HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-10-07, Page 5-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1948 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE' Views -Record Ciassifled.AdctsE ring Quick Resul �s CASH RATE—(If paid by Wed- nesday following date of inser- tion)—One cent a word first in- 'sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum.25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direr •'tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF• CHARGED -15 cents extra, DEADLINE --6 p.m. Wednesday. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 'TRAILER, FULLY -EQUIPPED, insulated, conveniences, suitable for use as temporary accommoda- tion for two ' or ,three 'months. ..Apply NEWS -RECORD. 40-1-b • AGENTS WANTED, AGENTS — DOOR TO DOOR ,salesmen wanted to establish e business of their owns with our 250 Guaranteed Household Neces- sities. Splendid territories vac- .ant ac-•ant in your district - Unlimited possibilities for the arrbitous per- - son er--son - Never a dull season. Ex- perience not essential but a car is if you select a rural territory. fiery little capital needed.- BEST opportunity of * starting a busi- ness of your .own - Write for ;FREE details 'and CATALOGUE to FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier - 'IVIONTREAL. 37-8-9-40-1-b ARTICLES FOR SALE ELECTRIC CREAM SEPARAT- ar; round table, oak; four -burner large .electric range, newly wir- ed, new plates; new studio couch; Leonard 'Coley R.R. 3, Clinton. 41-b 80 GAL. HOT WATER TANK end heater; quantity of Wt. inch second hand pipe; second hand small Cook stove; trailer , with stock rack, 16-1600 tires; set of light delivery sleighs; buggy in good shape; heifer calf, part Jer- sey; small western saddle for -pony. Ross Fitzsimons. 41-p LARGE-SIZED QUEBEC HEAT- er; medium-sized .Quebec heater; sheet iron wood stove; brass bird cage on standard; marble wash- room basin; wringer, nearly new; 'two •carpet sweepers; white en- amel diaper pail; bathtub seat; clock shelf; brass jardiniere; one -end a half dozen dinner plates;; -coffee percolator; small oilcloth rug; three pair good shoes, size 7, 'worn once. Apply Bert Langford. 41-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1929 PONTIAC SEDAN, MOTOR and tires in good condition with new battery: Apply N. W. Heard, Hohnesvflle, phone 901r41, Clin- ton. 41-p 1939 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION Coach, good tires, sealed beams, -smart looking car, price $800, for 'particulars phone 323R, Clinton. 'This ear can be seen from the 9th to the llth. 41-p ESSEX IN EXCELLENT CON- dition, new brakes, heater' and :sealed beam lights. LAC J. South- well, phone Clinton 265 after 5.30. 41-p 1936 DODGE SEDAN, GOOD tires and in good running con- dition, heater. Apply George C. Ginn, R.R. 2, Clinton, phone Gode- rich 931r22. 41-2-p BICYCLES FOR SALE PRE-WAR "PLANET", USED iwo years. Perfect condition, $30. 'Gerald Fremlin, phone 372W. 41-b BUILDING LOT FOR SALE TWO LOTS ON VICTORIA ST.; three lots on James St. 13arn, cement base painted red. Septic tank. Mrs. Margaret Levy, James •St. Phone 284W. 40-41-b BUSINESS WANTED ADVERTISER WISHES TO BUY :small business in or near town of -Clinton. All replies confidential. :Box "C", NEWS -RECORD. 41-p CHRISTMAS CARDS HOUSES ' FOR SALE HOUSE, MODERN CONVEN ienees, suitable for two families. P•O. Box 134, ;Clinton. 41-p FIVE -ROOM COTTAGE, GREEN' shingle siding, three-piece bath, full .basement, heavy duty wir- ing, -20 young apple, trees. Ap- ply Box 'M" NEWS -RECORD. 41-2-b HOUSES TO'•LET FURNISHED FIVE ROOMED Cottage, electricity, water inside. Adults preferred or couple with well behaved child welcome. Apply or write to BoX':25, Bay field. 40-41-b HONEY FOR SALE DROP IN AND TASTE A VERY mild amber honey at • Fifteen Cents per pound, in your con- tainers; still have some, light at Twenty-three Cents. T. Gordon Scrilibins, Victoria St., Clinton. 