HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-21, Page 7'THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1948 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE •of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Trona the lot adjoining the Clinton Bolds Victoria St., Clinton, onk SATURDAY OCTOBER 23 .att 1:30 pan. sharp, the following Bedroom suite; 3/4. size bed and :spring; full size bed and Springs; dresser; studio couch (nearly new); complete dining room suite (birch walnut, plush seats); floor lamp; hall rack; 4 rocking chairs; wicker rocking chair; Axminster rug 91x12'; fumed oak desk; buf- fet n4rror; hall mirror; 2 small tables; 2 card tables; kitchen ex- tension table and 6 chairs; modern breakfast suite; kitchen drop leaf table; 2 kitchen chairs (Windsor style); kitchen stool; Beattie el- ectric washing machine; set of dishes; dishes; large granite roa.st- ing pan; kitchen utensils and num- mous other articles. TERMS --CASH / MRS. G. VANHORNE, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 42-3-b Auctfloneer AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS amid Household Effects to be held at Lot 4, Con. 4, Tuckersmith, 11.14NDAY, OCTOBER 25 fi anile east of Sproat's Tile Yard at 12.30 p.m. Full line of Farm Machinery, Household Effects, including Frig- idaire and electric washer. 17 Durham steers, 8 to 10 cwt. Matched black Percheron team, :2,500 lbs. TERMS -CASH W. V. JEFFERSON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. E. P. csesnoi. Clerk. 43-b CLEARING AUCTION, SALE of FARM STOCK at Lot 1, Concession 1, adjoining Village of Rippon on THURSDAY, 'OCTOBER 28 at 1 p.m. HORSES: 1 Registered Clyde mare, 5 yrs. old- with Hackney colt by side; Registered mare, 10 Yrs. old; Clyde mare, 5 yrs. old. CATTLE: Registered Durham bull, 2 yrs. old •(R. M. Peck breed); gray cow, 6 yrs. old, tine April; gray cow, 6 yrs. old, due January; Jersey cow, 5 yrs, old, due February; Jersey cow, 6 yrs old, due April; red registered cow, due time of sale, 6 yrs. old; red registered cow, due March 23, 9 yrs. old; roan cow, 10 yrs. old, due Dec.; blue cow 'fresh 1 month; 2 heifers, fresh 2 months; Reg- istered heifer, 4 yrs. old, with calf; red heifer, 3 yrs. old, bred July 1; roan heifer, 3 yrs. old, bred Sept. with calf at foot; roan heifer with calf at foot; roan heif- er, bred July 5; cow, 5 yrs. old. due Feb.; cow, 7 yrs, old, due IVIarch; 9 steers, 10-11 cwt.; 2 steers; 12 heifers; 12 spring and • summer calves. PIGS: 4 sows with 42 pigs; 1 sow had 1 litter; 1,,,york hog; 3 York pigs, 150 lbs.; 150 Hybrid pullets, rock and Leghorn. Quantity lumber and wood; 31,-H. Rite Way milking machine, used 6 months. Number of the Registered fe- males carne from Huron County Home. Farm is rented. TERMS -CASH THOMAS BUTTS, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, 43-b Auctioneer Huron Old Boys' At Home Nov. 16 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ASSIZE COURT SITTINGS COME TO SPEEDY CLOSE The long list of civil actions with jury, all arising out of meter accidents„ scheduled to be heard at the fall assizes of the Supreme Court at Qoderich last week; oc- cupied only an short time. the seven cases, either -being settled or adjourned to another sitting. Mr. justice Gale, who presided, was welcomed an his first' offrcial visit to the county by Crown, At- torney H. Glenn Hays in behalf November 1, Both are graduates of the bar of Huron, who also of the local hospital. congratulated him on his eleva- tion to,the Supreme Court bench. HURON LAYMEN MEET Mr. Hays concluded by announc- FORDWICH-The annual fall ing there were no criminal cases on the docket and the traditional white.gloves were presented to the judge by Sheriff Nelson Hill. Mr. Justice Gale consented to a1 motion by J. L. McLennan, K.C., for the Lew Society of Upper Canada, for a declaration that H. G. Meir, -Seaford), having been disbarred, and struck off the roll 17y Rev. J, C. Caley, of solicitors, is no longer entitled * 4, to practise as a solicitor or hold CAR BREAKS OFF POLE himself out as one. An order WALTON - In attempting to requiring Mr. Meir' to pay pen- pass another car on the . County alties for holding himself out as Road between Brussels and Wal - ft r on be - non -jury sittings on November tober 1.6, W. J. Turnbull, Brus- NEW. SUPERINTENDENT GODERICH,Miss M. Dickson, for the past six years superinend- ent of Alexandra Marine and General H,ospital, has. tendered her resignation to the board of governors, to accept a .position as superintendent of the Lady Minto ITospital, Chapleau, She is suc- ceeded by Miss Helen Black, as- sistant superintendent, effective .., Huron Old Boys' Association of Foolish Ultimatum Toronto has secured beautiful I told my children they must Casa Lorna as the setting for. 