HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1948-09-16, Page 10PAGE TEN
Interesting Items From News -Record's, Correspondents
Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31
Miss Beverly York, Lucan, was
home over the weekend.
E. A. Featherston, London, was
home over the weekend.
Don McAuley spent the week-
end at his home in London.
John Pearson, Arva, was at
his home in the village over the
Mrs. William Carnie is spend-
ing this week et the home of
Mrs. Robert Scotchmer,
Prof. end Mrs. R. Pemberton
and family, London, were at their.
cottage over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Galbraith
end family, Hamilton, were at
their cottage over the weekend.
Misses M. and R. Kruke, Dear-
born, Mich., were at their home
in the village over the weekend.
Prof. and Mrs. H. Kalbfleisch
and two sons, London, were at
their cottage over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Flemming
Caledonia, spent a few days this
week with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy
R. Stephens and two sons, Lon-
don, joined Mrs. Stephens at their
home "Shangri-La", for the week-
Stewart Atkinson, St. Claii
Shores, Mich., spent the week-
end at the 'family horn in the
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bricker
and son, Jimmie, Hamilton, vis-
ited with Mrs. J. W. Jowett on
Mr, and Mrs, William Knox,
Toronto, spent a few days last
week with Mr,. and Mrs,. Ed.
Dr. and .Mrs. R. Torrens and
family, London, were . at their
home in the village over the
This new lustre wall p
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Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Fiske, Det-
roit, spent the weekend' with Mr,
and Mrs. Stewart Middleton.
Mrs. Andrew Moore, Seaforth,
Kenneth and Miss Margaret, spent
the weekend at their Lane O'Pines
summer abode.
Mr. and Mrs, Phil Heitbohner,
George, Neva of Stratford spent
the weekend in "Cedar Hollow"
at Lane O'Pines.
Little Barbara Docking, Steffa,
is holidaying at the home of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Lobb, Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs. William Brugger,
accompanied by the lady's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nedig_
er, Clinton, spent the weekend at
Lane O'Pines Beach. Their guests
on. sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Holland, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs.
John Nediger Sr. and Miss Helen,
Nediger Clinton, Gordon Rath -
Mrs. jack Sturgeon, Jr., left
last week to visit her brother,
Norval Gemetnhardt and family
in Saginaw..
Mr. and Mrs, A. Brisson and
two daughters, Grosse Point,
Mich., were at their cottage over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Buch-
an, Dunnville, came on Sunday
to visit the former's sister, Mrs.
N. W. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter,
London, spent Sunday at the
home of the latter's mother, Mrs.
W. J. Stinson.
Miss Roberta Raby, Mr. and
Mrs. Rohr and family, Detroit,
spent the weekend in one of the
Jowett cottages. -
Little Miss Berthena Cruick-
shank, Clinton, visited her grand-
mother, Mrs. William Sturgeon, j
over the weekend.
Ernest Kneeshaw, London, spent
the weekend with his grand-
mother and aunt, Mrs. Adelaide
and Miss Cecil McLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jow-
ett, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth and
son Ronald, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kendall in
Mrs. W. M. Purves left on
Monday for her home in Birm-
ingham, Mich., after spending the
summer at her cottage on Huron
Miss Mabel Hodgins and Prof.
L. C. Hodgins who have spent
the season et their cottage "Stone-
haven", returned to Toronto on
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. McEwen,
Robert, Jane and Susan, and
cousin, David McEwen, London,
were at their cottage in the vil-
lage on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Gee and
baby, Stratford, left on Thurs-
day for London after having had
charge of the Rockery Cabins
for the summer.
