HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-14, Page 3THURSDAY., OCTOBER 14, 1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. PAGE THREE' NWS .OF Mrs. Wyler, who has been vis- iting friends in Toronto, has re- turned home. Mrs. John Medd, Goderich, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Phil- lips on Sunday. Miss Vivian Straughan, London, was a weekend visitor with her mother, Mrs. C, M. Straughan. Miss Mary Nesbitt, Toronto, was a weekend visitor with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Nesbitt. Mr. ` and Mrs, Ellis Little and daughter Joan, spent the week- end at their home in Monkton. Miss Mary Houston, Hamiltbn, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Houston. Wilfred Collison and Gordon Yungblut have returned from the West where they assisted with the harvest. Mr. and Mrs. L. Kruse and son William, Galt, and Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson, Seeforth, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.. Edgar Lawson. Misses Jetrid Anderson, Strat- ford, and Joan Anderson, Wat- ford, / spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. W. T. Robison. AUBURN Mr. and Mrs, Bert Marsh, Kit- chener, Miss June Marsh, Strat- ford Normal School, and Miss Helen Marsh, Woodstock, visited Mr: and Mrs. Herb Mogridge at the weekend. NeweSehool Furnace e The trustees have installed a new furnace fn Auburn School, ' Ripe Raspberries ` Mrs. Herb Mogridge picked some ripe raspberries in her gar- den last week. Fractures Heel , William Straughan fractured his heel when he fell off a ladder while working at his house. He Will be laid up for some time. Church Anniversary Anniversary services will be held in Knox United Church next Sunday at' 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. Rev. C. W. Cope, North St. Unit- ed Church, Goderich, will be the guest speaker. Successful Sale Ernest Patterson held a suc- cessful sele of farm stock and implements on Friday. Good prices were realized. Mr. Patter- son is building a home 'in the . BUTLER, Representative, CLINTON village ;and he and Mrs. Patterso intend moving as soon as it I finished. S. S. Entertained Mr. and Mrs: Wilfred Vseterfel entertained the Baptist Sunday School at a wiener roast at thei home on Friday night. Game were enjoyed under the directio of,Misses Mae Renouf and Shirley Robertson.. A vote of thanks w extended to Mr. and Mrs Vest efelt by the Superintendent Glen Reithby. Auburn W. T. Meets The regular monthly meeting of -Auburn Women's Institute wil be held in the Forester's Hall on Tuesday, October 19, at 2:15 p.m. when Dungannon Institute Is ex- pected to be present and provide the program. Hostesses still be Mrs. George . Millian, Mrs, J. J Robertson, Mrs. 'Gordon McPhee Mrs Harry Watson, Mrs Wilfred 'retselfelt and Miss Ethel Wash- ington. - Guild Meets` in Blyth. The Ladies',Guild held their Oc- tober meeting at the rectory, Blyth, on Tuesday of last week. The president, Mrs. Alfred Nes- bit, uresided; scripture was read by Mrs. S. H. Deer; prayers were offered by Mrs. A. Letherland; the topic, "Poetry and ,Song - Writing," was taken by Mrs: Gor- don Taylor, who closed her talk with a vocal solo. Mrs. Hender- `sor served refreshments. Baptist Ladies' Aid The Ladies' Aid of Auburn Bap- tist Church and the Ladies' Aid of Clinton Baptist Church met at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. Forsyth on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Forsyth presided. The pro- gram included: solos, Miss Faye Aikenhead, Mrs. William Haggitt, and Miss Eileen Pocock; duet, Mrs. C. A. Howson and Mi's. Wil- fred Vesterfelt; readings, Mrs. J. Murray, Mrs. Thomas McNeil, Mrs, Wilfred Aikenhead, and Mrs. William Tabb. The message was given by Mr. Forsyth. The ac- companists. were Mrs. R. J. Phil- lips end Mrs. Wilfred Aikenhead. Refreshments were served. Anglican Harvest Home St. Mark's Anglican Church was decorated with baskets of autumn flowers and fruit for their harvest home services on Sunday. Rev. P. H. Streeter of London, a former rector, was the guest speaker and delivered two im- pressive sermons. The choir with Mrs. Gordon Taylor presiding at the organ, led in the singing of the hymns and rendered an an- them at both services. At the evening service, Miss Coronna Wendorf, Clinton, rendered a solo. A generous free-will offering was received. There will be no ser- vice in -St. Mark's Church next Sunday due to Confirmation ser- vices at Wingham. Knox Tinted W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Knox United Church held its thankoffering meeting in the Sunday School, I with Mrs. W. J. Craig at the piano. The theme of the meeting was "Word of Truth," and the pro- gram in the Missionary Monthly was followed. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Bert Craig; Mrs. Hewitt offered prayer; and a read- ing was given by Mrs. Albert Campbell. Mrs. C. M. Straughan reported on home missions and Mrs, Ernest Patterson on Chris- tian ` stewardship. A duet was contributed by Mrs. Gordon Me- Clinchey and Mrs. Sid McClin- chey. The topic, "Special Edu- cation," was taken by Miss Marg- aret Jackson, The offering was received by Mrs, Bert Craig; and Mrs. Hewitt offered the delicatory prayer. The president, Mrs. Earl Wight - men, took charge for the business period. It was announced that the s' t r 3' n.. as PORTER'S HILL Mr. and Mrs. Allan Betties have been visiting in Toronto and at- tending the International Plew- ing Match near Lindsay: Mr.- and Mrs. Stewart Fisher, Sharon and -Bobby, London, spent 'Thanksgiving Day with tar. and Mrs. Austin Harris and Mrs. H. C. Cox. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs., J. A. Torrance in- , eluded: Miss Dorothy Reinke, Hamilton; Mrs. W. Charles, Van- couver, B.C.; Mrs. A. D. Carey, Seattle, Wash.; and Mr. jnd Mrs E G. ` Williams, Goderien: Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Carey are for- mer residents of Clinton... Congratulations:' Alvin Betties' was oneof the winning showmen at, the Holstein Championship Show in Lond ,n last Friday. Church Services Beginning Sunday, October 17, service at Grace Church will be at 2:30 o'clock and Sunday School et 1:30 in the afternoon. Community ' Club Porter's Hill Community Club held its meeting on Wednesday afternoon, October 6, at the home of Mrs, Jack McGuire with 15 ladies present. The meeting open- ed with the singing of "The Old Oaken Bucket." The secretary's report was reed and adopted. Mrs. George Colclough and Mary Tor- rance were added to the "social committee. A lengthy business discussion followed. The after- noon was spent quilting and at the close the hostess served a delicious lunch. The next reg- ular meeting will be held at' the home of Mrs. F. Picot on Wed- nesday, October .20. Stanley Township Mrs. Goldie Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, Toron- to, this week. Miss Margaret McGregor, To- ronto, visited at her home over the weekend. Miss Kate McGregor and Mjss Margaret McEwen, Winghatn, spent the weekend at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper, Niagara Falls, visited over the weekend with John Pepper and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Daymond and family, Chatham, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Adam Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stewart and family, London, were week- end visitors with Mr. end Mrs. Fenwick Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. Malcom McFar- lane, Fenlon Falls, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane during the past week. Mrs. John McFarlane, Sr., re- turned yesterday after spending a month visiting her son end dau- ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James McFarlane, Noranda, Que. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Glen and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glen were Mr. and Mrs. Fronk How, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Neilens and son, Murray, London; and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Maddock and Mrs, Mary Elliott, Toronto. Mrs. Elliott re- turned with her son: in-law and daughter after spending the week with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glen. sectional meeting will be held at Hacketts Church on Oct. 14; and Mrs. Albert Campbell and Miss M. Jackson were appointed dele- gates. Plans were mede for the bazaar and tea to be held on Nov. 13. Mrs, Hewitt offered the closing prayer. Thanks For Your Ca -operation —But Please Do More! WE DON'T LIKE POWER CUT-OFFS ANY MORE THAN YOU, BUT WE PROMISE TO KEEP THEM TO AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM Here is what YOU can do 1. 