41-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE THREE YEAR OLD COLT. W. E. Hall, Bayfield.• 41-p LITTLE PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS old. George Glazier,. phone 617r33. 41-p HOLSTEIN COW, 6 YEARS OLD, milking, William Harris, phone 900r3, Clinton. 41-2-p TWO YEAR OLD OXFORD RAM. Apply Henry Adams, Londesboro, phone Blyth 28r23. 41-2-3-b CHOICE YORKSHIRE BREED pigs, two litters of chunks, two sows with litters. Jonathon Hu - gill, phone 616r34. 41-2-b EIGHT YOUNG STEERS AND two heifers; also would like horses suitable for mink feed. James East, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 800r6. . 41-p LOST AND FOUND STRAYED—RED HEIFER WITH spotted face and horns turned down. Strayed from fourth of Goderich Township about two weeks ago: Anyone knowing whereabouts contact Roy Elliott, phone 907r11. 41-b MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS ARE EF- fective. Two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store. ANYONE WISHING AVON Pro- ducts kindly get in touch with your new district representative, Mrs. Wilfred ,Freeman, phone 791J. 40-p SAW FILING, ALL KINDS done at Hoare's Orchard, one mile north of town; also ladders for sale, var- ious lengths. Enquire. Will hire day work harvesting, etc. 34-43-p TRAPPERS' SUPPLIES—Deiley's animal gland lures, 51.25 bottle. Traps of all kinds—Victor and Blake and Lamb. Havahart traps for catching animals alive, Also Gun licences, Batkin's Trapper Supply House, Clinton. 90-1-p ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. collect,Phone Ranh, 936r2b or 9 6rGilbert 32, Goder- ich. 11-btfb. MEN! WATKINS DEALERS earning average minimum $40.00 to $75.00 weekly. Do not delay any further in requesting free information for the vacant Rural District in your section. This fine opportunity of being your own boss, without investment on your part is limited to those who act fast. If you have a car or can purchase one, write today. The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, Montreal, Que. 27-29-31-b NOTICES WILL RESUME DIGGING SEW- erage services in Clinton. Any- one interested contact William Harris, phone 900r3. 41-2-p 'ORDER YOUR OWN PERSON - ally -printed Christmas Cards now while there is a wide selection of beautiful samples. Setisfaction leon display at CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. 41-tfbx CLOTHING FOR SALE AIR FORCE OFFICER'S GREAT 'coat in excellent condition, just like new. Apply Frank's ; Taxi, phone 175. 41 p 'CUSTOM CORN CUTTING AVAILABLE FOR CUTTING ;two row, power binder with load- er and a cutting box for tilling. Outfit requires eight men. For further information apply to, Ray Potter, phone 911r11, Clinton. 38-42-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE -NATIONAL CASH REGISTER; 'new Frigidaire soft drink cooler; -new Atlas Lathe with complete attachments. Apply at once to ',Gordon Bonner, phone 784W, Clin- ton. 40-41-p ALLIS-CHALMERS TRACTOR, 'fronts on• rubber, $475, half cash, will take a horse in trade; 70-20 tractor; rubber tired wa- gan; anti -freeze, 51.60 cash per 'gallon; 10 acres with buildings, 1,200 cash, balance terms. W. E. Thompson. 41-p FURNITURE FOR SAL'E�. UPHOLSTERED CHAIR. Phone '99. 41-p MAROON BABY STROLLER, used one. year. Arch way drapes, wine. Coats, dresses, suits, etc., size 14-16, all in excellent con- dition. Mrs. J, H. Johnston, Whitehead St. 40-41-p PET STOCK FOR SALE IRISH SETTER — ABOUT 21 months old, Phone 624r13. 41-p PIANO TUNING PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, 4e-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton, POULTRY FOR SALE 300 YEAR OLD LEGHORN HENS laying about 50 per cent. Jack CIuff, phone 906x21, 41eb 100 ROCK AND LEGHORN Pullets, ready to lay. Apply to George Hopson, Bayfield, phone 631r34, Clinton. 