Nursing Sister Muriel Rout-
ledge, Centralia, is the guest of
Miss Margaret Ferguson at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. William L. Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter and
family and Charles Rogers, Jr.,
returned to their home in Toronto
on Sunday after having spent the
summer at their home in the
Dr, E. P. Lewis was the guest
of Mrs. N. W. Woods over the
weekend. Mrs. Lewis who has
been here for the past few weeks,
returned to Toronto with him
on Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Mac-
Neil returned to Cleveland, Ohio,
and their son, Hugh, to Ridley
College, St. Catharines, last week
after having visited Mrs. Mac-
ITeils sister and brother, Miss
Mabel and Prof. Lloyd C. Hodgins,
Mrs, W. C. Wood who has been
visiting her brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Blanch-
ard has returned to her home in
Weak, Tired, Nervous,
C7:1: New Villi, Vigor, Vitality
Fay 510111330 t0 I1 ,5 Irak, aRvoye tlred 000110ge;
iteTanott and 103 16 ,1005 duo to Week, thin
Moon. Gee up Iet.In4 RUH, bo Penny niftier. Intro
pantry et vltolity Pett over by evening. Take ()street
Oonalni ken. Vitamin 'e„ enlotum, nhoanr1orus
tar blooil bulgling, body skanneheninstimulation.
tnvIgmretes nkat 11rn'1Mrae appetite, (Inpeptivo
powers, Unite Mlle. Naw "got aartunlntod" aIle
t tly 000, Try Datrox Tonle Tobiet 1033 nese, m'-
a'll tan, vim, vigor, til s vary day, t 1111 drngglate,
4 ;ge
The Tulles., a modern holey for
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implant is Offices. Th¢aters..
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Shop or Cafeteria for your
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Hotel Tullar,
800 ROOMS $175
if LI I L E
Donald Palmer returned to Tor-
onto on Monday to begin his
fourth year at: the College of
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hinz and
children ,New Hamburg, visited
over the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Willnam Norman.
The W. A. and W. M. S. have
planned a bazaar to be held in
the Council Chamber, Clinton, on
Saturday afternoon, October 30.
Albert Bond left last week for
a three months visit with relat-
ives in England. It is 37 years
since he has visited his native
Rev. and Mrs. C.P, Tavener have
returned from a pleasant vacation.
spent in the Maritimes. Church
srevices - on tate Holmesville
charge were resumed on Sunday,
W. M. S. Meets
The September meeting of
Holmesville W. M. S. was held
at the home of Miss S. Acheson
on Wednesday, with Mrs, E. J.
Trewartha in charge, The theme
for the day being "The faith
whereby the Church must live".
The meeting opened with a
prayer by the leader, followed
by the Lord is Prayer.
After the singing of a hymn,
readings, and passages from the
Scripture, were given by Mrs. W.
Yeo, Mrs. Wilson, and Mrs. K.
Trewartha. An interesting miss-
ionary story was told by Mrs.
Walter, followed by a reading by
Mrs. E. Potter. Parts of a letter
received by Rev. S. Miner from
his friend Rev. Newcombe, miss-
ionary in West China, were read
by Mrs. Walter. A reading "Why
study China" was given by Mrs,
P. Palmer. Letters of thanks for
flowers, were read by the secret-
Atter the singing of hymn the
meeting closed by repeating the
mizpah benediction in unison.
The W. A. meeting followed,
and opened with a prayer by the
president Mrs. H. 3. Trewartha.
Several matters of business were
discussed, and it was decided to
hold the annual bazaar the end
of October.
The meeting closed with repeat-
ing the Lords Prayer, after which
lunch was served by the hostesses
Miss Acheson, and Mrs. MacMath
and a social half hour enjoyed.
Stanley Township
Newlyweds Honored
Stanley Community Club, frie-
nds and neighbours of the newly
weds, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Glen,
gathered at S.S. No. 1. Stanley
on Friday, September 10.
The evening was spent in danc-
ing, playing cards, and renewing
acquaintances, Stewart McEwan
I read an address and the young
couple were presented with a
dropside couch.