2. Turn off all unnecessary lights. Don't leave lights burning in empty Rooms, Halls, Basement, Attic, Porch and Garage. Eliminate all colored bulbs. Conserve electrically hefted hot water. 3 Observe the Hydro Regulation which permits one 25 -watt lamp at the ent- • rance to each residence. 4. 5 Please do not use Portable Electric Heaters or Electric Grates as they place a heavy strain on your Hydro System. Use Oven for cooking complete meals. Only one element is required for the Oven Process while three or four elements are needed for the Cooking Surface. Clinton Public Utilities Commission A. E. RUMBALL, Superintendent , 3RUCEFIELD Cam , Henry and Miss Marg. Henry spent the weekend at ,their home here., Misses Betty Woolley and Amy Aikenhead, London, were home for the Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Wayne, London, spent the week- end with relatives. Jim Paterson has returned home from Saskatchewan where he spent the summer: Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Harrison. Detroit, Mich., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Aikenhead. Miss Joan Hann and Ray Sut- ton, Toronto, were Thanksgiving visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe., Mr. end Mrs, Gbrdon Keyes and baby, have moved to St. Marys, where Mr. Keyes will operate a service station. Mr. end Mrs, Stan Neil and children, Glencoe, were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse. Mr. and Mrs, John McIntosh and family, Mrs. Carman Haugh and family,. Toronto, were week- end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. C. Haugh, Miss Eva Sackhouse, Mrs. A. Paterson, Mrs. A. Zapfe and Mrs. B. Shouldice have returned from a pleasant trip through the Hall- burton, Muskoka and Georgian Bay districts. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott, London, spent the weekend with their brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and Mr, and Mrs.,Bill Scott. Miss Elziabeth Scott visited with Miss Mayne Swan and Mrs. A. Ham,' Weekend visitors at their re- spective homes included: Miss Ruth Scott, St. Thomas; Miss Betty Allan, Hyde Park; Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer; Misses Marion Paterson and Blanche Zapfe, London. Communion srevices were held in United Church Sunday morn- ing. There was a good attend- ance of members and visitors. In the evening a candle light- ing service was held when the installation of officers of the Y.P.U. for the coming year was held. The service was conduct- ed by Rev. E. R. Stanway. Of- ficers for the coming year are: Past president, Marion Hill; presi- dent, Bob Allan; vice-president, Jack McDonald; secretary, Marj- orie Musterd; treasurer, Jack Ralthwell; conveners—Lois Rich- ardson, Eleanor McCartney, Ruth Keyes and Stewart Wilson. There was a fair attendance at the October meeting of Brucefield W.A. on Tuesday last. The presi- dent, iSV iss Bowey, had charge of the meeting. Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. Stanway conducted the de- votionall part of the meeting. The, theme Was "Thanksgiving." The hymn "Take Time to be Holy;" was sungand the Creed repeated by members.' On notion of Mrs,. Baird and 'Mrs. Moffatt the min- utes of lest meeting, read by the secretary, Mrs. Wilson, were read and adopted, The' roll call was answered by a thought on "Thanksgiving." Stanley is stall leading over Tuckersmith in the attendance contest, It was announced that a - tea would be held in the Manse 'OA Thursday , following the meeting, from three. to five in afternoon, from seven to nine in the even- ing. Several items of business were discryssed, ohe being the matter of a bazaar to be held on Friday, November 19. The theme song and prayer followed the business meeting, after which two interesting contests were held. During the afternoon, Mrs. Dayman gave a reading, "The Face on the' Bar -room Floor." This was much appreciated by the members. SENSATIONAL EFFISKIIP-ICH/CK 32,OQO, CASH CONTEST 10 INTRODUCE THE ScHICit'66 " WORLD'S ONLY RAZOR WITH AUTOMATIC BLADE CHANGE Shick