HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-21, Page 4PAGE FOUR
O.Jnen s and
t�"+*t""s r "•°'-"'""r'+"'�" ` ! Presbyterian 'Girls''
-airs in CIInto nislrict
Ontario St. Girls'
Club, Hears Talk
RATHWELL—NEDIGER gowns of .pink taffeta and net The October meeting of the The Girl's' ;Club of -Ontario St,;
Wesley -Willis United Church, with matching tulle headdress. Presbyterian Girls' Club was 'United Church met at the home
yicarried colonial bouquets sf held at the, home of • Mrs. W. J. of Miss ' Emma Plumsteel on
Clinton, artistically decorated and rliol .croolonial
Match on Tuesday, October 12. Thursday evening, Ootaber 14',
with„, tall standards of white The meeting opened with sing- The president
Edgar Rathwell was his broth- inga Psalm followed bythe Miss Lucille Grant,
£'ed' cathedral tapers, was the er's best man and the ushers were Scripture lesson read by Mrs; opened tine meeting by reading
anthemums and ferns and
scene of a lovely wedding on of the Holland, London,
nephew th- David Wilton and Mrs. D. J, a poemaltorttWorshipitled Toleranee es
Saturday afternoon, October 16,bLane offering prayer,
well, brother of the groom. The Devotional period was in
at three o'clock, when Rev, � Mfrs. Sam Castle, president, charge of Miss Hattie Courtice
Andrew Lane performed the Following the ceremony, a re- conducted the business, period, who chosefor the. theme "Thanks -
double ring ceremony, which ception for about .60 guests was Lengthy discussions and sugges- giving." The Scripture lesson was
united in marriage, Helen Isobel held an the church parlour where tions followed concerning the 'read by Mrs, George Knights.
Nediger and Gordon Henry thebride's a mother received, banquet for which the Club is Following this period, reports
• Rathwell. The bride is the young- wearing a pearl grey crepe dress catering.
est daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W. with matching accessories. She', were given and the business dis-
estMrs. Jabez Rands, Jr:; present- cussed.
J. Nediger, Sr., Clinton, and the was assisted by the groom's moth- the Club with a beautiful
quilt The following programme was
groom is the eldest son of Mr, er, wearing hunter's green crepe for the February bazaar, a gift much enjoyed: duett, "Whisper -
and Mrs. J. B. Rathwell, .Bayfield, with grey accessories. Each wore, which was very .much apprec- ing Hope," Mrs. D. McLean and
Traditional wedding music was a corsage of pink Briarcliffe fated. Mrs. H, Plumsteel aeadin ,
played by Mrs, Morgan J. Ag- roses. The wedding, dinner wasg
new, who also accompanied the served in the Church Ha1'l where The meeting closed with the "Thanksgiving," Mrs. A. Fern-
Miss Margaret Holland, the bride's table was centred Mizpala. Benediction.- The hast- ham; vocal solo; `'Jeannie with
niece of the bride. Miss,Holland with a three -tiered wedding cake ass was assisted by Mrs, E. j, the light brown hair," Miss Elva
wearing a floor -length gown of and the decorations were attrac- Jacob in serving refresh- Wiltse; The guest speaker was
yellow dotted rayon and a corsage tively carried out in pink and 'ments. , ;Mrs. Harold Snell, Exeter, who.
gave a very interesting talk on
of Talisman roses, sang "0 Per- white.
feet Love" before the ceremony, I- For travelling to.. Eastern On- LuncSpirit of
and "My Hero" from "The Choc- tario, the bride donned a re inter, Miss Mildred Charters, by Mrs,
elate• Soldier" at the signing of gabardine suit with both match- cousin of the bride, sang Cecil Ashton, Miss M. Judd, Miss
the register, mg and turquoise accessories, Because," accompanied by Mrs, H. Courtice and a very, pleasant
The bride, given in marriage ! and a corsage of pink Briarcliffe Bruce Keys, the bride's •sister. social hour was spent •over the
by her father, was lovle in her roses. On their return they will Following the ceremony, dinner teacups.