'choose their annual at-home to be held • Oh, foolish ultimatum! Tuesday evening, November 16. It is anticipated that a large num- Between the pup and me. I surely miss those three. ber of former Huron residents 1.00"••••••"*".'''''.."'"*". and their friends will be present Mitchell Cider Mill will operate Tuesday - Wednesday • Thursday and Friday •' of each week till November 26. We also make Apple Butter as -well as Cider . FRED HENNICK Phone 181 MITCHELL 42-6-p 441,0•4•4.04.4.-Itunirurshruki,....•••••••••••••• meeting of Huron Deanery Lay- men's Association was held et Trinity Church, IL V. Holmes, Gorrie, Was in the chair angl minute's silence was observed in memory of the late Archbishop Seager followed by prayer by Rev. Rural Dean B. H. Farr, Goderich. The address was given a solicitor was adjourned to the ton on Saturday , 22, 1943, at the request of Mr. Meir; and in the meantime he is enjoined from practising as a Goderich Ladies solicitor. Entertain Clinton The action of Olive 1Vlay Carter, Clinton, for divorce from Willimn PAGE SEVEN Isels,„ apparently struck a soft shoulder on, the road causing his ;car to mesh into the ditch, and 'breaking off a telephone pole. The car was darnaged to the ex- tent of about 0501 * * " REMOVED TO HOSPITAL GODERICH-At one am. Sun- day, Oct. 17., a truck owned by Harry D, Feagan, Goderich, and driven by T. M. Davis, Jr., Grade - rich, skidded off the wet pave- ment into the ditch, a half -mile north of Goderich on Sanford hill. The truck landed on its wheels but the driver suffered head cuts and was removed to Alexandra hospital here. Damage to the truck was estimated at $250. HEAVY EGG CASUALTIES LITCKNOW An accident oc- curred on the St. Helens side road, east of Lucknow, when a car owned by R. A. l3arbour, Guelph, and a truck owned by Clifford Hackett,R.R. 7, Luck - now, Sides*iped each other. Mrs. ,Barbour received injuries to her knees and her head was cut. A dozen cases of eggs in the Bar - - Cleve Carter, Seaforth, was tra-1 men's Institute played host to Goderich branch of the Wo - versed to the November court. fur- Clinton W.I. Thirty-seven visitors Judgment was deferred for action being present. This was "Grand - of evidence in the divorce ,mothers' night" and each grand - of Alice Marion Howard, Tucker- [ mother was presented with a smith, against George Joseph corsage. Plans were made Howard; Brantford; and in that , dainty Ito attend a district rally at Dun - of -Ethel May Hale, Exeter, Bannon on Thursday, October 21. against 'Robert William Hale, 1 Mrs. George Mumby Was ap- Bournemouth, England. [pointed delegate to the area con- theA decree nisi was granted in ivention to be held at London action of John Hamilton Rob - October 26, 27, 28, inson, Goderich, for divorce from A delightful program was pre - Mildred Robinson, Nitchener. seated under the arrangement of AIRMEN ARRESTED -o- Krs...T.bLy LM R. Wilson, It,rse. (By our Hensall correspondent) given Two Clandeboye men were v Dohertyionselections tIodns Mrs. Higginson; arrested Oct. 11, charged with the leca Lain - theft of a radio from RCAF Sta- accompaniedlqaeylite;ins enl bLmIresis 1..?3., tion, Centralia. Patrick O'Reilly Mrs, Little, Clinton, and a vocal and William Fletcher werelodged solo by Mrs. G. Sanderson. A in Huron County Gaol, Goderich, awaiting ourt hearing. Provin- feature of the program was giv,[n •c to enjoy a social evening m sur- cial Constable Jack Ferguson, by the new Canadian girls em- roundings which are distinctve Exeter, made the arrests. ployed at Alexandra Hospital, among Toronto show places. , Goderich, assisted by Miss Mary ,-__ A prominent orchestra is being 1 IN LONDON HOSPITAL, obtained for dancing, and euchre , (By our Hensall correspondent) and bridge will be carried on in' 1 John Farquhar, Hensall, -was the Oak Room. Plans are under rushed to Victoria hospital, Lon - way to provide numerous prizes don, Oct. 11, with injuries receiv- and entertainment. Refreshments ed when his hand became caught will be available in the Conser- In a revolving belt saw at the vatory. [Jensen Lumber Company, Exeter. The committee in charge invite The middle fingers of his hand all Huron Old Boys to be present , were badly cut but after surgical and especally urge those who Irepairs had been carried out he have never before visited Casa was reported to be resting com- Loma, te come and see