Razor 12 Blades '1 Colgate Shave Cream ALL FOR 98c • • SCHICK RAZOR 20 BLADES $1.50 • • PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM 39c and 55c • • CUP SOAP 15c • • PALMOLIVE BRUSHLES'S SHAVE 39c and 55c • • COLGATE SHAVE STICK REFILLS 35c • • Shaving Lotion 49c ;o, Pieasanl 5havihq UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER " DRUGGIST ;1 5 11 If a familN habit.. everyone can buya to 1000 pf the new CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 3'° SERIES SAVING MONEY iS a personal matter, but buying Canada Savings Bonds is a good habit for the whole family. Everyone in the family may buy Canada Savings Bonds—from $50 up to as touch as $1,000 each. Canada Savings Bonds may, be bought for cash — or on easy in- stalments through your bank or investment dealer. C.1848A = e Would wound Many when isn't enough or partners This adequate owner Insurance have strain. If you to see why not trained tative BEFORE Confederation HEAD OFFICE # ext your business need to be up . , . IF? businesses are wound up because the owner or owners die there ready cash for the family to carry on. calamity is caused by lack of Business Insurance. Had the or owners purchased Business the premiums could easily been paid without financial own a business and don't want it sacrificed after you are gone, ask us to send a specially Confederation Life Represen- to discuss the matter with you. • YOU INSURE; CONSULT— Life Association TORONTO , . BUTLER, Representative, CLINTON village ;and he and Mrs. Patterso intend moving as soon as it I finished. S. S. Entertained Mr. and Mrs: Wilfred Vseterfel entertained the Baptist Sunday School at a wiener roast at thei home on Friday night. Game were enjoyed under the directio of,Misses Mae Renouf and Shirley Robertson.. A vote of thanks w extended to Mr. and Mrs Vest efelt by the Superintendent Glen Reithby. Auburn W. T. Meets The regular monthly meeting of -Auburn Women's Institute wil be held in the Forester's Hall on Tuesday, October 19, at 2:15 p.m. when Dungannon Institute Is ex- pected to be present and provide the program. Hostesses still be Mrs. George . Millian, Mrs, J. J Robertson, Mrs. 'Gordon McPhee Mrs Harry Watson, Mrs Wilfred 'retselfelt and Miss Ethel Wash- ington. - Guild Meets` in Blyth. The Ladies',Guild held their Oc- tober meeting at the rectory, Blyth, on Tuesday of last week. The president, Mrs. Alfred Nes- bit, uresided; scripture was read by Mrs. S. H. Deer; prayers were offered by Mrs. A. Letherland; the topic, "Poetry and ,Song - Writing," was taken by Mrs: Gor- don Taylor, who closed her talk with a vocal solo. Mrs. Hender- `sor served refreshments. Baptist Ladies' Aid The Ladies' Aid of Auburn Bap- tist Church and the Ladies' Aid of Clinton Baptist Church met at the home of Rev. and Mrs. A. Forsyth on Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Forsyth presided. The pro- gram included: solos, Miss Faye Aikenhead, Mrs. William Haggitt, and Miss Eileen Pocock; duet, Mrs. C. A. Howson and Mi's. Wil- fred Vesterfelt; readings, Mrs. J. Murray, Mrs. Thomas McNeil, Mrs, Wilfred Aikenhead, and Mrs. William Tabb. The message was given by Mr. Forsyth. The ac- companists. were Mrs. R. J. Phil- lips end Mrs. Wilfred Aikenhead. Refreshments were served. Anglican Harvest Home St. Mark's Anglican Church was decorated with baskets of autumn flowers and fruit for their harvest home services on Sunday. Rev. P. H. Streeter of London, a former rector, was the guest speaker and delivered two im- pressive sermons. The choir with Mrs. Gordon Taylor presiding at the organ, led in the singing of the hymns and rendered an an- them at both services. At the evening service, Miss Coronna Wendorf, Clinton, rendered a solo. A generous free-will offering was received. There will be no ser- vice in -St. Mark's Church next Sunday due to Confirmation ser- vices at Wingham. Knox Tinted W.M.S. The W.M.S. of Knox United Church held its thankoffering meeting in the Sunday School, I with Mrs. W. J. Craig at the piano. The theme of the meeting was "Word of Truth," and the pro- gram in the Missionary Monthly was followed. The Scripture was read by Mrs. Bert Craig; Mrs. Hewitt offered prayer; and a read- ing was given by Mrs. Albert Campbell. Mrs. C. M. Straughan reported on home missions and Mrs, Ernest Patterson on Chris- tian ` stewardship. A duet was contributed by Mrs. Gordon Me- Clinchey and Mrs. Sid McClin- chey. The topic, "Special Edu- cation," was taken by Miss Marg- aret Jackson, The offering was received by Mrs, Bert Craig; and Mrs. Hewitt offered the delicatory prayer. The president, Mrs. Earl Wight - men, took charge for the business period. It was announced that the s' t r 3' n.. as PORTER'S HILL Mr. and Mrs. Allan Betties have been visiting in Toronto and at- tending the International Plew- ing Match near Lindsay: Mr.