gown of white sheer velvet which reside on the groom's farm in. was served to 40 guests in the
featured long' lily -pointed sleeves, Goderich Township.' dining room hi' was gaily•
'decorated with pink and• white Bishop
of the Arctic
long peplum over the full skirt
which extended into a short CANTELON—REID !streamers.'' The guests were re- Conducts COrifirnlat'n �—
train. Her long veil was heldceived by the bride's mother;
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred wearing electric blue crepe and
Five Are Baptized
,in place with a halo. Her only Reid, Front Road, Stanley Town- by Mrs. Cantelon who wore black Bishop of the Arctic, Rt: Rev,
ornament was a string of pearls ship, was the setting of a pretty crepe. Each wore a corsage of A• L. Fleming, D,D„ Goderich, At Wesley -Willis
and she carried an arm bouquet wedding on Saturday, October pink roses, g administered he Rite of Con -
of calla lilies. 16, at 11.30 when their youngest 2irmation in St. Paul's; An bean Rev. Andrew Lane, minister of
' Attend: the bride were Miss daughter, Doris Ruth, was unit- A toast to the bride was pro- g
Edith Pa erson, • Hamilton, es ed in marriage to George Melvin posed by Rev. Reba Hern to toberel0,on Sunday morning, Oc- the church, of Baptism rrto five stered thebaSac-
of honour, and Misses Jean RoyCantelon, younger son of which the groom fittingly replied.
Nediger, CIIirnon, and Marilyn M. and Mrs. Roy Cantelon, The groom's gift to the brides- Rev, R. M. P. Butted,- the rec-mornithree boys and two girls—at the
Turner, Goderich, nieces of the Stanley Township. Rev. Reba maid was a vanity set, to the tor, presented the candidates who Untedn Church service Clinton, in Sunda1s
best man a billfold and to the were: Mrs. W. Burton, Mrs, J.
bride, as junior bridesmaids. Miss Hern officiated. Little, Miss Mary Silcoek, Miss Theywere: Andrew Rolston
Paterson wore a floor length gown , The bride, given in marriage fiower girl a locket, to the Marjory Sloman, Richard Elliott, Steep,on of Mr. and Mrs. Thom -
of turquoise blue taffeta with by her father, took her place pianists and soloist china broaches Eugene Refausse and Terence as Seep; Stephen Ross Well -
bustle effect and matching before an arch' 'prettily decorated and to the waitresses cups end
headdress and carried a cascadep saucers. The waitresses were Jenkin. Miss M. McClinchey, banks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steph-
bouquet of Queen Elizabeth yel- with autumn
ias traditional ves and
Ruth Keys, Mona Reid, Seaforth, also was presented for en Wellbanks; Catherine Linda
evergreensRev. C. F. L. Gilbert who was- Waldron, daughter of Mr. and
1 low roses. Misses Nediger and music was played by Mrs. Jack ;Shirley Buffett, Joyce Stephen -g
Turner wore similar floor -length Mustard, Brucefield, cousin of son and Marion Hill, assisted by unable to be present. Mrs. John Waldron; Bruce Charles
Mrs. Ken Wheeler, Mrs. W. Reid Bishop Fleming gave the can- Gallagher, son of Mr. and Mrs.
the bride. She wore a floor -'and Miss Rachael Johnston. didates a simple but forceful ad- Kenneth Gallagher; Susanne Ar -
length gown of white slipper dress on the meaning of the step lene Madsen, daughter of Mr,•and
RESERVED SEATS satin featuring a nylon net yoke, ! Later' the young couple left on
a wedding trip to Detroit and they were taking — an address Mrs. Murray Madsen,
outlined with lace embroidered , which will long be remembered
with seed_ pearls. The full hoopother points, the bride,wearingaIt ° —
midnight blue crepe dress, grey
y by those who heard it.
Must Be Ordered
skirt was caught up in front ovr ed Now 'a deeply ruffled petticoat. She shortie 'coat with black accessor-
wore a fingertip veil of embroid- les, On their return they' will
ROYAL WINTER FAIR !ered net caught in a flower head- reside on the groom's farm in Four Baptized
dress. She wore a double strand Stanley Township. Guests were At Ontario St.
