HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD" THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1948 omen's ani! Church Altairsin.Clinton Disiriet Presbyterian 'WA DISTRICT WEDDINGS West y -Willis W.A. Ml's, Wt A. Oakes, was in the re¢ort of flowers, cards and let 1. X7 1 .L I t 1 WEDDINGS I V t7 chair and M H Holds Good Meeting Mission Band Rally Proves Successful. Huron Presbyterial of the Pres- The W. A. of Clinton Presbyter - Band Church held a Mission ion Church met in the Sunday Band rally in Hensall, with Mrs. School room on Tuesday, October J.F. Scott, children's secretary, in 5,.with the president, Mrs. Twitch - coined Mrs, P, A. Ferguson wel- e11., in the chair and IVIrs. Snider Domed the large number of child- ell, the plane. ren with their leaders. 1VIrs. Gordon Bissett, Presbyter -of Laura M. Snell, daughter of a hymn followed by prayer by ' p Y Each Mrs. Twitchell who alsogave the band Snell, Londesboro, to Neville Barbara MacDonald, Sheila Rog - Bible 'reading from Psalm 69; ers and Anne Shaddock sang and Forbes, son of Mrs. James Forbes 16-36. Mrs. Maxwell read the Gail Murray recited, and the late Mr. Forbes, Clinton. aeeretary's and treasurer's reports iven and a Slides on the Cecilia Jeffery Miss Emma Griffin, Weiland, The sung follooweds gthe offering. Indian School were drown by was bridesmaid. end Walter Forbes, brother of the groom, was best man. The bride was attired in a, lamp- lighter blue suit with matching slope -grey accessories. A cor- sage of red Briarcliffe roses com- pleted the ensemble, Miss %Griffin chose a suit of cherry red gabardine with black Symons, sister of the groom. Mrs. accessories and she wore a - cor- Symons, in an afternoon frock of sage of yellow Pernet roses. turquoise crepe with navy ac - The groom's gift to the .pride cessories and a corsage of red was a Lone wrist watch, to the roses, sang "0 Perfect Love" be- Pocock accompanied ,by Mrs. bridesmaid a Coalport cup and fore the ceremony and "Because" lAikenhead at the piano. Mrs. J. saucer, and to the groomsman. a during the signing of the Murray gave e reading entitled bill fold,register, The Minister's Wife," A pleas- • Following the ceremony, a re- Given in marriage by ' her ing duett was sung by Mrs. How- ception was held at the home father, the bride was lovely in son and Mrs. Vesterfelt With Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce, Brucefield, where e buffet din- ner was served to the immediate families end friends, The host- ess, sister of the bride, received in a suit of royal blue gabardine and wore a corsage of Talisman roses, The groom's mother wore and a burgandy red dress with a cor- sage of yellow Pernet oses. Mr, and Mrs. Forbes left on a trip to Muskoka. On their return they will. reside' in Mullett. Jr 0c Out-of-town guests were ures- 42-b ent from Welland, Detroit, Wind- sor, St, Catharines, Thorndale, St. Marys, Stratford, Wingham and Goderich. Pre -Nuptial Events Prior to her marriage, the bride was entertained by her friends at a number of showers. The first of these was e cup -and -saucer shower given by Miss Emma Griffin in her home on Aqueduct St., Welland. The staff of First St. school entertained at a din- ner at Rathfron Inn where tie bride -elect was presented with a combination pressure cooker and canner from the Public School with black accessories. She was teachers of Wellond. assisted by the groom's mother Miss Patricia Marshall, on be- who chose a powder blue dress half of the Business and Profes- with black accessories. Both wore sional Women's Club, had a mock corsages of pink Briercliffe roses. wedding where the guest of hon- Also receiving with the bridal our was presented with an _ ITr- couple was Mrs. Helen Dalrymple, erican Woman's Cook Book. Miss the bride's grandmother, who wore Margaret Waters, assisted by the a black suit with black acces- FORB%;S—=SNEL ; AIRE/et— ILLER t At the manse of BrWcefield" Ontario St. United ' Church, Clinton, attractively ` decorated United Church, Saturday, Octob- with autumn Ieliage, ferns, and er 9, at high noon, Rev. E. R. large and pom pom bronze and Stanway solemnized the marriagr- yellow 'mums and lighted, Cath- edral tapers, was: the setting for the pretty wedding on Saturday, October 9, 1948, et high noon, which united in marriage Helen Maxine Miller and Willard Ach- eson Aiken. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Miller, and the groom is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffatt Aiken, all of Clilrton. Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, minister. of the church, officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Ed- ward Wendorf ' presided at the organ and played traditional wedding music and also accomp- anied the soloist, . Mrs. Donald The, meeting opened by singing ial president spoke oke hrieti . E ci the late Mr. and Mrs. William d contributed e number. The Lord's Prayer closed the de- votional part of the meeting. Mrs. ,Scott, a former teacher in such a school: Mrs. D. J. Lane presented Junior .Life Member- A number of lollies sewed on ship diplomas to Joan Hunter, quilt blocks and delicious re- Seaforth, .Shirley Bell, Hensall, freshments, served by Mrs. Mc- Catherine MacDonald, Goderich, Taggart and Mrs. Shaddock, bro- and Anne Shaddock, Clinton. ught a very profitable meeting The Ifensall ladies served ve- to a close. treshments to the children and • their leaders. lemenitammemmumaimmar DANCE Clinton Town Hall NORMAN CARNEEGIE'S ORCHESTRA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 Mrs. Charlesworth fens, sent to the sick and shut-in Plans Country Faire was pianist, members of the congregation, - , , - The opening hymn was "Take was read. Mrs, Laidlaw told of. Time to be Holy." The Lord's the making of the year's supply The Woman's Association of Prayer was repeated -'in unison. of Communion wine, Wesley -Willis United Church met During the devotional period Mrs. Pickard reported orted and Mrs. in the Church Parlour on Thurs- Charlesworth read the storyp for the Manse If day afternoon, October 7, with a Luke, the T, cbArr atge, physician, Mvs. A. T, Arrangements were completed will will good attendance. The president, Cooper read Lesson Thoughts and for the Country 'Fair which Baptist Ladies •Mrs, Frank Andrews offered be held on the afternoon of Oc- '• — Aid prayer. tober 23. The secretary's minutes were t A Thanksgiving hymn, "Come < Entertains Auburn read by Mrs: George Jefferson lye thankful people le coo " and the treasurer's report was sung and the Mizpah Benediction given by Mrs. George Beattie, brought the meeting to a close, bothof whom were appointed to after which afternoon tea was these positions for the balance of served by Mrs. Fred Potter's the year. Mrs: John Nediger, Jr.'s group, The September meeting of the Clinton Baptist Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. Forsyth with the members of the Auburn Ladies' Aid present: - Mrs. Forsyth presided, The meet- ing opened by singing "In Lov- ing Kindness Jesus Came," and the' Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs. Aikenhead read the Scrip- ture Lesson which was followed by the secretary's report and the roll call. A solo, "Nothing Be- tween" was sung by Miss Eileen WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 Dancing 10-1 p.m. Admission Nall and Autck Sune'ial Nome HIGH STREET, CLINTON The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the Lange, Pleasant Rooms and Electric' organ are Not the Least. There is No Extra Charge for Services Held 5 Here Under Such Ideal Conditions. BALL AND MUTCH D. G. BALL Phone 361-J Hardware and Furniture Funeral Directors W. J. MUTCH Phone 144 Phone 195 4goak,en is6- out1alet1- body Loves�,e and PURITV 7 .Hallowe'en is coning round again! When your doorbell rings, be ready with this grand Purity Pumpkin pie . , . made with Purity, Flour . .. of course! Here's a melt -in -your -mouth pastry recipe. and PURITY, AVERY (enough for 2FILLING ei Nyr''eggsooly until G1'o i PAST well blended. Gra plc shells t cups PURITY allY buten teas!, COcinnamon,Sh:,ao %a t i styled Sift together t' is culrcun self. Co 1irtSer+'tbt teaspoon +rutrnes; /4, V3 FLOUR and h into tnixtute ,pmetor eflsliica, enol afcW � alinre1 sw mU, knives, u stet! Sttr ( .cfp, xrlh. P4 uacil it looks like pnto t.,,,, dad /t d with pasttj and olo with two knives, Add. ie plate line t for Orsi coarse. meal, mtxic tato V very tnixntte bake to hot oihen(eedace �emn nod spoils e Niel to 31:11;3fd only u or 5 lightly tune tort moderate Wert' 350 0) until bill doln lig, hake tot 20.25 min utes,. a with ht %quick coon tin or - h a nese, nslnutes band oard. Roll , fillips; is Urdi. C orldeco serve ce with a floured to Vs inch thickness, w,h010 facrear3 , kin dough motion is placd, doubledcif you ultnwisb c2 Pu n quick h l,bubb into p Press o yr.bubbles• ate trap! pies.) sofila%n olfthe edge. and trim.. .. Renaenther, Purity Flood; specially milled from finest hard wheat—rs best for all you,- baking. YOU NEED ONLY ONE FLOUR r"• St buys you the famous PURITY COOK BOOK wash its 875 recipes developed is the Purity Flour Kitchen Send -to your nearest Purity Flour Mills' office—St. John, , Montreal Que., Ottawa,Ont., Toronto, Ont., Winnipeg Man., Calgary, Alta,; Vancouver. P •'. GRAND oArs GRAND FOR r FOR ONE RESULT—PERFECTION t_ • • Name Street City - Province, 43.3.5 er wedding gown of white slip- per satin which featured an off - the -shoulder ' neckline with a nylon yoke, bustle back, full skirt ending in a train and long lily -pointed sleeves. Her full- length veil was caught with a little Dutch cap.. She wore a double strand of pearls with matching earrings, the gift of the groom, and carried a shower bouquet of Peerless red roses. Attending the bride as brides- maid, Miss Lois Connell was at= tractively gowned in a floor - length dress of orchid taffeta with a bustle back, full skirt, tight bodice and cap sleeves. She wore matching mittens and Dutch cap and, carried a cascade bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. Donald M. Venton, Owen Sound, was best man, and the ushers were Robert Miller and Arthur Aiken, brothers of the bride end groom respectively. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at Hotel Clinton where the bride's mother receiv- ed wearing a Copen blue frock members of the W.H.O. class of Central United Church, also en- tertained at a supper at Morgan's, sories and a set of Russian Squir- rel furs. The bride's table was centred Point. Here Miss Snell was the witha three-tier wedding cake recipient of a band -wrought alu- flanked with burning tapers and minuni tray. bouquets of pom pom 'mums. For travelling to Niagara Falls BAZA _: R Town Hall, Clinton Saturday, October 16 AT 3 P.M. under auspices of Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Legion Apron Booth Touch -and -Take Knitted Goods Home. -made Baking a.ncl Candy Afternoon Tea will be served from 3 to 5 Sandwiches and Tea -- 15 cents 41-2-b r.- .... a0,.•10..00....••-.40.-0110 -0. .. a.r If you want a . . . TOP - NOTCH HOT DOG or HAMBURGER try t Clayton's Ice Cream Bar Rattenbury St. E. - Phone 134 �rMNH�--t••*+f-Pot-• 3 0 * 4.0 • 3 40 4+e-.-+-aN •-• 0r0+444-•• ,ati 3 ba�3"2»� T++::»: �A��3»A•::«; R :«bp+r:�.�G-? ri,.l.:y,,,p.;..,«.y,.Pd•+o I�� d. i rJ+*° •;! WORK CLOTHING VALUES - I. PURE WOOL BUTTON SWEATER COAT, 4 good weight, heather or green PURE WOOL WINDBREAKER SWEATERS, long zipper front . , ..... $4.95 "REGENT" JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS, , heavy weight with large collar PURE WOOL JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS, heavy weight with large collar WORK SHIRTS, Checks or Plaids, full cut, ° $2.75,, $2.95, .i $3.95 $+ $4.95 $3.75 BOY'S "HAUGH'S 88" HEAVY SANFORIZED 3, Navy Gold Label BIB OVERALLS . $2.95 ' PHONE 2 9 co .. CLINTQN 1*. :44wt+4.44-:H0'4. teat++ 4. wH:'A+' +.+ M', Phillips accompanying on the piano. Mrs. Aikenhead gave a reading, "The Preacher down. at Cole's" which was followed by Mrs. Haggitt singing a solo. Mrs. McNall gave a reading, "The Master is Coning." A very in- terestingfreport on the Middlesex- Lambton Association. held at Strathroy last week was given by the minister, Rev, A. Forsyth, Mrs. Tabb contributed a very helpful reading entitled, "The Books of the Bible." Miss Faye Aiken!ieed favoured with e very lovely solo. Mrs. Cochrane closed the meet- ing with prayer. A pot luck sup- per, which was much enjoyed, brought a very pleasant after- noon to a close. 