- and Mrs. Stewart Fisher, Sharon and -Bobby, London, spent 'Thanksgiving Day with tar. and Mrs. Austin Harris and Mrs. H. C. Cox. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs., J. A. Torrance in- , eluded: Miss Dorothy Reinke, Hamilton; Mrs. W. Charles, Van- couver, B.C.; Mrs. A. D. Carey, Seattle, Wash.; and Mr. jnd Mrs E G. ` Williams, Goderien: Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Carey are for- mer residents of Clinton... Congratulations:' Alvin Betties' was oneof the winning showmen at, the Holstein Championship Show in Lond ,n last Friday. Church Services Beginning Sunday, October 17, service at Grace Church will be at 2:30 o'clock and Sunday School et 1:30 in the afternoon. Community ' Club Porter's Hill Community Club held its meeting on Wednesday afternoon, October 6, at the home of Mrs, Jack McGuire with 15 ladies present. The meeting open- ed with the singing of "The Old Oaken Bucket." The secretary's report was reed and adopted. Mrs. George Colclough and Mary Tor- rance were added to the "social committee. A lengthy business discussion followed. The after- noon was spent quilting and at the close the hostess served a delicious lunch. The next reg- ular meeting will be held at' the home of Mrs. F. Picot on Wed- nesday, October .20. Stanley Township Mrs. Goldie Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, Toron- to, this week. Miss Margaret McGregor, To- ronto, visited at her home over the weekend. Miss Kate McGregor and Mjss Margaret McEwen, Winghatn, spent the weekend at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Pepper, Niagara Falls, visited over the weekend with John Pepper and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Daymond and family, Chatham, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Adam Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Stewart and family, London, were week- end visitors with Mr. end Mrs. Fenwick Stewart. Mr, and Mrs. Malcom McFar- lane, Fenlon Falls, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane during the past week. Mrs. John McFarlane, Sr., re- turned yesterday after spending a month visiting her son end dau- ghter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James McFarlane, Noranda, Que. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Glen and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glen were Mr. and Mrs. Fronk How, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Neilens and son, Murray, London; and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Maddock and Mrs, Mary Elliott, Toronto. Mrs. Elliott re- turned with her son: in-law and daughter after spending the week with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glen. sectional meeting will be held at Hacketts Church on Oct. 14; and Mrs. Albert Campbell and Miss M. Jackson were appointed dele- gates. Plans were mede for the bazaar and tea to be held on Nov. 13. Mrs, Hewitt offered the closing prayer. Thanks For Your Ca -operation —But Please Do More! WE DON'T LIKE POWER CUT-OFFS ANY MORE THAN YOU, BUT WE PROMISE TO KEEP THEM TO AN ABSOLUTE MINIMUM Here is what YOU can do 1. 2. Turn off all unnecessary lights. Don't leave lights burning in empty Rooms, Halls, Basement, Attic, Porch and Garage. Eliminate all colored bulbs. Conserve electrically hefted hot water. 3 Observe the Hydro Regulation which permits one 25 -watt lamp at the ent- • rance to each residence. 4. 