.of pearls, the groom's gift, and present from Carsonville, Mich.,
�` �jA carried a cascade bouquet of Blyth, Belgrave, Clinton, and
,....Nov.N16`�`ruuluuuuu� Peerless red roses. Seaforth. , Rev, W, J. Woolfrey administ-
As the supply is limited, reserved I Mrs. Gordon Hill, sister of the : ered the rite of Baptism to four
seats must be obtained immedi- i bride, wearing azure blue taffeta I OLDREIVE—ASQVITH children at regular morning ser -
(By by out-of-town visitors. ,with a lace yoke and fully gath- (By our Auburn correspondent) vice in Ontario St. United Church
Don't miss this thrilling colour- ered skirt was matron of honor. I A pretty wedding took place Sunday last. The four children
ful spectacle packed with interest She also wore a blue shoulder- Saturday afternoon, October 16, receiving this rite were: David - o
for all. length veil and a headdress when Elizabeth Bertha Jane, Murray, son of Mr. and Ml's. CLINTON W. I.
Reserved Seats Afternoons matching the bride's and carried :daughter of let and Mrs. Char -'Archie Riley, Hullett Township; The regular meetingof Clin-
Friday, Nov. 19 to Wed., Nov, 24 a colonial bouquet of pink les Eldred Asquith, Auburn, be Dale Denise, daughter of Mr. and ton Branch of the Wmen's In-
Rese including general admission Briarcliffe roses. I came the bride of Donald Dralce Mrs. Reg. Smith; Brian Douglas, 'stitute will beheld in the Board
Little Carol Ann Hill, niece son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Reserved1 $1.50. $1.75 Oldxeive, son of Mr. and' NIrs.
$2.00 0£ the bride, was the dainty (Smith; and Diane Marie, daughter Room of the Agricultural Office
Seats, f including general flower girl, wearing a floor- George Andrew Oldeive, St. of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott, on Thursday, October 28,
Evenings J admission en th fires of Thomas, The ceremony took
} g s pink taffeta with all 0£ Clinton,
Enclose a self-addressed envelope lace 'trimming. She carried a place at 2.30 o'clock in the Ella
with your cheque or money order nosegay of baby 'mums and car- D. Bowes chapel, Alma College, An interesting part about this Church Directory
nations. St. Thomas, where the bride has service was that the Elliott baby • —_
ROYAL WINTER FAIR Ray Cantelon, brother of the been a popular member of the •wore •a Christening robe which
staff for several years, had been made by her great- Wesley -Willis United
Royal Coliseum, Toronto, Ont. groom, was best man. I Rev, I . R. Haughton, Barrie, �g1eat-grandmother Whittingham
I During the signing of the reg-• I uncle of the bride, who also of- more than 100 years ago, and Church
ificiated at the marriage of her which had been worn by her REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister
parents, performed the ceremony, great-grandmother, the late Mrs, Mrs, Morgan J. Agnew, Organist
•and Miss Keir Baines, A.T.C,M,, Agnes Jervis, when she was and Choir Leader
of Alma College, played the wed- Christened.
ding music. The bridal chorus 0 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24
from "Lohengrin" was played as 11.00 a,m,—Morning Service
the bridal party entered the chs- 1.O.O.F. NOTES Rev. James Bright, Dungannon
;pel, the marriage hymn "O Per- 12.15—Sunday School
'feet Love" during the signing of Evening worship withdrawn in
the register, and Mendelssohn's Mrs. Ione Baechier, DDP., and honour of Presbyterian An -
wedding; march as the recessional. staff,Goderich, were present at niversary service.