40-1-b DRESSED DUCKS AND CHICK - ens for Thanksgiving, or later if desired. Apply Mrs. George Col- clough, R.R. 1, Clinton, phone 805r31. ' 41-b PROPERTY FOR SALE IN CLINTON, LOT AND BARN, barn 60'x20'. Enquire at NEWS - RECORD. 41.-b GLASSED AND SCREENED IN verandah, 14i/ 'x8', Apply W • A. Ross, Seaforth, phone 135J. 41-p SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE WEALTHY AND ALEXANDER Apples. Apply Fred McClymont, Varna, 40-41-p LARGE BLENHEIM APPLES, $1.50 per bushel, bring your own container. Also large China buf- fet cabinet, like new. Apply James .Stirling, phone 900r12. 41-•x STOVES FOR SALE HELP WANTED, FEMALE • BEACH COMPANION RANGE: SALESLADY FOR McEWAN'S excellent condition. Phone 901r31, Store. Apply at store. 41-b Clinton: 41-p BIRTHS DEATHS" ' DURNIN—In Clinton Public Hos- TOWNSHEND-At the home of pital, on Sunday, October 3, her parents, Porter's Hill, on 1948, to Mr, and Mrs; Ernest Durnin, Auburn, a son.. McBRIDE — In Clinton Public ,Hospital, on Friday, October 1, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Claire McBride, Zurich, a son (Robert Gordon). POTTER—In Clinton Public' Ho's_ pital, on Saturday, October 2, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pot- ter, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son (Robert Wayne), ROBINSON-In St: Joseph's Hos- pital,. ,Toronto, on Monday, October 4, 1948, .to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson, Toronto, (nee Barbara Graham, Stanley Township), a daughter. ROBINSON — At Clearwater, Florida, on Wednesday, Septein- ber 29, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeines Robinson, (nee Mary Burnside), e daughter (Brenda Anne). . MARRIAGES - CRICH-LOBE-At' the home of Mr. and I5Ir's. W. R. Lobb, Rose, bank Farm, Goderich Township, by Rev.. Harold Snell, Exeter, cousin of the bride, en Satur- day, October 2, 1948, at 2:30 p.m., their daughter; Margaret Annette, to Donald Roy Crich,; younger son of Mr. end Mrs. Howard Crich, Tuckersmith Township. HAYTER-GLENN—In Chiselhurst United Church, on Saturday, Sept. 25, 1948, by Rev. R. A. Brook, Margaret Annette, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Glenn, Hensall, to William Mervyn Hayter, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hay- ter, Varna. HOHNER-FARQUHAR — In On- tario St. 'United Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday, October 2, 1948, by Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, Viola .lean, younger daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred C. Farquhar, Clinton, to Murray James Hehner, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Rohn- er, Verna. MUSTARD-REID —At the home of the bride's parents, on Sat- urday, October 2, 1948, at 11.30 a.m., by Rev. Reba Hern, Var- na, Mery Margoret Eunice, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Reid, Varna, to John Ernest Mustard, youngest son of Mrs. J. B. Mustard and the late J. B. Mustard, Brucefield. The WMS. of Ontario St. United Church will meet on Thursday af- ternoon, October 14, et 3 o'clock in the Church Hall. A report of the sectional meeting will be giv- en. Members are asked to note the change in date from Tuesday BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St..East Phone 585 RATES HIGH WITH BOYS IUD PARENTS! Mottoes like it for its Mt qualities tbt unique weave that tAe healthful vent- ilation in any kind of weather. Economical, too! Boys like it for its good looks in ttousers, knick- ers, jackets and other school and play apparel. A HOCi(MEY1R FABRIC Pickett & Campbell Your Men's and Boys' Store PHONE 25 - - CLINTON Tuesday, September 18, 1948, LeEtta Sue, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. • William Town- shend, aged one month end 21.' days, Funeral, from Bali and Mulch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on. Thursday, September 30. YOUNG—Suddenly, at