5 Please do not use Portable Electric Heaters or Electric Grates as they place a heavy strain on your Hydro System. Use Oven for cooking complete meals. Only one element is required for the Oven Process while three or four elements are needed for the Cooking Surface. Clinton Public Utilities Commission A. E. RUMBALL, Superintendent , 3RUCEFIELD Cam , Henry and Miss Marg. Henry spent the weekend at ,their home here., Misses Betty Woolley and Amy Aikenhead, London, were home for the Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Zapfe and Wayne, London, spent the week- end with relatives. Jim Paterson has returned home from Saskatchewan where he spent the summer: Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Harrison. Detroit, Mich., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Aikenhead. Miss Joan Hann and Ray Sut- ton, Toronto, were Thanksgiving visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Zapfe., Mr. end Mrs, Gbrdon Keyes and baby, have moved to St. Marys, where Mr. Keyes will operate a service station. Mr. end Mrs, Stan Neil and children, Glencoe, were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse. Mr. and Mrs, John McIntosh and family, Mrs. Carman Haugh and family,. Toronto, were week- end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. C. Haugh, Miss Eva Sackhouse, Mrs. A. Paterson, Mrs. A. Zapfe and Mrs. B. Shouldice have returned from a pleasant trip through the Hall- burton, Muskoka and Georgian Bay districts. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott, London, spent the weekend with their brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scott and Mr, and Mrs.,Bill Scott. Miss Elziabeth Scott visited with Miss Mayne Swan and Mrs. A. Ham,' Weekend visitors at their re- spective homes included: Miss Ruth Scott, St. Thomas; Miss Betty Allan, Hyde Park; Miss Janet Watson, Aylmer; Misses Marion Paterson and Blanche Zapfe, London. Communion srevices were held in United Church Sunday morn- ing. There was a good attend- ance of members and visitors. In the evening a candle light- ing service was held when the installation of officers of the Y.P.U. for the coming year was held. The service was conduct- ed by Rev. E. R. Stanway. Of- ficers for the coming year are: Past president, Marion Hill; presi- dent, Bob Allan; vice-president, Jack McDonald; secretary, Marj- orie Musterd; treasurer, Jack Ralthwell; conveners—Lois Rich- ardson, Eleanor McCartney, Ruth Keyes and Stewart Wilson. There was a fair attendance at the October meeting of Brucefield W.A. on Tuesday last. The presi- dent, iSV iss Bowey, had charge of the meeting. Mrs. McQueen and Mrs. Stanway conducted the de- votionall part of the meeting. The, theme Was "Thanksgiving." The hymn "Take Time to be Holy;" was sungand the Creed repeated by members.' On notion of Mrs,. Baird and 'Mrs. Moffatt the min- utes of lest meeting, read by the secretary, Mrs. Wilson, were read and adopted, The' roll call was answered by a thought on "Thanksgiving." Stanley is stall leading over Tuckersmith in the attendance contest, It was announced that a - tea would be held in the Manse 'OA Thursday , following the meeting, from three. to five in afternoon, from seven to nine in the even- ing. Several items of business were discryssed, ohe being the matter of a bazaar to be held on Friday, November 19. The theme song and prayer followed the business meeting, after which two interesting contests were held. During the afternoon, Mrs. Dayman gave a reading, "The Face on the' Bar -room Floor." This was much appreciated by the members. SENSATIONAL EFFISKIIP-ICH/CK 32,OQO, CASH CONTEST 10 INTRODUCE THE ScHICit'66 " WORLD'S ONLY RAZOR WITH AUTOMATIC BLADE CHANGE Shick Razor 12 Blades '1 Colgate Shave Cream ALL FOR 98c • • SCHICK RAZOR 20 BLADES $1.50 • • PALMOLIVE SHAVE CREAM 39c and 55c • • CUP SOAP 15c • • PALMOLIVE BRUSHLES'S SHAVE 39c and 55c • • COLGATE SHAVE STICK REFILLS 35c • • Shaving Lotion 49c ;o, Pieasanl 5havihq UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE F. B. PENNEBAKER " DRUGGIST ;1 5 11 If a familN habit.. everyone can buya to 1000 pf the new CANADA SAVINGS BONDS 3'° SERIES SAVING MONEY iS a personal matter, but buying Canada Savings Bonds is a good habit for the whole family. Everyone in the family may buy Canada Savings Bonds—from $50 up to as touch as $1,000 each. Canada Savings Bonds may, be bought for cash — or on easy in- stalments through your bank or investment dealer. C.1848A