0 Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ward, Thamesville, formerly of Clinton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Clarice, to Kenneth M. Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wright, Waterloo, the marriage to take place Satur- day, October 30, in Thamesville United Church. x, Mr. W. Francis Carnahan; Owen Sound, wishes to announce the engagement of his second daugh- ter, Evelyn Joyce, London, to Lloyd George Shoebottom, Lon- don, only son of Mr. end Mrs. Richard "G. Shoebottom, Clinton, the wedding to take place the latter part of October. Ottawa, and other points, the bride donned a Hunter's green gabardine suit with brown acces- sories, a spice top coat and a corsege of red roses, On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Aileen will take up residence in Clinton. Church Directory Wesley -Willis United Church REV, ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 11,00 a.m.—Morning Service Sacrament of Baptism. - 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Worship, "Sincerity in Religion" St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 31,00 a.m,—Morning Worship and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m—Evening Service Presbyterian Church REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11,00 a.m,—Divine Worship "Christian Influence" 2.30 p m.—Service at Bayfield Sunday, October 24—Anniversary Services. All Welcome Ontario St. United Church .REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15 -Sunday School 7,00 p.m.—Evening Service with- drawn in favour of Turner's Anniversary service. Turner's Anniversary 2.00 p.m. -=•Rev, H. J. Snell, Ex- eter 7.30 p.m.—Rev. S. E. Hayward, Benmiller Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister Mrs Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler, Choir Leader SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 11,15 a.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Worship Service "The Conversion of a Relig- ious Man." The sermon will be illutsrated with sound mo tion pictures. October 31 --Anniversary Services, Everyone Welcome Paging All Mothers SALE OF LAST SEASON'S SNOW SUITS and BOYS' &PIECE OUTFITS, at only $4.98 and $3.98 ;Values up to 11.95 Sizes 1 to 12 We field ourselves heavily Stocked with broken lines 'of children's one- and two-piece outfits. Save those better suits with one of these for playing. You can 'A afford to miss this generous offer: See them. 7 w•rr+w•w.+irir�1-rwrtiv+a•..eoi•niummiesimmuaningsmaninissmammich. +�+w.w� HERE IT IS I r ° tri± K.� �1Ly Y nTUU haetdl• better with the MICRO c ' 2O2"Hearing Aid... A small, slim and lovely package crammed full of beater hearing for you. Adaptable to 'most every - kind end degrea of hearing loss, with clear, '..efrral reproduction, Of single.uaif construction, the MICRONIC "202" is se-sibly priced, fully guarantee' Try it without obligation at: See Display Our Window Ask For Home Demonstration MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC Opposite Post Office CLINTON This Christmas Give The Gift Only You Can Give YOUR PORTRAIT ! It takes time to finish really fine photographs, so make your appointment early if you wish to give portraits for Christmas 1 } .owlet nI ot,/ield PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 Mcnvan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford 4-0-0 e -0 -0+4,"0 -4 -0 -0•P1+ -o v..liw, vor+......ar.raor.rnr wri X4,04,. +e,t.sb.rsas,., Keep 'Em in the Swing of Things With Nutritious .Bartliff's Bread! BARTLIFF'S BREAD helps keep your boy or girl full of pcp, It has energy—giving vitamins that aid them, to keep fit, and it tastes good because it's smoothly textured, has a thick rich crust. For appetites that are wise to fine flavor, BARTLIFF'S BREAD is "tops." BACK AGAIN! Silverwood's ICE CREAM PIES 4.004-0 A•0 -N -0 -*-n 0-4-0 •-t-4 046 4.0.0 BAR.7[TLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 e CLINTON .w JINANsirs,.vwnr41,,M iwroa.wnvrmowwdsca9.0.04.ma.raxorwo.oarara..+o..i...