Shaggy white %chrysanthemums Monay evening's meeting and
were used on the altar; and the installed officers of Huronic Re
guest pews were marked with bekah Lodge for the coming
miniature sheaves of wheat tied term„ New officers are: NG„ Mrs,
with bows •of white ribbon. Sutter; Rec. Sec., Mrs, Gertrude
Given in marriage by her fath- ISuteer; Rec. Sec., Mrs, Gertrude
er, the bride wore a gown of Sutter; fin. sec,, Miss Morwenno REV, R. M P. BU•LTEEL, Rector
blush ivory satin, designed with Judd; treasurer, Miss Aphra
a fitted bodice with petal neck- , Steepe; warden, Mrs, Lily Orpen; Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
conductor, Mrs. Edith Johnston; Mrs. J. G. Maci(inoon, Choir
line and sleeves ending in lily RSNG., Mrs. Mabel Nickerson; Leader
Points. The cascading overdrape
— From the of the skirt extended into a grace-'LSNG., Mrs. Mary Sloman; RS- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24
ful train, and o full-length veil t VG., Mrs. Annie Glew; LSVG., 11.00 a.m.—MorningWorship TOWN HALL, CLINTON Mis Ruth Potter; IG.,Miss p and
of ivory tulle illusion was heldSundaySchool,
by a draped headdress of heir- 'Muriel Mulholland; OG., Mrs,
loom Belgian lace, She carried �Eisie MacDonald; Chaplain, Mrs. Evening service withdrawn in
8 m. Sharp,onMartha: Wilson;JPNG., Mrs, favour of Presbyterian An -
Maud ,. ti a white prayer book with' niversa service,
arrangement of gardenias and Maud Mulholland; Mus., Mrs,'
Rose nettle.nettle.
Wednesday—Confirmation Class,
Saturday, October 30'stephanotis,Miss Maiy E' Asquith, Kitch- The DDP, presented the past 7,00 pan,
cher, was her sister's ,maid of noble grand, Mrs. Mulholland,
honor; and the bridesmaids were with a jewel and on behalf of
the lodge Mrs. Gould presente
Miss Elizabeth M. Muntz, Ham- presented
FEATURING Ilton, and Miss Jean C. Oldrieve, DDP, with a gift, A social
Toronto, The threry attendants ' hour brought the meeting ' to a
STARS -OF RADIO, STAGE were similar gowns of faille taf- close, o
feta fashioned with fitted bodices
and full circular skirts, the maid Clinton Lions Plan
ADULTS 75c -- CHILDREN '50c of honor being in peacock blue Ladies'
and the bridesmaids in turquoise I Theatre Night SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24
12Anniversary Services
Dance to follow — 9:30 to blue. They wore matehing.open- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
crowned bonnets and mittens, and' Clinton Lions Club featured 11.00 a.m.-Divine Worship
Sponsored by Huron Fish and Gane Clubcarried nosegays of white rose- !entertainment at its semi-monthly
43-44-b ? buds and baby chrysanthemumsedinner meeting in St. Paul's Par-
- with streamers of white velvet ish Hall last week, when Presi-
ribbon.• !dent J. George MeLay was in
trD3� John Miller attended the bride- charge.
groom, and the ushers were Fred I Guests included Dr, R. W.
Blayney, Toronto, end Reginald Hughes, Toronto, formerly Dep -
Asquith, also of Toronto, brother uty District Governor of Zone 5
of the bride. 1 (Northern Ontario); Flt, recut
A : reception' was held in the lfbieard Norris, new adjutant of
drawing room at Alma College, RCAF Station, Clinton; and Plioi.
+ where white chrysanthemums Officer Gerald Fulton, RCAF
were used for decoration, For Station. Clinton, who delighted
,her daughter's wedding Mrs. As- his audience with niany clever
quith woe a costume dress of feats of magic.
:waistcoat gray crepe with match- Fit. Lieut. G. G. Agnew, RCAF
ing jacket, black accessories, and Station, Clinton, presented a mov-
corsage.of coral Sweetheart roses. ing picture entitled, "Informa-
Ma's. Oldrieve, mother of the tion, please!" in the interests of
bridegroom, wore American security. Ile wes thenked in be-
(Beauty crepe with neckline trim hall of the gathering by Presi-
of steel gray -beaded embroidery, dent MeLay.
