HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD �'s Caledonia In OBA Finals ThreejnFjve It's Caledonia Eastern On When and where the rest, of tarso champions, and Clinton the games, if any, will be play - Colts, Western Ontario champ- ed, will be decided at a later date. ions,for the all -Ontario Intermed- iate "C" championship for 1948. Who Will Pitch? Caledonia are the original Halidmand County League title- holders, concluerors o f - Delhi, Tobacco League champions, Mil- ton, Balton County champions, and Bloomfield, Prince Edward County champions. Clinton Colts are undisputed winners ,of the Huron -Perth Lea- gue, conquerors of Mildmay, WOAA champions, and Strathroy Dodgers, Western Counties Lea- gue champions. There, you have it, folks; a parade of champions! Starts Here Saturday Who will pitch on Saturday? You ask manager Hugh Hawkins and he won't tell, But it will be one of Bob Craig, Bob Draper, Bill Coolc, or Gordie Stock. Take your choice. It is the first time a Clinton team ever has participated in an Ontario baseball final champion- ship series. That is something for the records. If you fans complain about the lateness of the season (the latter part of October), the only reason is that the team has gone along way ; this year. What About Caledonia? It is a best -in -five series. The Caledonia Is a prosperous vil- big titular series starts here Sat-. lage in the County of Haldimand, urday afternoon, October 15, in not far from the City of Hamil- Community Park at 2.30 o'clock; ton nor from Cayuga, the county the teams swing to Caledonia on seat, where Gordon L. Hall, a Wednesday afternoon next, Oc- former Clintonian, runs a news- tober 20, at 2.30; and back again paper. It has a population of to Clinton on Saturday afternoon, about 1,500, quite a bit less than October 23. Clinton with its imposing 2,500. Self Seal Envelopes are back Again! Y e s ! Self Seal Envelopes ARE back again! The only enevlope that seals without moistening. Self Seal Envelopes are sold at 15c pkg, Gage's Vellum Self Seal Pads for use with Envelopes, in three sizes: Large Pad .. 20c Foldover Pad , . 20c Small Pad .. 10c Large Pad and E 1 Foldover Pad an twe opes , , , 35c d Envelopes . , 35c Small Pad and Envelopes Phone 84 .... 25c McEwan's V i++sweMeww� Clinton i HERE IT IS 110 LOHGER 0E FEHED! �fs1 ^�llri r fr kcopt .eArYut wok f!•r ^s's power•a.olenty ;rt the new MICRONIC ��„arina aid yet St's as trim and smart as your cigarette case. Clear, natural tones put an end to missed words and half -caught phrases. \, Let MICRONIC bring you the hearing happi• ness if has brought so many. others. You owe !t to yourself to try it! NO OBLIGATION! Write today for further informetlon. -�rl'�t►l�rf MiCROrnc HEARIRR REDS See Display Our Window Ask For Home Demonstration MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC Opposite Post Office .. CLINTON BOYS' SUITS in durable Tweeds SIZES 28 - 34 Three Pieces -- Coat and Two Pair of Long Trousers VERY SPECIAL AT $17.5o Davis & Herman IIf, P E'R S d N A L S: Robert Maxwell spent the week- Jack and Gerald, London, wer end at his home in Owen Sound. at their cottage at Bayfield ove the wMr. and ee e d at GuelphandThWallacelnlh Erin. MacDonald, Toronto sMrs. Frank McIlwain, ILndsay, of his ent the parents, Mr. at the,honi spent the weekend with her ald MVI cDonaid and Mrs. Ron mother, Mrs. Carrie e r ,irvs Mr. and Mr's. Gordon Hearn am and Mrs, s "Hal" al Hartley Toronto, spent the holiday week spent Thanksgiving with friends end with the former's math in Niagara• Falls, N.Y. and Buf- Mrs.. B. C. Hearn, falo, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril B. Hal Mrs. Churchward and two sons, St. Catharines, spent the halide with the former's mother, Mrs Vivien M. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Certwrigh and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith e e mother Hale y t The Caledonia ball team has done well. After Iicking the threatening Milton crew in the last round, the Scotsmen took on Bloomfield, the team which had knocked out Napanee by winning two out of three. What happened? At Bloomfield (near Picton, end south of Belleville) on Saturday last, Caledonia took the measure of the home troops by 5-2. 'The return match in the best two -in -three series, was schedul- ed for Caleodnia on .Monday, but it rained, and as a result, the match was played on Tuesday afternoon. Caledonia had no trouble in copping the decision by the wide margin of 14-1. • Frankie Sabo was best at bat for Caledonia with four hits in five times at bat, one of them a home run. Ken Neilson also slammed out a homer for Cale- donia. Perhaps we'd better watch these two boys, Sabo and Neilson. Here is the line score: Bloomfield 100 000 000— 1 6 5 Caledonia . 203 030 O6x-14 13 0 You'll notice the .Caledonians played errorless ball? We hope they don't Saturday! 