HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-07, Page 8AGE EIGHT
Clare Maltby Captures
Junior Title at Meet
Goderich Collegiate Institute
piled up a comfortable point mar-
gin to win the inter -school track
and field meet held at the fair
grounds there Tuesday by Huron
Secondary Schools .Association.
Second place in the meet went
to Clinton Collegiate Institute.
Also competing were Seaforth
and Winghem.
School standing was: Goderieh
Collegiate Institute, 172 points;
Clinton Collegiate Institute, 109;
Wingharn High School, 81; Sea -
forth High School, 61.
Names of Champions
Individual champions were:
Junior boys, Clare Maltby, Clin-
ton, 18 points; intermediate boys,
Jahn Westbrooke, Goderich, 20;
senior boys, Bill Craig, Goderich,
20; junior girls, Ione Watson,
Seaforth, 10; intermediate girls,
Gladys 'ltteLean, Goderich, and
Betty Langford, Seaforth, tied at
six each; senior girls, Molly Bis-
set, Goderich, 11:
Student bodies of the Clinton,
Seaforth, and Wingham second-
ary schools were taken to Gode-
rich by their respective fleets of
school buses.'
Officers for the meet included:
referee, N. L. Pring, Goderich;
chief, scorer, A. R. Scott, Gode-
rich; clerk of the course, L. P.
Plumsteel, Seaforth; chief an-
nouncer, W. S. Hall, Wingham;,
starter; F. Madill, Wingham; chief
timekeeper, E. A. Fines, Clinton.
Clinton Lions Clubi will hold
an open meeting on Tuesday next,
October 12, for the purpose of
discussing various club affairs,
Moving pictures of ' a military
nature will be shown by Fit.
Lieut. G. G. Agnew, RCAF Sta-
tion, Clinton. A ladies' night is
being held Tuesday, October 26,
featured by a theatre party in
These announcements were
made et last week's dinner meet-
ing in St. Paul's Parish Hall by
B. B. Pocklington, chairman of
Programme Committee. President
J.1 George McLay was chairman.
Rev. Stanley H. Brenton, Unit-
ed Church minister for Londes-
boro-Burns-Kinburn charge, the
chief speaker, was introduced by
R. S. Atkey and thanked by G. G.
Agnew. He delivered a very' int-
eresting and informative talk on
the physical make-up of the earth,
from the standpoint of a geologist,
of which he was one, and made
many remarkable statements of
truths that are not realized.
"Scientists believe that stones
grow," Rev. Mr. Brenton declar-
ed. `In all matter, they live and
breath and possibly increase;
there is no such thing as dead
matter.- A geologist expects
The speaker intrigued his aud-
ience with a resume of the wond-
ers of the Canadian shield, and
with the statement that there
were "solid mountains of pure
iron in the Hudson's Bay area."
Frank Finglond, KC., was the
winner of the nightly draw.
(jhan s
♦ rv- I
jFi: IUL
'o Kittle , cant o , ucb!
When our forefathers wrested a meagre living
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Now that our lives have become so greatly en-
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You get a fine -fitting
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Made -to -Measure
House of Hobberlin
Davis & 'Herman
Half -Price at
One Door North of .the Royal Bank
A Famous Victory
Clinton 4Strathroy 2
Clinton Colts AB B I3 PO A
Bartliff, ss 3 1 1 3 1
White, cf 5 1 1 1 0
McEwan, 2b '4 1 2 1 2
Neilans, if 5 0 2 1 0
Bill Craig, rf 4 1 1 2 0
Woodcock, 3b 5, 0 0 3 3
Colquhoun, . c ,51 0 1 3 0
'Schoenhals, ib 3 0 1 12 0
Draper, p 3 0 1 1 4
i Totals 37 4 14 27 10
Strathroy AB 3t H PO A
C. Evans, cf 4 0 1 0 0
Marshall, 'ss 4 0 0 2 4
Gough, 2b 3 0 0 3 4
graham, p, if ,4 0 0 0 0
Homorodean, It. 2 0 0 0 1
Locke, p `(6th) 1 0 0 0 0
a G. Evans 1 0 0 0 0
Butler, p "(9th) 0` 0 0 0 0
Ostergard, 3b 3 1 1 1 4
Topping, c 3 1 1 10 4
b Pincombe „1 0 0 0 0
Emmons, rf 4 0 2 0 0
Gill, 4b 3 0 1 11 '0
Total's 33 2 6 27 15
a—Flied out for Locke. in 8th.,
b—Grounded out for Topping
in 9th.
Clinton Colts 301 000 000-4 10 2
Strathroy .. 020 000 000-2 6 5
Summary: errors — Bartliff,
Woodcock, C. Evans, Gough 2,
Topping, Gill; two -base hits —
Bartliff, Colquhoun; three -base
hits—McEwan, Ostergard, Top-
ping; sacrifice—C. Evens; hits—
off Graham, seven in 5 1/3 in-
nings, off Locke, two in 2 2/3
innings, off Butler, one in one in-
ning; strikeouts—Draper 3, Gra-
ham 6, Locke 3, Butler l; bases
on balls — off Draper (Gough,
Ostergard), off Graham (Bartliff,
McEwan, Draper), off Locke
(Bartliff), off Butler (Bill Craig);
stolen bases —• Gough, White 2,
Neilans 2,, Draper; runs batted in
—White, Bill Craig 2, Emmons;
earned runs—Clinton 3, Strathroy
2; left on bases — Clinton 12,
Strathroy 6; umpires—Stan Smith,
Stratford. at plate; Tim Connolly,
Stratford, on bases; time of game
Backed by about 200 enthus-
iastic supporters who proved of
great moral value in lending
their cheers, Clinton Colts came
through with a close 6-5 victory
z over Strathroy Dodgers in a
floodlight baseball match at
Strathroy Saturday evening.