Community Club Meets
Stanley Community Club held
its monthly meeting on Septemb-
er 2, at the home of Mrs, Cliff
Stewart, with 14 members, two
visitors and eight children pre-
The meeting was opened with
the President Mrs. Glen Broad -
foot in the chair. The Lord's
Prayer was repeated in unison and
the secretary -treasurer reports
were given. A letter was read,
from England thanking us for the
last parcel sent overseas. The
roll call was answered by .giving
as many pennies as the size of
your shoe and $1.49 was collected.
It was moved by Mrs. John Mc-
Gregor seconded by Mrs. William
Sinclair that the Club buy some
card tables for use at the school.
Another collection of food parcels
was brought in to be sent over-
Miss Lillian Stewart conducted
a contest and Miss Margaret Mc-
Gregor gave a reading. The host-
ess and her group served lunch
and a social time enjoyed by all.
The next meeting will be held at
the horn of Mrs. Adam Stewart,
roll call to be Your favourite
house plant and its care.
Phyllis Harris, London, spent
the weekend at her home
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Rowden and
Lois spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, 3, S. Lockhart.
Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs,
Ray Cox on the birth of a dau-
ghter on September 7.
Don't forget the chicken pie
supper to be held on Wednesday
September 22 at Grace Church.
Miss Maude Beacom, Goderich
and Mrs, John Harris spent last
Week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Mr.. and Mrs. Ed. Miller, June,
Mr, and Mrs. Reg Miller and Barry
spent Sunday with Mr. and NIrs.
A. Lockhart.
Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Pearson
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Austin Harris and Mrs,
H. C. Cox,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Donald Harris were; Mr, and
Mrs. Noble Young, and. Miss Bea-
com, Goderich,• Mrs. John Harris,
Mr. and Mrs: Ross Feagan and
Mr. and Mrs, D. Talbot and family
Meeting Cancelled
The monthly meeting of the
Community Club has been can-
celled for this month.
Successful Anniversary
Anniversary services were held
at Grace United Church on Sun-
day, September 12, Rev. A. E.
Hinton, Kippen, was guest speak-
er for both services. The guest
soloist for the morning service
was Leslie Pearson and in the
evening, Rev, Mr,Hinton.
An niversare ,Services:
The .anniversary services for
Ebenezer : United Church, will be
held on Sunday, September 19,
with Rev. Reba Hern, Varna, as
guest speaker, Serviceswill be
at 11 a,m, and 7.30 p.m.
(Intended for last: week)
Mrs. J. Marks and Mrs. R. J.
Cameron visited • in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis, Los Ang-
eles, Mr.' and Mrs. R. A. King,
Detroit, former residents, were
with Mrs. R. Wightrnan and Mr.
land Mrs L. M. Scrimgeour,
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rutledge,
La Tuque, Que., Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Rutledge and daughter
Even, Toronto, and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Lane, Toronto, visit-
ed with Mr, and, Mrs. Fred Rut-
Successful Tattoo
The second annual band tattoo
sponsored by Blyth Lions Club
Boys' and Girls' Band, held in
the Agricultural Park, was a de-
cided success. Participating with
the ,Blyth organization were:
Milverton Red Seal Band, Wing -
ham RCA Band,. Bannockburn
Pipe Band, Varna; Goderich Blue
Water Band and Goderich Girls'
Trumpet Band,
A parade formed at the north
end of the village and marched
to the Agricultuarl grounds,
where a very fine musical pro-
gram was presented. The Girls'
Trumpet Band and the Bannock-
burn Pipe Band presented clever
drills. Special features on the
program were Nick Antonelli,
London, with his one-man band
and piano-accordian, and Mr.
Ingles on the marimba. A very
pleasing number was a marimba
duet by Miss' Irma Watt, Blyth,
and Mr. Ingles, with Mr. Anton-
elli on the piano-accordian.