1 Timmins, were "weekend 1 visitor in Clinton and vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Oliver, To- ronto, spent the Thanksgiving weekend with Flt. Lieut, and Mrs. G. G. Agnew, High St. Mrs. Robert McKee, Ottawa, is spending a month with her moth- er, while her husband is serving, on a, Northern mission. Mr: and Mrs. Karl. D'Aubin, Toronto, spent the weekend with the latter's father and aunt, H. P. and Miss Emma Plumsteel. Mrs. J. Mulholland entertained a "numbel of ladies on Wednes- day last in honour of her sister- in-law, Mrs. W. Cole, Winnipeg. Miss Belle Farquharson and Miss F. McLaughlin, Toronto, spent theweekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Fingland. LAC and Mrs. Den Surbey spent the Thankkgiving weekend with the latter's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Spence Isbister, Wind- sor. Miss Mary E. Lane, University of Toronto, spent the Thanksgiv- ing weekend at the home of her parents, Rev. and. Mrs. Andrew Lane, Mr. and Mrs: O. L. G. Atkey Panetrodlia;, children,spent Jane and Ronald;, holiday ,week- end' with Mr. and Was. R. S. Atkey, Miss Marion Ferguson and Dr. Bruce Ferguson, Toronto, spent the "holiday weekend with their cousin, R. L. .'McEwen, and Mrs. MeBE wennso n Sutt ex represented Lon- don Conference Y.P.U. at the Toronto; Conference Y.P.U. Con- vention held in Owen Sound over the weekend: Mrs. Walter Wilson has return- ed to her home in Timmins after visiting for the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. S,. Heard and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. • J. Bickerton, s Windsor, Mr, and Mrs. J. Me- Carrol, Detroit, were recent visit- ors. at the home of Mayor and Mrs. McMurray. Donald M, Venton, Owen Sound, was renewing acquaintances in town over the weekend, coming to assist at the Aiken -Miller wed- ding on Saturday, . 1VIr, and Mrs, W: D. Landsbor- ough and Misses Marlene and Linda Jervis have returned from a motor trip to Sault Ste, Marie, North Bay and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown and family, Port Ryerse, were week- end and holiday guests 33yyith the former's mother, Mrs. A..S. Ink - ley, Sr., and Mr. Inkley. Mrs. Carrie Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. John Rye, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cottle and son, John, cal- led on Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles- worth during the holiday. Dr. and Mrs, R. W. Hughes and children, Nancy and John, Leaside, Toronto, left yesterday after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs, R. S. Atkey, Miss Alice Sloman of the staff of the General and Marine Hos- pital, Owen Sound, spent the Thanksgiving Holiday with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Silcoek, R. S. Atkey attended the fun- eral of his aunt, Miss Mary M. Atkey, in Owen Sound and Wiar- ton Saturday afternoon. She died in Hamilton Wednesday, Oct. 6. Frank Fingland, Jr„ and Roy Meehall, Victoria College, Uni- versity of Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs,. Frank ingland, Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Nott and aughter, Barbara, Toronto, spent he Thanksgiving weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Groves and Mr. and Mrs. Ber- ard Nott. Mr, and Mrs. D. F. Ferrin, Lind - ay, and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. oung, Hamilton, were weekend nd holiday visitors at the home f the Iadies' parents, Mr. and rs. Frank Lobb. Mr. and Mrs. J. Huller, Clinton, cdompanied by Mr. and Mrs, ack Cook, Goderich, spent hanksgiving with Mrs. Huller's ster, Mrs, E. M. Durst and Mr. urst, Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Herman, ondon, Miss Helen Herman, rampton, and Miss Phyllis Her - an, Arthur, were holiday visit- s at the home of their parents, r. and Mrs. W. T. Herman, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Atkinson d two sons, Carlyle and Gerald, rrie, spent the holiday weekend th their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Charlesworth, Clinton, and and Mrs. Atkinson, Exeter. Mrs. Murray Hetherington and ughter, Margaret, Goderich, ss Irene Snider, London, and and Mrs. M. J. Snider, Mea- d, spent the weekend with ir• parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider, Albert St, Country Fair Wesley -Willis Church S. S. Room Saturday, October 23 at 3 p.m. under auspices of W.A. and Girls' Club — BOOTHS — GIANT HOME BAKING TABLE PRODUCE ' CANDY APRONS AND NOVELTIES --AFTERNOON TEA -- Dressed Ham - Salads - Bread and Butter Pie - Tea Served from 3 to 6 p.m. — 45 cents EVERYONE WELCOME , Hunting Clothing! for the man who notices the leaves turning! Just what you have been looking for! Deluxe Wool Shirts ea. $7.95 Drop Seat Coats ea. 19.95 Palmer's All -Leather Hi -Cut Boots Miner's Sportsmen's Model Leather Tops, 12 -inch pr. 9.50 Dominion Leather Tops, non -synthetic soles, will not slip, 12 -inch tops, 12.80 Hunting Caps, red and black, two styles 1.50, 1.90 Reversible Hunting Caps'ea. 1.75 pr. 11.30 CLINTON • mu/pint Epps . ONTAR-1`O SPORTING GOODS OF QIYALITY PRONE 42 CLINTON OPEN SUNDAY, OCTOBER: 17 and Every Night Next Week It See Our USED CARS A CAR TO SUIT 'YOUR PURSE J. P. MANNING RELIANCE PRODUCTS Expert Mechanics PHONE 345 - - CLINTON F a n a Mo a J T si D L B m or M an Ba wi H. Mr da Mi Mr for they S. Kenneth M. Breakey, Zurich, spent the weekend at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Corless. On his return he was accompanied by Mrs, Breakey and son, Bich- ard, who had spent the -past two i weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Hepburn and baby, Mount Dennis, and Miss Margaret Colquhoun, Uni- versity of Western Ontario, Lon- don, spent -Thanksgiving week- end with their mother, Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun and family. Miss JoAnne Cuninghame, Sar- nia, and Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Hull, Tcronto, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, in their Bayfield home. Art Saund- ers, McGill University, Montreal, was also a weekend guest. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Holmes and family, Toronto, iVlr, and Mrs. A. J. Dawson, Valois, Que., and Mr. and Mrs R, Cbrnegie and family, 'London, spent the long weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs, Warwick P. Cole, Highland Paris, Mich., were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam J. Miller and the former's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole, Sr. They came to attend the Aiken -Miller wed- ding on Saturday. Reeve G. W. Nott returned by plane on Saturday night from a very profitable and pleasant trip to the West Coast. Other visit- ors at the Nott home for the Thanksgiving weekend were Mr. and Mrs, A, E. Garrioch and fam- ily, Windsor, and Miss Leola Nott, Toronto. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken Mr. and Mrs. 'Wes Aiken and Mrs. T. J. Aiken, ' Allenford, and Mrs. George Crooks and daugh- ter, Miss Mary, Delhi, were week- end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken, coming to attend the Aiken -Miller wed- ding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tyndall and two children, Janet and Gor- don, and Edward Welsh spent the weekend in. Dunnville with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weir, and also toured the Niagara Peninsula. While in Dunnville they cele- brated Mr. and Mrs. Weir's 40th wedding anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall's 9th. Robert White, Toronto, past master.grand and C of of Orange Alberta Insurance for the Dominion, spent Thurs- day and Friday last with Charles Stewart in the interests of the order. He attended the ,Degree Contest put on by Seaforth L.O.L. in the Odd Fellows Hall, Seaforth, when the degree team of Murphy Lodge L.O.L. No. 710, carried off first class honours, THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 14.1 19 0. B. A. INTERMEDIATE. "C” ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP (Best -Three -out -of -Five) . CALEDONIA Eastern,Ontario Champions: Vs. CLINTON COLTS Western Ontario Champions FIRST GAME: at CLINTON Saturday, October 16 2.30 p.m. sharp SECOND GAME at CALEDONIA Wednesday, October 20 2.30 p.m. sharp. THIRD GAME:—7 at CLINTON Saturday, October 23 2.30 p.m., sharp SUPPORT THE COLTS TO THEIR FIRST ONTARIO BASEBALL. TITLE! Adults, 50 cents; Children, 15 cents FOR TROUBLE-FREE THRIFTY DRIVING OUR SPECIAL FALL CHECK-UP There's trouble ahead for the driver who continues to operate a summericed car. Our 6 -point Fall Check -Up puts every make of car or truck in tip-top shape for pleasant fall driving, • Lubrication • Brake Service • Engine Tune-up • Tire Service • Cooling System • Steering and Alignment Lorne Brown Motors Your Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Dealer Day 367W — PHONES — Night 367J Get the Most Heat for Your Money! Findlay "Warm Morning" Coal Heater START A FIRE BUT ONCE A YEAR! NO CLINKERS . . . ONLY FINE ASH Check These Amazing Features: 1.— Semi-automatic, magazine feed. 2.— Holds 100 lbs. coal. 3.—Burns any kind of coal (anthraciitq, bituminous or lignite) eoke or briquets, 4.—. NO CLINKERS. 5.— Assures substantial fuel savings, 6.-- The only heater of its kind in the world. 7.— Requires less attention than most furnaces. 8.— Heats all day and all night without refueling. 9.— Holds fire 24 to 36 hours in cold weather; several days in mild weather. 10.- Patented construction Principles and materials used assure more complete combustion with far superior radiation and more sustained heat. Price: $62.50 SUTTER-PERDUE