Down one run in the last of
the ninth, Dodgers went to work
with vigor. Topping knocked out
a high tough one to Bert White
in centre field, hut Bert was, on
the job. Emmerson, pinch-hit-
ting for Pincombe, hit safely
through second. Locke also hit
safely, advancing Emmerson to
third with what would have
been the tying run.
The lead-off man, C. Evans,
then knocked another hard one
out to White in centre, with Em-
merson poised on third for a dash
to the plate as soon as the ball
was caught. But Bert made a
good catch of a hard ball and
threw the sphere perfectly to
Laurie Colquhoun at the plate.
The latter tagged Evans for the
third out and the game was over
and the victory won. The hair-
breadth finish was enough to give
heart failure to any fan.
Clinton 6—Strathroy 5
Clinton AB It H PO A
Bartliff, ss 4 1 1 1 2
White, cf 2 1 0 4 1
McEwen, 2b 5 1 2 1 2
Neilans, if 5 1 1 1 0
Bill Craig, rf . 3 0 0 0 0
Bob Craig, p (6th) 2 0 0 0 3
Woodcock, 3b 6666 3 0 0 3 1
Colquhoun, c 3 0 1 9 0
Schoenhals, lb 4 0 0 6 0
Draper, p, rf 3 2 2 0 3
Totals 34 6 7 27 12
Strathroy , AB It H PO A
C. Evans, cf 6 0 2 0 0
Marshall, ss 5 1 1 0 2
Gough, 2b 4 0 0 1 2
Graham, rf 3 0 3 0 0
G. Evans, rf 2 1 1 0 0
Homorodean, 11 5 0 1 0 0
Ostergard, 3b ..., 4 1 1 1 3
Topping, c 5 1 0 13 1
Pincombe, ib • 2 1 0 12 2
Gill, lb 0 1 0 0 0
a Emmons 1 0 1 0 0
Butler, p 2 0 1 0 3
Locke, p (7th) 1 0 1 0 0
Totals 40 5 12 27 13
a Batted for Gill in 9th.
Clinton Colts 001 050 000-6 7 2
Strathroy . 001 100 300-5 12 4
Summary: errors — Bartliff,
Woodcock, Marshall, Gough, Top_
ping, Pincombe; stolen bases —
Bertliff, Woodcock, Gough; pas-
sed 'ball—Colquhoun; sacrifice—
Woodcock; hits -off Draper, eight
in 5 1/3 innings; Bob Craig, four
in 3 2/3 innings; Butler, six in
6 1/3 innings; Locke, one in 2 2/3
innings; bases on balls—off Drap-
er (Butler), off Craig (Ostergard,
Pincombe, Locke), off Butter
(Bartliff, White, oodcock, Col-
quhoun 2, Draper); off Locke
(White); strikeouts — Draper 6,
Craig 1, Butler 8, Locke 3; hit by
pitcher—by Draper (Pincombe),
by Craig (Gough), by Butler
(White); double play—Locke to
Gill to Topping; White to Col-
quhoun; earned runs — Clinton
4, Strathroy 4; left on bases—
Clinton 10, Strathroy 14; umpires
—Rockey, London, at plate; Don -
hue, London, on bases.
Illustrated Lecture
On Colour Dynamics
Ruth Hamilton, colour consul-
tant for, the Pittsburgh Paint
Home Decoration Bureau, will
present an illustrated lecture,
"Magic in your home through
Colour Dynamics," in the Town
Hall, Clinton, on Friday evening,
October 8.
This educational program, bas-
ed on the art of home decoration,
is sponsored by D. A. Kay and
Son, authorized Pittsburgh Paint
Dealers. There will be a special
showing of Pittsburgh Paint's new
colour movie, "We Decorate our
Homes," as well as lucky drawn
which take place at the conclu-
sion of the program. Admission
will be free to all.
Bayfield Lions
Hold Good Meeting
Bayfield Lions Club held its
regular dinner meeting in The
Little Inn, Bayfield, last evening,
with President. Grant Turner in
the chair and a good attendance.
Early in the meeting, he turn-
ed over the chairmanship to Ted
Mack of the Entertainment Crm-
mittee, who introduced Past Dist-
rict Governor Lloyd E. Edighof-
fer Mitchell, who deliveredan
inspiring address.
Two visitors also made speeches.
—Ross Scott, Brucefield, ..: past
president of Seaforth Linos 'Club,
and G. A. Whitney, Seaforth, past
president of Mitchell Lions Club,
Miss Betty Tdlhurst, interna-
tional representative of Beta
Sigma Phi,, international cultural
and social sorority for young.
women ' is visiting in Clinton,
formulating plans for a chapter to
be established here.
Town Hall, Clinton
Saturday, October 16
under auspices of Ladies' Auxiliary, Canadian Legion
Apron Booth Touch -and -Take
Knitted Goods
Home-made Baking and Candy
Afternoon Tea will be served from 3 to 5
Sandwiches and Tea -- 15 cents
Open Sunday, October 10
Every Night Next Week
Huron and Orange Sts. - Phone 465
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