. matching accessories, and a coli- Treasurer F. B. Pennebaker
4`" sage of ivory Sweetheart_ roses: announced ••results. of the recent
,(For the wedding breakfast, the Fall Frolic, showing net of more
bride's •table was. arranged with than $800, and President MeLay
a cutwork' cloth centred'. with the announced a donation of $50 from
wedding cake and 'white candles. Herman H. Harriss, president,
*The couple left later on a wed- Clinton Hosiery Mills Limited,
ding trip to Muskoka, the bride for the welfare work of the Lions
travelling in a handwoven striped Club, • B. B. Pocklington spoke of
wool suit with .brown accessories the Clinton Loins :Ladies' Theatre
and a' "Victorian green French Night at London on Friday, 00-
wool coat. On their return they tober 22, and 3, A. Sutter reported.
£ will lake up residence on Fair- that a Boy Scouts re -organization
X view Ave.,.i'armouth Heights,, meeting would be held in Wes-.
St. •Thomas ' ley -Willis United Church Thurs-
Guests were present •from St, day evening, October 14.
Thomas, Auburn, Goderich Lon-; . The draw; made by Fit. Lt:
Legion to Present
Comedy `Fun for You'
Tuneful choruses, gay costumes,
drills and dances, Mita shows,
audience participation scenes,
children's story hour scene and
patriotic tableau mingle to bring
a wide variety of entertanment
in one evening to those who see
"Fun For You," the Atomic Bomb
of Entertainment, using all local
talent which is being sponsored
by Clinton Branch 140,,Canad-
ian Legion, in the Tow,: Hall,
Clinton, for the benefit of the
Building Fund, Famous celebrities
of radio and screen will be im-
personated in this hilarious hook-
up of home town Headliners.
Attractive and clever singing
and dancing numbers will be
performed by a girls chorus us-
ing girls chosen from Clinton
Collegiate Institute. •
These girls will wear special
costumes and will be . billed as
the Roxey Rockettes and the Earl
Carroll Girls, The numbers they
will feature are: "Walking With
My Honey", "Did You Ever Get
That Feeling in the Moonlight",
"Always Chasing Rainbows," and
"Stars and Stripes Forever," Each
scene in the show is outstanding
and all of them, will have a wide
appeal for persons of aII ages.
Rev, Andrew Lane, minister
of Wesley -Willis United Church,
Clinton, will be the anniversary
preacher at Dungannon United
Church this Sunday morning and
evening, Rev. James Bright, Dun-
gannon, will preach at the morn-
ing service in Wesley -Willis, but
the evening service will be with-
drawn because of the Presbyter-
ian Church anniversary,
t' s Coming.
Barn Dance
St. Paul's Anglican
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
A full stock to_ fill
your needs during
this rainy season.
for Men and boys
Miner, Goodrich, Gutta Percha
Men's 4 -buckle
Boys' 3 -buckle
- CLINTON , don, •, Detroit, Halniltom, Toronto;. Norris,' was won by the pianist,,
PHONE 2':'°and Kingston, Bill Gould.
7.00 p.m Evening Worship,
Services conducted by Rev.
D. R. Sinclair, BA., BD., Ex-
eter. Special selections of
music. Anniversary thank -
offering will be received.
A cordial welcome to all,
Ontario St. United
WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
11.00 am.—Morning Service
12.15 --Sunday School
7.00 p.m., --Evening Service with-
drawn in favour of Presby-
terian anniversary service.
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
1,1.15' am, --Sunday School
7.00 p.m.—Worship Service
"Pilgrim's Progress," illust-
rated with coloured .lantern
slides. •` '
October 31—Anniversary Services.
Everyone Welcome
Mr. and Mrs.Aubert E. Wight, tendinge
the funeral of the late
Arkona, were recent visitors with Fred Brown,
Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, I Mr, and Mrs. James McGill
Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Sohier, spent the weekend in London
Hamilton, spent last week with visiting, their son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs, William Cook, daughter, Mr, and Mrs, A. C.
Mrs. Irene Henri and Miss Kelly.
Shirley Henri returned last night Clifford- asud Bill Cooper, Flint
after spending three days at Mich„ were weekend visitors at
Pickering, the home of their brother and
Rev. Roy C. Cook, Toronto, sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clay
paid a short visit to his parents, ence Cooper.
Mr, and Mrs. William Cook, on Mr, Arthur McCeeary and son,
Thursday last. ` " James, who works in the City
Aylmer, have been visiting the end guests of Mrs. Elizabeth
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Huller, Hydro at Brantford, were week-
former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Kennedy, Ontario St.
