinier, London Special 'music by the Lobb Quartette and the Van den Berg Trio. At the close of the service, Mr. Trinier will give his illust- rated European Travelogue based on his visit to the Bap- tist World Alliance at Cop- enhagen and the World Council of Churches at Amsterdam. EVERYONE WELCOME Hallowe'en Specials Chip Chocolate Cake Spice Cake Pumpkin Cake BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PRONE 1 CLINTON Try our Milk Loaf -- Plain or Sliced i E 1