the . resi- dence, 33 6th St., New Toronto, on Monday, Oct. 4, 1948, John Fletcher Young, beloved hus- band of Isobel Cook, and dear father of Wesley, Port Credit; Harold, Long Branch. Funeral from Chapel of Baycroft and Son, 980 Lake Shore Rd. (at 14th St.), New Toronto, Wed- nesday, Oct. 6, to ,Park Lawn Cemetery. • CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. `♦ . OOio!lamE FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BOWLING BITS (By MWS) Harvest Tournament sponsored ROXY THEATRE C L I N T 0 N Now Playing (Oct. 7-9). "RAIVIROD" ,with Joel McCrea and Veronica, Lake `.Mon„ Tues., Wed. (Oct. 11-13) "THE SWORDSMAN" — In Technicolor — Pulse -tingling adventure in the Scottish highlands as a man learns that love is greater than alleg- iance to his clan •— Larry' Parks, Ellen Drew and George Macready Thur., Fri., Sat. , (Oct. 14-16) Dainty Kaye, Virginia Mayo and Boris Karloff—Laughter and love. splashed in splendour through a world of happy surprises. "THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY" In .Technicolor Coming (Oct, 18-20) "TILE MATING OF MILLIE" The best comedy of, the year CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE GODERICH SEAFORTH Now Playing (Oct. 7-9) Now Playing (Oct. 7-9) Edgar Bergen in Wait Disney's A Scottish story in Technicolor "FUN AND FANCY FREE" "THE SWORDSMAN" Technicolor. - with Larry Parks Mon., Tues., Wed. (Oct. 11-13) Jack Carson, Janis Paige and Don DeFore—•A bright, melodious and fun -filled musical with a salty flavour. end' Technicolor , trim- mings. ' "ROMANCE ON: THE . '- H4GH SEAS" Thur., 'Fri., Sat. (Oct. 14-16) Victor Mature, Coleen Gray and Reginald Gaa'dner—It's a sage- brusher, a super -western, but it's a gale event . for all who like a believable action yarn. 'FURY AT FURNACE CREEK' Coming (Oct. 18-20) "EASTER PARADE" Technicolor Fred Astaire and ,Judy Garland Matinees: Sat., Holidays,' 2.30 p.m. Ammo Mom, Tues., Wed.' (Oct: 11-13) ' Jack Carson, Ami Sotheris and. Robert Aida-.-, You'll like it! A story of a vaudeville 'threesome and their climb to tap -billing. "APRIL SHOWERS" Thur., Fri., Sat. (Oct. 14-16) Margaret O'Brien, Danny Thomas and Robert Preston—Romance & adventure staged amongstthe cur-. ious hustle-bustleof big -town; life. • "BIG CITY". Coming' (Oct. 18-20) Ginger Rogers in "IT •HAD TO BE YOU" by the Ladies' Bowling Cluh was field=' at the -Toe -al greens on Wed= npsciay, last .with entries from Clinton•and Wingham: Prize win- tiers were: 1; Mrs. S. Castle (skip), Mrs. 11, Fairservice, Clinton;' 2. CARD OF THANKS Clinton Lions Club desires to extend its most heartfelt thanks to the public for its excellent support of the Lions Fall Frolic, and to all those who helped in any way. The public may rest assured that the funds so raised will be expended to the best ad- vantage. C. H. EPPS, Chairman, Lions Frolic Committee. 41-b Rtteteil .terere1' : t :e1 at a fere/eeteea. a1ereeeteektereee ereeereeeer :" lereel to Special Sale FOR OCTOBER 7, 8 and 9 FIVE ROSES or ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 24 lb. bag 1.25 34 7 1b. bag 39c ROBIN HOOD ROLLED OATS 5 Ib. bag 39c POTATOES, No. 1 Ontario 75 lb. bag 1.55 4 15 Ib. peck 35c f, McLAREN'S JELLY POWDER pkg. 9c '' HEINZ KETCHUP bottle 23c 3 SHREDDED WHEAT . 2 pkgs. 25c X AYLMER PECTIN RASPBERRY JAM, 24 oz. jar 33c BRIGHT'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tin , 9c x Stokley's Fcy. CUSTARD PUMPKIN, 28 oz., 2 tins 29c 4 BROKEN PIMIENTO OLIVES, 16 oz. jar 29c _. PURE LARD, 1 lb. cartons 3 for 1.00 L BLUE . RIBBON COFFEE, 1 lb. tin 63c HEINZ or CAMPBELL'S TOM. SOUP . , .. 2 tins 19c T. CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, 105 oz. tin 1.50 , FLOWERDALE TEA, Reg. 58c 1/2 lb. 53c GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lbs. 89c f: YELLOW SUGAR 10 lbs. 85c FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER Ib. 72c BUY AND SAVE T. R. THOMPSON 1 't .4.4(443/44.414W.