Bert Huller. I Miss Virginia Hoy underwent
Mrs. Cecil Cooper was in a tonsil and adenoid operation
Bransford on Saturday last at- in Clinton Public Hospital over
the Thanksgiving weekend and
is able to be out again,
I Miss Shirley G. Sutter, St.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Potter Catharines General Hospital staff,
Honored by Friends spent a hs home
of her parents,few Mourr, andat Mrs,the hJohne
Schoolhouse No, 11, Goderich IA. Sutter, on Sunday:'
To shi Miss Betty O'Leary, who has
p, was the scene of a spent the past six weeks with
very pleasant evening on Friday, Mrs. Frank Cummings, has re -
October 8, when a number of turned to her home in Blackpool,
friends and neighbours gathered Cork, Eire, this week.
in honour of the newlyweds, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Jack -
and hMrs. Frank Potter, sno, Flint, Mich„ -spent the week -
e party began with progres- end with he latter's mother, Mrs.
sive euchre and other games with Thomas Glazier and other rela-
Mrs. Welsh end Mr. Broadfoot tives in town and vicinity.
winning the prizes. A short Misses Phyllis Herman and
proschoolnt children edin demonstrated Betty
feArthua High School, spent the
their rhythm band, little four- weekend with the former's par -
year -old Mary Elliott delighted ents, Mr, and Mrs, W. T, Herman.
the audience with a number of Miss Ruth Manning, daughter
solos and Margaret Holland as of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Man -
always, sang very pleasingly. ning, R,R. 5, Clinton, was one
The main event of the even- of five young ladies who grad-
ing came when John Deeves reed uated as nurses' assistants in
a little speech to Frank and Ei1- exercises at Scott Memorial Hos-
een and Alvin Wise presented i pita!, Seaforth, Friday evening
them with a gift of money. Frank last, Two of the otters were
replied very fittingly. Lunch was Misses Joyce Diegel and Leona
enjoyed by all after which the Smith, Walton.
floor was quickly cleared and M. T. Corless was in Toronto
the remainder bf the evening was on Monday attending the funeral
spent in dancing with the ,Welsh pf;_his, brother-in-law, the late
orchestra supplyingthe music end Robert N. Palmer, who had died.
Bob Glen acting as floor•: man- very suddenly on Thursday
' . ,... eetee. evening last. The service was
0— conducted by Rev. Dr. George
FAZES MORE CiIARGES C. Pidgeon, former minister of
BLYTH — Sentenced to serve
three years in penitentiary on Blear St. United Church, of which
deceased was an active member.
narcotics charges at Guelph, Fri- ;Misses Marion Jones and Grace
day, Kenneth Hollywood, 33, Lobb, Mr, end Mrs, Robert W.
Hamilton, will face three ad- Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sut-
ditional charges in with bird, He ter, Elwin Merrill and Fred
will be charged breaking, Thorndike, attended the 24th
entering and theft at Thedfordautomobile
annual convention of - London
and two charges of automobile Conference Y.P.U. in Dundas St,
theft from St, Thomas and Blyth, United Church, Woodstock, over
the latter respecting Dr, D. c• the weekend. Benson Sutter was
Draper's car several weeks ago, re-elected secretary for a twe-
__ — year term.
Famous Harvey Woods
Winter Weight Undies
Made with Typical "Harvey Woods”
skill and thoroughness.
Snug l'i'b knit with fitted midriff, with any percentage
of wool you desire,
now available in Misses' and
Women's sizes.
T his Christmas
Whether it be for Mom, Dad, Mother, Grandmother
or your Girl Friend, no gift will be more appreciated
than a portrait of you by Fowler Bros.
Remember, Only You Can Give Your Photograph !
Low Prices:. 3 for $3.00 up; 12 for $9.00 up
adios in Mitchell and Stratford
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Phone 84
Also St
Keep 'Em in the Swing of Things
With Nutritious Bartliff's Bread!
BARTLIFF'S BREAD helps keep your boy or
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is "tops."
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