Blyth W.I. Meets
Final details concerning the
display of antiques at Blyth Fall
Fair Sept. 9 were completed at the
meeting of Blyth Branch of the
Women's Institute in Memorial
Hall. Mrs. L. M. Scrimgeour was
appointed to take charge in the
morning and Mrs. F. Oster in the
afternoon. The display was a new
feature of the fair.
An invitation from Auburn
branch to visit there on Sept. 21
was received, also asking the cast
of the local branch to repeat at
Auburn "The Seven Ages," which
had been presented here on
Grandmothers' day.
The secretary, Mra. E. McMil-
lan, read a list of resolutions
which had been accepted at the
various district annuals in Lon_
don area. Mrs. Oster was request-
ed to explain each resolution in
detail which resulted in an in-
formative discussion. Mrs. Scrim-
geour read an article written by
R. J. Deachman on the petty
pilfering of towels, silverware,
ets., from hotels. Q
Mrs. Arletta Fear, convenor of
agriculture and Canadian indus-
tries, had charge of the program.
Her subjects were "Housekeeping
in an Eskimo Igloo," and "Weed
and Pest Control." Following her
address Mrs. Fear conducted a
weed naming contest, having 20
specimens on display. The prize
was won by Mrs. Leslie Fear.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Penhale,
Elimville, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. W. Kerslake recently.
Miss Laura Snell, has returned
from a two months tour of Cali-
fornia and Western Canada.
Mr. and .M'rs, Stanley Lyon and
family visited with Mr, and Mrs.
W. Sholdice, Brussel's,, on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simpson
and Gary and Mr. and Mrs. Kenn-
eth Duncan and Floyd, Farquhar,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Allen on Sunday:
WA to Meet
The W. A. will hold its Sept-
ember meeting on Wednesday,
September 22, at the home of
Mrs. Robert Fairservice at 2.30
p.m. The travelling apron will be
opened at this meeting. The
hostesses are Mrs. Bert Hunking,
Mrs. Wm, Hunking, Mrs, Henry
Hunking, Mrs. Lorne Hunking,
Mrs. Wilmer Howatt, All the
ladies of the congregation are in-
vited to attend'.
Mission Band to Meet
The Mission Band will hold its
September meeting in the base-
ment of the church on Sunday,
September 19, at ten o'clock. A
good attendance is requested, as
the new Study Book will be start-
Mission Circle Meets
The Aimwelt Mission Circle
held its regular monthly meeting
on Tuesday evening September
7 at the home of Mrs. Sid Lans-
ing *ith the president Miss Lois
Wood presiding. The meeting
opened with the Callao Worship
and singing hymn 341 followed by
the. Lord's Prayer in unison.
The Scripture was read by Ph-
yllis McCool. The treasurer's re-
port was given, the roll call taken
and the minutes of the last meet-
ing read.
The business was then discuss-
ed. Hymn 445 was then. sung. A
temperance story was read by
Edith Beacom. A story was given
by Ruth Pipe. The offering was
thentaken during singing of "We
give Thee but Thine Own". A
story was given by Ruth Vincent
Miss L. Young gave a very inter-
esting talk introducing the new
Study Book. The meeting closed
with hymn 559 and prayer. The
hostess then served a very delici-
ous lunch which was enjoyed by
The most comfortable tempera-
ture for the kitchen is about 65
degrees F. during the winter.
TUE. - WED., SEPT. 28-29
School Children's Exhibits
Bannockburn Pipe Band in attendance
Sept. 29, Clan Gregor Square to Agricultural Grounds
Trials of Speed — Every Heat a Race
GREEN RACE—Purse $100
HURDLE RACE .410, $8, $7, $6, $4
ADULTS 35 cents CARS 25 cents
School Children Taking Part, Free
CONCERT and DANCE, Town Hall,
Wednesday Evening, September 29
at 8 p.m. sharp Bayfield Valley Five
Ari gar'3W441 44411»,14.441 4,treli+FvPV4 3t3»: 44447eXite.
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"Someday" comes closer with every dollar you save.
• J. G. McLAY; Manager