(1144140..«a,».uetd»«is: 41414. e404.1'449f««w«Sr;« %.t.; 1 NOT 'WHAT YOU HEAR It's HOW WELL That Counts The World's Latest Instrurnent Gives a New Meaning to Sounds. SMALL BEAUTIFUL SENSIBLY -PRICED Demonstrated at Your I,oca1 Dealer's MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC WATCH FOR THE DATE Y l•M/lIJIWJJ MfMIPJPOWA� You Can Have Your Cake And Eat It Too ! Now the bride can keep forever the memory of her beautiful wedding cake, by having an experienced photographer from Fowler Bros. capture its beauty with photographs. Fowler Bros. will gladly go to your reception or to the church to take your wedding photographs at no more cost than if you came to our studio, ' P,S,—A'nd1 don't forget the 8" x 10" hand -colored portrait of the bride, which is our gift absolutely free of charge. . owtet ii'iotieti PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford • te!*.etetedi fele e, e ee fe lex4'1 :Kefeeiee nat?' /eXee re/ele ereenett H'.W.A,•neket e'.: ;a• 3' COAL AND WOOD RANGE, with :_« warming closet, moderately nrie•• ed. Mrs, C." Shanahan, phone 'r 316, a 41-b ekentiij tr"4?'e!iiii-Vie•,i,:«.e 4,1 44e4dl•+.d wi le,4 Town of Clinton WHEREAS the Council of the Town of Clinton )f` proposes to transfer from the surplus of The. Sinking Fund t% Account to the Sewerage Construction Account, the sum ti of $21,000.00; AND WHEREAS the sanction of The Ontario + Municipal Board is required to the By-law to be passed + pursuant to Section 321 (a) of "The Municipal Act" '3. (R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 266,) (as amended by O.S. 1939, Chapter 30, Section 18 and 1946, Chapter 60, Sec. 44). NOTICE IS HEREBY . GIVEN that The Ontario 3; Municipal Board has appointed Friday, the 22nd day of ;% October, A.D. 1948, at the hour of Two O'Clock in the afternoon at the Council Chambers in the Town of ton for the hearing of all parties interested in, support, of or opposing this application. X" DATED this 4th day of October, A.D. 1948. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Solicitor for the . s Town of 'Clinton. * 41-2-b .. Mrs, Aleil Crawford, Wingham; G. W. Nott (skip), Mrs. W. S. R., 3. Mrs. DuVal, Wingham; 4. Mrs. Holmes, Clinton. seeler ONLY ONE SIN BETWEEN YOU AND HEAVEN! Only one .sinhas damned the souls of men throughout the ages — the sin of unbelief. "Ile that helieveth on the Son hath everlasting tire." ---John 3:36 "BEHOLD NOW is the accepted time; NOW is the day of salvation." 1I Cor, 6 : 2 Delay No Longer! CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif. i. xt WORK CLOTHING °.1 VALUES t04Ailo, PURE WOOL BUTTON SWEATER COAT, good weight, heather or green $3.95 PURE WOOL WINDBREAKER SWEATERS, long zipper front $$43..9955 : "REGENT" JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS, heavy. weight with large collar PURE WOOL JUMBO KNIT SWEATERS, • • heavy weight with large collar $4.95 iWORK SHIRTS,• Checks or Plaids, full cut, $2.75, $2.95, $3.75 BOY'S "HAUGH'S 88" HEAVY SANFORIZED Navy Gold Label BIB OVERALLS .. $2.95 AIK PHONEy2 CLINTON M!i"ie4;t0A44e+441« +4.**4:444 1"`.:HH,« 444 S':."*:', 8e1» 74-4...X4:»;» -4;.:4 &1M TO A TRACE... Get All the Cream With .a McCORMICK•DEERING CREAM SEPARATOR An up-to-date McCormick -Deering Cream Separator will skim to a trace and add to your cash income. Let us give you complete information on these modern units. They're avail- able now in direct electric drive, belt power drive and hand -operated models. Stockfl 1 New McCormick -Deering No. 6 HAMMER MILL McAlpine and Daw Your International Harvester Dealers Victoria St. - Phone 338-j - Clinton Your Headquarters for Hand -made Pies FURNACE and STOVE PIPES All Sizes In Stock molowimeseroutezammu Be sure and see a CLARE JEWEL STOVE or HECLA FURNACE before buying HUGH R. HAWKINS Business 244 Phone Residence 470