it end fortably. Dr. S. J, Milner, Ex - at the same time renew old , attended. e.er, friendships. t Further information and tickets GODERICH-At a meeting of will be on hand shortly. Inter- the executive of the Goderich ested parties may secure addition- Recreational Council, County al data by phoning Gordon Clerk N. W. Miller, DCM., was Fowler, Midway 6043, Chairman appointed to replace Jack Cuth- of the at-home committee. ibertson as representative of the ,Canadian Legion; and Mrs. clay - ton Edward as leader of the ladies' basketball groups, and W. A. Sutherland of the men's. 111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111 tlIU 1111 huhhRHIflhiI 1111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIII11I1IIIIIIIIII_ Prepare for Cooler Weather! Buy a Modern Range for Coal or Wood ) • eff,...4,41[0.!erla;•41% •• • , • WINGHAM "CLIPPER" WINGHAM RANGES are .strongly bat from the finest materials and with great care to give you years of satisfa.ction. Ovens are welded in one piece and porcelain -enamelled. Tops are specially treated and polished. The front section of the top may be raised by a convenient handle for firing: Fireboxes are deep and wide, giving maximum fuel cap- acity, making the stove most economical to operate: Coal -grates are triangular revolving and easily removable. A loose wood over -lay grate is provided on coal ranges, or a complete wood firebox may be provided for this fuel, with a sliding wood grate. A large utility drawer is provided on ail models.. Wingham "Clipper" - Oven 19" wide by 19" deep by 12" high. . • 'With 'high shelf and 157 00 reservoir . . . • • . • Shelf . . .Square, with high 124*95 Wingham "Classic" Oven.15".wide by '19" deep by 13" high • With high shelf and iir.,06 Igo Teserirdir . J11.. .41144•VM • Square, with high , dir ark Shelf . . . . . . JAPII7ox 10 • BALL ANTI MUTCH Hardware and Furniture , D. G. BALL 'Funeral Direc"tors trIVHITCH Phone 361-3 " Phone 144 Phone 195 Evans. They were Stella Vaitae- kaspype, Marya Beniaispiene, and Krone Strikaityte and they sang and danced their pretty folk songs in native costumes and language. Their numbers were heartily ap- plauded. Mrs. Sturdy, of Clinton branch, spoke briefly and Mrs. A. Wilkin, president of Goderich branch, welcomed the visitors, The ac- companist for the evening was Mrs. R. Carter, The hostesses in charge served a delicious lunch and a social hour was enjoyed. "Oklat407 507 607" • • - Man, You re Crazy LorIot ronsgthrterzolcsAreatetWit JAZZ rongeg Aga sue soais ta boar's Isels or lava se* [UV. New 'so stessistexim" sire war sos) Fer 'Me nd drug gtOrr,9 everywhore, ANYTHING from a Set ofsPlugs to a "Major Operation" AT THE first sign of an ailing tractor, call on us and get expert, professional care. From machines are our busi- ness and we do our besttokeepthegreatest possible number of them in good running condition, Call on us -,-for anything from a set of plugs to • "major operatiorr," All work done by a FACTORY -TRAINED EXPERT. DROP IN AND SEE US McAlpine and Davi INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER DEALERS Imperial Products PHONE 338-j - Clinton BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL H. T. RANCE Notary Public Division Court Clerk Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public Albert St. Clinton ARTHUR E. PARRY Conunissioner, Ete., Etc, By Royal Warrant Plan Night Classes For Rural People A group of fanners and teach- ers met in the Ontario Agricul- tural Office, Clinton, to plan o series of night classes which are tor be held, in the Collegiate and High Schools at Goderich Whig - ham, Exeter, Seaforr five edorClisnix- ton for a period o weeks. It is expected that the first lectures will be started about bour car, was completely de- molished. CHIROMACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction OFFICE IIOURS: Hotel Clinton, Friday, 1 to 8 pan. Commercial, Seaforth, Monday 1 to 8 p.m. Shop In Your Own Town! imisteilmom 1111 1111 11111E1111M 111111111111111111 11 111M1 - '41110.0,..-s 0 ACCOUNTANCY R. G. McCANN Accountant and Auditor Phone 476J - Albert St. - Clinton ERNEST W. HUNTER Chartered Accountant 57,Bloor $t. W. Toronto ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. Ann Street Phone 355W XETER DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES Dentist Lovett Block Clinton Telephone 170 Hours: 9-12 a.m.; 1.30-6 gm. ITETERLNAREAN DR. G. S. ELLIOTT Veterinarian Phone 203 Clinton OPTOMETRY • the middle of November. This type of education has been used to advantage in various other districts in the province. Subjects taught will be for both men and women and will be of the most importance at the pres- ent time. i AB lectures will be illustrated as much as possible with pictures, charts and practical specimens and discussion periods will also featurehe courses when everyone presefft will have a chance to present his particular problem. The courses are open to all agricultural people, both young and old. A. L. COLE, R.O. Optometrist Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted GODERICH - Phone 33 RUTH HEARN. R.O. Optometrist Huron St. - Phone 69 - Clintori MEMORIALS Cemetery Memorials T. PRIME and SON Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays See J. J. Zapfe. Phone 103 INSURANCE J. E. HOWARD HAYFIELD, Ont, Phone Clinton 624r31 Car -Fire -Life -Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy. Life, Accident, Sickness, Auto- mobile, Hospitalization, Household It. L. 111cMILLAN, HAYFIELD Phone: Clinton 634r15 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Seaforth Officers, 1948 -President, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm.; Vice -Presi- dent, Hugh Alexander, Walton; Manager and Secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors -• Chris Leonhardt, Bornholm; Hugh Alexander. Wal- ton; Sam, H. Whitmore, •Seaforth; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Robert Archibald, Seaforth; John H. Me - Ewing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; Hargey Fuller, Goderich, Agents -John E..Pepper, Bruce - field, RR. 1; Gee. A, Watt, Blyth, R.R. 1; R S. Meltercher, Dublin, R.R. 1; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen. 777-, 111, OF DETROIT Why waste time and money traveling to another town or city to do your shopping when you'll find every modern facility await- ing your pleasure right here in Clinton. Friendly, dependable service . . prices that are modestly low because commercial rents are low . . lransPortation easy and effort- less . everything at your beck; andlcall! Patronize your favorite shops in your own .. „ town and discover the many advantages of doing so.noWl ••• • Clinton News-.-, ecord "The Home Paper With the News" - For Immediate Delivery • Ford "Anglia" coach $1525.00 • Ford half -ton van $1644.00 Made in England • Ai Daly Motors FORD -MONARCH DEALER Telephone 102 -- Seaforth 43..44b . ....... 0.4...P.444ototokial.a.94atotattestr9ttre "J'• Men's Specials: , Men's Dress Pants, all kinds Half Price Men's Tweed Suits, reg. $35 for $14.95 Men's Overcoats, reg. $29.50 for 12.95 Heavy Plaid Shirts ea. 2.49 Sheepskin Flying Boots, with zipper pr. Heavy Doeskin Shirts ea. All -Wool Mackinaws ea. Army Coats ea. Heavy Rubber Raincoats ea. Army Raincoats ea. Army and Air Force Caps, all -wool ea. Army Finger Mitts, wool -lined . . , pr. Mr Force Mitts, wool -lined pr. All -Wool Shirts ea. Police Braces All -Wool Work Socks pr. .49 Training Panties pr. .25 Army Coveralls pr. .98 and 1.95 6.95 1.75 4.50 4.50 4.95 1.95 .25 .98 .98 .98 pr. .49 Boys' Specials! MACKINAW BREECHES, size 24-34 pr. LACED RUBBERS pr.pr: $111i999555 THREE -BUCKLE RUBBERS $ALL -WOOL JACKETS ea. .98 CADET JACKETS ea. 1.75 CADET PANTS pr. 1.95 TWEED PANTS pr. 1.95 Clinton War Assets Surplus BOX 428 Clinton, Ont. '4PHONE 460-W 44,1jF[Ft41$4,4-11.41414t4441.14.1,-,44,td,s.s44aAtet.:4„:4:414taF,R4 01,041,Me4.4114,04.4.0414+.0,4* Seed Growers Highest Cash Prices paid for: RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY, ALFALFA For information regarding prices, bags, and picking up, call H. Connell at 44M Seaforth, or our plant at Crediton, telephone 3W. Zwicker Seed Co. CREDITON Limited- - ONTARIO j 40-1-2-3-4-b, GIVE YOUR KITCHEN A FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK The Tuller, a modern hotel for those Who want the best! Con- venient to Offices, Theaters, and Shops. Friendly, courte- ous service and real Hotel Comfort. The Tuner Coffee Shop or Cafeteria- for your Dining Pleasure at modest j prices. It pays to stay at Hotel Tuller, )\ VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE ( ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS $175 WITH BATH FROM o. HOTEL TULLER. RICHARD C. 1100GE$, Mgr. wio ••)\ .4,5•Arr.s ./10-S1 ze "LEAVIS OPUlli IOW" Interior Gloss Is your kitchen bright and pleallont to work in? If not, come in and let us tell you how to give it a "beauty treat- ment" with Flo -glaze Interior Gloss Paint. This paint is exceptionally easy to apply, leaves no brush marks, looks, feels, and washes like enamel. See the attractive, light -reflecting colors avail- able - and brighten up your kitchen weel. end MARTIN f